Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 100: Defend the city and counterattack


Although Jinjunyingzhai is heavily guarded and brightly lit. However, for Zhao Zhen, who has undergone the most rigorous and brutal and even direct death training in modern times, and the elite soldiers he trained in accordance with special forces training subjects, it is useless even if he is heavily guarded.

As soon as it got dark, Zhao Yan took his guards and the two camps and set off immediately, to give the Jin Jun a ruthless look. Zhao Zhen found that the Jin Army was tightly guarded, so he left the two battalions of cavalry personnel outside to meet him. He personally took more than a hundred of his guards through and avoided the tightly guarded Jin Army light and dark guards and the outermost patrol. Within a few miles of walking, he avoided several waves of patrols outside the Golden Army camp.

At this time, Zhao Zhen waved his hand, and all the guards stopped looking for a bunker and hid them nearby. Although the guards did not find any enemies, they knew that their almost omnipotent master believed in the king, and they must have discovered something.

At this time, Zhao Yan motioned to a guard to bring the crossbow over. Afterwards, Zhao Yan took a crossbow and shot it at the big tree in front, with a low whine from his throat, and one fell from the tree. His body was shown in front of everyone.

Because in the dark night, there is some wind. And the fall of the corpse was only the sound of rustling leaves and grass rubbing, so the fall of the corpse did not attract the attention of other golden guards in the distance. Everyone saw that Zhao Zhen's crossbow hit the opponent's throat, so the opponent didn't make much noise. The guards looked at Zhao Zhen in awe and admiration, feeling a sense of pride in their hearts. Their master is the omnipotent God of War, and even the most noble prince of Song Dynasty.

At this time, Zhao Zhen still didn't stop his movements. He signaled that there were enemy's secret whistles on several trees and grass in the distance, and immediately took the guards and went up to touch all the secret whistles.

In this way, Zhao Zhen led the people to destroy the three groups of secret guards. After two hours of intense and latent assassination, they finally rushed to the outskirts of the Jinjun temporary camp.

Seeing the situation in the Jinjun camp, the guard Liu Yunshan couldn't help but frowned. He whispered to Zhao Zhen, "Master, it's not easy to get in. Moreover, such a dense patrol, even if you go in. The gap lets us set fire to kill people."

Zhao Zhen looked at Liu Yunshan and smiled, pointing to the golden army uniform in his hand and said: "What's the problem? It's just a change of skin to solve. What about the clothes that you took off? Let's wear them as gold All patrol soldiers go!"

Liu Yunshan suddenly realized that the Lord Chitose's purpose was to let the gold soldiers patrol the guards' clothes that were "touched" by them. He was still a little puzzled when he was picking up the clothes of the killed golden soldiers. He didn't know the purpose of these golden soldiers' uniforms, Zhao Zhen. He didn't expect to have such a use.

At this time, Liu Yunshan and other guards close to Zhao Zhen hurriedly greeted the guards behind him in a low voice to put on the golden army uniforms.

In order to obtain the password, Zhao Zhen personally went out like a ghost and picked a tongue among the camps of the Golden Army. Only then did Zhao Zhen ask for the password.

There was one person missing from the Jin army, and the surrounding Jin soldiers thought that the person had gone on a desertion, and did not report it. After a while, there were some more teams of patrol soldiers in the Golden Soldier Camp, because the password was correct, but no one found out.

Bringing the guards into the Jinjun camp, Zhao Zhen did not rush to do it. Rather, he carefully scouts around the whole camp. The Jinjun Firearms Battalion was even more tightly guarded. The tongue that Zhao Zhen grabbed told him that no one could enter the firearms camp without the tokens of the captain and General Liu.

After Zhao Zhen's repeated beheading operations, the generals of the Jin army have become smarter. Now they are guarding a large number of guards, and it is unrealistic to obtain tokens from them.

Unable to enter the Golden Army Firearms Camp, Zhao Zhen retreated and looked for a place where many horses were parked by the ordinary cavalry of the Golden Army.

Set fire near the horses and open the stalls, and the horses will gallop in panic, disturbing the golden army's audiovisual. The horses of the Golden Army cavalry are numerous, and it is impossible to tie them all. As long as the horse fence is opened and the fire is set off, the horses will become a mess. After finding the fence where the Golden Army set the horses, Zhao Zhen began to set fire.

There are braziers everywhere in the entire camp, just throw it on the tent. After Zhao Zhen led a surprise attack on the Golden Soldiers guarding the horses, they began to take action when there was no other Golden Soldier patrol passing by nearby.

