Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 11: The big fish attracted by the siege


"What are we going to do in the Huangfeng Mountain Village? Playing the Huangfeng Mountain Village is just a bait. We have to rely on this bait to catch big fish. Now the main force of the gold soldiers attacking Wuma Mountain is far away from us, and they are searching for the big forest stone that has no trace yet. Ya’s Liao army. The surrounding golden soldiers were all evacuated, and there was no main force of the golden soldiers that could threaten us.” Zhao Zhen said loudly.

Seeing that everyone can finally realize that he is the prince and the chief of the group. Everyone began to listen carefully to what they said, and Zhao Zhencai continued: "The Yellow Wind Mountain Village is a piece of bait that attracts reinforcements and supplies. When the reinforcements arrive, will there be a large amount of supplies? When the time comes, we will be one of us. An ambush not only defeats the Golden Reinforcements, but also obtains them a large amount of materials and food. You have always heard of the Siege of Reinforcement!"

"His Royal Highness meant to only besiege and not attack?" Everyone finally understood, Wu Feng leader asked. "Who said not to attack?" Zhao Zhen frowned and said: "If you don't attack, what is the Jinbing's urgency? Just want to attack, and the attack is one hundred thousand urgent, so that the Jinbing reinforcements will quickly come to support. Hit the nearby Jinbing main force, this piece of ground Up, that is our world, we can loot the supplies and grain of the Golden Soldiers everywhere, and they are no longer our opponents."

"Didn't you just say not to fight?" Zhao Qinger asked. Zhao Zhen rolled her eyes when she heard it, and no one listened carefully to what she said just now. He repeated: "Cut off his water source, dig tunnels, pretend to attack... In short, as long as it is an undead trick, it's all used."

"What if there are too many reinforcements for the Golden Dog?" a leader named Liu Sange asked. "Run..." Zhao Zhen said grimly: "Let the people continue to march towards Taihang Mountain under the protection of a small number of troops. We concentrate our talents here and consume them. In case the main force of the golden soldiers comes, what are you doing with two legs? ?You won't run away?"

Hearing Zhao Zhen's words, the generals were a bit silly. What kind of messy tactics are these? Run if you can't beat it? What else to fight? Is there a problem with the king's mind

"When the reinforcements come, we will run, and we will fight again when the reinforcements are gone. In short, we are stalking and making the Golden Dog busy with it. At the same time, we have to snatch the Golden Dog's large amount of food and grass, as well as those Han landlords who support the Golden Dog. We are all targets of our looting."

Zhao Zhen saw everyone staring at herself, so she explained slowly: "Our purpose in fighting Huangfeng Mountain here is to hope that Jin Bing will transfer the main force and not follow the main force of the people. Let them follow our nose. By the way, hit the autumn breeze and collect food and grass. We will fight if we fight, but we will run away. They retreat and we will fight again. Repeatedly, the golden soldiers will lose sight of one another, and the rebels in other directions are bound to take advantage of the opportunity. In this way, our hundreds of thousands of people We can enter the Taihang Mountains smoothly, and we can also raise some food and supplies."

The generals then understood. After going around in a big circle, it turns out that there are so many famous villages in a small village in Huangfeng Mountain, and it is not possible to fight if you want to fight.

"You first drive the guard in the cottage crazy and force him to ask for help. His messenger is going out of the city, and you are on the road to see you off. Please hurry up and do not delay on the road." Zhao Zhen laughed, "Whoever accidentally turns The messenger killed, I cut him off."

"The prince is really the stars in the sky, and the true gods are also..." someone immediately flattered: "Don't fight with real swords and guns, you can solve the food and the safety of the people's army. There is such a good thing in the world. The prince is really good. Great..."

When someone started, someone followed him, and he made a big circle in a blink of an eye. A group of Wu Mashan veterans, including Chief Liu Xi and Chief Wu Feng, all looked different, but without exception, they were very upset.

The little lord Xinwang pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, pretending to sleep to show that he doesn't understand anything. In fact, he understands everything, just waiting for the critical moment to show it off. This time, all the leaders of the army are all ashamed. Especially Zhao Bangjie, his face was very hot and embarrassed, he had also led soldiers to fight, and the result was not as good as a foreign little letter king, and he was compared to him in a few words.

If Zhao Zhen’s strategy is successful this time, he can obtain food and help the rebels successfully pass through Nanguan and enter the Taihang Mountains. In the future, the prestige of these unruly leaders of all parties will be greatly reduced, but the prestige of Zhao Zhen, the prince-in-chief, will be greatly reduced. With the sudden emergence of a new force, more and more people will listen to him.

