Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 2: Fleeing and being caught again


Zhao Zhen knew what happened to King Xin that he had traveled through, and the army of King Xin Zhao Zhen was finally destroyed by the Jin army. It is said that Zhao Gou killed Zhao Zhen in order to flatter the golden soldiers and eradicate the King of Letters who threatened his throne. Of course, these are things from now on. The Zhao family and some ministers have just been captured by the Kingdom of Jin.

Song Huizong, Song Qinzong and Song Dynasty concubines, clan families, and officials totaling more than 3,000 people were captured by the Jin army and went north. Now, the disaster of Jingkang has been happening for several months.

The Jingkang incident was a shame to the Zhao family. The entire Zhao family was tortured, killed, mutilated, and enslaved by the golden men. I just don't know what I can do to save the Zhao family after I crossed the body of King Xin.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhen suddenly felt that her voice was full of anger, grief, and unforgettable hatred. After all, Zhao Zhen now merges all the memories of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen. The two individuals merge into one person. The feelings of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen also affect the thinking of Zhao Zhen, a special soldier who will travel in the future.

"My day! How so uncomfortable. Believe in the king! Believe in the king! From now on I will believe in the king Zhao Zhen, and I will avenge the Zhao family." Zhao Zhen thought in his heart.

Originally, Zhao Zhen's body was very weak, and coupled with a serious illness, a soul from the future passed through here and occupied Zhao Zhen's body.

After the disaster of Jingkang, Zhao Gou, who refused to rescue Tokyo, conspired to become emperor. This was the era when the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed and the Southern Song Dynasty was established. Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, who had no big ambitions but was greedy for enjoyment, wanted to sell a large amount of land to Jin and pay tribute to seek peace, and even cede land and claim his vassal for peace. As for his clan father and brother, he doesn't care at all. Of course, he can't say that he doesn't care. What he cares is that his father and brother should die and never come back to interfere with his emperor position.

Looking at the empathetic princess around him, Zhao Zhen said sadly: "For these years, I have been living under the blessings of my Zhao family's royal family. Now my Zhao family is suffering, what should I do? I want to Revenge for the family that has suffered and humiliated, but how can we escape?"

When Princess Xin heard this, she hid her face and wept. Zhao Zhen quickly relieved a few words. With relief, Zhao Zhen made up her mind to escape with Princess Xin before tomorrow.

The sky gradually brightened, and the escort team was also preparing to move forward. There was the sound of horseshoes everywhere, and the Jin Bing beat the prisoners of the Zhao family everywhere, and the whipping urged everyone to move forward.

Zhao Zhen was seriously ill. Because he was the prince of the Song Dynasty, Jin Bing was able to give him a small carriage. There are no servants and maids around Wang Xin and Wang Hao. In the past two days, Wang Hao Xin led the pony forward by herself.

Zhao Zhen recovered and drove the carriage by himself. He let Princess Xin ride on the carriage and lead the pony forward. I originally believed that the princess would not allow her to lead her horse, but she had to hide her face in taking care of Zhao Zhen in the past few days. She hadn't closed her eyes for a few days, so she was too tired and sleepy. She was held in the car by Zhao Zhen, and soon fell asleep in the small carriage groggy.

And Zhao Zhen followed the captured family members and began to move on under the supervision of Jin Bing.

Prisoners were treated differently. Song Huizong and Song Qinzong received the best treatment, being able to sit in a carriage. Moreover, the two concubines left by their side are also the most, and the other princes' wives and princess Di Ji are not few left. Princess Xin is also not well-known, and is temporarily spared from humiliation, but if she does not escape tomorrow, Princess Xin will not escape the fate of being occupied.

Accompanied by wailing, crying, whipping and scolding, the escort team began to move forward. In the chaos, Zhao Zhen closely observed the team of coolie coachmen escorting the treasure behind, and the speed of driving the pony cart began to slow down, approaching the coolie coachmen behind.

At this time, the golden soldiers began to spread out to prevent the surrounding rebels from intercepting the prisoners. At the same time, the central government's escort of the Zhao family's Jin Bing began to disappear. As long as a small number of golden soldiers can take care of these nobles of the Zhao family, who have no power to bind the chicken, and the golden clothes and food, the golden soldiers escort team is tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

At this moment, in the team of coachmen, a middle-aged coachman started to speed up while pulling the carriage, and the distance to Zhao Zhen's little carriage was getting closer and closer.

