Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 39: The roof beam collapsed and the undercurrent surged


Kang Wang Zhao Gou is actually a smart man, but also an ambitious man. Since Huizong was dissatisfied with his eldest brother at the beginning, he always wanted to establish another prince, so Chaozhong has been unstable. The imperial court disputes, coupled with powerful foreign invasion, caused chaos in the Song Dynasty.

Three years ago, the rulers of the Jin Dynasty used the Song Dynasty to break the maritime covenant between the two sides and invaded the Song Dynasty south. In October of this year, the Jin Army divided the army into two groups. The West Route Army, with Nianhan as the main general, attacked Taiyuan by Datong; the East Route Army, with Orion as the leader, attacked Yanshan by Pingzhou. The two Jin armies planned to meet in Kaifeng, the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Song Huizong hurriedly passed the throne to Zhao Gou and Zhao Zhen's eldest brother Zhao Huan, and fled south by himself. The Jinxi Road Army encountered strong resistance from the military and civilians in Taiyuan and was unable to advance. But the Jinjun on the East Road went south and surrounded Kaifeng.

The Song court differed on the issue of peace and war. Song Qinzong, prime ministers Li Bangyan, Zhang Bangchang and others all advocated humiliation and peace, and promised to cede land with compensation. However, Li Gang and others believed that aggressive strategies should be adopted and the emperor should be "pro-political." Qinzong successively appointed Li Gang as the Minister of War, Shang Shuyoucheng, Tokyo stay behind, and the envoy of the battalion. He was fully responsible for the defense of the capital Kaifeng. Li Gang actively organized military and civilian preparations, repaired building sculls, taped curtains, installed artillery mounts, set up crossbow beds, transported masonry, used fire torches, weeping wood, prepared fire oil, and prepared enough defensive equipment. At the same time, there are more than 12,000 regular troops in each of the four sides of the city, as well as auxiliary troops and the Baojia militia. Organize 40,000 horse infantry troops, divided into five armies, front, rear, left, right, and middle, to conduct daily drills.

On the eighth day of the first month of the Jingkang year, the Jin Army arrived at Kaifeng City. As the divisions of King Qin from all over the country came to rescue the capital, Li Gang personally supervised the battle and defeated the siege Jin army several times. The Hebei and Shandong Volunteers also rose to fight against the gold. The situation was very unfavorable for the lonely deep Jin army. There were many casualties and the Jin army was forced to retreat. The army and the civilians together successfully defended the city of Kaifeng.

After the Jin Bing retreated north, the surrender faction gained power again, and Li Gang was forced to leave Kaifeng. The divisions of the kings of Qin and the militia were scattered, and the defense was empty. Half a year later, in the autumn of 1126, the Jin army invaded southward in two ways. The West Route Army broke through Taiyuan and crossed the river by victory; the East Route Army captured it. The two Route Army besieged Kaifeng. On November 25, the city of Kaifeng was broken.

Although Kaifeng was breached by the Jin army, the Kaifeng army and the people were in high spirits against the enemy, and they immediately killed the Jin ambassador who had come to negotiate the peace the day before. On the second day, 300,000 people received weapon armors to resist the Golden Soldiers. When the Golden Soldiers wanted to set fire to the city, the residents wanted to go street fighters "like a cloud." The Jin army hurriedly built fortifications on the city wall to prevent Kaifeng residents from driving them down the city. The Jin army occupied Kaifeng for four months, and after a large-scale raid, it withdrew its troops north in April 1127, taking away all the captives and property including Emperor Hui and Qin. This is the origin and process of Jingkang's disaster.

In fact, all of this is attributed to Zhao Kang, because when he was sent to Jinbingyingzhai by Huizong, he hated his father.

At first, Huizong was afraid of death, so he sent himself to the Jinjun military camp to seek peace. On the surface, he succeeded in seeking peace by himself and returned safely. In fact, he had been humiliated secretly by those savage and terrifying golden men, and the miserable inhuman treatment made him tremble with fear in retrospect. At that time, Zhao Gou planted the seeds of fear of the barbaric golden man in his heart. Until the seed of fear took root in my heart.

