Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 3: Female gangster?


In the early morning, this team of golden men and horses walked into a large dark forest to rest. After a long period of plundering and fighting, the Golden Soldiers finally couldn't support it and camped on the spot. After a day of running around, whether it was a happy golden man or a frightened Han who was arrested, their physical strength had reached their limit, and they lay down on the ground one by one, and immediately fell asleep.

Only a few Golden Soldiers were still watching the surrounding area vigilantly, but after a few days of looting and killing, they also consumed a lot of physical strength. At this time, the few Golden Soldiers' guards were also very tired, sometimes dozing off.

Zhao Zhen and Wang Jin were both worried about escaping, and they tried to open their eyes to drive away the deep sleepiness. They waited patiently for a while. They saw the golden soldier leaning on the tree trunk and fell asleep in a daze. start to act.

Although Wang Jin is a sturdy middle-aged man, his head is full of blood and he looks sick. Therefore, the knots Jinbing tied to him were not very delicate. Although Wang Jin couldn't move at all at this time, Jin Bing was more casual when he tied him. The knot was large and easy to untie. That's why Wang Jin was sure to escape.

As for Zhao Zhen's reversed hands, Pisuo tightened his wrists, but his ten fingers could still move. As long as he could untie the rope that bound Wang Jin, the rest would be simple. Although Zhao Zhen is not physically strong now, he still has a strong mind. Under the command of his brain, his finger movements were very dexterous, and he quickly used his skills to smoothly untie the knot that is difficult for ordinary people to untie without restraint.

However, when it was Wang Jin's turn to untie the knot of Zhao Zhen, it was difficult. He did not have Zhao Zhen's ability. In order to untie the rope that bound Zhao Zhen, he needed the help of his teeth in addition to his two hands. And with the help of teeth, it took a long time to solve it. As for the letter to the princess, she slumped directly beside Zhao Zhen, and couldn't help at all.

At this time, Zhao Zhen lay down on the ground, sticking to the ears listening to the abnormal sound, and suddenly an abnormal sound came. The sound seemed to be the sound of footsteps, and it was also the footsteps of a group of people. Although the footsteps were slow and light, Zhao Zhen sounded very clear in the dark by virtue of her extraordinary ability.

The moon and the black wind are high, and the people who appear in the old forest at this moment are either thieves or thieves, or deserters from the Song Kingdom. Because the Rebels do not operate in this area, there are no good people here anyway. Once they come, they will also hinder their escape, even if they can kill these golden men, they will kill them if they can't manage them. It's better to wake up Jin Bing and let them bite the dog, so that he and Wang Jin can also take the opportunity to escape.

"Ah..." A miserable howl suddenly pierced the silence of the night. Hearing Zhao Zhen's yelling, Wang Jin was shocked, and he came out in a cold sweat with a "huh". He lay motionless on Zhao Zhen's back like a clay sculpture. He couldn't figure out the situation at all, let alone why Zhao Zhen suddenly screamed.

A dozen golden soldiers woke up from their dreams, each jumped up, and rushed towards the horses with their weapons. The war horse is the second life of the golden man.

"Swish swish..." Suddenly countless long arrows roared from all directions, and the dense and piercing screams made people fascinated.

The screams came and went one after another. Several golden soldiers were caught off guard and fell to the ground with arrows. Then the horses hissed, the soldiers yelled, the captives cried, and the woods were chaotic as if a pot had been blown up.

"Kill!" "Kill!" Suddenly there was a sound of killing. A group of dark shadows rushed out from the depths of the woods. They were like ghosts in the dark night, swarming around the golden soldiers, slashing and killing the dozen or so golden soldiers.

God-given opportunity, run away. At this time, Wang Jin suddenly realized that Zhao Zhen's scream was originally intended to call Jin Bing to call the police, so that the two sides could fight in order to escape the chaos.

Although Wang Jin secretly wondered how Zhao Zhen heard the situation, why he didn't notice it at all. But at a very moment, he didn't care much about it, so he immediately continued to untie the rope behind Zhao Zhen.

However, at this time the frightened prisoners also wanted to escape by chaos, but apart from being tied with their hands, they were also tied together by a long rope. More than 20 people pulled around like headless flies, but moved instead. No, after more people struggled a few times, they reluctantly gave up fleeing and lay on the ground with their heads in their hands, resigned to their fate.

