Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 32: Wanyan has a wonderful plan to settle the world and lose its troops


More than 20,000 golden soldiers escorted more than 60,000 people, women and children to Lingshou City. At this time, the rebels had already opened their formation under Lingshou City, ready to meet the golden army supported by Zhending.

"Is the king of faith? I am Wanyanzhen." Wanyanzhen personally rode forward to the front of the two armies, and exclaimed in a loud voice.

At this time, from the Rebel camp's Xinwang banner, a young man riding a horse also came to the two armies, and was really close to Wanyan.

"This king is the Great Song Xinwang Zhao Zhen, Wan Yanzhen! Why are you escorting so many people here? Do you want to use the people, women and children to attack us? I always respect the generals of the Kingdom of Jin. You are brave and good at fighting. But I didn't think of you. It is really disgusting to expel women and children. It seems that you are not far from defeat for a vile general like you in Jinguo." Zhao Zhen shouted loudly.

He said, thinking in his heart how Wang Jin and Xiao Deli, who he had sent behind the Golden Soldiers to besiege the Golden Soldiers to rescue the people, have reached that position, and how they need to cooperate.

"This is the resourceful and brave King of Letters? He's only sixteen or seventeen years old?" Wanyan was surprised at the age of King Letters secretly.

"His Royal Highness King Suwen, I saw it today. It was true. His Royal Highness, how about I bet with you today?" Wan Yanzhen shouted.

"Oh, let's just listen." Zhao Zhen knew that the other party would make difficult demands. But he himself must continue to promote the virtue of loving the people like a child. Otherwise, why don't the people move south and follow the Emperor Gaozong to mix with him? Is his own good name!

"Believe the king, I have 60,000 of your Song Dynasty women and children in my hand, so let's take a gamble. I don't play tricks, and directly send the 60,000 women and children to the front of the two armies." Wan Yan frowned and said immediately. .

"Oh! What to bet?" Zhao Zhen asked. "I heard that King Xin’s martial arts is invincible in the world. Today, I will bet with His Highness Xin Wang. I will send a master to fight with you. If you lose, you will let Lingshou City out. I lost and let those sixty thousand Songs. People will automatically return to your camp, I promise not to release arrows, otherwise I will be struck by lightning. How?" Wan Yan said with a vow.

"No!" "Thousands of years are not allowed!" When a group of rebel generals heard this, they blocked Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen waved to them. Although they were very anxious, they still shut up as ordered. With the strength of his own cultural and martial arts, Zhao Zhen's majesty in the rebels gradually became stronger, and the generals knew that he had only a plan, so they stopped talking.

"Originally, this king would not fight with your people and lose your status. But you use the people's women and children as a bargaining chip, it is really disgusting. However, as the believer of the Song Dynasty, I need to protect my subjects from Hurt. So, I agree with your heads-up challenge. When I come to the two armies, you must release people, otherwise, even if you lose, I will immediately return to my original battle."

"Okay! It's a deal! Come... Bring the beast out!" Wan Yan really yelled. Although he knew he was not the opponent of Believe King Zhao Zhen, one person would definitely be fine.

The Beast is a person close to the North Sea of Underworld tribe. Since the tribe was slaughtered by a group of wandering barbarians when he was a child, he has embarked on a journey of revenge and survival.

After the fierce beast experienced life and death struggles in the cold and among the beasts and savages, he grew up and showed a different appearance. He was born tall and powerful. This man who survived like a beast in a cruel environment, when he grew up, killed more than a hundred barbarians who slaughtered his tribe.

After taking revenge, the beast began to wander south. Until they wandered around Changbai Mountain and met Jurchens, they were captured by the Jurchens with traps, and they became slaves. The Beast himself did not want to be a slave, but his strength was great, and his martial arts were all learned from the Beast. Therefore, the Jurchen had to tie him up and locked him with heavy iron chains and iron locks.

It took the Jin Bing some time, and the beast was dragged out of the prison wagon built by the iron railings by dozens of tall Jin Bing brawny.

