Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 38: Under the rule of the king


Zhao Zhen shouted loudly and used a simple horn to continue telling the story of the Spartan warrior for his Golden Dragon Boy Scout.

"All the orthodox citizens of this country, none of them are engaged in production. All of their citizens only do one thing and fight! The battle is not stopped! We must learn from their good, but we don’t want their bad! We must not only be strong We also want to be civilized. We must have their combat effectiveness, but we must also learn from our own advanced culture of the Song Dynasty, our own civilization, craftsmanship and everything. We are different from Sparta. We want everything! All!"

"In that place, something for us to learn from happened." "To the west of our country, there used to be a powerful country named Persia, marching there. The Persian army totals more than 400,000! Ha ha, Not too much, our Da Song, when it was strong, had more than a million male soldiers. But now it's not good at fighting, so I want to train you."

"Persia attacked Sparta, but you know how that Sparta sent troops to resist? Maybe you don't understand. At that time, the King of Sparta had no right to mobilize his army. He could only send out his own troops. The guard. How did it turn out? That king, maybe he is a tyrant, but he is brave! He set out with a guard of only three hundred men to meet the enemy army of 400,000 people!"

"Finally, this king and his men will die together...all of them!" Zhao Zhen looked at the shining things and excited expressions in the eyes of these teenagers, knowing that they were There is a sense of substitution.

"Three hundred warriors, only two survived!" Zhao Zhen continued. "One died in the subsequent war, and the other committed suicide in shame."

"But they did not die in battle. They fled. Therefore, they are not qualified to enter the three hundred warriors. The three hundred warriors are gloriously buried with the king. They are in a tomb! As for those two people, they will be treated by the world. cast aside!"

"I want to tell you through this true story that our army of the Golden Dragon Army will do the same. We will not have a deserter. Even if we die, die in battle, I will be with you! As long as I am by your side! We will fight the enemy together to the end! We have no deserters! There will be none! Including me and you!"

"Then, you have to say whether there is any point in such a battle! The three hundred Spartan armies are dead, it seems to be meaningless, let me tell you! Because of the battle of the three hundred soldiers! They gave their enemies, It caused 20,000 casualties! And it was 20,000 of the most elite enemies who died. Later, the Persian army was beaten by these 300 people, and they lost their fighting spirit. Later, 30,000 Spartans and allied soldiers from various countries Together we fought against the mighty Persia and defeated the enemy in the first battle!"

"Three hundred and twenty thousand! Think... incredible?" Zhao Zhen looked at the dark boy in front of him. "No! Soldiers, learn from me, I will make you stronger, and your record will exceed this number! You...will leave your names in history! History may not remember you Every soldier’s name, but history will remember the name of a powerful army! Now, history has remembered a name. The Eight Hundred Boy Scouts of King Chu. But in the future, history will remember you, the Golden Dragon Army!"

Hearing this, the teenagers were excited. From their excited eyes and flushed faces, Zhao Zhen knew that they had begun to have an ideal.

Zhao Zhen smiled, he stood up, and said, "Everyone has it, stand up!" More than 5,000 soldiers Huo Sui started, their movements neatly and uniformly, lined up in rows, making people look at them. Just like that, I'm afraid no army in this world can do it.

"Stop!" Zhao Zhen ordered, and more than five thousand people made another move. The quality of these ancient people is so good, Zhao Zhen deeply feels that in his own time, the young soldiers under the supervision of the instructors were scumbags compared to these young men. The people that Zhao Zhen trains now can be pulled out for a big military parade. What an amazing quality, as many as five thousand people, they can already get out of the iron formation.

"This will be your weapon..." Zhao Zhen took out a steel gun. This is a standard steel gun, which is a little more than two meters in length. It has a long red tassel and a fine iron core jacket made of pine wood. It is a three-sided pointed gun blade. This kind of gun is not only difficult to be broken off, but it is also much lighter than a full-iron gun, and it is easy to dance. It is also easier to pierce. The cut on three sides, even if it is iron armor, can be penetrated by a single piercing! The deep blood tank can quickly release the enemy's blood.

Zhao Zhen said: "I tell you, this is the gun I made for you! The stabbing gun will be your weapon in the future. From now on, you can say goodbye to your wooden sticks. But don't throw wooden sticks. , You will still use them in training. After all, you need to fight with each other. But you are facing your comrades, you can’t use real guns, you must use wooden sticks to bring cotton. Now, one for each, line up Take the gun!" Soldiers came forward, and they returned to their original positions after receiving the guns.

At this time, Zhao Zhen took out one of his guns. It was a steel gun. It was made of pure steel from beginning to end. Zhao Zhen carried the steel gun and started to swing the big gun. What was dancing was an oolong wagging tail. , Flying dragon is in the sky.

One trick, one style, let the teenagers look at them one by one. It turns out that the big gun still has this kind of trick. Zhao Zhen shouted loudly, picked up the gun and tied it up, the head of the gun trembling like stars. Although the trembling human eyes are blurred, it means where they are stuck, and there is no puncture at all. One poke will return, one point will be collected, as fast as a lightning, as fast as an eagle peck!

