Primitive Once Again

Chapter 90: Worst dad ever


This flight not only cured Meng Jiuzhao's fear of heights, but also gave him new inspiration. As the saying goes, stand tall and see far. With the help of this dinosaur, maybe they can find their way home!

So, after eating a full stomach every day, Meng Jiuzhao urged Meng to take them to "Feifei". Every time they "Feifei", they tried to lead Meng to fly to different directions. My heart slowly cooled down.

They flew fiercely to every direction of the continent. At first they thought they could see the whole picture of the continent clearly by relying on the sudden force, but after flying for several days, what they saw was still the same day after day. scene.

This is the kingdom of dinosaurs.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing that can be connected with the Vash tribe.

It wasn't until this time that Meng Jiuzhao finally thought of the river when he woke up.

Could it be that now they are not on the original mainland, but across the river

Meng Jiuzhao, who vaguely guessed the truth, became depressed again. After finding that "Feifei" could not take him home, Meng Jiuzhao completely lost interest in this game.

He fell in love with drawing.

He drew everyone from the Washi tribe on the stone wall. The big mammoth siblings Sita and Holstein, the heroic lion Naza and Andy, a little demented but still remember Em's grandpa rabbit...

Finally, he carefully drew a pair of little fat chickens on a slate.

Big eyes, a round head, with a tuft of dull hair on each head, Bai's eyes are bigger, Black's neck is more obvious, Meng Jiuzhao found himself remembering every detail of them, even Bai often likes to look at people with his head turned. The characteristics are all clearly remembered.

Draw it, draw it.

Meng Jiuzhao stared blankly at the two Kantas on the stone slab, and just as he was about to pass the slate to Louis to admire together, he suddenly leaned over!

The huge eyes almost crossed each other, and it was seriously looking at the painting in Meng Jiuzhao's hand!

In the next second, Meng Jiuzhao made a move that was completely unexpected to Meng Jiuzhao: it actually bit him!

It happened so fast that Meng Jiuzhao didn't realize it at all, but it was Louis who reacted quickly and pulled him away. Thanks to Louis, Meng Jiuzhao was not injured, but the slate in his hand fell out!

"My painting!" It was all this time, and he still hadn't forgotten the stone slab. Unfortunately, Meng was much faster than him. Meng Jiuzhao watched helplessly as the slate on which he drew Black and Bai was crushed. Not only the drawing board, but later it destroyed all the stone slabs and walls on which Meng Jiuzhao painted.

Black and White are falling apart.

so bad! This guy is so bad! Angry from his heart, Meng Jiuzhao broke free from Louis' mouth and was about to hit him, but the next moment, the monster screamed, and then flew away? !

Meng Jiuzhao stared dumbfounded at the little dot in the sky representing Meng, not knowing why.

As soon as Meng left this time, he didn't come back. Just when Meng Jiuzhao decided to run away with the money, Meng returned with scars.

He didn't care about his own wounds, as if he had never been cruel before, he fell in front of the two cubs affectionately, licked them, and pulled out a Triceratops from behind.

Triceratops is useless too!

Meng Jiuzhao got angry, and the consequences were serious, so he decided not to talk to Meng anymore.

Facing the cubs who don’t even buy Triceratops meat, the fierce countermeasure is: send brontosaurus meat instead⊙ω⊙It knows a few ways to coax the cubs: rolling stones, flying high, plus sending prey and molar sticks .

It then tried one by one.

Meng Jiuzhao soon discovered that Meng Jiuzhao sent more and more prey, and the stones rolled out became bigger and bigger. Finally, when Meng Jiuzhao was almost killed by the rolling stones, he chose to forgive Meng.

(Meng Jiuzhao: Mouth! If you don’t forgive me, I will really be crushed to death!)

"It must have never raised cubs before!" Faced with Wei Shushu's increasingly terrifying parenting methods, Meng Jiuzhao complained to Louis more than once.