Zhao Zhen saw the beast from a distance. The barbarian was two meters, three to four, and looked about twenty years old. In fact, it may be smaller, because the barbarians will develop prematurely because of the existence relationship!

"Ha...Ha..." The beast swayed from side to side, and fifty or sixty Jurchen wrestlers locked him with iron chains, and dragged them up.

"Let go of me... Let me go..." Beast shouted in the Chinese and Jurchen language he had learned, and he refused to settle down! Fifty or sixty Jurchen wrestlers were pulling him and standing unsteadily! But what's the use? Soon more golden soldiers came over and grabbed him.

Wan Yanzhen turned around and said, "You stay quiet... Want to be free? Yes. But... You have to listen to me! You can do whatever I ask you to do."

The beast raised his head, a bright ring on his face. It turned out that there was a nose ring on his nose with a shiny chain attached to it. Around his neck is a ring of wild beast teeth. There are teeth of wild beasts such as wolves, bears, tigers, and leopards. It seems that when this beast was near the North Sea of Netherworld and when it went south, it killed a lot of wild beasts in the mountains and forests by one person.

"Did you see that person? You just have to kill him... I'll set you free...!"

The beast suddenly looked at Zhao Zhen, curled his mouth and blinked. Zhao Zhen also looked at the beast, he didn't expect this tall savage to be really interesting.

"Kill him... Is it all right? Free?" The beast raised his head with a smirk on his face. "Yes," Wan Yanzhen said, "Kill him, I will give you freedom, and I will give you the meat and the woman you want! Don't you want meat and the woman the most? I can give you , How many do you want? I can give you ten cows and ten women! As long as you beat him!"

"Untie...Untie..." The beast pointed at the dozen or so iron chains on his body. A person is bound by more than a dozen huge chains, and he can still move, and he can also witness the strength of this person.

With fear, a dozen golden soldiers opened the iron lock and released the beast. When the last chain was loosened, the beast suddenly yelled, rubbed its body and lunged on it, grabbed a golden soldier, and opened its mouth to bite. Although he looks like a savage, his hair is messed up like a dog, but his facial features are correct, and the nose ring on his nose adds a unique charm to his look, but he... is so brutal that he sucks blood!

"Ah--" the Jurzen warrior yelled, kicking the beast. The beast doesn't care, just sucks blood! The beast is very hungry. He knows that he can't move when he is hungry. He needs nourishment. Sucking blood is learned from the beasts and beasts. Blood is definitely a means of replenishing one's body quickly! Human blood definitely contains nutrients.

All the golden soldiers were ready to rescue each other, Wan Yanzhen waved to stop them. Wan Yan really saw the wild beasts and their performances, and he was secretly happy. He just made King Xin feel scared when he saw this guy sucking human blood, and affected his martial skills.

"Roar--" The beast raised his head and roared wildly, his young face glowing with bleeding marks on the corners of his mouth. The beast grabbed it, five fingers snapped the man's neck immediately, and the man immediately died like a dog.

Look at the hand of a beast. His hand survived the fight with the beast and the harsh natural environment. After a long period of wear, the five-finger nails, some dirt that became stones, and the thick hard cocoons combined together It was a pair of hands that turned into the claws of a beast. Although ugly, it is absolutely practical, and it is not much different from the steel claw stone hand.

At this time, Zhao Zhen felt even more that this kid was the same as that Li Yuanba who was invincible in the Tang Dynasty. It is said that Li Yuanba was simple-minded and irritable in his youth, even killing servants and family members. The members of the Li family had no choice but to take measures. Li Yuanba was also tied by an iron chain by the family of the Li family and tied with an iron ball to prevent him from beating and killing people indiscriminately. It was not until later that Li Yuanba became an adult and sensible. Now this beast is locked with more than a dozen iron chains and iron balls, and it is probably a fierce battlefield.

Zhao Zhen hesitated for a moment. He felt that to fight a beast, is it necessary to draw a sword. He has countless precision instruments and thousands of years of martial arts killing skills training and superhuman killing experience. After training, Zhao Zhen, who has recovered her strength in her previous life, possesses very strong self-confidence.

