Primitive Once Again

Chapter 54: The Mysterious Snow Rabbit Clan


What was steaming and sinking at the bottom of the pot was a skull! The skin that should have been on the bone had already rotted in the pot, leaving a mouthful of densely packed fangs and sharp teeth bursting in the direction of Sita.

This tooth sita is too familiar! She realized almost immediately that this was the monster she had encountered that day!

"What's going on with Carat?!" Sita immediately ran back to the place where everyone had dinner with the cauldron in his arms. He put the cauldron heavily on the ground, and now everyone could clearly see what was in the bottom of the cauldron!

Except for Carat—well, he really didn't see it. We can't ask too much for a disabled person with 0.01 vision, can we

Due to poor eyesight, Carla often puts in the wrong things when cooking, and is yelled at all day long, and he is already immune to it (hey!).

"Is there something wrong?" Carat asked slowly.

Tribes: ==///

There are so many things that are wrong...

Everyone could see the huge skull in the pot. However, those who have not encountered the monster face-to-face have not realized what this means, they just instinctively feel that it is dangerous.

They have never seen such a ferocious skull before, and the huge teeth are obviously sharp weapons that only super hunters have. They have absolutely not hunted such prey recently! So where did Carat pick it up

Thinking that I was forced to eat something inexplicable again, the person who ate half of it looked at the bone that he gnawed half, and immediately felt that the whole person was not well.

"..." Sall walked over, and he also saw the terrifying skull. Sita's pale face clearly showed that she knew something, so Sall approached Sita, asking her with his eyes.

"This is... this is the monster's head!"

"This is the kind of monster that ate Phil and the others that day!"

Sita's words were like a heavy shell, severely knocking out the other members of the tribe.

"Huh?" Fendi, who was still struggling to chew his bones, opened his mouth wide.

Others' reactions were similar to his, but Andy, who didn't eat meat, reacted faster, frowning and walked to another pot. He quickly fished out the evidence of the dead Utahraptor falling from the other six pots.

Sharp claws (can't be boiled so they stay) x3, skulls with sharp teeth (one of them still has half of the meat uncooked, and the skin is still stuck on the face) x2, whip-like tail with hard scales x0. 5 (the other half is in Komachi's stomach lol).

The above 5.5 things were then displayed in front of all the tribesmen.

"We ate two monsters..." Sita said with a pale face.

"The monster's meat is hard enough—" Fendi looked at the stick bone that he had gnawed for a long time.

"Phil Fili, we have revenge for you!" All the remaining reindeer burst into tears.

Although the monsters are not very delicious and the appearance is not good enough, but in this period of food scarcity, everyone can't care about anything, no one is wasting, they eat up the leftovers that can be eaten (Komachi also eats the leftovers) 0.5 of the tails are still eaten), and you have to drink soup after eating the meat. During this time, Sita has also calmed down. The pot that has just been filled with water will be used to place the skull of the monster, and it will be boiled instead of roasted. Sita Start preparing dinner for the pups.

Meng Jiuzhao looked at the things roasting on the fire with great enthusiasm.

This creature, which Sita calls a snow dolphin, is... a penguin in Earth language

Meng Jiuzhao had only seen this legendary creature in movies. He never knew that it could be a kind of food!

Wiping his saliva on Louis, Meng Jiuzhao began to look forward to his dinner.

Although not hungry at all, but penguin meat! It looks very fat and delicious~

Of course, while waiting for the food, he did not forget to prick up his ears. Meng Jiuzhao carefully listened to the movement behind him.

Carat was surrounded.

Tribal members with full stomachs began to extract confessions.

"Tell me! Where did you get this monster?"

"The guy who is afraid of even Sita, you actually boiled them, tell me! How did you do it?!"

In the past few days, the appearance of unknown monsters has brought a lot of pressure to everyone. Now, I found that I ate two of these monsters for dinner. This recognition inexplicably inspired everyone. After the pressure was greatly relieved, everyone Nature takes a great interest in where food comes from.

Clara touched the skull in the cauldron that others called a monster.

"No wonder... today's monsters are particularly difficult to divide..."

Hey... You are too late, right? !

"Because I couldn't cut it, I just boiled it." Carat scratched her head, "It took half a day to boil it, and then I divided it into seven pots... because the fishy smell was a bit strong, I So I put a lot of ginger in the pot, and then Komachi said that I put wash in it as ginger, so I added it again when it came out of the pot."

It sounds like you know how unpalatable this pot is—

Everyone listened to Carat explaining the dark cooking method with black lines on their faces, and was about to listen to the most important part, but who knew that Carat stopped.

"And then?" the impatient Fendi couldn't help urging him.

"Then?" Carat tilted her head, "Then we'll have dinner and eat them."

Pants off, you just show us this! ←Although there are no pants to wear, at this moment, all members of the tribe have experienced the deep malice that only those who wear pants are qualified to experience.

"We asked how you got this guy's meat, who asked you how to cook!" Fendi became irritable. In the whole tribe, he felt that the one who didn't fit him the most was Carat from the snake tribe.

"But, didn't you just ask me how I managed to cook these guys? Naturally, I have to answer your method of cooking them..." Carat looked blank.

To be able to misinterpret other people's problems to such an extent—

Fendi is sure again that he and Carat really don't get along!

"When I was cooking today, I went to the kitchen to find food for cooking, and then I found them." Carat finally honestly explained the source of the food, "I thought you put it there, you know, you usually hunt Always put the food there."

Carat's reason is actually very legitimate. As a chef, it is understandable to use the ingredients in the kitchen to cook, but it is these ingredients that make people tangled.

Well, the chef's eyes are also very confusing—

Who hunted these monsters and put them in the kitchen? It has always been that there is something missing that makes people flustered. They never know that it is so difficult to have more things.

Everyone's eyes kept shooting at other people.

"Those monsters were hunted by Em and placed in the kitchen." Black, who was sitting next to Em, suddenly said.

"Ah?" Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Em who was crouching in the corner and feeding the rabbit.

"What's the matter?" Em was stunned as he watched his father eat another piece of crunchy grass quickly, and was about to hand over one.

"Em, the meat we just ate... you put it in the kitchen?" Sita looked at Em, feeling a little tangled.

"Yeah." Em did not think it was a big deal to admit such a thing, but Em admitted it happily.

"We just ate the Utahraptor. Although it looks a bit scary, it is easy to hunt. Our strength is stronger than them. Although they are good at running, their endurance is far inferior to ours, and we have traps." Em Immediately sold the common sense of prey species learned from Bai.

"Sorry, we wanted to eat some fresh crunchy grass, so we sneaked out of the tribe in the middle of the night..." The tribe recently issued a ban on members going out, but Em looked very pitiful with her head down, and she was next to her Louie and Papa Rabbit who ate grass (these two ate grass just to prevent constipation) are really hard to blame.

"... I happened to see these Utahraptors when I was looking for crunching grass, so we made traps to lure them over, and unexpectedly caught them..."

Em clearly and clearly introduced how he and Blake caught the Utah Raptor.

The simplicity of the process seriously shocked the mighty men and women in the tribe.

These scary guys are so easy to catch

"Don't worry, it's not the first time we've caught a Utahraptor. We've eaten it before..." Em was referring to the first time he met Black and Bai, but hearing other people's ears turned into Snow Rabbit often hunts and kills this monster named Utahraptor...

This this…

The image of the rabbit family with their heads down and gnawing on the crunchy grass suddenly became unpredictable.