Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 112: messenger


Under the whimsy of Zhao Zhen's modern super ghost special forces head, Zhao Zhen has designed a lot of strange cold weapons that are easy to fight. In fact, it is not only for the victory in battle, but also for satisfying the ability of one's own army. In his army, many fighters are not inferior to the capabilities of modern ordinary special forces.

Zhao Zhen's own strength is unimaginable, but even if Zhao Zhen is powerful now, he is alone. Even if it is a myth, a person is a person, and a person's power is limited! So he needs countless powerful army soldiers and soldiers behind him. Moreover, it is a well-armed elite division, a decisive and brave division.

"How is my new gun made?" Zhao Zhen asked. His own best weapon is the Guanghua Double Sword, but no matter how long the sword is, it is also a short weapon. His own guns, even steel guns made of pure steel, were often damaged in battle. After all, during the gallop, Zhao Zhen wanted to kill the enemy through armor and shield. No matter how good the steel is, it can't stand such a powerful hedge.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen had to fight a new weapon, a sharp gun no less than Guanghua Double Sword. To this end, Zhao Zhen personally drew a drawing, and also deliberately got all kinds of additional metals and substances, and wrote the order information before and after adding various substances and metals for the craftsmen to create. After all, there are days, but he hasn't seen his sharp spear. The one he built now has thousands of people, and it has also built a high-temperature furnace. For this arsenal that has no problems with coking and steelmaking, it is just a gun. Although it is an alloy gun, its efficiency is a bit low.

"It's mainly the mold, because the master's painting is too delicate, it is not easy to make a suitable mold..." the craftsman explained. Zhao Zhen also knows this. The drawings he drew are too detailed. As a qualified super ghost special soldier, Zhao Zhen has a good hand in painting, and this is the case. This makes his paintings so good that His weapon model was too late to make.

"Try to be as fast as possible, I want me to use it next time I play." Zhao Zhen is not interested in knowing how difficult this is. He only asked the result and said.

Now that he knew the weapon building process, at least he wouldn't delay his expedition, which was enough to reassure him. At this moment, the guard Liu Yunshan came. He lay next to Zhao Zhen's ear and muttered a few words to Zhao Zhen in a low voice.

Zhao Zhen was startled and secretly said: "He's here? Didn't you hear the wind? But the secret of Li Yanxian's coming, even if the wind is exposed, it won't be so fast, obviously not. But if it happens to be here at this time, then what? What a coincidence? Forget it, it’s important to see people." Zhao Zhen said: "How many people are they here?" Liu Yunshan said: "In addition to the 15th Cavalry Guards, there are two envoys and deputy envoys."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "It seems that Zhang Jun was jealous when he saw our siege of the city. The visitors are not good! Forget it, let them in. In any case, they are all official people of Song Dynasty, in name. Our boss. But what should be kept secret must be kept secret!"

At this moment, as the messenger Han Feng Zuo sent by Zhang Jun, he looked at the broad city wall that was inexplicably multiplied in front of him in a complicated mood. He who has been to Zhongtiao Mountain before, knows that this former city wall didn't exist before. The construction of the city wall only started half a year ago, and it was built before Jinquan invaded. It seemed that the construction of such a deep and long city wall should not be able to be built so quickly.

But this is how it appeared, what kind of power can make this tall and long city wall emerge from this ground in a very short period of time. What is hidden behind this wall! For Han Fengzuo, everything is a mystery.

Through the information Zhang Jun showed him about the situation of Xin Wangjun in Zhongtiao Mountain, he knew deeply that Xin Wangjun was powerful.

Inside and outside the tower, teams of caravans came with food and money, and left with all kinds of rare mirrors and glass, perfume, soap, sanitary napkins, pencils, and bone products.

The King of Letters has treasures, so the big merchants in the south would rather buy through the various levels and government, but also buy the special products and even the most precious mirrors of King Kings of Letters, various colors and transparent glass. As a result, they are now with King King of Letters. The great merchants of the army returned to the whole area occupied by the Southern Song Army, and officials from various places protected them, and a complete protection chain had been formed. Nowadays, even Master Zhang Jun, who is loyal to the emperor, knows that Dashang and Xinwangjun can't stop the transaction. It can be seen that Dashang is very powerful. Some are even large merchants directly established by local officials.