Perhaps, this beast is not his opponent, if Zhao Zhen uses secret energy, he will kill the infinite barbarian in front of him with skill. But there is no guarantee that Zhao Zhen will not be injured. Looking at the claws, Zhao Zhen has no doubt that she will not be injured.

Xin Wang Zhao Zhen is the Prince of Song Dynasty. Since he has already built his image of invincible martial arts, he needs to keep it forever. Believing that the king is invincible in the world can make everyone think that he is the backbone of Song Dynasty. Only the people can support it, and the volunteers and soldiers from all sides can join in. Once singled out with this barbarian and injured, it will damage his reputation, which Zhao Zhen absolutely does not allow.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhen decided to use a sword. With a sword, Zhao Zhen could take down the enemy in seconds. In addition to the various hot weapons of later generations, Zhao Zhen, who has countless previous experiences, is also very knowledgeable and proficient in various cold weapons. In this era, no one really understands these weapons better than him.

Zhao Zhen is holding a pair of well-known swords made of 100-steel, cutting gold and breaking jade. He saw that the other party was not riding a horse, so he dismounted and walked to the front of the two armies. The beast came in front of Zhao Zhen, he was habitually like all beasts, before fighting, he must carefully look at the opponents and enemies in front of him!

In an instant, the pupils of the beast shrank, and he clearly saw Zhao Zhen's eyes. His eyes were filled with a gleam of wisdom and an unexplainable evil spirit. Through observation, the beast with rich experience in fighting various beasts knows that even if the young coach in golden armor can beat him, he might be seriously injured.

Like Zhao Zhen, this experienced barbarian, and a barbarian fighting countless beasts and barbarian tribes with his bare hands, has super intuition. Both of them knew that the person opposite was difficult to deal with, not to mention that Zhao Zhen had a weapon in his hand. Looking at the texture of the armor and the gorgeous scabbard, Beast knew that the weapon in his hand was definitely not ordinary.

Zhao Zhen is on the side of his body, which allows him to draw the sword as fast as he can with his hands. The beast laughed, and he shook his body, swaying, causing his body to make a continuous bone noise.

Suddenly, he took a step forward and walked towards Zhao Zhen. Then, standing sideways, he smiled and said, "You... so many people... can't deal with him... Why should I... fight him... You... bully me... capture me... Why should I... listen to your... words..."

Hearing what he said, Wan Yan was really surprised and angry, even the opposite Zhao Zhen was strange. Wanyan really yelled: "Beast, you don't want women and meat?"

The beast said loudly: "I want... a woman... and meat... I can... make it myself... you give me... I will... you don't give me... I will have... as long as I live... I will have... you... so … Many people… No one can deal with this person… He’s great… I don’t fight… ”

Zhao Zhen smiled slightly, feeling funny in her heart. People are counted as people, and they are counted as people. When the Jurchens treat the beasts as fools, why don't the beasts treat them as fools? They wanted Fierce Beast to fight with Zhao Zhen, but when Fierce Beast saw Zhao Zhen's experience and intuition, he knew that the other party was powerful, and immediately retreated.

Zhao Zhen said coldly: "It seems that you have no way to find someone to fight with me."

After Zhao Zhengang finished speaking, suddenly a large number of Rebel cavalry rushed out of the dense forest on the side and rear of the Golden Soldier formation. Countless cavalry brought up the dust in the sky, and the sound of countless horses stepping on the ground was deafening.

Wanyan was really dumbfounded. He remembered that when his army came, he had sent someone to inspect the dense forest. There is no ambush in the jungle. In this way, the rebels ambushed in after their troops arrived in the city. He didn't expect that Zhao Zhen would be so cunning that he would plant an ambush behind him.

"Kill the golden dog!" "Kill!" the thousands of rebel cavalry behind the golden army formation yelled and charged up.

"Crazy, mad, everything is mad... How could this be?" Wanyan really felt that all his plots were a farce, and felt that he was too unlucky. He was so upset that he screamed in shock.

After all, Wan Yanzhen was a general of the Jin Army, and he woke up in an instant. He urged his messenger to say: "Blow the trumpet! Quickly blow the trumpet! Meet the enemy!" At the order of Wan Yanzhen, a horn sounded, and the Jin Bing immediately launched a formation to meet the enemy.