At the beginning, I was tortured in the Golden Barracks. Not only did my chrysanthemums not be preserved, but I was crippled by the Golden Man to be barren, and I had no future. He hates it! He hates Huizong who retreats into the fire pit! Hate everything about the Zhao family! At first, it seemed that the negotiation was successful, and Jin Bing stopped attacking Tokyo for the time being. In fact, that was just a slow-down plan for the Golden Army. Who knows how painful and painful he was at the beginning

When he left Jinying, Wanyan Zongwang, the second prince of the Kingdom of Jin, had a close relationship with him. Let him secretly provide information to the Kingdom of Jin, and when the Jin Army captures all of the Zhao family clan, he can become the emperor. From now on, the north of the Yellow River will be the land of the Kingdom of Jin, and the south of the Yellow River will be the land of the Zhao Gou Song Dynasty. The two countries are bounded by the Yellow River and will always reconcile.

At the beginning, he was obsessed with agreeing, but the Zhao family clan was taken prisoner. Huizong and Qinzong were too lazy to control, but their own mother was also captured by the Jinbing and went north. This is a secret that no one can know.

Waxwan sealed himself as the Marshal of Soldiers and Horses, but he did not send troops to rescue the whole clan, but secretly reported a letter and betrayed the whole clan. But what I didn't expect was that Jin Jun still had to attack himself after he registered as an emperor. Jin Jun turned back.

Thinking of the barbaric and terrifying Jinjun generals and nobles, Zhao Gou was scared. Although Zhao Gou himself is vicious, he is timid by nature. It was also because of his fear of death that he could survive safely in Jinying.

Several servants stood by the door, all expressionless and silent. For fear of disturbing the emperor's thinking, at this moment, the sound of rapid and heavy footsteps came from the courtyard. The attendants and guards were alert, and one of the attendants immediately walked down the steps. The four sergeants hurriedly carried the butterfly messenger and placed them in front of the servant.

The messenger of the butterfly department raised the token in his hand with difficulty. The servant immediately shouted: "The messenger of the Butterfly Ministry asks for a promotion!"

In fact, Zhao Gou in the study had already been waiting for the messenger of the Butterfly Ministry, otherwise the messenger of the Butterfly Ministry would not have the right to come to see him.

With Zhao Go's order, several guards entered the study with the limp Butterfly Department staff. The Butterfly Envoy was placed flat on the ground, and he saw his face covered with dust, sweating profusely, and his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Seeing Gaozong's attire, he hurriedly got up and said, "Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor! Your lord, big business, no, no, bad."

Gaozong just listened, without any indication. The butterfly messenger took a breath and said heavily and hastily: "Your Majesty, it's not good, something has happened, old handsome Zongze has passed away." Gaozong was paralyzed with fright in an instant. Although Zongze repeatedly resisted orders, he never removed him. The reason is because he is the pillar of the fight against gold in Tokyo. If he dies, Tokyo might not be guaranteed.

"Long live, there is another good news. I also got a report from the Northern Diezi. His Royal Highness in the north was actually not defeated by the Golden Army. The Xinwang Army retreated from Wuma Mountain to the vicinity of Taihang Mountain and recruited troops from Leping to Pingding. After that, they occupied Weizhou, Zhendingfu, and Wuzhou. The King of Belief was victorious in all battles, and the golden army was defeated!"

"What?" When sitting Gaozong heard these news, he immediately stood up. Hearing the report of the spy messenger, his face became more and more gloomy. After listening to the messenger, he did not speak or move for a while, his eyes were just staring at the deep night outside the window lattice.

"Your Majesty?" The waiter was a little panicked and yelled softly. Zhao Zhen paced silently, then turned to the bookshelf and suddenly asked, "Did that Ma Kuo lead the soldiers to the Yellow River?"

