Primitive Once Again

Chapter 96: Rabbit dad


The orcs who escaped in embarrassment were stunned as soon as they entered the tribe—

At the center of the tribe, a giant tree that had never been seen before appeared!

All the surrounding land is falling apart, only the land with a radius of 100 meters around this tree is strangely unaffected.

Everyone looked carefully, and soon discovered the reason: the place on the ground that was originally flat and only soil was now twisted and twisted with countless tree roots, and it was these tree roots that firmly anchored the land of the tribe!

Everyone was shocked!

"How is this going… "

"Snowflake! Where's Snowflake?" Andy just anxiously searched for his partner among the crowd.

No! No! Nowhere!

Just when he was in a panic and wanted to run out to look for it, Sita held him back.

Forcibly holding Andy down, Sita dragged him to the side of the giant tree, grabbed Andy's arm with one hand, and pointed at the tree with the other. Sita said in a deep voice, "The snowflakes are here."

"But there's only one tree here—" Andy was stunned in the middle of speaking, a section of tree root came out from the ground, slowly but firmly wrapped around his calf.

"This..." Staring in amazement at the tree root that kept climbing up his body, when the tree root passed through his palm, Andy's nervous mood calmed down strangely.

"Snow Flower, is that you?" He asked softly.

What responded to him was the more powerful entanglement of the tree roots.

After learning that the tree was Snowflake, all the orcs gathered around Snowflake. A large number of tree roots collapsed during the winding process, but more roots emerged and strengthened over and over again.

Everyone sweated for Snowflake.

The big tree that Snowflake turned into entangled the land where the Vash tribe was located with crazy roots. Thanks to his entanglement, the land was not split by the earthquake.

With Snowflake as the center, the entire Washi tribe has become an isolated island.

Drifting on the crumbling surface, they are the only piece of pure land.

No one can help Xuehua, Xuehua can only rely on herself, work hard! try harder!

As expected of a man whose specialty is braiding, Xuehua, amidst everyone's intense prayers, Xuehua finally finished, and everyone was tense for Xuehua

Snowflake quickly completed the reinforcement of the soil layer, and then his root system began to extend upwards.

He knew that no matter how firm the ground under his feet was, all of this would be useless in the face of a land that had completely collapsed! Once they tumbled, or other mountains fell down, everyone in the tribe would still die!

Snowflakes carefully branched out a part of the root system, and kept looking at the sky. They grew longer and longer. Those tree roots seemed to be weaving them with their hands. As expected of a man who boasted that his specialty was braiding, Snow Flower began to weave with his own tree roots. He wanted to use his own branches to build a huge protective layer to isolate all disasters that might engulf everyone.

His speed was very fast, and not long after, a ball made of tree roots that could only be described as a miracle suddenly appeared on this messy land.

The position of the center of the ball was finally sealed, and the inside of the ball was completely plunged into darkness.

All additional damage was isolated by Snowflake, and at the same time, all sounds from the outside world were also isolated.

Suddenly, there was a childish cry among the cubs.

It was clear and clear like the sound of a baby bird, it was Mitt calling her mother. The other cubs have already returned to their mothers. Don't ask how these cubs found their mothers. They have their own way of communicating with each other.

Only Mitt stood alone.

She yelled persistently.

Usually, every time her mother came back from hunting, she would call her mother like this, and then her mother would run towards her.

But this time, no one replied to her.

Finally, Sita couldn't take it anymore, she walked over to the sound and hugged Mitt.

Andy, who was the most flustered at the beginning, became the calmest person at the moment, and he took the initiative to undertake the work of counting the number of people.

Those who came back safely will respond to his roll call when they hear the roll call, and those who have not come back will naturally—

This time, many people could no longer respond to him.

Mitt's mother, Lola, and Gail, the two leopard orcs were among those who never came back.

Mitte became an orphan.

Em and Yu didn't come back either.

There are also many people who lived together from a long time ago... and have not returned.

Low cries came one after another in the closed space.

Amidst the crying, Sita bent over and kept groping on the ground. After groping the whole place, she finally confirmed: Em's father is gone!

Before Snowflake's tree ball was sealed, she clearly saw it here, where did it go? Could it be that he ran out to find Em



Sita guessed right.

Em's dad did run out to find Em.

It's just a pure snow rabbit, and it can't even count the number of stems and fruits in its own nest. The cubs of the Washi tribe like to steal stems and fruits from their grandpa snow rabbit's rabbit nest, and they will never use it. Worried about being scolded, because Grandpa Snow Rabbit can never count.