The chaos increased the difficulty for Wang Jin to untie the rope. The more anxious he became, the more chaotic he became, and the more chaotic he became, the more he couldn't solve it. Zhao Zhen saw that there were too many sneak attackers in the woods. Several people besieged and killed a golden soldier. At the beginning, several golden soldiers were shot and wounded. No matter how powerful they were, they weren't the opponents of those who came. Depending on the situation, it won't take long before this group of Golden Soldiers are about to die, and they can't help but become very anxious.

Zhao Zhen is still very grateful to Wang Jin, who has always taken care of him. In this troubled world, there are too few people like Wang Jin. Such a real man can't die here, and can't let him get Wang Jin's burden. He repeatedly urged: "Wang Jin, leave me alone, run away."

The chance of escape in front of him is fleeting, and there is no room for hesitation. Zhao Zhen is also a decisive person. Now he is unwilling to drag Wang Jin, who has been caring for him, can escape one by one.

At this time, Wang Jin became more and more anxious. He did not have Zhao Zhen's two-shot skills, coupled with the pain of the wound on his head, it was indeed difficult to do this kind of delicate work. But time is not waiting, the best way is to find a knife as soon as possible and cut the rope.

Thinking of this, Wang Jin suddenly dropped Zhao Zhen, rushed into the fighting crowd, and ran into a gray-clothed man head on. The big man was slashed and wounded by the golden soldier, and he was staggering back, still holding a spear in his hand. After all, Wang Jin was a royal guard who entered the palace to protect the prince through martial arts selection. He was tall and strong and fast. Under this collision, the man in gray couldn't bear it and fell to the ground immediately.

Wang Jin deserves to be Da Song's strongest guard in front of the palace, even if he is injured, he still has two real skills. He saw that he had sharp eyes and hands, grabbed the gray-clothed man's spear with both hands, and slammed into the battle circle like a tiger. The Jin Bing was besieged by the two men, but with the strong combat power of the Jin Bing, he had already gained the upper hand. Unexpectedly, another rushed in in the blink of an eye, and it was the big man who had been slashed back by himself from the village. The prisoners dare to come over? Are you looking for death

Seeing that it was a captive, this golden soldier was a little careless, but a slight negligence cost him his life. In an instant, a long spear whistling with an afterimage, it has pierced into the chest of the golden soldier who could not dodge.

Wang Jin pierced the Jin Bing with a single shot, then abandoned the spear and grabbed the knife, then turned around and ran away. Zhao Zhen stood there staring dumbfoundedly at Wang Jin, who didn't run away, but was fighting with the enemy. He knew that Wang Jin killed someone to save himself, and he couldn't help but feel grateful.

Wang Jin quickly rushed to Zhao Zhen, Zhao Zhen turned her back, Wang Jin cut the long rope with a knife, and then cut the leather rope on his wrist with a knife. At this moment, Zhao Zhen hit him with all his strength and shouted: "Hurry up!"

A spear pierced through the air and flew past his shoulder blades. Wang Jin turned his head in amazement, only to see a leader of the Golden Soldier rushing towards him, his mouth still yelling frantically.

"Run, run..." Wang Jin pushed Zhao Zhen away, raising his knife to meet him. If you don't kill the leader of the Golden Soldier who chased him today, it seems that he will not be able to leave.

Zhao Zhen took the limp Princess Xin and turned around and ran for a few steps, then looked back at the battle, in case Wang Jin was unpredictable. He knew that his thin and weak body did not have much combat effectiveness, so it was better to help the enemy in secret.

The leader of the Golden Soldier who came after him was extremely brave and gave his life to attack, as if he would not give up without killing Wang Jin. It seemed that he had an extraordinary relationship with the dead Golden Soldier, and he didn't know whether it was a brother or a friend. At this time, Wang Jin had no desire to fight, Zhao Zhen had already escaped a few steps, and he could go, but the more he wanted to go, the more he was entangled by the other party, the more he could not go.

At this time, two men ambushing the Golden Soldier rushed to help Wang Jin against the leader of the Golden Soldier, but the two men who besieged the leader of the Golden Soldier with him were very ordinary, and it was difficult to find a chance to get out. Just as he was desperate, he saw one of them fell on his back, blood was sprayed from the aorta of the neck, and the leader of the golden soldier slashed him to death in the neck.