"Long live back, Ma Kuo pretended to set up camp and pretended to be sick. In fact, he has escaped from the barracks, ran away from the starry night, without whereabouts." The spy agency's messenger said deep guilt and blame.

They are all a group of people who are very loyal to Gaozong Zhao Gou, and the general has left the barracks without permission. Such a big omission is closely related to their untimely espionage. Although the Butterfly Department caused 40,000 misfortunes due to the golden soldiers, the personnel transfer and the loss of personnel were very serious. But their unfavorable intelligence is the reason for Tie Zhengzheng.

"Well, you go down, I hope you will continue to inquire for more news in the future." Gaozong Zhao Gou's tone was actually very flat. There is no blame or comfort. The butterfly messenger arched his hands and said, "Long live Xie, the minister retire!"

Gaozong Zhao Gou closed his eyes, feeling a little suffocated in his heart. Old eighteen! Unexpectedly! He really hid it, playing with himself in the applause. It seems that the old eighteen has already gained the essence of the royal power struggle, and I really didn't see that his eighteenth brother is really powerful, able to defeat the barbaric golden army. This guy is the biggest contender for his throne, he must find a way to get rid of him,

"The emperor! Your majesty! The minister has good news!" At this time, Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan quickly ran and said: "The envoy of the Golden Army is relieved. They said that as long as the emperor recalls the false king in the north and then punishes it, they will agree. Live peacefully with me, Da Song, and be a fraternal country."

"Oh! Really? Haha! Great! In this way, my throne will be stable. When Zhao Zhen is killed, Zhao Zhen will be said to be fake. You can also let Zhao Zhen's prestige in the northern rebels be wiped out, okay! Kill! After receiving the letter to the queen, she declared that he was a fake. In the future, we can still maintain peace with Jin. Three birds with one stone! Good! Tell Jin Guo's secret envoy, I agree to their terms." Gaozong Zhao Gou frowned and stretched his brows. Up.

"Quickly send me an edict, and ask Marshal Xin Wang of Hebei Road Soldiers and Horses to immediately lead the soldiers to the south without error. Send a quick horse to the north to pass the emperor's order."

In Zhao Gou's ***, a large number of officials who are traitors, talkers, and Go'an are proud of themselves, do whatever they want, say whatever they want, and no one can stop them. Instead, the officials who were devoted to the war of resistance were faced with difficulties everywhere. On the surface, Li Gang was reused to support the War of Resistance, but Li Gang was dismissed in no time.

On the surface, he supported Zhang Suo to launch a military-civilian resistance against gold in Hebei, but Zhang Suo was demoted to Lingnan in a blink of an eye. With the support of Zhang Suo, Wang Yan formed the Eight-character Army. He was shocked by repeated victories. So Zhao Gou instructed Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan to intervene to transfer the Bazijun to the south and let Wang Yan go south.

Obviously, after Zongze died and Li Gang was deposed. The main combat faction has faded away. Wang Boyan and Huang Qianshan have already gained an advantage in the struggle with the anti-golden nation salvation faction. The surrender faction wanted to use this battle to attack the main battle faction, and the two recommended to Zhao Gou, Du Chong, who was heartbroken.

After Zongze's death, people in Tokyo were panicked and worried about the future of the anti-golden war. The governor Wang Yan was anxious, and hurriedly took a few soldiers, and rushed to Yangzhou overnight to see Zhao Gou, hoping to report the battle on the front line in Tokyo, and asked the court to select a prestigious general to replace Zongze. Don’t let Zongze’s two recruits. The river militia was shaken.

Zhao Gou asked Huang Qianshan and Wang Boyan to meet him on his behalf. When they met, Wang Yan burst into tears, detailing the millions of Zhonghe Zhongyi militiamen who were willing to serve the country and asked the court for support in order to initiate the Northern Expedition.

Before Wang Yan had finished speaking, Huang Qianshan poured cold water on his head. He told Wang Yan to stop saying, "All loyal and righteous militias are all thieves. Although there are many people, they are of no use, and they will all be deported in the future."