In short, under Meng's care, the two cubs miss their father more and more.


Black and White are falling.

As they fell, they kept seeing something flying up from them. Among those things were branches as long as arms, huge stones, birds with feathers, and even a horned bull.

What frightened them was that the horned bull was already a skeleton.

New skeletons rushed through the air and came to them. Black and Bai looked nervously at every object that passed by them. After finding that there were no cubs of their own, the two Kantas somewhat loosened their tension. nerve.

These things probably fell off the cliff accidentally, and then were trapped by the airflow between the ground and the top of the cliff. The strong airflow prevented them from falling to the bottom, nor could they be washed up to the top of the cliff to escape alive on the cliff. I don't know how long it took for the room to go up and down, and it was weathered into bones.

It was terrible!

With the fall, the scene at the bottom of the cliff, which was surrounded by a fog before, gradually lifted the veil.

There was indeed a very wide river below, wider than all the rivers they had ever seen, stretching as far as the eye could see.

If Black and Bai knew the word "ocean", they would find that it might be more appropriate to describe the river with the sea.

The blue ocean under the mist has a mysterious beauty, but it is a pity that Blake and the others have no time to appreciate it. They looked down in fear, and all the falling objects were pushed up suddenly when they passed by a certain point!

That is probably the point that Yu said could not be reached!

There was no time left for them to be afraid, and they quickly plummeted to the point where—

"We weren't rushed up! We weren't rushed up!" Bai happily yelled right next to his ears, and Black also opened his closed eyes for a moment, and when he realized that he really didn't continue to fall, he was faintly relieved. Take a breath.

The two Kantas spread their wings flatly.

Then, something that made them even more delighted happened:

This kind of airflow seems to be tailor-made for these two Akantas, it can support their heavy bodies without lifting them up. With the help of this airflow, they can even fly!

The moment they flew up, Black and Bai saw great joy in each other's eyes at the same time!

Not only were they not overturned by the airflow and fell into a terrible cycle in the valley, on the contrary, with the help of this airflow, they actually realized their dream of flying!

That means their chances of finding a pup are a little better!

The two sub-adult Kantas never forgot what they were here for.

They desperately searched for the whereabouts of the two cubs in the air current.

After a day and a night of searching, they finally determined that the cub was not trapped in the air current, so—

Black and Bai looked at the vast water below.

They swooped resolutely to the surface of the water.

When they were more than a thousand meters above the water surface, they sensitively felt their wings suddenly feel heavy, and the air current that had been supporting them for a long time suddenly disappeared. This discovery first means that they have finally left the control area of the cliff airflow, and secondly means that they are about to lose the ability to fly.

Both Black and Bai have quick reflexes.

They quickly adjusted the position of their wings, gliding as far as possible with the last air current, the azure water flowed under them, and Black and White reached another continent in gliding.

Thanks to this gliding, they were able to peek at a corner of the continent before landing: hordes of vegetarian dinosaurs grazing leisurely under their noses, and when they noticed the two kantus gliding in the sky, the dinosaurs would Let out a long roar, and then run away quickly.

The scene in front of me is familiar, but it is also strange.

Familiar with these dinosaurs that can be seen everywhere, Black and Bai have a kind of nostalgia for returning to their birthplace.

The strange ones are also these dinosaurs. In the memories of Black and Bai, these dinosaurs used to be very swaggering when they saw the two of them. will despicably steal their fruit.

But now, these dinosaurs run away when they see them.

The claws firmly grasped the ground, and under the action of inertia, four deep marks were formed on the ground by their claws.

Black and Bai landed smoothly.

"Roar—" They announced their arrival to the world with a huge roar.

Now, there is really not a single dinosaur left on the ground! Everyone broke up and fled.

"There's no ready-made supper either."

Black knocked on his partner reproachfully, and took the lead to take a step forward. The two sub-adult Kantas made their first hunt in the New World.