Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 13: Plan to earn Leping City


In the rebel tent, the leaders of the rebel leaders were very excited and talked endlessly. Only a small part of the five thousand elite soldiers escaped. The rebels wiped out at least three thousand people. This is the first time that the Rebels have wiped out so many enemies in one battle.

At this time, Ma Zheng and Zhao Bangjie became the objects of praise, of course, the King of Letters Qiansui was the object of everyone's pursuit. A large amount of grains and thousands of war horses have now been seized. At this time, the rebels picked up a huge bargain, and of course they were smiling.

Zhao Zhen didn't want to listen to everyone's unhealthy flattery. He turned around and fell asleep for a while. When I woke up, I saw Shuang'er chatting with Zhao Qing'er. At this time, Zhao Qing'er was gentle and well-behaved, with a beautiful face, how comfortable he looked.

"Hey, I saved you twice, how do you plan to thank me?" Zhao Zhen looked at the beauty in front of her, and started to pick up girls in front of her princess and Shuang'er.

"Thank you." Zhao Qing'er was in a much better mood, with a smile on her face, Jiao said, "What do you want to eat? I'll let my mother make it for you when I go back."

Zhao Zhen said, "I saved you twice. There is no credit and hard work, so you can send me some donkey meat and horsemeat?" Zhao Qinger pursed her mouth and immediately replied: "His Royal Highness, that princely camp It’s yours. I will help you lead the army and fight for you. I suffer and suffer, but the credit is yours. What should I do?"

Zhao Qing'er's words suddenly choked Zhao Zhen and panicked. He felt a little unhappy in his heart. The guard camp said that it was his own, but in fact they were all soldiers and horses given by Zhao Bangjie, and all he had listened to was what Zhao Bangjie said. But I can't say this clearly, I can't say that I'm still a puppet lord.

Seeing Zhao Zhen deflated, Princess Shuang'er hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, don't be angry, don't be angry...!" Shuang'er patted Zhao Qing'er's face and motioned to her to say something nice.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, so let's go, Your Highness, what you say you want, I will give you what." "Really?" Zhao Zhen turned anger into joy, and immediately became energetic.

"What do you want?" Zhao Qing'er felt a little nervous when he saw his enthusiasm. This believer won't make any bad ideas again, right

"I want you." Zhao Zhen smiled, looking like a wolf seeing the sheep, as if he was afraid that Zhao Qinger would not hear it, and immediately said it again: "You can just agree with your body, so as not to worry about it all day. This king is very kind in repaying his favor."

Zhao Qinger's jade face was flushed instantly, she was embarrassed, her apricot eyes widened, and her anger was furious. "You say it again?" Zhao Zhen laughed and said, "I'll marry you."

Zhao Qing'er clenched her teeth, her face flushed with embarrassment. "You! You!" Zhao Qing'er couldn't say anything, turned around and ran out.

"Lord! You are so blunt, how do let the eldest girl say it! Ha ha, people are too embarrassed to say if they are willing. Let me do this, and I will have multiple younger sisters in the future." Shuang'er hid his mouth and smiled.

"My virtuous and good princess!" Zhao Zhen hugged the twins' bodies, and put them in his quilt...

The battle was over. After cleaning all the belongings on the battlefield, the rebels began to withdraw, bypassing the Huangfeng Mountain village, and chasing the hundreds of thousands of people who were heading towards the Taihang Mountain.

Zhao Zhen was walking forward with several guards. Suddenly, there was a noise nearby, and then someone screamed: "I am a Han, I am a Han, don't kill me..."

"Stop, stop..." Zhao Zhen hurriedly called to a stop. "Zhao Xiaodao, go and see..." He called the name of a guard named Zhao Xiaodao and asked him to go over and see what was going on.

Not long, Zhao Xiaodao came back. It turned out that someone among the prisoners of the Jinbing recognized a high-ranking official, and Wu Feng, the leader of the rebel army who was in charge of detention, had to behead his head if he pulled it out without saying anything.

This group of rebels are simply pig heads! I didn't even know that such a thing as the killing of the senior officer Jinbing would be heard. Zhao Zhen was angry and immediately asked Zhao Xiaodao to bring the man over.

Soon, Zhao Xiaodao walked over with a young man with blood on his face. "Chisui, I heard that he is the son of Gao Baoshan, the defender of Leping City, and his name is Gao Yunfei." Zhao Xiaodao approached Zhao Zhen and said in a low voice.