"Master, just like this, we can really get food?" There are many generals who hesitate.

"Don't worry, we won't go hungry. Get a good night's sleep today and start acting tomorrow. However, the number of soldiers on patrol will be doubled, and the gongs and drums will be beaten under the cottage to show that we are about to attack the city. I will start to scare them tonight." Zhao Zhen made a vow, with a confident look.

The generals happily agreed, because they don't need to bother to fight tomorrow, so they are very relaxed, gather together to chat and discuss some insidious siege techniques.

In the next few days, hundreds of thousands of people, under the escort of two thousand rebels and tens of thousands of young men led by Zhao Songyong, began to bypass the hills of Huangfeng Mountain and proceed towards Taihang Mountain. The Rebel army left 20,000 elites in the woods outside the Huangfeng Mountain cottage to cut down and make siege equipment.

The rebels dug a lot of trenches in front of the three gates of the Huangfeng Mountain Village, all of which were horizontal and vertical, and pointed wooden stakes were inserted in them; horse-rejecting and deer villages were set up around the camp to prevent the golden army from coming out at night to attack the city. In addition, Zhao Bangjie also sent cavalry everywhere to rob the Jurchen and surrender the food and grain of the Jinren government to provide the rebels.

From daybreak, the Rebels lined up with drums and attacked, and then they drew on until the sun had set, they were still swaying under the city, and they retired before they shot an arrow. In the evening, these guys were full and drunk, and they came out again and again, playing drums and trumpets, clamoring outside the city all night, and occasionally sneaking under the city wall for a few laps to take the city’s The Jinbing defenders were too scared to blink their eyes.

The Golden Soldiers were tossing very badly, and they had to be full of energy twelve hours a day, lest the rebels would take advantage of their nap and kill them. Then something more painful happened. The rebels blocked the water source of the Huangfeng Mountain cottage. They threw stones into the city every three or five times. They also dug tunnels under the cottage. The soil from the tunnels was piled up like a mountain, and I didn’t know that they had dug. How much, let alone which tunnel leads directly into the city, so that the Jinbing and Minpi had to dig a deep trench along the city wall to prevent the rebels from coming in through the tunnel.

After five days of tossing, all the thousands of defenders and thousands of civilians in the cottage were tired and fell on the ground, where they were sleeping, their combat effectiveness was drastically reduced.

At this time, the Jinbing guard of the Huangfeng Mountain cottage had to send someone out of the city to ask for help. The speed of the Jin Bing reinforcements was very fast, and the nearby Jin Bing gathered three thousand cavalry and quickly smashed to Huangfeng Mountain.

As a result, when the Jinbing reinforcements came, the 20,000 rebels ran clean overnight. After the Golden Reinforcement Army carried the grain, grass and bales into the Huangfeng Mountain cottage, they immediately set off to return. Because there are rebels everywhere now, these three thousand golden army cavalry have to guard the place, and important towns cannot be lost just because of a Huangfeng Mountain.

As soon as the reinforcements came, the rebels ran away. The guard of the Golden Army of the Huangfeng Mountain Mountain Village was happy all night. The next morning, he ran to see that all the densely packed outside the city were rebels, and Zhao Zhen returned with the army.

The rebels continued to attack, day and night, all kinds of tricks took turns in battle. This time the Rebels built many towering arrow towers, which were higher than the city wall. They shot bows and arrows from a high position and suppressed the Golden Army defenders on the city wall. They did not dare to lift their heads. They were shot and killed dozens of people in one day.

The golden guard of the Huangfeng Mountain cottage was helpless, so he had to ask for help again. This time the Golden Reinforcement came with two thousand cavalry and one thousand infantry. Under Zhao Zhen's leadership, the rebels ran away again. This time, Zhao Zhen became angry because he was worried about the Jurchens, and chased after him. So he asked Zhao Bangjie to send people to dig countless trenches on the way to retreat, but the golden cavalry couldn't catch up with them.

At this moment, the military situation near the Jinbing was very urgent. Everywhere there was a raging look, and the rebels were everywhere. The Jinbing reinforcements had to hurriedly return again. Overnight, the rebels once again surrounded the Huangfeng Mountain cottage.

The geographical position of the Huangfeng Mountain cottage is very important, and it is the only way for Jinbing to pass through the important food road. At the same time, the golden general guarding the cottage is still a purebred Jurchen. So after receiving the letter of request for help, the nearby Jinren gathered another five thousand golden cavalry to go to support, and the anti-justice army had to flee again, just to scare away the rebels and it was over.

