Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 108: Believe in Wang's ambition


When Wang Niu and other coaches saw Zhao Zhen, they came forward to bow down. Zhao Zhen said: "Did you all eat pork?" "Of course I have eaten it. Now I have studied in the underground caves of the school. By the way, the humble servants are greedy and should be punished for violating military discipline. Thank you the Lord for missing medicine. Okay." A coach said with a smile.

This coach is someone who will come, and he is also a slippery person. Zhao Ying said: "Now that the enemy is currently, we are in short supply, but if you want to improve your meal, you should report it. Of course, if someone wants to do things through you, you will hand it over to Master Li. Next time you receive a private courtesy, you will not forgive. Did you hear that?" "Finally, I will obey!" the coaches shouted.

Zhao Zhen paused and said, "After dinner, let them rest for a stick of incense." The head of the crowd respectfully said: "Yes!"

Zhao Zhen nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly said: "Take me away, let's go and see our gang of boys!" The head of the crowd led Zhao Zhen into the cave on the side of the valley. The teacher Wang Niu immediately carried a lantern and led the way to the cave under the school grounds. The soldiers who had eaten and drank sat together. Now the sun is setting, it is raining and snowing, and the weather is getting colder. These soldiers have experienced a day. The cruel training, even the shallow rest, will make them happy and satisfied.

A group of new kim soldiers were sitting. Before learning culture, they had a short break. During the break, they started chatting, spanking, and singing.

Most of these people were born as ordinary people, and each of them has its own experience and comes from various parties. A small number of people are Hu Yi, and most of them are from the Central Plains. No matter what ethnicity they are, they are all here now, and they are marked as believing in the king's army.

Of course, regardless of their ethnicity, most of these recruits are still people near Hedongnan Road and Zhongtiao Mountain. They were all invaded by the Golden Army and migrated or fled here. Of course, some of them were well-behaved prisoners who were trained to become believers.

Although these recruits are actually a bit bitter, their conditions are not bad. After a while, after it gets completely dark, they will get a chance to take a bath and then fall asleep. In the army of the letter king, it takes as short as three or two days, or as long as one or two weeks, to take a bath.

The Five Thousand New Army entered the huge cave, but it did not appear to be narrow. Because this hole is very wide. It's vast and sealed, but it's warm.

In Zhao Zhen’s letter to the king’s army, training is extremely painful, but their physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary people. They are selected from tens of thousands of people. They have good physical fitness and are particularly able to endure hardship. Zhao Zhen strengthened the training of his soldiers in accordance with the training of modern special forces. Otherwise, why can his soldiers fight against the Golden Army? Even more than the fighting power of the Golden Army? It's hard training.

This cave is very large, and it was newly dug by the people. The construction of the city wall requires a lot of soil and rock, so the local materials are collected and the mountain is excavated. The cave can also be used to store things, buy workshops, and even live in people.

Now all the recruits, each with a small wooden square table, at this time, all the recruits began to be divided into fifty parts, and they were seated neatly. All the halls of the cave were densely filled by the student soldiers.

In one of the cave halls that Zhao Zhen entered, a hundred recruits were waiting to give a lecture. At this time, ten oil lamps were lit around, and the light was not bad.

After Wang Niu led Zhao Zhen in, "Sit down, sit down!" He shouted. The recruits and soldiers did not grab a seat. They stood in line and sat in line one by one.

Bringing Zhao Zhen in, Wang Niugao shouted: "All-stand up!" A hundred recruits stood up together. Zhao Zhen came in. Zhao Zhen had been to the school field more than once, so almost all the recruits saw him and recognized him. Unexpectedly, the master of their Bluestone City would come here and come to their brigade of recruits. A group of recruits were very excited and even looked at Zhao Zhen admiringly.

Everyone got excited, and a few even made noises. This is a kind of esteem and gratitude from the heart, because before their lives can be said to be inferior to pigs and dogs. Poor food, poor living, and the possibility of being slaughtered by the Golden Army at any time. However, since they moved to the Bluestone City built within a radius of tens of miles from the Bluestone Castle, the improvement in their food, and all the welfare systems, as well as the peace of their families, have made them suspicious of them in their dreams.