Wang Yan's heart was upset, and he clashed fiercely with Huang and Wang. Wang Yan knew that Zhao Gou's *** would soon attack Lianghe million militiamen. It was useless to say that he was very discouraged and resolutely requested to resign and return home.

The soldiers and civilians in Tokyo wrote letters, asking Ren Zongze's son Zong Ying to stay in Tokyo, but Zhao Gou ignored it. Huang and Wang suggested that Zhao Gou appoint Du Chong, the former Cangzhou Zhizhou who was cruel and easy to kill, to take over as stay in Tokyo, asking him to kill all the "thief" recruited by Zongze in the past.

At this time, Gaozong Zhao Gou wanted peace with Jin Guo, and he was also worried that the rebels would overthrow his regime. Therefore, after discussing with Jin Jun's secret envoy, he decided to do it in accordance with Jin Jun's request.

Jin Jun asked Zhao Gou to destroy all the rebel troops. The most important thing was to recall the letter king Zhao Zhen to go south, and then behead him, and then Zhao Gou could negotiate with Jin Guo on the terms agreed.

Now Zhao Gou, who wants to beg for peace with the Jin Jun, is full of illusions. He has levelled the rebels and killed the eighteenth brother Zhao Zhen, and he can safely be the emperor of half of the country...

At this time, Zhao Zhen, in the Zhending Commander's Mansion, set up a tablet to pay tribute to the old commander Zongze. Zongze was a person he admired very much, and he was the pillar of the Song Dynasty. In the commander’s mansion, in addition to the generals and political officials under the letter of the king, there are Zhang Rong of Shandong Liangshan, Zhai Xing of Jingzhao Road who contacted by Zhao Zhen, leaders of the volunteers Liu Xiliang, Meng Di, Zhong Qian, and Zhang Mian. , Zhang Jian, Bai Bao, Li Jin, Li Yanxian, Zhang Zong'e, and the envoys of Wang Shu and others who have been fighting against gold.

All the volunteers have outstanding records. The Jindong Road Army led by Wanyan Zongfu and Wanyan Zongbi (Wu Shu) captured Qingzhou and Weizhou in Shandong in the first month of the second year of Jianyan. When Qiancheng County was defeated by the people’s armed forces, the Jinjun gave up Qingzhou. , Wei two prefectures retreated. The Zhang Rong Water Volunteer, which was active in the area of Liangshanbo, dispatched tens of thousands of ships to fight, and hit the Jin army heavily.

The Central Route Army, led by Wanyan Zonghan, captured Luoyang, Xijing, in December of the first year of Jianyan. In the first month of the second year of Jianyan, Xijing governor Zhai Jin and his brother Zhai Xing defeated Jinbing at Zaofanling and Lvdaoyan in Yichuan. In March, they defeated the Jin Jun in Fuchang and Longmen, drove the Jin Jun back to Hebei, and regained the Xijing Luoyang. After Zhai Jin died, Zhai Xing had close ties with the rebel army of Hedong and Hebei, especially with the army of Xinwang Zhaozhen, and the two sides cooperated in combat to contain a large number of gold troops.

The Jinxi Road Army, led by Lou Bao, captured Chang'an in the first month of the second year of Jianyan, and successively captured the Hua, Qi, Long, and Qin prefectures in February. Kuo Yan Jinglue asked Wang Shu to recruit volunteers from the north and south of the Yellow River to fight against gold. Within ten days, Mengdi, Zhongqian, Zhang Mian, Zhang Jian, Bai Bao, Li Jin, Li Yanxian and other ministries were acquired, each with 10,000 soldiers. The volunteers led by Gongzhou native Li Yanxian fought the Jinbing many times. They broke more than 50 bases in January, regained Shanzhou in March, and crossed the Yellow River to regain Jiangzhou and Jiezhou. Shao Xing led the volunteers to Li Yanxian, and Li Yanxian ordered him to cross the river to recover the four towns of Pinglu County. Another leader of the volunteers, Liu Xiliang, regained Fengxiang, and Zhang Zong'e regained Chang'an. When the Jin soldiers arrived in Xianyang, they saw that the volunteers on both sides of the Weihe River held the banner of resistance to Jin. They did not dare to fight again, so they had to retreat.