Hearing what Zhao Xiaodao said, Zhao Zhen became interested in Gao Yunfei. The son of Leping City Guardian General, and he is also a Han Chinese, that's not easy. This person is very valuable, and the value is not low.

Gao Yunfei was stunned and unbelievable when he heard Zhao Xiaodao call Qiansui. The boy in front of him is the rebel commander who opposes Jin Bing? Is it the King of Letters who escaped from under the eyes of Jin Bing? Is it Zhao Zhen who has been going viral recently? Nowadays, Han people all over the north are singing, saying that the king will come, the heavenly soldiers will come, kill the golden dog, and restore the rivers and mountains. This boy is the one who is determined to restore Da Songhe Mountain to the King

"You follow me." At first glance, this guy is a kind of fear of death, and it is easy to deal with fear of death. Zhao Zhen is too lazy to talk about this easy-to-handle high-value "goods", "No one dares to kill you."

Gao Yunfei hadn't recovered from the surprise, his eyes still stared at Zhao Zhen. Zhao Xiaodao pushed him a bit and said, "Hurry up. If you are lucky today, if you take a step later, your head will be gone."

His words reminded Gao Yunfei of his own situation, and he saw his Nono repeatedly, following Zhao Zhen, not daring to leave. These anti-thieves are vagrants and bandits who kill people without blinking. They are still watching carefully, saving their lives first.

At this time, Shuang'er and Zhao Qing'er came with a bag of food, and the second daughter was surprised to see that a young man suddenly appeared beside Zhao Zhen.

Gao Yunfei had washed his face by the river just now, his white face looked very pale. He was also surprised to see the two daughters of Shuang'er and Zhao Qing'er, and was immediately attracted by their looks. It seems that these two are women who believe in the king, they are so beautiful, especially the girl in the military uniform, sassy and heroic, and the beautiful face is so beautiful.

I don't know what Shuang'er said to Zhao Qing'er. Now Zhao Qing'er has changed his attitude towards Zhao Zhen again. I saw Zhao Qing'er sitting next to Zhao Zhen, tearing up the food a little bit, and then stuffing it into his mouth. She acted softly and tenderly, with a charming and charming expression. Where is the slightest female worm going crazy

At this time, Gao Yunfei watched secretly, Zhao Qing'er's delicate appearance made his eyes straight. Zhao Xiaodao glanced at him, sighed, and another birdman cheated. After you see the mother bug go crazy, you are guaranteed to avoid it, and never dare to make any mistakes.

Zhao Zhen stopped after taking a few bites, because he was in pain now. Today, because of the sudden use of force during the battle yesterday, he was a little weakened. The spear magical skill he used yesterday is not something ordinary people can perform. It requires extremely strong explosive power and physical endurance to use it.

Although Zhao Zhen's body has been training, but the strength of the body can not be exercised in a short while. His body is still a bit worse than using the explosive decisive spear technique. Once the overload is used, the sequelae will appear immediately.

Seeing Zhao Zhen's pain, Zhao Qing'er was heartbroken, staring at Zhao Xiaodao, getting more and more angry. "Knife..." Zhao Xiaodao was startled, his vest was cold, and his hairs suddenly stood upright. He bowed his head and smiled, "General Zhao..."

When Gao Yunfei heard the words "General Zhao", he suddenly thought of a woman in the rebel army, his face suddenly changed. Could she be Zhao Qing'er, the mother-in-chief of the Rebel Army's Xinwang Battalion

Zhao Qing'er stretched out a finger, hooked at Zhao Xiaodao, a sly smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Zhao Xiaodao changed color in amazement and turned around and ran away. Zhao Qing'er jumped up, caught up in three or two steps, kicked him down with one kick, then punched and kicked, violently beaten.

She shouted loudly: "I told you to protect Chitose. It's good for you to let His Royal Highness commit the danger before the two armies. In case something goes wrong with His Highness, the whole rebel army will be lost. You whole bastard!" "My Zhao Qing'er's face is completely lost to you. The guards of the King's soldiers do not protect the King. What do you want to do? I'm so angry, so angry..."

At this moment, Gao Yunfei looked silly, and couldn't help but curled up his neck, quietly hiding aside. Such a beautiful woman, who dares to endure it

"Forget it, forget..." Zhao Zhen hurried to be a good man, "I am going to the front of the two armies. Without the help of a knife, I will dress up and continue to protect the flag. How can I save you? Speaking of it, the knife is your help. Benefactor."