Because of this, because they want to defend their family and homeland, in order to defend themselves and their family’s right to happiness, and some want to avenge their families who were killed by the Jin army, they have enthusiastically joined the army to join the recruit training and accept rounds of training. Eliminate and enter the regular new army training camp.

The only regret is that the military training here is too bitter. In the daytime, they are exhausted in formations, standing and walking in groups, carrying heavy cross-country, fighting and training guns, etc., and sometimes training at night. It's really very tired. Every day, one by one is as tired as a dead dog. Therefore, when learning to read, it is when most of them think it is the easiest time.

But despite the hardship in military training, they got their place here. In the army of the letter king, soldiers are superior. This is very strange, it is a completely different system from any era in the Song Dynasty. A system only available in Xin Wangjun. Even in the Army of Letters to the King, the default ordinary scholars are not as high as soldiers.

What do they long for, from ordinary people to soldiers, fighting for their country and their homes? In fact, it's not just about getting promoted and getting rich. What they long for is to be respected and to be taken a high look. Those Confucian scholars would only condemn the army for not working hard when the country is in crisis. But when the country was in security, they despised the soldiers. Since you despise, why do you condemn others for not protecting you? Are you relying on people you despise to protect your safety

From this point of view, Xin Wang Jun will not disappoint any soldier. Zhao Zhen exercises military control, so the status of a soldier is the highest in the land occupied by the Xinwang army. In fact, during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period, the scholars mentioned were not Confucian scholars, but soldiers, including some assassins and righteous swordsmen. At that time, soldiers were respected. It's just that Confucianism became prosperous, and Confucian scholars named themselves Shi! Changed the previous meaning.

"Swear allegiance to the King Qiansui! Allegiance to the lord!" This is something that has been taught hundreds of times, and the hundreds of recruits spoke exactly and neatly. Zhao Zhen walked to the podium and nodded in satisfaction. The military style was good and full of momentum.

"Sit!" With a sonorous word, a hundred recruits sat down, Zhao Zhen looked back and said: "Wang Niu, you sometimes can't follow the textbooks written by Wang Jun, I believe. You can let the recruits talk more after they have learned to read Tell me about your record and the current situation."

Wang Niu hurried to the table beside him and said, "I will do it!" Next, a soldier who was transferred gave out paper, and Zhao Zhen invented a pencil made of charcoal and paper. Pencils are also a specialty of Xinwangjun, but because they are not used in other places, they can't sell much. Therefore, a large number of pencils were produced, and the external sales were very small, mainly due to internal consumption.

"In the next few months, you will continue to rigorously train and study writing. Don’t feel bitter and tired. You know, after our Great Song Dynasty was invaded by the Golden Army, no army was as powerful as ours. The army’s battle damage rate is lower than ours! Why? It’s because our training is hard and our soldiers are of high quality. After your Golden State’s rigorous training, a single person can survive in the area occupied by the Golden Army, and a team of people can be occupied by the enemy. Find our large army in the district, and even destroy a few small groups of gold army." Zhao Zhen looked at everyone and said.

"Of the few words that you will learn today, two are you. Soldiers! What is a soldier and what are its requirements? Now I want to tell you that there are only two, one is loyalty and the other is obedience! Loyalty, It is loyal to the army, loyal to our nation, loyal to the king! Loyal to the country! Obeying means obeying the army, obeying your chief, your boss, and any orders I give!"

"This order may be unsatisfactory. For example, you are required to kill unarmed women and children of the Golden Kingdom, but if the order has been issued, it will let you commit suicide and let you kill anyone else! This is to obey the order!"

I personally taught some lessons to the recruits, and then let Wang Niu continue to do it himself. Zhao Zhen took a group of guards up the mountain, returned to the bluestone fortress, and entered his main fortress.