Open the horse fence, then lift a brazier and throw it onto a nearby tent. In an instant, dozens of tents were on fire. In the autumn and winter season, the sky is dry and things are dry, especially at night when the wind is still relatively strong. The fire became more and more prosperous by the wind. At this time, the horse was startled by the raging fire and galloped everywhere. Riding the chaos, Zhao Yan led dozens of tents in succession, and the entire Jinlei camp ran around in an instant, bursting into flames!

Upon seeing the success of the matter, a nearby Golden Army brigade had already noticed that there was an enemy here and rushed over. Some people in those tents that caught fire ran out with disheveled clothes. Some people didn't respond and were beheaded by Zhao Zhen and others. After the Jinjun brigade arrived, there were only Jinjun corpses all over the ground.

At this moment, the team led by Zhao Zhen came oncoming a golden army. Zhao Zhen immediately shouted to the opposite golden army, "They ran over there, hurry up!" The guards also followed the army. Shouting, a group of people seemingly roaring are not the same camp, but in fact they are covering each other and marching towards the canopy that parks better horses in a structured manner.

The horses in the stable here are all the horses of the Golden Army generals or the Jurchen soldiers, and all of them are good horses, and of course they are all tied up with reins. As soon as the crowd arrived at the Ma Peng, the few people who had just hid inside without knowing it drove out the horses that had been untied. Everyone quickly leaped on their horses, and under the leadership of Zhao Zhen, shouting to chase the enemy soldiers, they rushed out of the Jin army camp.

The Golden Soldiers who had been blocking them evaded one after another, giving way to the cavalry who went to chase the enemy.

In the chaotic Jinying camp, no one intercepted Zhao Zhen and the others. They rushed out brazenly all the way, and then ran wildly into the distance until they met with the soldiers from the two battalions outside.

The sky was bright, and Liu Lin, who was slightly haggard, looked at the half of the camp that had been burnt to ashes, with a look of helplessness on his face. The matter has been clarified. The first wave of cavalry chased out yesterday was the enemy who set fire. It can be concluded that these guys came in wearing the clothes of their own army.

Moreover, the Golden Army had hundreds of sentinels and hundreds of soldiers in the battalion all killed. The Golden Army barracks of 40,000 people were so heavily guarded that it was tantamount to Longtan Tiger's Den. A small group of people dared to sneak in and then dared to kill and set fire, and it succeeded. This shows how courageous those who believe in the king's army are, and how strong the infiltration ability and combat effectiveness of Gao Pang's men are. This army is so powerful and acts like a ghost. It's almost unheard of, believe in Wang Jun... It's hard to deal with! It seems that it must be difficult to defeat the Xinwang Jun of Xiezhou! You must be fully prepared, and when you are fighting against the King's Army, you must be steady.

Just as Liu Lin was full of emotions, Ah She retreated angrily and walked over and shouted: "Master Li, the believer in the Song Army is brave, what do you want to do now, it can be justified to be attacked during the march, after all, it is Because we were careless and unprepared. But when we were stationed, there were no fewer than two thousand soldiers on patrols and light and dark outposts, but in the end they were able to sneak in and succeed. And we died hundreds of people, even the other side. I didn’t get a single piece of hair!"

Liu Lin smiled bitterly and said: "A She evacuated the general, don't worry, I am thinking of a solution here." A She evacuated his eyes and stared: "Does your method work? According to me, we still kill directly. Under the city of Xiezhou, didn’t you hear that Xiezhou is stocking some of the rations harvested by the King of Letters in Qingshicheng? As long as we get to the city of Xiezhou, we won’t be afraid that he will not stand out."

After being said that, Liu Lin's thoughts immediately opened up, and he said with joy: "Yeah, as long as we are forced to the city of Xiezhou, Zhao Zhen must come out and fight us upright, otherwise Xiezhou will be lost, believe Wang Jun’s losses are huge. Now Xiezhou is the center of the faith Wang Jun’s entrenched. They feed a lot of people, the city is lost, they even have no people and food, they can’t afford to lose, hehe, Ashe It's a good strategy to evacuate the general, so I admire it."

Ah She retreated was a straight-hearted person, and was blushed by Liu Lin's praise. He was not an idea at first, and he forced the other party to praise him like a whimsical idea. Really couldn't hold back his face, he said hurriedly: "Master Liu has passed the award, the award has been passed."