Wang Jin screamed, and the thought of running away became even stronger. At this moment, Zhao Zhen was swept away from the corner of his eye. Zhao Zhen unexpectedly came back. At this time, Zhao Zhen's hands were still dragging a spear, which was obviously the spear that he threw just now.

Wang Jin knew that Zhao Zhen had no power to bind the chicken, so he desperately saved him, and the prince returned unexpectedly. Seeing Zhao Zhen's return, Wang Jin was anxious and angry, for fear that Wang Xin, whom he had rescued desperately, would die here, so his efforts would be wasted. Thinking of this, his anxious hand immediately slowed down by half a minute, revealing a flaw.

The leader of the golden soldier was sharp-eyed, his right machete blocked the war knife of the ambusher on the opposite side, and his left buckler aimed at his chest and smashed it up. At this time, Wang Jin couldn't dodge, and was smashed by the shield and flew out. The remaining one was not at all the opponent of the Golden Soldier leader, who was dangerous and in danger.

"Wang Jin..." Zhao Zhen ran to Wang Jin and called out repeatedly. Wang Jin struggled to lift his upper body, and said to Zhao Zhen, "Lord! Run, hurry..." But he felt the pain in his chest that was unbearable, and then fell powerlessly.

Zhao Zhen leaned over and grabbed his arm, trying to lift him up and leave together, when she heard a scream. Zhao Zhen looked up in amazement, only to see that the golden soldier had already defeated the opponent and was about to raise the knife to chop off the opponent's head. Although several of the companions of the man rushed forward, they were too late to rescue.

Without thinking, Zhao Zhen grabbed the spear and threw it out. Unfortunately, although his head was accurate, he didn't have much power. The leader of the golden soldier also reacted extremely quickly, slashing the spear with a knife, then screamed wildly, dropped the man, and killed him with the knife.

When Zhao Zhen saw that the other party was running over, she was a little angry. "Made, after you wait for me to train, you are not my opponent." The strength of the previous life and the weakness of this life made Zhao Zhen feel sad.

Although Zhao Zhen was very annoyed and helpless with this good martial arts leader, he still picked up Wang Jin's knife and prepared to resist.

"When..." Mars shot up. Anxiously, Zhao Zhen exhausted all her strength and used the skill of four or two strokes to block the knife. Immediately, Zhao Zhen's mind went blank, and the loud noise in his ears made him numb. The golden soldier leader's tremendous strength made him unable to support him, and he crashed to the ground.

Seeing that the leader of Jin Bing looked at Zhao Zhen in surprise, he was a well-known master in the Jin Bing, with great power. It was incredible that he could make a weak child with such strength.

The leader of the Golden Soldier didn't think much about it, thinking that he was out of strength, so he had to chop again. At this time, Zhao Zhen was already numb in his body, and it took four or two strengths to pull a thousand catties. Now he doesn't even have one or two strength, and his arms are numb and can't lift up.

Zhao Zhen saw that she was about to die again after crossing. Suddenly, the roar of the leader of the Golden Soldier stopped abruptly. His fast-moving figure suddenly stood still, the sword held high in the air paused for a moment, and then slowly dropped. The night breeze blew, and the starting point was a little bit of his clothes. A painful whine came out of the Golden Soldier leader’s mouth, and then the scimitar and round shield in his hand fell to the ground, and the whole person fell straight to the ground and died. .

At this time, Wang Jin, who was lying underground, stared at the corpse on the ground in an unbelievable manner. Zhao Zhen also felt that she was about to suffocate, panting heavily.

After a while, the two raised their heads and looked forward. A big man in Tsing Yi and a red robe was walking hurriedly. He has a beard-faced face, a pair of tiger eyes are not angry but majestic, his sword eyebrows are erect, and he has a magnificent spirit.

The big man in Tsing Yi and red robe carried a bloody saber in his right hand and a Song Army military crossbow in his left hand. It could be seen that the fierce golden soldier leader was shot to death by him.

"How are you? Are you hurt?" The red-robed man hurriedly helped the person who had been knocked to the ground by the Jin Bing, and asked repeatedly.

"I'm fine..." The man stood up hard and looked around, only to find that the battle was over and there was no longer a standing golden soldier in the woods. "It's over? Killed them so soon?" Then he saw the tragic death of his companion's body, his voice immediately dimmed, and said, "It's a pity that a bunch of brothers have died a lot."