It's okay not to say this, but it adds fuel to the fire. Zhao Qing'er turned her head abruptly, and cursed angrily: "Savior? Still agreeing with your body? Humph!" After that, he kicked Zhao Xiaodao's belly. , Angrily left.

Shuang'er smiled and watched this scene, sticking out his tongue at Zhao Zhen, and immediately chased Zhao Qing'er. It seems that she is doing a good job, and in a while she will be able to hold Zhao Qing'er this thorny rose. Zhao Zhen looked at Shuang'er, thinking that her original partner, who was virtuous, had nothing to say. She worked so hard to find a wife for her husband, and she was a rare woman with a big belly. Worthy of being a decent princess, his original wife.

At this time, Zhao Xiaodao held his stomach and screamed, crying without tears. The other guards looked at him, but didn't dare to laugh. After all, Zhao Xiaodao was the chief guard sent by Zhao Bangjie himself, and he was also related to Zhao Bangjie, which was higher than the other guards. Otherwise, can Zhao Bangjie let him be the chief guard of Zhao Zhen's Chitose

Zhao Qing'er and Shuang'er both left, and the bag of food was still here. Zhao Zhen asked Zhao Xiaodao to give Gao Yunfei to eat. This person is of great use value, and he can't be starved to death. Zhao Xiaodao was not happy, a golden dog general who killed the people of the Song Dynasty. It is a great gift not to cut his head. It is unreasonable to give him good food and drink, but Chitose has orders and dare not listen.

Gao Yunfei saw the guards around him staring at him, how could he dare to eat? Zhao Zhen's sudden benevolence left her own life. There must be a reason for this. He was anxious about it, not to mention eating, even the water could not be swallowed.

"Don't worry about eating, I won't kill you." Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "Knife, get him some water." Zhao Xiaodao is so angry, Lao Tzu waits for you, and His Royal Highness is willing to wait for this golden dog, bird thief, and all of you. No. He pretended not to hear, and went aside.

Zhao Zhen was angry and embarrassed when he saw what this guy said to him. It would be good for a fellow like Zhao Xiaodao to serve Hou Zhao Zhen with a background similar to a bandit. Is it possible to ask him to serve Hou Jinbing's enemies

Gao Yunfei was scared at this time. He saw Zhao Xiaodao breathing fire in his eyes, and he wanted to eat him. If it made him feel bad, he would chop my head while Zhao Zhen was not paying attention, and I would die in vain. He didn't dare not eat it, and quickly gobbled it up. To be honest, I'm really hungry. It's harder to run away than to fight. In the past, when I was at home, I was pampered. How could you ever experience such suffering

"Have you eaten?" Zhao Zhen couldn't hear the sound of swallowing. It is estimated that Gao Yunfei had finished eating, and asked casually. Gao Yunfei stiffened, and said quickly: "Eat...I'm full..."

Zhao Zhen said: "Don't be afraid, I won't kill you. When you arrive at Leping City, you write a letter and shoot into the city, telling your father, and asking your father to redeem you. However, the longer you stay with me, Longer, the higher the price, and the risk of life, so I told him to move faster and save you as soon as possible."

Gao Yunfei reacted extremely quickly, and when he heard this, his eyes immediately showed joy. Zhao Zhen, the King of Letters, is a prince, she is a complete bandit. He even kidnapped for extortion, but also blatantly extorted.

Hearing that he could be redeemed by his father, he was immediately grateful and said: "The general of Leping City is my father. As long as I write a letter, he will redeem me immediately."

Zhao Zhen smiled slightly, "Quickly, call them, come right now..." shouted at Zhao Xiaodao and his guards, "Quickly..." Zhao Xiaodao was startled and asked, "His Majesty Chitose, is for the army. Chief?"

"Yes, yes..." Zhao Zhen waved and urged, and turned his head to look at Gao Yunfei with a look of horror, with a joke in his eyes, "Tell me, how much can you sell?"

Gao Yunfei couldn't guess Zhao Zhen's mind, but he suddenly had a bad premonition, a premonition that was more terrifying than death...

Leping city defender Gao Baoshan led a group of Jin Guo civil and military officials panting up to the tower. At this time, the horns outside the city soared into the sky, and the sound of rumbling war drums one after another, a golden cavalry was struggling to advance, and the rebels could not resist it and fled in all directions. From a distance, the army of golden soldiers is like a sharp sword, overcoming thorns, and invincible.