Zhao Zhen walked up to the top of the main fortress and on the top of the fortress where the wind was howling. At this time the rain and snow stopped, the sky was a little bit starry, and the cold wind was blowing. Standing at the highest place, Zhao Zhen looked at the sparks of the people's houses in the distant city and the torches of the city defense army on the city wall, and couldn't help thinking.

After a lesson, some of Zhao Zhen's own ideas began to appear. At this time, besides he wanted to build a strong national power, a vast area, more than many times the most powerful Song in the prosperous period of Han and Tang Dynasties. He also wanted to make Da Song's culture go further according to his own will. Establish a more pioneering and ideological country that focuses on advocating science and exploring the world first. Vigorously develop industry, commerce and trade, one step closer to modern civilization.

To achieve a lot of things, Zhao Zhen must let everyone master the culture, and create his own and further civilization under the original civilization of the Han people.

How powerful is the Mongol Empire in the next hundred years at this time. If the four khanates are counted together, the powerful Mongol Empire once contained almost the entire Eurasian continent in the palm of its own hands. What a horror it was. Almost all of the most powerful countries at the time were in Eurasia. The countries established in Africa, Oceania, and the Americas are not as powerful as the powers of Eurasia. However, it was these powerful countries that were all brought to the ground by the Mongolian army. The Mongol Empire is almost equal to the global unification.

Then such a huge empire was assimilated by all nations. This is the power of civilization! What civilization does Mongolia have? No. The so-called Mongolian script is just a hybrid between the Khitan script and the Chinese script.

Zhao Zhen wants to build his own strongest empire, a powerful dynasty that all countries in the world admire. The current national culture is far from enough. The culture of the Chinese nation can assimilate any nation. The powerful races of the Huns, Xianbei Wuhu, Khitan, Mongolia, and Jurchen have been assimilated into Han civilization successively. It also made the Europeans before the Renaissance admire it.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen does not have the ability to change the very civilized and desirable Chinese culture, but on the basis of Chinese culture, he needs something else!

If Zhao Zhen wants the future empire to be famous all over the world and let the four parties come to congratulate him, he must have a set of things that can corrupt the world, even Western thought. In fact, to put it plainly, it is a kind of development that allows the people to live a good life, allows the army to have the ambition to expand the world, allows the businessmen to have countless opportunities to make money, and allows the farmers not to pay any taxes and fees...etc. civilization.

However, those are still too far away, and everything has to be done slowly. He can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, these ideas are not something he can do right now. Now he is still facing a powerful Golden State Army! Looking into the distance, thinking of this. Zhao Zhen smiled. After the journey, her future is actually very broad!

At this time, Zhao Zhen was in a good mood. He stepped down to the top of the fortress and suddenly remembered the few "flying butterflies" that his brother Zhao Gou had sent to him. Because now Zhao Zhen has no emperor's righteousness, Zhao Gou is the emperor. So Zhao Zhen is now unwilling to have too obvious conflicts with Zhao Gou. Therefore, Zhao Zhen asked all the male "Feidie" all the confessions, and all the male "Feidie" confessed everything they knew, they were all put to death.

But there was a woman, a beautiful woman named Dongyudi, Zhao Zhen hadn't killed it yet. In fact, Zhao Zhen had already learned the information about the pretty woman in the butterfly department.

The news was to get in touch with his informant, and secretly expressed that he would swear allegiance to the information obtained from his big Jidie Li Xuan. I don't know if it is because Zhao Gou, who blindly escapes and does not resist, makes Li Xuanhan's heart, or because he sees Zhao Zhen's strength.

Anyway, Li Xuan became a believer in the king. So from then on, Li Xuan changed his previous attitude of resolutely resisting the gold war seekers in front of Zhao Gou. Began to agree with Zhao Gou and became a cron who resolutely obeyed all the ideas of Zhao Gou. And Zhao Gou's attitude towards Li Xuan has changed, and he is also very happy. Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to remove Li Xuan, but now he is starting to stabilize Li Xuan's position. Zhao Gou never dreamed that Li Xuan catered to him because he had a new master who insisted on resisting gold and restoring rivers and mountains.