The five thousand golden soldiers sent this time are all elite men. In addition to scaring the rebels back, they have more important tasks. This time they were also escorting the food and grass collected from Hedong Road to supply 100,000 soldiers on the southern front line for 20 days.

As the Jinren got the news, the main force of the rebels had already marched to the Taihang Mountains, so there are certainly not many rebels left here. The mob of rebels must flee when they see the three thousand golden soldiers, let alone the elite cavalry of the five thousand golden soldiers, they must also flee in the wind.

At this time, Xiao Zhong, the escort officer of the Golden Soldiers, was too timid to think of the guard of the Huangfeng Mountain Village. There are a thousand soldiers of the Golden Soldiers in his hand who could not beat a group of mobs.

Escort officer Xiao Zhong carried five thousand elite golden soldiers with iron cavalry, without any psychological burden at all. With five thousand golden soldiers and iron cavalry, he guarded five thousand civilians who were escorting supplies, and began to march towards Huangfeng Mountain.

Suddenly, "Woo..." the charge horn rang into the sky. Hundreds of cavalry suddenly rushed out of the dense forest on the flanks, and the spears and knives in their hands gave off a dazzling cold light.

"Swishwww..." The horse galloped, swiftly galloping, getting faster and faster, where the four hooves trampled, the grass was covered, and the black mud splashed.

"Quick, quick, quick..." Zhao Bangjie's majestic body was almost attached to the horse's back, and his feet kicked the horse's belly fiercely. The horse hissed with pain repeatedly, and its four hoofs rose into the air.

Zhao Bangjie personally led the five hundred cavalry soldiers, whizzing sharply, like a sharp sword, rushing towards the golden soldiers. Less than a hundred steps ahead is the golden soldier.

Zhao Bangjie rode his horse and galloped, suddenly sat upright, raised his head to the sky, and shouted wildly: "Kill the golden dog...!"

"Kill the golden dog!" Five hundred horses roared in unison, raising their spears and long knives together, and rushing to the golden soldiers by surprise, slashing at the golden soldiers.

"Kill...!" Zhao Bangjie chopped it down with a single knife, and a golden soldier was chopped in half, and blood and internal organs spurted out. The long sword rises again, like a Changhong circling the sun, whizzing down. The golden cavalry fell off half of his body, and his intestines flowed down. Half of the body crashed down, and the lower half of the body fell, tripping several cavalry soldiers in succession.

The rebel cavalry carried knives and guns at the same time, slashing the golden soldiers wantonly. Five thousand golden soldiers caught off guard and was in chaos. The golden soldiers in front blew the trumpets and called the police again and again, but they were shot and killed by a sudden round of arrows. The golden soldiers in the rear also encountered a large number of besieged rebels, and suffered heavy casualties in an instant. As soon as the five-thousand civilian husband saw that there was a war, he lay down his food, grass and herd and ran away. The escort officer Xiao Zhong also wanted to bring dozens of guards to stop the people from escaping, but they couldn't stop the people from escaping, and the people quickly ran away.

At this time, Zhao Bangjie led the five hundred cavalry into the Golden Army team obliquely, like a sharp arrow, fiercely and accurately dividing the five thousand cavalry of the Jinbing into two.

"Kill! Kill the golden dog! Recover my rivers and mountains!" Zhao Bangjie was bloodied and took the lead, leading the five hundred cavalry to roar and smashed the Jin Bing team.

Xiao Zhong, the escort officer of the Golden Army, who could no longer prevent the escape of the civilians, took his own guards and furiously counterattacked the rebels, trying to block the five hundred rebel cavalry. Zhao Bangjie was not afraid of it, and never moved forward. If their impact is blocked, they can no longer cut a fatal knife on the wound of the Golden Soldier. Once the Golden Army's five thousand cavalry condenses, its powerful power is not at all that 20,000 infantry rebels can withstand.

This time, Zhao Bangjie brought his family of five hundred cavalry soldiers to work desperately. His eyes were red when he encountered so much food and grass in the Great Luck. As long as you have this batch of grain and grass, and save a little bit of food, it will be enough for hundreds of thousands of people to eat for three or four months. There were three or four months of grain and grass, and the Rebels didn't need to worry about grain and grass for the time being even when they arrived in the Taihang Mountains.

"Kill! Kill!" Zhao Bangjie slashed at a golden soldier general, roaring like a tiger. When the two horses were at odds with each other, the enemy's spear pierced Zhao Bangjie's ribs like lightning.