The people of the Song Dynasty and the rebels fought bravely and violently in the anti-golden struggle, winning frequently, once again creating an excellent opportunity for the anti-golden regaining lost ground. Gaozong Zhao Gou and a group of surrender factions ignored and supported them. Instead, they issued an edict in the first month of the second year of Jianyan, slandering the rebels for "fake the name of the King of Qin, the public is a threat to the invaders" and ordered their disbandment. After receiving this decree, the old commander Zongze immediately sent a letter to Gaozong and asked Gaozong to take it back. Gaozong ignored Zongze's correct claim.

Zongze learned that Lianghe and other local anti-Jin soldiers did not receive the support of the Song Dynasty. Once the volunteers were suppressed by the Jin soldiers, it would be more difficult for the Song Dynasty to regain lost ground. Zong Ze went to Gaozong and asked him to open the seal. Zong Ze also set out to cross the Yellow River to recover the lost land. In May of the second year of Jianyan, he sent Gaozong to Gaozong and proposed a plan to cross the river in February, asking Gaozong to act decisively and return to Kaifeng to command this feat of the Northern Expedition.

At this time, Song Gaozong was living with a group of surrenders in Yangzhou, living a decadent life of being drunk and drunk. For Zongze's anti-gold deployment in Kaifeng, they set up numerous obstacles from the beginning to obstruct them in every possible way. They were even more worried about Zongze's rising prestige in Kaifeng. Not only did he ignore Zongze's plan for the Northern Expedition, but he also prepared to send the guard Ma Jundu commander Guo Zhongxun to Kaifeng as a deputy to stay in Tokyo to monitor Zongze's actions.

Seeing that his plan of crossing the river to regain lost ground, which he had prepared for many years, was in vain, Zong Ze couldn't help being mixed with grief and anger. Finally, the gangrene broke out in his back, and he fell ill in June of the second year of Jianyan. On the sickbed, he said painfully to the visiting generals: "I am hard to return because of the "two sages" (referring to Huizong and Qinzong), and I become sick with my anger. If the princes can wipe out the same enmity for me, I will succeed. The Lord’s ambition to recover, even though I die, I have no hate." The generals replied, "I am willing to do my best!" On July 1, the second year of Jianyan, the seventy-year-old veteran who had fought for the anti-golden warfare all his life, finally shouted "cross the river" three times, and died with his unfinished career.

Everyone understands Zongze's protection of the rebel army, so everyone's respect for Zongze is naturally sincere. The letter king Zhao Zhenyi summoned everyone to worship the old man and discuss countermeasures against gold. Everyone sent people.

After paying homage to the heroic spirits, Zhao Zhen let a lot of real inside stories to the messengers of various people and horses, which is to belittle Zhao Gou's image in the hearts of the rebels and raise his own image. Zhao Zhen knew that he wanted to fight against gold in the north, and the strength of his army was still very weak. It is necessary to rely on everyone’s strength to fight against the Kingdom of Jin, blooming everywhere, establish base areas behind enemy lines, rely on mountains, cities and other terrains to resist gold, and support each other and cooperate with each other.

Therefore, Zhao Zhencai invited all the envoys from all walks of life to worship Zongze in the name of discussing the anti-gold cause. The purpose is how to unite against gold and increase their prestige.

This time, Zhao Zhen summoned all the envoys from all the heroes and began to discuss matters about the joint anti-golden war. He also vowed to guarantee that he would incorporate all the rebels into the regular army of the Song Dynasty, and that the reputation of high-ranking officials and heroes would be no less. When the envoys from all walks of life heard it, they were overjoyed.