After playing twice, Zhao Zhen closed her hand, looked back at the teenagers, and said, "Practice hard, you will reach my level sooner or later in the future. Of course, you can't stab with a gun like me now. The reason is that you are young. You don’t have enough power, so you have to use both hands. Okay! All are there, take a rest, stand at attention! Look at my actions. One! Lift the gun like this, two, stab it out, so, three, take it back, and then One, two, three, understand?" Zhao Zhen said and began to let the children practice stabs.

"One, two, three, thorns! One, two, three, thorns! One, two, three, thorns! One, two, three, thorns! One, two, three, thorns! One, two, three, thorns! One , Two, three, stab!" In the slogan of the teenagers, they did uniform and monotonous movements over and over again. Even so, they were heartbroken in the eyes of Wang Jin and Gao Yunfei who came to look for Zhao Zhen. Cool air.

"Mom, if this happened on the battlefield, would it be okay?" Gao Yunfei said in a low voice. He had seen a ruthless one, but had never seen anything like this. In contrast, although Jinbing Jurchen is powerful, this uniform power is gone. In the face of such an aura of five thousand people, in an instant, you will feel that you are actually isolated and helpless. The opponent will be pressed down like a whole iron plate, making you feel like you can't run or retreat.

This is the power of the collective, and it is also the power that Zhao Zhen gave to five thousand people with iron discipline. "Okay, we start to run. While running, you have to watch and pay attention. It may be me who issued the order, but when I am away, it is the person I appointed. Pay attention to everything, when I say When it comes to the direction, front, rear, left front, right front, you must remember that you can’t make mistakes. When I say tight, you must gather together, follow my steps, and let us run out."

Under Zhao Zhen's personal leadership, the Five Thousand Boy Scouts ran around the playground together, running and mentally counting slogans. One, two, one, one, two, is that simple, but it is also very difficult to be uniform.

"Left front, stab...! stab, stab, stab again!" Zhao Zhen issued a military order. "Get up! The Song people who don't want to be slaves build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall. The Song Dynasty has arrived, the most dangerous time. We are forced to make the final roar! Get up! Get up! Get up! Human battle formation, go forward! Go forward! Go forward!

Countless people migrated from various places to the ruled area of the King of Letters. Now, people know that the letter king of the eighteen sons of Huizong of the Great Song Dynasty is fighting against the Golden Army on the north bank of the Yellow River.

Jin Jun spies frequently entered the area occupied by King Xin to inquire about intelligence, and discovered many unique things under King Xin's governance by Zhao Zhen. Under the policy of "working more, earning more money" advocated by Xinwang, all the people are working nonstop. The people pick up the grass and pick the leaves, so that the cattle, horses, and sheep robbed of tens of thousands of them all have grass to eat. The common people cultivated large areas of land to prepare for the autumn harvest.

In the area occupied by King Xinwang, houses are being built vigorously, and all they use are big blue bricks! At the same time, all towns, villages and villages are still training their weapons.

But there are still things they can't see. Inside the cave, there are already many large rabbit farms. Back and forth, Zhao Zhen sent people to catch thousands of rabbits. These rabbits will give birth to more than ten times the number of bunnies in a year, and the two hundred will become more than thousands in a blink of an eye, and in another year, tens of thousands! In another year, hundreds of thousands! This is a terrible figure. As long as the rabbits are raised well, the soldiers and civilians under Zhao Zhen's rule can have enough meat, regardless of the more expensive pigs, cattle, and sheep.

You know, meat is always a very precious food. Even the prairie people in the northwest do not eat meat every day.

In addition to armaments and the development of production and agricultural and sideline industries, Zhao Zhen also actively develops steel smelting and matching gunpowder. He developed a place as a gunpowder armament factory in a secret valley cave in the Taihang Mountains. He knows the safe ratio and the production of relatively powerful firearms, as long as the craftsmen do the processing and production.

Of course, the raw materials and coke are easily obtained or refined, but the gunpowder and firearms arsenal and the iron-making high-temperature furnace take time to build. Therefore, Zhao Zhen temporarily entrusted these things to Zhao Qing'er and Laoying's personnel.

In mid-July, Zhao Zhen stopped the soldiers. He looked at the soldiers with flushed cheeks, smiled, and said: "Now, you are promoted, it is not the enemy's dish." This is a joke, but these The children showed excitement. They were not laughing, but a kind of pride.

Now, even if they are as strong as Zhao Zhen, they have to admit that they have the appearance of really good soldiers. With these unfinished semi-finished products, and with these children, they are no less inferior to the Jinjun on the battlefield.

In fact, like Sparta, it is indeed possible to get powerful soldiers, but the chances of getting soldiers are too low, and their requirements for high-quality soldiers are too high, which led them to extreme demise in the end.