Han Feng moved slightly in his left heart. He knew that Emperor Zhao Gou was at odds with Xin Wang Zhao Zhen. Regarding this matter, even though Emperor Zhao Gou and the ministers pressed it harder, the slightest bit of it was still felt. Just as Emperor Zhao Gou could not have such secrets as his descendants, there are probably very few people below who don't know.

But now it seems that Zhao Zhen is very control over his own territory. It can be said that although he eats a large amount of food, he has not met his requirements. He is collecting food in a planned and quantitative manner, and the facts have proved that it is different from Zhao Gou of the Peace-seeking School. What the letter king Zhao Zhen really values is to fight against the gold to the end and expel the golden soldiers.

Although the weak Song Army still has a certain amount of combat effectiveness, most of the soldiers have not experienced war. If there is a fight again, the Song Army behind may lose a lot. Of course, Zhang Jun, who is very talented and ignorant of reality, believes that if they lead an army to fight against the Golden Army, after their army has suffered a great loss, they can defeat the Golden Army with more than 300,000 troops deployed by Sichuan and Shu. military.

At this time, the most important thing for Song State was to resist the invasion of the Golden Soldiers and quickly restore national strength. At this time, whether it seemed like the powerful Jin Army, or the Xinwang Army that was developing and growing, the two powerful forces were not what Zhao Gou wanted to see. Zhang Jun will naturally implement Zhao Gou's ideas, and he has to find a way.

Therefore, Zhang Jun thought that he was smart and came up with a smart way. He had a new idea, which was to let the Jin Army and Xin Wang Army fight thoroughly as soon as possible, and it was a decisive battle. Rather than saying that this time Han Fengzuo came for a battle that has not yet been fought, it is better to say that he was ordered by Zhang Jun to force the Shitiaoshan Xin Wangjun to continue to fight!

Zhongtiao Mountain Gao Pang is a registered general who belongs to the commanding position of the Great Song Army. Although he is in the army of the King of Letters, he is subordinate to King of Letters, but Zhang Jun can still command him in name. In Zhang Jun's psychology, the best thing is to force Gao Pang's Xinwang army to fight at this time and fight Jinbing decisively. The best outcome is that both lose and lose, and will be half-dead. Of course, the most perfect result is that the King of Believe beats the Jin Jun to a single breath, and all the King of Belief is also killed by the King.

For Zhang Jun and especially Zhao Gou, this is the best result. In this case, Song State can restore its national strength with peace of mind. Don't worry about the seizure of the King of Letters and the invasion of the Golden Army. After all, the current Song State has lost a lot of land under Zhao Gou's wise escape and the Jin State army's all-out invasion. With the people fleeing one after another, the Song Dynasty abandoned a large amount of land, and the national power declined rapidly.

Originally, Han Fengzuo was still a little disapproved of the strength of Xin Wang Jun, thinking that people's rumors were not credible. The Xinwang Army is just an army composed of some grass bandits, remnants, and common people. It only defeats some local golden army with poor combat effectiveness, and its strength is probably not that powerful.

But when he saw the sudden appearance of the tall city wall that stretched for tens of miles, he sighed that it was terrible to believe in Wang Jun. In this short period of time, a city and a force have developed into this state. With the addition of the soldiers and horses occupied by the commander-in-chief in the north, if it really gives him three to five years of development, how much is it? Wouldn't it be a powerful golden country again? It seems that Master Zhang Jun's idea is still right, and they must be forced to fight between the two armies!

At this moment, the main gate of the city gate in the middle of the side door from which the merchants entered and exited opened, and a sentinel quickly left the city. Among them, Li Yuxuan, who is the highest civil official of Bluestone City, but who is still white at Zhao Gou, strode forward in person and said, "Yuxuan has seen Master Han!"

