Prince Charming Is a Top

Chapter 71: Dirty memories


The early morning sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains on Tan Zihe, who is lying on the bed. There are several blushing marks on his neck. The sound of water came from the bathroom. After a while, the sound of water stopped, and Lin Zhou walked out of it with his lower body wrapped in a bath towel.

"Get up."

Lin Zhou sat on the bed and whispered into Tan Zihe's ear, while the water from his hair dripped onto his face.


Tan Zihe responded softly, stretched out his hand to wipe the water on his face, turned over and shrank, showing no intention of getting up.

When Lin Zhou saw him like this, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he leaned into his ear and spoke in an extremely low voice.

"You know, people's desires are strongest in the morning. If you don't get up, do you want me to..."

"Damn you! Last night wasn't enough! Sex devil!"

Tan Zihe's hair exploded instantly, he suddenly woke up, turned over and pushed him away.

"When you wake up, get up quickly."

Lin Zhou smiled and climbed up from the bed to dry his hair, leaving Tan Zihe on the bed with a collapsed face.

… … … … … … … …

Tan Zihe followed Lin Zhou to the company. The weather was hot, and the first thing Tan Zihe did when he entered the office was to turn on the air conditioner.

"Don't go in like that or catch a cold."

Lin Zhou saw that he was standing there after turning on the air conditioner, so he walked over and pulled him over.

"it's too hot."

Tan Zihe shook his clothes to cool himself down quickly.

"Who asked you to wear this? It's so thick."

Lin Zhou said and pulled the collar of his clothes.

Tan Zihe is wearing a shirt that can stand up the collar. Although it is short-sleeved, it looks good, but it is too thick.

"It's not all your fault. You left so many marks. If they saw it, they would laugh at me again."

As he spoke, Tan Zihe pulled his collar and pointed at the hidden hickey on his neck to show Lin Zhou.

"All adults understand what they are afraid of."

Lin Zhou said and reached out to touch the red mark.


Tan Zihe rolled his eyes at him.

Lin Zhou smiled and didn't say anything.

The two of them were quiet for a while. Lin Zhou was reading documents, and Tan Zihe was looking around, bored. After wandering for a while, he started staring at Lin Zhou.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Zhou noticed from the corner of his eye that Tan Zihe was looking at him.

"Zhou, isn't it good for me to be idle all day long?"

"Well, what next."

Lin Zhou put down the document in his hand and looked at him.

"You don't want me to get involved in your work, and you don't need my help, so you can find something for me to do."

"Well, you can consider it."

Lin Zhou nodded and picked up the file again.

"That… "

Just as Tan Zihe was about to say something, his phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was a text message from an unknown number.

"Meet you at the basketball court downstairs. I have something you want to see. Don't tell anyone."

Tan Zihe looked at the text message and began to wonder in his heart what he wanted to see.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to go downstairs to have a look.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Zhou asked as he watched him walk towards the door.

"Um...I want to eat. I'll go down and buy some."

Tan Zihe remembered that he was not allowed to tell anyone in the text message, so he made up a random reason.

"I'll go with you."

"No, no, I'll be back in a minute."

Tan Zihe shook his head.

"Well, then go and come back quickly."

Lin Zhou didn't persist and just let him go.

Tan Zihe quickly went downstairs and out of the gate of Yuanzhou. The hot air outside hit his face instantly, causing him to frown. He looked at the basketball court not far away, gritted his teeth, and ran over quickly.

There was no one on the court. Looking around, I only found a big paper bag on the bench next to me.

"What's this… "

Tan Zihe walked over and picked up the paper bag, which had several large characters written with a signature pen.

"Tan Zihe, please open it."

"What the hell..."

Tan Zihe frowned but opened his eyes.

When he opened the paper bag and took out the contents, he was stunned for a moment. There were several photos in the bag, and the protagonist was Tan Zihe who was holding the photo. Yes, what he saw was himself naked. In that moment, that dirty The memory came to mind again.

Just when I was about to tear it up, I found a line of writing on the back of the photo.

"If you want the negatives, I'll meet you at the Sima Factory on Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon. Don't tell anyone."

"Sima Factory..."

Tan Zihe muttered, his heart full of panic. He didn't tear up the photo or throw it away. He just put it in his pocket and returned to Yuanzhou in a daze.

"Why are you back? What did you buy?"

Lin Zhou asked when he saw him coming back.

Tan Zihe didn't answer and sat down on the sofa, thinking only about the photo.


Lin Zhou stood up and walked over.


Tan Zihe looked up at him in shock.

"What are you thinking about? You ignore me when I talk to you."

Lin Zhou sat next to him.

"Ang, I was just thinking about something."

Tan Zihe said with a smile.

"Didn't you say you were buying food? Why did you come back empty-handed?"

Lin Zhou took the wet wipes placed under the coffee table and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Ang, I took a look around, but there's nothing I want to eat."

Tan Zihe took the wet wipe in his hand and wiped it himself.

"Well... why don't you go eat."

Lin Zhou looked at the time.


Tan Zihe nodded. Anyway, there are still three days until Friday, so he won't think about it for now.

Thursday night soon came. Tan Zihe took a shower and lay on the bed, looking at the photos in his hands and thinking about things.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Zhou wiped the water from his hair and walked over.


Tan Zihe quickly stuffed the photo into the corner of the bed.

"Did you secretly watch something inappropriate for children?"

Lin Zhou smiled evilly and pinched his face.

"screw you."

"Hey, what are you afraid of? It's boring to watch. How about we practice it."

Lin Zhou leaned into his ear and spoke softly.

"Sex demon."

Tan Zihe slapped him over.

"Haha, come and blow dry my hair."

Lin Zhou smiled, reached for the hair dryer and handed it to him.

Tan Zihe took it and played it for him.

"Zhou, I want to go find Haozi tomorrow."

Tan Zihe gently pulled his hair.

"Why go to him?"

"'s just been a while."

Tan Zihe was still thinking about the reason.

"Well, go ahead. Do you need me to send you off?"

Lin Zhou turned to ask him.

"No, no, I'll go by car."

Tan Zihe shook his head.


Lin Zhou nodded.

… … … … … … … …

The next morning, Tan Zihe got up first and made breakfast for Lin Zhou. He wandered around and then went back to bed to take a nap. Lin Zhou got up, packed up, and had breakfast. Before leaving, he even teased Lin Zhou. The confused Tan Zihe.

"Bao, I'm leaving."

Lin Zhou whispered in his ear.

" careful on the road."

Tan Zihe closed his eyes tightly and responded to him in a low voice.

"But what if I don't want to leave?"

Lin Zhou touched his fingers and scratched Tan Zihe's exposed skin.


Tan Zihe responded with a hum.

Seeing this, Lin Zhou didn't respond, so he lowered his head and kissed her.

"Well… "

Tan Zihe, who was sleeping, felt that someone was suddenly kissing him and he instinctively resisted, but he didn't want the person kissing him to be so domineering. The more he pushed him, the harder he pushed. Lin Zhou's tongue took advantage of Tan Zihe's surprise and flexibly penetrated it. After entering his mouth, his tongue pulled him bit by bit. After a while, Tan Zihe also adapted to Lin Zhou's intrusion, and his tongue slowly followed his.