As the war broke out, the sixty thousand Song people, women and children who had been tied up, ran to the opposite camp of the rebels. At this time, Wanyan really couldn't take care of shooting the people, women and children with arrows, and he immediately mobilized the troops back to meet the enemy.

Having lost the first opportunity, Wan Yan really felt that she had done a useless effort, and for vain allowed Zhao Zhen to obtain 60,000 women and children who they finally took prisoner.

Under the leadership of Wang Jin and Xiao Deli, five thousand dragon wolf cavalry and five thousand black dragon cavalry armed with their own weapons, shouted and rushed towards the golden army. The violent collision of the horses and the weapons opened the enemy's chest, and the ten thousand cavalry immediately tore the defensive formation behind the golden soldiers.

The head was chopped and blood splashed. A lot of Rebel cavalry pierced two or three golden soldiers like candied haws. In a blink of an eye, Jin Bing, who was hit by countless cavalrymen, suffered heavy casualties.

"You're called Beast, right?" Zhao Zhen got on the horse and said to Beast. The beast nodded and said, "My name is... the beast... I... know you... very powerful!"

"I am Prince Zhao Zhen of Song Dynasty. I have women and meat, I can give you, and I can be friends with you. However, there is a condition, you help me fight against these golden men who trap you. Because they infringe upon you. I have captured my family and captured my family. I have to fight with them. Can you help me?" Zhao Zhen could feel that this barbarian has a certain view of right and wrong, so it is not only to use women and Meat moves him, and he must be treated sincerely.

"Friends...? Okay... The Beast is willing to... help friends... They are bad... The tribe... I will help you." Because he is really not proficient in Chinese, Beast said intermittently.

Zhao Zhen lifted the steel gun from the horse's hook bar, raised the steel gun, turned back and shouted to the rebel army behind, "Kill!" "Kill..." Seeing that the commander-in-chief finally issued an attack order, the rebel army behind Zhao Zhen They rushed up one after another.

Zhao Zhen picked up the gun and rushed directly into the formation of the Golden Army. The soldiers of Zhao Zhen behind and the generals of the rebels hurriedly beat their horses and gallops, for fear that there would be something wrong with Zhao Zhen, the commander-in-chief.

The fierce beast followed Zhao Zhen and ran to Jinbing and began to slaughter. At this time, Zhao Zhen danced a steel gun impenetrable. The steel spear shook and stabbed in an instant. The golden soldiers were shot in the mouth or in the throat. I saw a piece of bright red splashing, leading to the lives of golden soldiers.

Seeing his army being flanked back and forth by the rebels, Wanyan really knew that he was bound to lose. He immediately turned around and started running. He had to run, and the golden soldiers sent to block Zhao Zhen and Beast were being killed one by one by the two killers. In fact, rushing to kill the enemy's army and taking the head of the general among the ten thousand horses is pure nonsense.

Even if Zhao Zhen, who came through, was born as a super special soldier, the murderous martial art of cold weapons is superb and peaking. The steel spear stabbed, and assassinated a person with a flash of cold light. But it seemed so easy. In fact, Zhao Zhen was already gasping for breath at this time, but Zhao Zhen started to play with her breathing rhythm, which just warmed her body. If he, the super commando who could rank in the world before crossing, hadn't even had these two hits, he would be dead.

"Baba... Whoosh..." Another two golden soldiers flew into the air. Zhao Zhen laughed. Since crossing, he has never killed such a large number of people.

He looked back and saw that in the back, the beast of his new friend, the new warrior, was killing the golden soldiers frantically. I saw him shoot like electricity and his hands like knives. He pushed away the opponent's weapon with his hand, grabbed the opponent's neck as a pinch, and died. Even tore open the opponent's chest with bare hands, and took out the other's heart.

This beast did not know how to train it, his strength was infinite, and his physical strength was extraordinary. A pair of hands is even more terrifying, that is his weapon, although he is a barbarian, but it is really very powerful!