Since they decided to attack Jiezhou City first, the two of them didn't stay there, and immediately ordered their soldiers and horses, and swayed to understand the city. Although he was on guard all the way, he was still attacked several times by Zhao Zhen, and the march during the day was intercepted by lightning. At night, every day, he was awakened by the sound of golden gongs and drums everywhere, or he was attacked. Along the way, Jin Jun lost more than a thousand people. Moreover, a whole army of 40,000, does not have a good rest every day, and has to hurry. Among the golden army, from top to bottom, all of them were exhausted.

The 40,000 army of the Jinjun finally arrived at the city of understanding state. Outside the city of Xiezhou, Liu Lin launched the first wave of offensive just as soon as he set up the camp. He wanted to explore the reality of the defense in the city.

The golden soldiers are coming fiercely, but the beasts guarding the city are not afraid. This little scene can only be regarded as a small dish compared to when facing 80,000 elite golden soldiers in Bluestone City. Therefore, in the face of the offensive, the beasts command if determined, and from time to time they also commanded the artillery battalion to blast the Jinbing’s firearms, catapults, goose carts, sky sedans, and carts to pieces. Seeing the unfavorable siege, Liu Lin couldn't help sighing, there are many capable people under Xinwang! Such a sharp super firearm can also be made. A section of the firearm with an opening like an iron barrel was exposed in the tower. The firearm was so powerful, I don't know if it was artificially made by the King of Letters Army.

Because the artillery in this era is actually a catapult or catapult, throwing stones or thunderballs and other shells. Therefore, facing the real artillery that only appeared in later generations, Liu Lin didn't even know it. In the Song and Jin Dynasties, the real tube-shaped firearms were firearms made from bamboo by the people of the Song Dynasty. The bamboo is filled with gunpowder, as a tube-shaped spraying and shooting device, it can shoot stones, tiles and iron pieces, which can be regarded as meeting the necessary conditions for the three types of guns: tube-shaped transmitter, gunpowder and bullets.

The soldiers were brave, and the people and men bravely helped carry stones and arrows and other materials. Coupled with the sharpness of the firearm, the beast easily repelled the first wave of attacks, and the sky was already dark. When Liu Lin saw that the siege had failed, he ordered to retreat. Anyway, he didn't plan to capture Jiezhou in a battle. But he was also secretly worried, because on the first day, he was bombarded by artillery from the city and lost 30% of the firearms of the firearms camp. The goose car, the sky sedan, and the red car were smashed into pieces.

The sun rose from the east to the west, and another day passed. Under the fierce attack of the 40,000 golden army, the city of Jiezhou remained motionless. A day and a half of the attack caused heavy casualties to the Jin soldiers who were attacking the city, while the Civil Defense Army composed of sergeants of the Xinwang Army who defended the city and the people of Jiezhou City did not have many casualties.

The Golden Army attacked for two more days. Although the attack of the Golden Army became more and more fierce, the fighting between the two sides became more and more fierce. But the city of Jiezhou still stood there, and was not captured by the Golden Army. Not only that, for three and a half consecutive days of uninterrupted offensives, the combined casualties of the militiamen and soldiers in the city did not reach 300. But the Jinbing was very miserable. Under the roar of sufficient gunpowder and artillery shells, apart from the 10,000 authentic Jin Guo soldiers composed of Fanbing and Liaodong Han who were evacuated by Ashe did not move, nearly four were killed and injured in the attack on the 30,000 Jinbing Han. Thousands of people! Although Liu Lin's capital was lost so much, he felt painful, but he also had to grit his teeth.

Although they were far worse than Xin Wangjun in firearm power and technology, almost all firearms, goose wagons, sky sedan cars, rush cars and trains were lost. This resulted in a huge loss of one's own troops, but the battle was fought to this point, and if the loss was so huge, if the wandering high-Pang army could not wait for the emergence, it would be more than a loss.

That night, Zhao Zhen was fifty miles north of Jiezhou City, waiting for many other soldiers and horses of the Imperial Guard who had been ordered to come. The commander of the Imperial Guard and the commander of the Imperial Guard, Wang Jin, came with the Imperial Guard. In addition to him, Gao Chong, the commander of the Imperial Guard's Bronze Dragon Army, and Yu Hualong, the commander of the Iron Dragon Army of the Imperial Guard, each took their troops and crossed the direction of the Golden Army to gallop to the north of the city.