Li Yuxuan is a well-known local scholar and a leader in organizing hundreds of thousands of people in the local Shiliba Villages. Therefore, he is very famous in the local area. Han Fengzuo not only knew him, but also met him. He looked at this original little scholar, but now he became an official who believed in the king's army. In fact, his status was not inferior to himself, even higher than himself. Han Feng left can't help feeling the great changes in the world.

Han Feng clasped his fist to the left and said, "Lord Li, don’t come here unscathed. I haven’t seen him for a long time, but now he has become a celebrity who believes in the king’s thousand years of age. It’s gratifying!" Li Yuxuan shook his head and laughed. Where did Han Feng know his faith in Wang Dazhi, he smiled. He said: "Where is it! Master Han, please come in. Master Gao is waiting! Please."

Han Feng nodded left, and as Li Yuxuan walked into the city, he said to the deputy envoy beside him and a nearby county official as he walked: "How long have you not been here?" The county official smiled bitterly, "My lord, Subordinate officials are not officials who believe in the king's army! Don't care about believing in the king's army." As he said, he wiped his sweat. How could he, a small county magistrate, dare to write to Wang Jun to ask for trouble instead of asking for death

Xin Wang Qiansui even hated the emperor for fear of him robbing the throne, but he did not dare to say that Xin Wang was a rebellion and built an army privately, and he also named Xin Wang a Hebei commander. In fact, a small county magistrate can provoke him? In addition, the letter Wang Jun was engaged in the cause of protecting the environment and the people, expelling the golden soldiers, and at most adding some business contacts. That's all, why should he be troubled by a little magistrate!

Therefore, as to Han Feng's question, the little magistrate, who is also a guide and deputy envoy, had no choice but to smile back. Han Feng Zuo also woke up and couldn't help but pat his forehead, laughing. He smiled, but saw the inner walls surrounded by blocks. The inner walls were all earthen walls of mud buildings. They rose quickly and easily. They came up all at once, blocking some places, except for the earth walls. There are simple wooden walls, all obstructing the line of sight.

Han Feng watched carefully, there were all kinds of walls everywhere, and there seemed to be some things that were not allowed to be seen. There are a lot of these buildings, and he deliberately stepped forward to look at them, but there were soldiers who believed in the king's army. Obviously, it was not too easy to go over and check them out. Originally, he wanted to ask Li Yuxuan, he wanted to let Li Yuxuan take a look with him based on his name. But Li Yuxuan didn't say anything about his question, just moved forward quickly to lead the way, but didn't say a word that was unnecessary.

However, Han Feng Zuo still saw something he wanted to see. It was in the valley facing each other. A team of cavalry was riding on horseback to slash and assassinate, and a team of cavalry on horseback shooting arrows at the target. Archery on horseback

From a distance, the uniform movements, the vigorous fighting morale, and the swift and aggressive assassinations all show that the army drilled in the opposite valley is a powerful force!

Han Feng took a look at the number of people. It was about a few thousand. He immediately said, "Master Li, are those soldiers you are planning to attack the Golden Army? They are really powerful!"

Li Yuxuan looked at it and said, "Yes... No, they are still recruits and need to be tempered."

Hearing his words, Han Feng Zuo Haoxian didn't scream, and said, "This? Such a strong army is a recruit? It really needs to be tempered? I can't blame it for hearing that your army has repeatedly defeated the Jin army. It is really powerful."

But after a while, Han Fengzuo was even more surprised when he saw the imposing castle fortress. This fortress is simply a castle, a small military fortress. It is tall and majestic, standing on the mountain with its back leaning on the mountain, as if sitting on the mountain and looking down at everything underneath.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen, who was pretending to be tall and full of beards, greeted her. Zhao Zhen came to meet Han Feng Zuo, wearing short casual clothes dressed as a black martial artist.

Looking at this person in front of him, there was a rare domineering spirit, and he was walking and sprinting, his eyes were like electricity, and he was obviously a martial arts expert. Han Fengzuo remembered that when he saw the portrait sent by the spy sent by Zhang Jun, when he saw Zhao Zhen with his face and beard pretending to be a high-pitched man, he thought he was a villager in the mountains. But he didn't expect that Zhao Zhen's true face turned out to be this way, and he couldn't help laughing.

