Primitive Once Again

Chapter 55: The least popular bait for prey


The skulls of the two Utahraptors were fished out by Sita from the bottom of the pot and wiped with snow, before they were solemnly handed over to Em.

It's so heavy—embarrassing the bone that still smells of ginger with difficulty, Em has a question mark on his face.

"The rule of the clan is that whenever a large beast is hunted, the skull will belong to the hunter after eating, and you can put it in the lair to show your bravery." Sita explained to him.

Mouth! Who made this rule? !

The dense teeth were facing him as if to scare Em, and Em shivered and turned her skull in one direction.

"That... Sita, I want to give them to you..." Really didn't want to accept these terrible decorations, Em looked at Sita pitifully, in his heart, "If you have something to do, go to Sita" has become a certain kind of thinking. Potential.

Sita was taken aback by his words, and her face immediately turned red.

You know, in the orc world, usually only when a male likes a female, he will give her his spoils. Now Em's move has somewhat frightened her.

You are too short, I like tall and strong like Fendi, Sita wanted to reject Em directly, but it seemed too hurtful to say so, so she changed it to a euphemism: "You... you ... You have to work hard to grow taller... "

" ̄▽ ̄I will try to eat more to grow taller, thank you for accepting this gift!"

Finally, I don’t have to worry about seeing this thing at night and having nightmares (≥▽≤/)~ Em ran away happily.

What should I do, he won't misunderstand that when I accept the gift, I accept him, right? Sita felt more and more that the two skulls in her hands were getting heavier (ω`).

However, as a female, she is always very happy to receive a gift from a male. This is the first time for Sita to receive a gift from a male. So, on that day, Sita proudly placed the two skulls in a prominent position in the nest.

Although many people were a little constipated after eating the meat of the Utahraptor, the idea that "this kind of monster is not unkillable" made everyone feel relaxed. After a good night's sleep, the hunting team Haohao Tangtang set off again.

It was the first time for Em to travel with a hunting team, and he was a little excited. His main job this time was to set traps. Thinking that this was a task specially issued to him by the leader, Em felt as if he had been beaten to death. Together with his father, brother, cousin, and third aunt, they dug a lot of traps at the hunting grounds where the orcs often went.


Many orcs were caught.

There were especially many orcs who fell into Em's trap with their prey on this day.

As a veteran digger, Em digs the deepest holes, and when he needs to pull people out, he realizes that he is in a tragedy: he, he can't pull them out at all—

So Em had to go back to the tribe and ask someone to help him pull out the unlucky ghosts who fell into the trap one by one.

But for other members of the tribe, today is undoubtedly a good day: today their harvest is twice as much as usual!

In the past, there were mainly two hunting methods for hunting teams. One was free hunting. For example, when a small herbivore such as a snow rabbit happened to be walking on the side of the road, everyone rushed to catch it. Of course, now Everyone's desire to hunt snow rabbits is getting smaller and smaller, and they now know that there may be N big pits behind every snow rabbit that looks silly and easy to catch. After realizing this, they admired Sall more and more for his wise decision to allow these snow rabbits to settle in the tribe, and continue to let such ferocious rabbits live in the wild. Sooner or later, they will be eaten by these rabbits like those Utahraptors Lose!

Another hunting method is cooperative hunting. This method was initiated by Sall. At first, many orcs were not used to this method, such as Fendi of the Tiger Clan. The nature of some wild beasts is to hunt alone. . However, this method of cooperative hunting is more energy-saving and has the best effect, so it has become a tradition and has continued. This hunting method often requires everyone to take turns chasing the target selected at the beginning until the prey is culled. Most of the prey will still run away. Now that there is Em's trap, many prey that have escaped fall into the trap one after another. This is really a big surprise! Moreover, thanks to the traps, herbivorous orcs who could only be engaged in picking before can also participate in hunting!

It didn't take long for the most popular bait to be selected in the tribe.

The last welcome is Moore from the reindeer family. Mole, a female reindeer who has just grown up, has smooth skin, rich and tender meat. As long as she is sent out, nine of the ten prey will follow her to the place. into the trap.

For a while, she became the most popular object of hunting team boys.

The second most popular Adai is also from the reindeer family. She is tall and can attract large carnivores. Therefore, although the number of prey she attracts is smaller, she is heavy! Can eat for a long time!

The third most popular bait is Brother Rabbit. As a senior bait, Brother Rabbit moves coquettishly and lures well. Unfortunately, his size is too small, and the prey he attracts... Basically all of them are for tribe cubs.

As a senior bait, he could only get the third place, Brother Tu expressed that he was very hurt.

Then, the tribe also selected the top three least popular baits at the same time. The third place is Sita, the female mammoth.

The body is too domineering, the fangs are too ferocious, and no prey has dared to pounce on her. So far, such a lonely prey, the hunting team has said that this bait should not come; The Utahraptor said that the prey is weak and the bait cannot be blamed~)

Tied for second place is tribal flower(?) Black and White, male Snow Rabbit tribe(?)