Zhao Zhen asked her guard Liu Yunshan to lead Dongyu. The facial expression of Liu Yunshan who brought Dongyu was a bit strange, but Zhao Zhen understood it all at once, because Dongyu could no longer be able to take a bath. To hide her beauty.

Dongyu herself is really a very beautiful beauty. She has a body, and her face is as exquisitely carved. She has a tall nose and a pointed chin, and a white melon seed with two spring eyes, which is very charming. .

In the beginning, Dongyu successfully deceived Zhao Zhen, who hadn't paid much attention, through her wonderful makeup technique. But now it is impossible to cheat anymore. In fact, it is commendable to be able to hide it to such a degree.

The people in the prison didn't treat her badly, maybe the beast felt Dongyu's beauty and realized that Zhao Zhen might accept her. So when he led his troops to leave the Zhongtiao Mountain Bluestone City, he specifically confessed to Li Yuxuan. Although this beast is a savage, but in fact his heart is very delicate. From this, it can be seen that he not only bathed Dongyu, but also used the unique perfume of King Xin Wangjun. At the same time, Fierce Beast asked Li Yuxuan to show her a set of cheongsam invented by Zhao Zhen.

The cheongsam was designed by Zhao Zhen himself, of course he is a pirated version. However, the original version will only appear hundreds of years later, and no one will say that it is a pirated version.

It can be said that this kind of cheongsam was accumulated in the warehouse before Guo Yunshan came. However, after Guo Yunshan came, he bought it at a high price. It has to be said that Guo Yunshan or the business alliance behind him is so rich that the enemy is rich. More than five hundred carriages have passed under the noses of Li Yanxian Army and all Song Army in the south. No one dares to stop and collect benefits. Behind the business alliance he represents, I don't know how powerful it is.

It is sold, but now Dongyu is the first person to wear it. With a tall figure and full chest, with this cheongsam, Dong Yu's figure immediately appeared. Dongyu was originally stunning, with this cheongsam, the whole person looks like a willow in the wind, graceful and graceful.

Even Zhao Zhen was in a daze, or he didn't expect that the beauty at the beginning did not attract his attention, but now he is surprised. Zhao Zhen knew that if it weren't for his brother Zhao Gou's inability to do personnel, I'm afraid he would have possessed this beauty.

Zhao Zhen is the Prince of Song Dynasty, and the two wives are not around now, because they temper their bodies every day to go out to fight. So he still felt any hunger and thirst in that respect. When he saw this beautiful woman, Zhao Zhen felt a fire in his belly.

"I didn't expect it!" Zhao Zhen said. Dongyu obviously felt scared, but her previous training calmed her down. Perhaps because of her background, she can remain calm no matter what the circumstances.

"I am your Majesty's person..." Dongyu said for the first time. But after she said it, she regretted it for a while. She felt that even if she said that, Zhao Zhen would not let her go. It is impossible that Zhao Zhen would let her go because she was from Zhao Gou. It is impossible that she is not from Zhao Gou, and Zhao Zhen will not let her go. If Zhao Zhen doesn't let her go, it doesn't matter whether she is from Zhao Gou's or not. What's more, the status is higher, because Zhao Zhen, who insists on resisting gold and has higher prestige on the northern line, is obviously incompatible with Emperor Zhao Gou. Zhao Gou was afraid that Zhao Zhen would snatch his position as emperor. Of course, Zhao Zhen would want to snatch the throne of Zhao Gou's emperor.

"It's no use, I don't believe it..." Zhao Zhen waved his hand, indicating that your identity as Zhao Gou's subordinate is not in my heart. I said I didn't admit it, I didn't admit it. Even going to Zhao Gou to reason is also Zhao Zhen's reason. The ancients invented the word Li and it is very realistic. Reason is in the king, whoever has the right will have the right. The fact is also true, everyone knows.