The two walked closer and then saluted each other. The two laughed at each other, and Zhao Zhen stepped forward enthusiastically: "I didn't expect the adults to come to Bicheng, Gao Pang is really honored!"

Han Feng smiled left and said: "Where is the next official Han Feng left, you can see that your General Gao commander army is still so prosperous while fighting against the gold, this officer is also very happy!" The two said it was another meal. laughing out loud! Zhao Zhenxin said, "Is this guy a fox? He was so unkind, but he was so hypocritical." Han Feng said to the left, "The high general on the opposite side is not a rash man, but a shrewd guy?"

The two smiled, and Zhao Zhen hurriedly said: "Master Han, let's go inside and talk." Zhao Zhen stretched out his hand to invite, and the group went directly into the bluestone fortress. Zhao Zhen didn't pull them to welcome the guests in the lobby because there were round tables and chairs. These things were used by Zhao Zhen to receive people close to him. But for the officials of the Song Dynasty, they didn't get used to it. Zhao Zhen smiled and introduced the two into the Pian Hall, where the Eight Immortals Table and the Grand Master Chair were set up. At the moment, a maid lighted the incense, and soon afterwards, tea was brought up.

After the courtesy, Han Feng was about to insert the whole left, he turned his eyes, pointed to the two-foot-square mirrors on the wall, and laughed loudly: "Oh, this is a well-known mirror! It is really good. Things are countless times clearer than copper mirrors, and they will show up at the slightest! I think there are so many good things here in General Gao. Otherwise, you wouldn’t build walls everywhere to surround everything. I hear it very much inside. It’s lively, but there are sergeants guarding the door..."

He was about to say what he wanted to see inside, but Zhao Zhen didn't say anything about it, but asked himself: "Yes, what is it for Master Han who came to our land this time?"

Han Feng paused for a moment. He was a man of knowledge, and of course he understood that Zhao Zhen was forcibly interrupting the topic, and he didn't want to say it, let alone show him the things in the wall.

Han Feng Zuo bluntly said: "The next official came this time for the general offensive of General Gao He Libing against the Jin Army! Now General Gao has a large number of soldiers, and his momentum is like a rainbow. Why did he stop in the small Jiangzhou? Not going forward?"

Without waiting for Han Feng to say more, Zhao Zhenxian said: "I am already scheduled to formally send troops next month, and I am ready to attack the Golden Army again!" Han Feng stayed left, or he didn't expect it to be just next month. Zhao Zhen will send troops again!

Wasn't it that the Jinbing gathered a 100,000 Han army and the commander-in-chief Liu Lin, son of Liu Yu, came to support Jindu Wanyan Jam's mother? What I said just now was just a casual comment. Why did this person with a higher surname dared to take the initiative to launch an offensive against the Golden Army, which had significantly more troops? Is he lying to himself

He didn't understand or understand what Zhao Zhen said. "Actually, speaking of it, I am also deliberately discussing with Lord Zhang regarding the next development of Wang Jun’s belief in Wang Jun, but now it seems that we don’t need to be so anxious. Now that Lord Han is here on behalf of Lord Zhang, we I'll talk about it after lunch in the afternoon!" Zhao Zhen asked with concern, "How do you like it?"

Although he was full of doubts, and did not know whether the other party was telling the truth, Han Feng had to say: "That's fine!" Having said that, he said: "I heard that General Gao has been in a short period of more than half a year. It's really a great method to batch recruits to train into the army, but I don't know how you can train such a strong soldier!"

Next, Han Feng's true purpose for saying this was revealed. He said: "I think of your school military field watching the training, I don't know if it's OK!"

"No! Believe in the king's strict order, no one can explore the secret of my belief in the army's training, and those who violate the order will make a decision!" Zhao Zhen flatly refused, this is nothing else, military training, factory production, this is his most confidential thing. Especially Zhao Zhen's method of training soldiers. Zhao Zhen's current training method is countless times ahead of the time. Once he learns it from others, it will be worth it? With more than 900 years of time, Zhao Zhen's training methods for the army have been tempered and customized, which is far from what the army of the old age can match.