Primitive Once Again

Chapter 33: Louie has an ID


He recorded the materials for Black and Bai with an intoxicated face, hummed a little tune, and looked at Meng Jiuzhao who was held by Black in his arms with a smile.

"Is this cub your younger brother? It looks so cute! I've never seen such a cute cub!" If it's a beauty's brother, he will be a beauty when he grows up.

"It's my cub! My cub is the cutest, isn't it?" Bai, who had been scrutinized for a long time, became unhappy with his wife, and forced her body to come over, with her hands on the table, Bai stared dangerously at her teeth.

"Σ( ° △ °|||)" Before he had time to feel the sadness of the beauty who had given birth to a cub, the cold sweat was already dripping from the back of his head, and being stared at by the beauty made him feel like he was about to urinate .

"Dang, of course it's the cutest." Tooth shrank his shoulders, carefully folded his legs, and revealed a smile that looked like he was crying, and he picked up the pen again.

"Then, cub, cub's name?"


Meng Jiuzhao and Black spoke at the same time. Of course, the former's voice was too small to be ignored.

Meng Jiuzhao pursed his lips depressedly. In his opinion, the name Baobao is not much better than Wangcai and Ruhua. But the situation was no one strong, so he had to endure it.

Bai blinked his big eyes and stared at his teeth earnestly and drew a portrait of Meng Jiuzhao, and took it over to look at himself after the painting was finished.

"You draw really well, exactly like my cub!"

(Meng Jiuzhao: There are three small circles on top of a big circle, how did you see that I look exactly like me? ==,,,)

After registering Meng Jiuzhao's information, he gritted his teeth and wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Hey? You haven't finished the registration yet? This is my father, this is my elder brother, and my cousin and third aunt. Don't you register them?" Seeing that the recorder wanted to see off the guests, Em hurriedly raised his hand. big rabbit in hand.

"Then, those are rabbits and not human beings, so there's no need to register..." With a pale face, Ya Ya waved his hands.

"How can this be? Then can't my cubs be registered?" Although he didn't understand what registration meant, Em said that only those who had been registered could be recognized as members of the tribe, and the "chickens" in the cage did not need to be registered. , so it is food.

Be sure to sign up!

Black made a straight face, and Bai immediately hugged the table with Louis's teeth pressed heavily with both hands.

Teeth yielded ( TOT )

So not only a group of big rabbits got their identity certificates, but even Louis got his small portrait, and the family's heads were close together. The very high.

Under Bai's hard and soft tactics, his teeth trembling took out another slate and drew a family portrait for them. This family portrait was carefully placed in the big package containing the treasure by Black.


After registration, Fendi led them out of the house where the recorder was. As he walked, he introduced the general situation of the tribe to Black and the others.

Blake carefully looked at this strange place: It is completely different from the previous gathering place, it looks like... How should I put it? The residents here seem to get along very well. During the walk, Blake saw people passing by and greeted Fendi three times. This is a very strange thing for Black and Bai: Kantas is basically a solitary population. In the gathering place of Kantas, everyone’s communication is hardly heard, and the gathering place is raging all day long. The most exciting thing is the sound of the cubs being born. Accompanied by the blunt sound of the eggshell slowly cracking, the cubs make a clear and tender chirping sound, which is the most beautiful sound in the gathering place.

Traces of earthquake damage can be seen everywhere, and people are rebuilding their nests. Similar to Kantas's nesting method, the people here also dig a hole in the ground first, but the area of the hole dug here is much larger than that of Kantas. Black felt a little strange, and he moved Lips, but after all, he didn't ask.

When most of the people's lairs were still under construction, the tall and pointed roof in the distance looked particularly eye-catching.

"That, what is it?" Blake asked, pointing to the pointed grass in the distance.

"That's the built nest!" Fendi scratched his head, "I guess it must be Sita's nest, he has always built the strongest nest, and this earthquake just knocked off the roof , with his craftsmanship, it can be repaired very quickly."

Black and Em looked at the lair with admiration. In their opinion, the most exquisite lair is nothing more than that!

The owner of the nest is still stacking as many branches as possible on the outside of the nest, arching them into a cone shape, and then covering it with thick snow. When the wind blows for a while, it freezes into a natural cave.

Blake looked at the people who were busy outside and sighed, "The person who built this nest must be very popular with females."

In the world of Kantas, the most popular male is not necessarily the tallest or the strongest, but it must be the one with the best nest, because only the male with a good nest can be better Provide excellent hatching conditions for possible cubs.

"Ah? You mean Sita?" Fendi looked at the person who was fixing the windows outside the house, and then whispered a shush, "Sita must not hear this."

Sita, a mammoth orc, has a tall and mighty appearance, and a brave and resolute character. Muscular and extremely handsome.

The only thing that doesn't quite fit the above adjectives is that Theta is female.

The author has something to say: Go on, come to the little theater of the readers samas: Poetry (laughing): Haha, how much does the Kantas cub look like a chicken? If the Kantas happily stole a lot of eggs and went back hatch…

gf (worried): My Kantas can't grow up (because it's a chicken), what should I do if it's swollen? Seeking treatment, the author: baa ha ha ha ha

I think you are all so talented! Must like!