The shot that flew, Zhao Bangjie ignored it, and just shot the knife quickly. The lightning was slashed in an instant, Zhao Bangjie shouted violently, and the long knife thunderously slashed, sinking vigorously, and its speed was incredible.

He only heard the screaming and miserable howls of General Jin, and half of his body flew into the air. The spear stopped as soon as it pierced into Zhao Bangjie's chest, and then fell into the chaotic hoof with the half of his body, and instantly there was no bones left.

"The one who blocks me, die! Kill!" Zhao Bangjie rode his horse like flying, his bloody long sword was like a lightning bolt, and the person who blocked him was invincible. Facing Zhao Bangjie, all the golden soldiers had no strength to fight back, and they retreated one after another.

"Woo...!" Exciting horns were heard one after another, and there was a sudden wave of killings everywhere. Teams of cavalry and infantry were like a violent wind rolled up on the ground, carrying the sky full of yellow sand and dust, and killing them all over the sky.

Chief Liu Xi, Chief Wu Feng, and Chief Liu Sange rushed to the Jin Bing with their respective men and horses. Wang Jin and Zhao Qing'er led the Xinwang princes' barracks and attacked the Jinbing back formation. While Ma Zheng commanded a large number of infantry soldiers to besieged and killed the Golden Soldiers. The Golden Soldiers were surrounded on all sides and could not escape with their wings.

Everywhere was the sound of majestic horns and thunderous hoofs. The tidal wave of shouts roared from far and near. With hatred and anger against Jin Bing, the soldiers of the rebel army bravely killed Jin Bing.

Teams of rebel cavalry appeared, like mountains and seas, wherever they passed, there was only a mess and the corpses of the golden soldiers.

Facing the siege from all sides, the Golden Soldiers were in chaos. This was so sudden, they never thought that the Rebels would be ambushing behind this hill. For a long time, they were chasing and killing the Song gangsters, encircling and suppressing the rebels. How could I think that they had turned upside down today, was ambushed by the rebels, and surrounded and killed by the mobs of people of the Song Dynasty.

The arrogant Jurchens seem to be unable to accept this fact, they are still surprised, still wondering, and have not yet woken up from their previous victories. Facing the rebels rushing from all directions, they panicked and hurriedly challenged.

Among the Golden Soldiers, many people even think that they still have enough force to defeat this gang of rebel anti-thief.

However, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. The Jurchens soon discovered that their situation was very bad. Their Majun commander was killed by the anti-thief as soon as they fought, and then the battlefield was cut off, unable to look at each other from end to end. The food transport officer was also surrounded by the center, and the Jurchen who had lost their command had to fight on their own, planning to rush out of the battlefield at the fastest speed and flee to a nearby city.

"Enclose them, none of them can let go." Ma Zheng saw that the Khitan people were unwilling to fight, and they fleeed to the northwest, hurriedly blew the trumpet, and ordered his men to chase and intercept at all costs.

The horn was blew "Woo", but the soldiers in each camp turned a deaf ear to how they should be played or how they should be played, and they didn't listen at all.

The rebels were also made up of civilians who had not undergone formal military training, and they fought violently, and there were no rules at all in the war. Fortunately, the Jurchens were flustered at the moment, and the main purpose was to escape, and the formation broke up as soon as they escaped.

This is the most important reason, the strength of the Golden Soldier was greatly reduced, and the rebels who were besieged up in a blink of an eye became entangled. Rebel soldiers besieged and killed the Golden Soldiers one by one and succeeded frequently.

Seeing that a group of enemy horses was about to rush out of the encirclement, Ma Zheng yelled with anger. He was full of white hair, still leading the guard soldiers to stop the golden soldiers who broke through.

The Jurchen cavalry that Ma Zheng intercepted cooperated tacitly. Some people blocked the enemy and some shot arrows. Before Ma Zheng's men could get close to them, they had already lost more than 30 people.

Seeing that many of the brothers had died, Ma Zheng raised his wooden spear and shot it horizontally in the air, with a scream in his mouth. The guard soldiers understood, fanned out, outflanked the two wings, and moved forward in a blink of an eye.

The soldiers of the rebels bent their bows to shoot, not at people, but at horses. The golden soldiers were hit by arrows from several war horses, and the enemy soldiers behind them fell sharply. At this time, the lasso fluttered in the air, and the enemy soldiers were caught off guard, and they were sacked by a group of Mazheng Guards.