The red-robed man sneered a few times from his nose and said bitterly: "Children, the golden men are a pack of wolves, with good noses and sharp claws. It would be good to kill them all." Then he yelled into the distance. Said, "Clean up and leave here now."

Although Wang Jin was injured, he was still clear-headed. He could flee as far as he could while the bandits were still breathing when the battle had just ended. Now, no matter what bandits, bandits, golden soldiers, or soldiers from other nationalities of the Golden Kingdom, they all kill without blinking. If they don't run away now, if the bandits react to them, I'm afraid they won't be able to run away.

Wang Jin immediately said to Zhao Zhen and Princess Xin: "Run, hurry..." Zhao Zhen and Princess Xin quickly tried their best to help Wang Jin, and the three of them had just walked out a dozen steps, and a big man in Qingyi and red robe came from behind. Cold voice, "Go one step further, and I will kill you all."

Zhao Zhen, Wang Hao and Wang Jin stopped suddenly, and the three looked at each other. Wang Jin's heart was desperate for a while. I was accidentally caught by Jin Bing yesterday, but today I finally got a chance to escape, but I missed it again. It is too difficult to keep this head. And Zhao Zhen was thinking about how to survive the opponent's knife.

The two slowly turned around. The man in Tsing Yi and red robe looked cold and murderous, and shouted: "Tie them up for me and take them away." Several people rushed up, without any explanation, and tied them with a rope.

"Don't be like this. That uncle killed a golden dog just now, and that kid saved my life." The man standing behind him pointed at Zhao Zhen and Wang Jin, and hand in hand, the man in the red robe hurriedly dissuaded him: "Since you want to recruit them to be your subordinates, be polite."

"I saved them." The red-robed man snorted coldly and said angrily, "Huh! These three guys not only don't thank you, but also want to escape secretly. They clearly have ghosts in their hearts. Moreover, although the little guy has no strength, he casts The accuracy of the flying spear is excellent. The old guy's martial arts is not bad, and the two of them are definitely not ordinary people. Maybe they are the spies of Jin Guo. Now the world is too messy and sinister, and I have to check it out. Give me all of them. Up."

After speaking, he turned around and left. After two steps, he turned around and shouted, "What are you still rubbing?" The man didn't dare to persuade anymore, and hurried to follow.

However, Zhao Zhen and Wang Jin also breathed a sigh of relief. This group of bandits seemed to have a sense of righteousness and left the two of them alive. After all, this world is too chaotic now, and every bandit and bandit kills people like an ant. Human lives are worthless.

Early in the morning, the bandit team arrived in a small valley and stopped to rest. At this time, Zhao Zhen fell asleep and fell asleep. He had a nightmare, dreaming that he was riding a horse and walking on the endless prairie. Suddenly the wind and clouds on the grassland changed color, lightning flashed, and the rain was torrential. He fell into the swamp, sinking deeper and deeper, and soon died. Zhao Zhen screamed like crazy to survive, but sinking deeper and deeper... ··

"Ah!" Zhao Zhen suddenly woke up. But I saw the sun shining, the green grass, and a delicate and beautiful smiling face like a flower.

Seeing a face suddenly, although it was the face of a beautiful woman, it was not the face of Princess Believe, but the face of a strange woman, so Zhao Zhen was taken aback. "Who are you?" Zhao Zhen asked.

"My name is Zhao Qing'er." Then he said with a pleasant smile: "You saved my life last night, I'm here to thank you." Zhao Zhen was still immersed in the terrible nightmare just now, and did not recover for a long time.

Zhao Zhen looked around, and the princess was not by his side at this time. At this moment, his mind was clouded. After a while, he remembered what happened last night. He shot her in a hurry and saved her? impossible? Although it was dark last night, I didn't see the other person's face clearly, but he wouldn't be a woman, right? In this troubled world, there are still female bandits

In this world, women are vassals of men, and female bandits are as rare as pandas. What a coincidence! Zhao Zhen was suspicious, looked up and down, and said something very idiotic: "Are you a female?"

Zhao Qinger was stunned for a moment, thinking that this boy was strange, and then couldn't help but laugh. Zhao Zhen realized that he had said something idiot, and looked a little embarrassed.