The strange thing is that Grandpa Snow Rabbit, who can't count the number of stems and fruits, can always count the number of his cubs.

The snow hare, who found himself missing a cub, ran out before the weaving of the snowflakes could begin.

Em was often lost as a child, but it found him every time, and this time was no exception.

Searching on the violently shaking ground, it sometimes runs fast, sometimes jumps nimbly, and when it encounters a larger gap, it even carefully crawls over the broken plants.

The experienced Snow Rabbit has overcome one difficulty after another.

Beasts always have a strange premonition and skill with which to retrieve their young.

In front of a crack, it stopped.

Carefully pawing at the edge of the crack and looking down, it found it.

Under the deep gap, Snow Rabbit saw the figure of its own cub.

Then, it jumped down without hesitation.

Dexterously relying on the protrusions on the cracked stone wall, it finally reached the bottom safely.

The cub appears to be asleep.

It carefully touched the cub's hair with its nose.

Finding that the cub didn't respond, it began to arch the cub's head with its body.

Don't sleep, it's dangerous here, you have to leave!

The cub's head was turned over, revealing blood all over his face.

The moment the snow rabbit saw the blood, it immediately let out a piercing scream!

It began to use various methods to try to wake up the cub, but the cub was too big, much bigger than itself, and it couldn't move the cub at all!

Just as it kept touching the cub, the ground that had just stopped for a while trembled again, and fine stones fell from the stone wall.

The cracks are closing—

How to do? How can I get the cub out

Looking at the cubs on the ground, and at the ray of sky above his head, the snow-white rabbit froze in place.


Em slowly opened his eyes in excruciating pain.

One of his eyes was probably injured and swollen, causing his vision to be very blurry at the moment.

In his hazy vision, he saw a person.

He was being hugged by that person at the moment, and then pushed up.

The man seemed to be struggling, but he continued to push him upwards. Due to lack of strength, the man could only push Em's back against the stone wall and push him up with his feet on his shoulders. .

When the head left the darkness and saw the outside world again, Em realized that the man was saving herself!

That man is trying to push himself out of the rock!

The upper body lay limply on the ground, and the lower body was still in the crevice of the stone. Em had no strength at all, but he found that he was moving forward, which was the result of the constant pushing of the person below.

Even though he couldn't see clearly, Em still knew that the person was not Yu, nor anyone he had ever seen, this stranger he had never seen before, but at this moment he was rescuing himself regardless of his own safety.

"Ah..." Em tried to speak, but her throat could only make a broken sound. With difficulty, he turned his head to the other side so that his face could face the crack in the stone.

He desperately tried to see the face of his savior. However, due to the darkness in the crevice and the injury to his eyes, he could only see a very vague figure of the man.

More stones rolled into the crevice from the outside, and Em was horrified to see that the two sides of the crevice were slowly closing—

However, his savior is still in the cracks in the rocks! ! !

"Ah! Ah—" Em's throat continued to roar brokenly, and he exerted all his strength to grab the savior's hand.

Hold it! He held each other's hand!

Grabbing the ground, he tried to let the other party pull his hand to climb up.

The crack in the stone is not very high, at least the man's arm can be stretched out, but why the hell does he have no strength at the moment! ! !

Em exerted all his strength, but in the end, he was only pulled by the opponent's weight and moved a little into the crevice of the stone.

At this moment, Em felt that the hand that was shaking with the other party was gently shaken.

Then, the hand slowly loosened.

"Woooo~oooh~ohoo~~~" A strange voice came from the crack in the stone.

It took a long time for Em to realize that it was the man's cry.

As a member of the Snow Rabbit Clan, Em is very familiar with the meaning of that voice—this is the sound that the Snow Rabbit only makes when it is very satisfied and happy.

Em suddenly knew the identity of this person.

Em struggled to lean towards the crack in the rock where the man was. At this moment, he finally couldn't bear the pressure from another continent, and one side of the rock wall slammed into the other side!

The cracks in the stone were completely closed.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Unable to utter a complete sentence, Em's mouth let out a huge whine.

dad! That man was his father—

The author has something to say: As a rabbit, Father Snow Rabbit is coming to the end of his rabbit life.

It knows this itself.

It is very happy to be able to do one last thing for the cub before it dies.

Then, "it" finally becomes "he"

To be able to hold the cub's hand at the very end,

"He" is very happy.