The Snow Rabbit Brothers who could not be turned into prototypes were almost unpopular to the point where the prey would run away upon hearing it, and the hunting team had to reluctantly remove them from the list of entourages; then, it was time to announce the most surprising first One!

The TOP.1 most unpopular prey is actually the new beauty, Andy's boyfriend—Snow Flower.

Every time he appears, none of the herbivorous prey will be seen, and the carnivorous prey will have no reaction at all, as if he does not exist! He really did what he had to do, when there was no such person as Xue Hua in front of him.

Everyone tried twice unbelievingly, after that, there was no more—

"It's a shock..." Knowing this private ranking, Xuehua was a little depressed. She has been crazily sought after by people all over the universe for hundreds of years, and she became the number one in the most unpopular list in one move. This gap is a bit unacceptable.

Meng Jiuzhao, who has witnessed the on-the-spot effect of snowflakes, said that he is becoming more and more curious about the race of the male god. He observed that the herbivorous orcs in the tribe seem to be reluctant to approach him, and the carnivorous orcs are often unaware of his existence. In this case, Andy can still find him and fall in love with him. This is definitely true love. ! However, he also vaguely understands that the male god Mao had no scandals in his previous life for hundreds of years...

I don’t know if it’s because most of the animals in this area have never seen such a high-end hunting method. Several times of hunting in a row have been extremely smooth, and sometimes they don’t even need to drive them away. As long as the traps are set up in advance, go again every few days When you can find that it is not empty.

Traps became a compulsory course for every member of the tribe. For a while, traps appeared everywhere on the snowfield where the Washi tribe lived.

The weather has been bad for the past few days. First, there was a strong wind for a few days, and then it began to snow. After three days of continuous snowfall, almost every nest was covered.

Since they had hunted enough prey some time ago, everyone didn't care much about the weather. It was rare for such a period of time to lazily huddle in the nest, and everyone had a good time.

Sita, however, was always restless. When she realized that the snow on the top of the nest was too heavy, she hurriedly climbed out of the nest to inform everyone to clear the snow. When everyone was almost ready to eat, she realized that the kitchen was empty. Man, Carat is gone.

It was Sita who finally found him on top of the kitchen.

"Carat is hibernating again..." Sighing, Sita carried Carat back to the kitchen.

"The chef can't cook today, let's be self-sufficient!" After explaining the situation to everyone, Sita walked away non-stop. When she finished clearing the snow, she was thinking about one thing. It's very deep. Will the deep pits dug around the tribe to protect the tribe be filled with snow

Sall also thought of the same thing. When Sita passed by, he was telling Fendi and the others to check the nearby traps. Since they had already arrived, Sita simply followed.

I didn't expect to see an unexpected surprise.

"Here's a snow fox!" Fendi found a frozen fox from one of the traps.

"The fur is very soft, give it to the cub. The Black baby came late, and his family probably doesn't have enough fur. Let this fox fur be left to his family!" Sita immediately found a place for the fox's fur. .

"There are also prey in the trap on my side." Andy squatted in front of a deep pit, scraping away the top snow with his hands, and he saw the snow-white animal fur. "Looks like a bear."

"Wow! That's a big guy! Bear meat is delicious too~" Fendi immediately threw the fox to others when he heard that, and ran over to help Andy pull the bear together.

Sita also came to help. First, she cleaned off a layer of snow, and what was buried under the snow was indeed a winter bear, whose snow-white fur and white snow almost blended into one.

"This bear is huge!" Sita said to Andy, pulling one of the bear's paws, "Do you want to save this piece of skin for Snowflake? I think he is very thin, and he must be very afraid of the cold."

"Well—" Although Xuehua is thin, she is not afraid of the cold at all, but she has suddenly become afraid of the cold recently, Andy thought to himself, but he did not reject Sita's kindness.

Sita was a good girl, and if it was a male there would be lots of girls who would like her. (←Why does this sentence sound wrong?)

"No... this bear is so heavy!" Halfway through the pull, Sita suddenly frowned. Almost as soon as she started to hold it, she realized that the bear was very heavy, but considering that it might be frozen with the ice below, she I didn't pay much attention to it, but with the sound of breaking the ice, it was obvious that the bear had been pulled out from the ice below. Why is it still so heavy

"There's a prey! My God! There's a prey under this bear!" Finally, someone discovered the reason.

Hearing this sentence, more people came running over, the trustee of the trustee, the bear of the bear, everyone finally dragged them out together with the bear.

With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the contents of the original trap were fully displayed before their eyes.

Completely different from what they had guessed, what was hanging under the unlucky bear was not some other ferocious beast, but a person.

Looking at the guy who was frozen into ice and still biting the bear's butt until both of them were frozen into ice.

Everyone was dumbfounded.