Since then, in accordance with Zhao Zhen's deployment, the entire 30,000 guards have gathered in Jiezhou. At the same time, after the autumn harvest in the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the king’s army, the commander-in-chief of the king’s army, Yue Fei, will lead a five-member group consisting of the Chinese Guards, the Chinese Army’s Beiwei Army, the Chinese Army’s Victory of the Czech Army, and the Chinese Army’s Brave Army. The Wanzhong Army is in Fenzhou, ready to cooperate with the Jiezhou Imperial Guards and the Xinwang Guards to attack the city and seize the land. After the autumn harvest, food was available, and the main force of the Golden Army is now searching for Zhao Gou in the south. The second opportunity for Xin Wang Jun to exert his strength has arrived.

At this time, according to their own deployment, the 15,000 imperial guards, as well as Zhao Zhen’s side concubine, and Zhao Qing'er, who is also the old battalion female coach, sent nearly 9,000 trained supplementary soldiers and City defense army. There were more than 20,000 soldiers and horses from all sides who crossed the occupied area of the Jin Army and entered Jiezhou.

It seems that there are a lot of troops coming this time, Zhao Zhen is secretly happy. He knew that it was his concubine Zhao Qing'er, especially his virtuous wife and two sons, who were worried about their safety and sent Lao Ying to the elite.

Now that the men and horses arrived, Zhao Zhen began to deploy his plan. The Guard Right Army immediately sent out to investigate the situation near the Golden Army camp. The focus was to cut off the horse-detecting teams of the Golden Soldiers. At this time, Zhao Zhen wanted to make Liu Lin and the Jin army led by A She evacuated become blind!

More than 20,000 people came to support Jiezhou, and the number is not a small number. Unlike the previous few times that the Royal Guards and the three imprisoned guards went south to Xiaofu, the Jin Army discovered that this time, the more than 20,000 soldiers and horses blatantly marched south. As a result, the Golden Soldiers that they passed by were afraid to come out. A few bold Golden Soldiers harassed them, and they were annihilated or repelled by Wang Jin's army. In fact, the main reason is that the Jin army on the entire Hedongnan Road is not strong enough to pose a threat to them.

Of course, through this action, it is considered that Wang Jun officially tore his face with Jin Jun. Next, I am afraid it will be a full-scale battle with the Golden Army. Of course, before the Jin army's main force Wanyan Zongbi (Wu Shu)'s army did not go north, I am afraid that the Jin army may not be able to mobilize a powerful army to conquer Zhao Zhen. This is also the reason why Zhao Zhen chose to launch an offensive at this time.

At this time, Zhao Zhen cut off the Golden Army spies, and naturally it was impossible to completely eliminate those Golden Soldier spies who were riding fast horses. So Zhao Zhen naturally did not seek full power.

Later, after more than 20,000 troops arrived, Zhao Zhen immediately saw Wang Jin, who hadn't seen him for a long time, and asked about the situation of the commander-in-chief's mansion. After Wang Jin introduced the details, Zhao Zhen immediately ordered the rear army units who had come to support them to change defenses in each city, and supplement the troops with the trained soldiers.

In this way, Zhao Zhen's 40,000 main force is already expected to be able to mobilize all of them in the next half a month.

Afterwards, Zhao Zhen took the guard right army with him, and Wang Jin brought him to personally lead the guard army, Gao Pang's guard bronze dragon army, and the guard guard iron dragon army led by Yu Hualong totaling 20,000. Centaur. Divided into four strands, they walked day and night, and roundabout to outflank the Jinjun outside the city of Jiezhou.

The beasts in the city were also uncomfortable. After three and a half days of fierce fighting, there were not many artillery shells and gunpowder in the city. Although the processing of gunpowder and shells in Qingshi City was relatively fast, many of them were sent to Xiezhou City. But no amount of gunpowder and shells can hold up the banging fire every day. The Golden Soldier has a large number of troops, and there are many siege equipment, all of which are knocked out, but it consumes countless gunpowder and cannonballs.

Of course, the beast knew about Zhao Zhen's plan, so he kept his three thousand soldiers and horses unmoved, so that the strength of the troops to defend the city would not be very sufficient. Fortunately, the great scholars who temporarily served as officials of the state of Jiezhou promptly mobilized the strong men in the city to battle. Every day when they went to the city, each person distributed fifty cents of silver or equivalent food. Silver or equivalent food! Three taels of silver or equivalent grain is not a small amount for ordinary people.

And even if they are not distributed, these strong men must go to the city in order to protect their homes and their families from being harmed by the Golden Army again. Of course, it would be better to get the money. With the stimulation of Yinliang, these strong men are not much worse than the city defense forces that Zhao Zhen hastily built.