Zhao Zhen looked back, and it turned out to be Wang Jin, the chief guard. Wang Jin obviously also saw Zhao Zhen, with a look of surprise on his face.

The escort team went out of the flat road, and the road gradually became rough. At this time, the entire escort team went up the mountain road. There was a deep mountain stream on the side of the mountain road, and a cliff on the other side.

Due to the narrow mountain road, the escorted golden soldiers became sparse, and the carriages of Wang Jin and Zhao Zhen were getting closer. At this moment, the carriage that Wang Jin drove the horse was a bit out of the coachman team, and a golden soldier knight rushed over to face Wang Jin as a whip. Wang Jin jumped up suddenly, grabbed the opponent's whip with one hand, and flew out a sleeve arrow with the other.

"Puff!" "Ah!" Xiujian pierced Jin Bing's throat, and Jin Bing was dead. The surrounding golden soldiers immediately surrounded them, some of them raised their mace, some of them raised their swords, and rushed over.

"Master! There is a river in the mountain stream. If you want to escape, you can jump! If you are afraid of death, Wang Jin has no other way!" Seeing Jin Bing surrounded him, Wang Jin shouted and jumped down the mountain stream.

Zhao Zhen didn't waste time as soon as he heard it. He immediately picked up the sleeping princess, jumped up instantly, and jumped down. Seeing this scene, other members of the Zhao family wanted to jump into the mountain stream to escape, but looked at the deeply black mountain stream, and they were all deterred. For them, it is better to die than to live. You may die if you jump down, but you can still live in Jinbing's hands.

Zhao Zhen hugged her princess and quickly leaped down the mountain stream. The wind rang in his ears, and Zhao Zhen was no stranger to this. He had jumped down on a plane many times in his previous life. Jumping into a mountain stream was nothing short of a pediatrics.

But soon, Princess Xin, who was in Zhao Zhen's arms, was awakened by a sudden change. When she saw the two of them descending rapidly, she fainted after a scream.

Not long afterwards, "Puff!" "Puff!" With two sounds of falling water, Wang Jin and Zhao Zhen fell into the mountain river one after another. At the moment when he entered the water, Zhao Zhen was afraid that his princess would be choked by the water, so he kissed him and let the princess Xin take a breath.

Wang Jin can be regarded as a master in the water. His kung fu on the water is not bad. Soon he found the letter king Zhao Zhen and the concubine Wang, and dragged them ashore quickly.

In the distance on the mountain, there were also the yelling of Jin Bing and the screaming of war horses. Jin Bing was obviously looking for the three people. At this time, Princess Xin also woke up, trembling in Zhao Zhen's arms. And Zhao Zhen followed Wang Jin and the three of them with Princess Xin. Regardless of the wetness and cold on their bodies, they quickly climbed away from here, and ran straight to the distant mountains and dense forests...

Tutunzi is the closest market to Wuming Mountain. The three people who escaped from birth, after avoiding the strongest wind in the mountains, went to the market in Tutunzi. When they got here, the three of them hurriedly asked someone to ask about the current situation. In the news he heard, Zhao Zhen knew that Zhao Gou had established himself as emperor. Zongze is leading the army to fight the Jinbing. At this time, the armies of the Jin Kingdom and the Song Army are fighting near Bianliang, and Tokyo Bianliang is in danger. The nearby Jin Army and the Rebels fought several battles nearby. Due to lack of strength, the Jin Army was repeatedly defeated by the Rebels, and the Jin soldiers entrenched here temporarily retreated. The rebels also arrived in the Wumashan mountain area. As a result, the vicinity of Wuma Mountain became a battlefield where the Golden Army and the Rebels fought.

It darkened quickly, and Zhao Zhen, Princess Xin and Wang Jin had no money and no place to live. But fortunately, Princess Xin still had some gold and silver on her body. Zhao Zhen used the pseudonym Liang Shiba. After the sale, she rented two houses from a small family and exchanged some rations for food.