Zhao Zhen likes Spartan's military style, but doesn't like the stupid and rigid stubbornness. All the good things come together. Therefore, Zhao Zhen's training is enough to train ordinary special forces. The Jin Bing he dealt with was definitely not the opponent that these teenagers would grow into real warriors in the future. In modern society, Zhao Zhen remembers clearly that an original rural kid became a special soldier in only two years. What does this mean? For soldiers, one or two years of training is enough!

As long as the soldiers learn to unite, learn skills, and have strong physical strength and combat effectiveness. Then they can defeat all enemies.

On the battlefield, if there are soldiers fleeing for fear of death, it will bring instability to the army. But if a troop does not surrender or desert until the end of the battle, then this troop is a terrible army. A powerful army that makes any enemy cowardly.

The Song Dynasty was also afraid of deserters, so their soldiers had to tattoo their faces to prevent them from becoming deserters. But on the battlefield, the soldiers still ran backwards. The law did not blame the public. Everyone ran. What can you do? No matter how incompetent generals, give him a strong army, he can also fight good battles.

But even if Yue Fei, who Zhao Zhen wanted to beg for, if his soldiers were the kind of soldiers who turned around and ran after they didn't fight in a battle, they would not be the opponent of the golden man.

Good generals are all good at training. The reason why Yue Fei is so powerful is not that his bravery is the enemy of ten thousand people, but because he has elite fighters who can win more with less. Good generals need strong soldiers to fight.

But for Zhao Zhen. The soldiers who dare to fight are just the beginning. The real soldiers, the real strong army, are those strong uniforms. No matter how many people are, the command is like one person.

Such an army, like the current Golden Dragon Army, has five thousand uniform soldiers. Once mastered excellent military skills, it is an extremely terrifying army. Don't underestimate such an army. On the battlefield, the real protagonist is actually such a warrior. Ten thousand enemies are just legends, and it is impossible for a brave general to beat a powerful army. War, they are the real protagonists!

The summer night is dark and late, but the passing of time makes the sun that has been reluctant to set the mountain still go down. It was getting dark, Zhao Zhen stopped the soldiers of the Golden Dragon Army who were training.

"You have gone through a lot of training. Now that you have new weapons, the era of playing with wooden sticks is over. Now you can see the real blood. I want to see the blood. You, have you seen it? There is no night blindness. Okay, put on a torch, and a group of fifty people, bring me into the mountain. You have to stay on the mountain for three days, and then go down the mountain. Do not each group of you empty-handed, I want to see your results, take at least one Come, let me see your abilities, let me go up the mountain and kill!"

Zhao Zhen issued a new order. "Kill!" the boys yelled, grouping is superfluous. After they train, powerful fighters will naturally stand out to become corps commanders, chiefs... until the battalion commander.

They were just considering the formation and strategy after entering the mountain. They didn't want Zhao Zhen to see that they hadn't hit any big beasts in the mountain for three days.

At this time, the downtown area in Yangzhou was in depression. The shops are shining brightly, and there are sparse pedestrians on the street. Under the faintly swaying lights, it can be seen that the people in the city are dressed in crude and simple clothes, and from time to time there are firewood-bearers walking through the street.

The whole Yangzhou city is silent, everything is quiet, but there is no panic at all. All of these are silently expressing that the city has experienced countless storms.

At this time, suddenly there was the sound of "kick and step" horseshoe landing on the avenue. A fast horse rider flew under the huge blue brick wall. The knight fell from his horse, stood up again, and shouted, "I'm from the north..."

Two rows of armored men stood in front of the gate, and the general with a sword in front of Shimen immediately stepped forward and asked, "Is it a member of the Butterfly Department?" The knight stepped down from the horse, staggeringly handed over the token in his hand to the general, and said: "Yes!"

The general immediately led the butterfly personnel who came in a hurry to stride straight into the door. After a few steps, the butterfly staff staggered to the ground and couldn't get up. He shook his hand hoarsely: "Quick, help me, go in."

The four guard sergeants immediately rushed up and lifted the messenger to enter the gate quickly. Here is the temporary residence of Gaozong Zhao Gou in Yangzhou.

The houses in the mansion are all made of extra-large square bricks, and the ground is a single-color blue slate, there is no water surface, no flowers and plants. The only green is a few pine trees on the corners.

At this moment, the West Study Room has already lit up the lights. This is a study room with gorgeous furnishings, with red felt on the floor and luxurious items such as curtains and curtains made of gold and silver threads. The most conspicuous is the three rows of antique calligraphy and painting cabinets, full of antiques, calligraphy and paintings and ornaments, which surround the three walls.

At this moment, a person sat at the table, still thinking. This person is slightly fat, with a yellow five-claw gold dragon gown and a purple gold crown on his head.

He looked at the secret letter sent by Jin Guo's secret envoy. In the secret letter, Jin Bing asked him to surrender and recalled the letter Wang Zhao Zhen who was not dead or captured by the Jin army in the north. After looking at it for a moment, he screamed and slammed his fist on the secret letter, angrily and heavy. To surrender is to die, and he will never surrender to a golden man. The emperor who is still half of the country, even if the emperor was humiliated and claimed to be a courtier, he would not hesitate.