The golden soldiers on the tower were very excited, one by one raised their weapons high and cheered. The reinforcements finally came, Gao Baolong smiled at each other with the officials, and gave a high-five to congratulate him.

Soon, this iron cavalry rushed past the company camp of the rebels and headed straight for the city. It can be seen very clearly now that this army has more than two thousand riders, and the knights are covered in blood immediately, and they have obviously gone through a tragic fight. The golden army battle flags that danced in the wind were mostly stained with blood and dilapidated, which shows the intensity of the previous battle.

A team of cavalry speeded up and galloped down the city first. At the moment, one person took off his pocket and shouted at the city: "Daddy, my child is ordered by the Marshal's Mansion to come and support, please open the city gate quickly..."

Gao Baoshan looked closely, and Huo Ran discovered that it was his son Gao Yunfei. His son Gao Yunfei served in the army, and he was able to lead his troops into the rebel camp, and he grew up.

Seeing that it was his son, Gao Baoshan, who was relieved, didn't doubt it anymore. While giving orders to open the city gate to welcome reinforcements, he shouted Gao Yunfei's name and asked about the situation. Gao Yunfei yelled, "Daddy, wait for the child to go in and talk about it..."

The city gate slowly opened, and reinforcements from outside the city swarmed in. Gao Baoshan saw Gao Yunfei from a distance, beckoning and shouting: "Where is the Lord?"

The horse was galloping, and Gao Yunfei arrived in an instant surrounded by a group of cavalry. At this time, Gao Yunfei's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of guilt and pain.

A cavalry rushed to the front of Gao Baoshan, holding a bloody saber in one hand and raising a head in the other, and said coldly: "He is here?"

Gao Baoshan suddenly widened his eyes, and flew a net bag into the air. Before Gao Baoshan could react, he was covered by a net bag. At this time, Gao Yunfei shouted: "Don't resist, father, don't resist, the rebels won't kill us."

"Shoo, hoo..." The crossbow arrow screamed, shooting at the golden army crowd like rain. The officers and men of the Kingdom of Jin who came to greet him were caught off guard and shot arrows on the spot. Several of the largest Jin Guo officials were the first to bear the brunt. Their bodies were immediately pierced by dozens of crossbow arrows, and they all died without humming.

"Grab the tower, hurry, hurry..." Zhao Songyong opened his pocket, revealing a murderous face, and shouted, "Brothers, kill it..."

"Kill..." The rebels roared like thunder, surrendering their lives to follow, and roar in. The Jin Jun above and below the city looked stupidly, not knowing what had happened. Isn't this reinforcement? Why did they fight each other? When I was still thinking about it, the rebels had already come up, and they cut with their swords. The screaming screams and the spray of blood awakened them suddenly. This was the enemy, not the reinforcements, but the wolf in sheep's clothing, and the Great Song Yijun wearing the golden army clothes.

"Woo..." The horn of the alarm sounded suddenly, and the Jin Jun who woke up immediately began to counterattack. This is not a joke. If the anti-thief is allowed to come in, the whole city will immediately flow into a river of blood, and all the golden people will lose their heads.

The gate of the city was opened, and the rebel cavalry surged, like a hurricane rolled up on the ground, it was overwhelming.

Ma Zheng’s first force rushed Zhang Ying into the city gate and shouted wildly: "Vengeance for the old folks who were slaughtered by the golden dog, revenge for the dead brothers, kill, kill all the golden dogs..." After that, kill the center of the city directly.

Liu Xi also rushed into the city gate, and with his iron cavalry, he hurried in along the north and south streets. Outside the city, tens of thousands of rebel soldiers and strong men rolled in like a tide, and the sound of killings was earth-shaking, gradually submerging and devouring Leping City...

At dusk, Zhao Zhen entered Leping City. At this moment, the rebels are attacking the East City. In the East City, some nobles, officials, and some wealthy and powerful people of the Golden Kingdom lived here. As long as the East City was captured, the Rebels would even grab a treasure trove.

The military commanders such as Ma Zheng, Zhao Bangjie and others gathered together to discuss the attack strategy. Because they were worried that the army of Taiyuan Mansion might reinforce Leping at any time, they planned to attack overnight and try to take the East City before dawn, then looted all the money and materials, killed all the people, and finally burned the East City and retreated. To Dashan.