In this way, the three of them inquired about news during the day and lived in Tutunzi at night, and temporarily found a place to stay. On the night of the third day, Zhao Zhen couldn't sleep for a long time. He stared at the stars of the day outside the cracked paper window, and felt chills in his heart. In this year of war and chaos, life is like a waste of money. In this area controlled by the golden soldiers, it is very dangerous for Zhao Zhen to escape from the royal family. And at this time, Zhao Zhen didn't have any strength, and didn't have much self-protection strength.

Although Zhao Zhen's martial arts was high in his previous life, he was trained in martial arts. After putting on his body armor in his last life, he could even fly bullets, but now he can't do it anymore. After being captured by the Golden Soldiers without nutrition for a long time and fleeing in panic all the way, Zhao Zhen's body is now as thin as firewood, with no strength all over. Relying on the thin and weak body of a young man who does not have the slightest amount of skill, he estimates that he can't put down a strong man. It is not that his skill has regressed, but that his strength is too low and his speed is very slow. Even the basic fighting movements are very slow and unable to do so. Use your powerful fighting ability. Kungfu fighting is not a brainstorming idea, but a hard practice.

This body is really impossible, Zhao Zhen secretly adjusts her breath. During the exercises, a cold wind hit outside the window, Zhao Zhen's weak body gradually reacted, tiredness surged, and soon Zhao Zhen fell into a deep sleep holding the petite body of Princess Xin.

In a daze, Zhao Zhen seemed to hear something. It's thundering? He didn't bother to bother, and he was exhausted and desperate to sleep over the mountains and mountains these days. However, due to the alertness developed by Zhao Zhen, a special soldier in the previous life, he barely opened his eyes and saw a bloody knife. Zhao Zhen, who was alert for an instant, had easily put the enemy down in his mind, but his body had not yet reacted at all, and he was directly tied up with a leather rope.

At this time, Wang Jin and Princess Xin were also tied up by each other. Because Princess Xin was young, she hadn't developed significantly, and she couldn't keep up with nutrition for a few days. She was very thin and was not found to be a woman by Jin Bing.

Zhao Zhen, Princess Xin and Wang Jin, who were captured by the Golden Soldier again, were connected by a leather belt, and the other end of the leather belt was tied to the horse's back. It is a vigorous war horse. On the saddle sits a knight in a golden and golden soldier cotton uniform. The knight is holding a torch. You can easily tell from the knight’s clothes that it is a pure-bred Jurchen gold. Soldiers.

Zhao Zhen and Wang Jin had already inquired clearly when they fled here. There are no golden soldiers here, and the adjacent mountains are relatively remote. There is only one possibility for the golden people to come here suddenly, that is, Dacao Valley. In fact, even some undisciplined Song troops would often do this because they lacked food and grass. In this time of turmoil, there is no kind army, only looting army. Therefore, the common people are the most bitter.

As soon as Zhao Zhen looked at the swollen package on the golden soldier's horse, he knew that he had come to rob. I was really unlucky, and within a few days of escaping, I ran into a golden soldier who came out to fight the grass valley. This was terrible.

And Wang Jin beside Zhao Zhen couldn't accept this fact. He was born in Song Jun after all. Seeing the feuding golden dog, he instantly became angry and wanted to jump up to resist. But at this moment, his head was hit by the golden knight with the back of a knife just now, and now it was still dripping with blood. After a move, the wound was involved, and the pain was unbearable.

The excitement of the severe pain made his mind suddenly sober. At this time, the screaming cry and messy horseshoes from a distance made him unable to help but fight a cold war with his face covered in blood. It can be heard that there are a lot of golden soldiers who have killed this village to fight grass valley. If you resist and lose your life, it will be difficult for His Royal Highness to keep his life. Unlike bandits, Jinbing's combat effectiveness is very powerful.

"Papa..." The whistling sound of the leather whip fell from the sky, and slammed their heads over the two of them. "Go! Hurry up..." Jin Bing obviously knew simple Chinese, and yelled fiercely that sounded particularly bloody in the dark.

The golden men who came out to fight Caogu were all wicked and wicked people. If you resist and threaten his life, then your life will be over, but if you allow it to prey, he will not take the initiative to harm you. After all, he wants to eat, and you can be sold or become his slave. And if you kill you, he will lose an object of benefit.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen knew that she didn't need to do this kind of self-defeating thing. After gradually calming down after the initial anger, of course he will not seek his own death.

Jin Bing ransacked this village thoroughly, and robbed everything he could. One by one returned with a full load. The backs of more than 30 mules and horses were filled with baggage. In addition, they arrested more than forty young and strong men and a dozen women. The golden soldiers tied them into a long string to prevent They run away.

The geographical location here is remote, and the Song army, bandits or rebels may appear at any time, and it is not safe. So these golden soldiers walked very fast, beating them with whips and urging them on their way along the way.

Zhao Zhen walked in the middle of the team, and Wang Jin followed behind him, his face covered with blood. He was in very bad condition because of a heavy blow to the head. Zhao Zhen was very worried about the man who saved his life and the princess. She tried to help him several times, but was beaten back by Jin Bing's skin.

When the Venus star fell, a ray of dawn began to radiate light, shining on all creatures on the earth. The sky gradually dawned. After dawn, the golden soldiers were already more than ten miles away from the village they looted. At this time, the golden soldiers returned with heavy supplies, so they were tired and started to stop and rest. .

"Wang Jin, how is it? Can you stand it?" Zhao Zhen asked with concern, sitting beside Wang Jin. Zhao Zhen still respects and cares very much for the person who has saved his own body in this world, and is also a bloody person who is very loyal to him.

"What's this?" Wang Jin looked at his wound and said feebly: "When I was in the imperial court, I was chopped by a golden soldier, and there were dozens of blood holes in my body. The situation is much more serious than this, but I still do it. Survived. Still following the escort team to rescue you, don't worry, Lord! My Wang Jin's life is very hard, and Yan Wang will not come to take me."

Despite this, Wang Jin's expression is still very depressed. Seeing him downcast, Zhao Zhen wanted to comfort him, but at the moment he was in a desperate situation and said nothing was useless.

Suddenly Wang Jin thought of something. He approached Zhao Zhen and asked in a low voice, "Master, what did these golden men say on the road?" He didn't know how to speak Jurchen, nor did he understand what the golden men said, but he knew Zhao Zhen, the young lord, is very clever and can understand a little bit.

With his own memories of the Manchu language in the past, and the memory of the Jurchen language left by Zhao Zhen's body now, Zhao Zhen is very familiar with the Jurchen language.

Hearing Wang Jin’s question, Zhao Zhen looked around vigilantly and saw that no one was paying attention, and then whispered: “They are all sticky subordinates. As long as the main force of the Jin army arrives, the rebels will definitely be unbearable. It is estimated that the main force of the rebel army has defeated the nearby Jin Bing, and there are probably not many Jin Bings nearby. However, the main force of the Jin Bing is heading south and is going to attack Bianliang. It is the old general Zongze who stayed behind to defend Bianliang. ."

Wang Jin furrowed his eyebrows slightly and said nothing for a long time. Once Tokyo Bianliang is captured by the Golden Dog again, then the main force of the Golden Soldier will definitely come back. When he and Zhao Zhen want to contact the rebels and raise the flag for revenge, there will be no chance. And now they are trapped in the enemy camp, and once they enter the gold army camp, they become slaves to the gold people. At that time, it would be difficult to get to the sky if they wanted to escape, and they had to find a way.

"In the middle of the night..." Wang Jin winked at Zhao Zhen, and then whispered: "Don't be afraid, Lord. The golden man is also a human. After I recovered my strength, I killed the golden dog. There were dozens of us captured together. With my martial arts, are you afraid that you can't kill a few golden dogs? You can't be captured by the golden soldiers. You need to fight against the golden soldiers. I will fight to protect the prince and the princess."

Listening to Wang Jin's words, Zhao Zhen stared at a dozen majestic golden soldiers who were joking in the distance, feeling nervous and her scalp numb. Kill the golden man tonight? With his own bones now? And Princess Xin didn't say a word, leaning in front of Zhao Zhen and trembling.

Jin Bing went deep into the place where the rebels were flooded to hit the grass valley, obviously taking a big risk. Although the main force of the rebels is not here, there are many rebels, bandits and bandits nearby. Being able to go deep into the area where routs, deserters, and bandit rebels are flooded shows that their group of golden soldiers is courageous enough to look down on bandits, grass bandits and rebels at all.

But despised, despised, came near this chaotic area. These golden men were still very careful, leading the team around the small road, marching overnight. Jin Bing's caution surprised Wang Jin. If these golden men did not rest all night, he would not have a chance to escape.