Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 46: Encirclement and suppression are surging


Di Lei’s captain walked up to Di Lei with a smile on his face, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Di Lei, brother, I am here to congratulate you on your promotion. Don’t forget our brothers when you go to the Qianshui account. , I remember coming to my brother when I’m okay. My brother still has a few bottles of good wine and he’s not willing to drink. If you have the opportunity to eat a few cups of it, how about it!"

Di Lei smiled when he heard the words, then turned his face straight, and said, "Thank you, elder brother, for your kindness, but I remember the military law stipulates that no alcohol is allowed in the barracks. Unless ordered by the commander, the stick is thirty. You will not forget, right? "After that, he smiled and continued: "After defeating the Jinjun and restoring our homeland, we will get drunk and Fang Xiu together." After that, he turned his head and walked to the letter king Zhao Zhen.

Looking at Di Lei's back, the man smiled, and cursed at the soldiers who were secretly laughing while covering their mouths: "Bastard stuff, don't you go and help treat the wounded soldiers, do you want to get a stick!" The individual suddenly disperses.

In the big tent, Xin Wang Zhaozhen looked at the reported casualties and sighed and said: "I didn't expect this golden soldier to be so powerful, no wonder he dared to steal the camp with three thousand men and horses. I was in an ambush. It can kill me more than four hundred soldiers. This anti-gold industry seems to be not as easy as imagined."

Zhao Xiaodao persuaded: "Thousands of years don't have to worry so much. I think these three thousand golden soldiers are also their Jurchen elite."

"I hope so." Zhao Zhen put down the bill in his hand and looked up and said, "Send the order to the entire army, take time to rest, and leave this valley before dawn. If I expected it to be good, the main force of the Golden Soldier would chase here at dawn. Come."

"Yes, Your Highness." Zhao Xiaodao replied with a fist. At this time, Zhao Zhen saw Di Lei standing at the door and smiled: "Di Lei, come here. You are so good at a young age. I wonder if your master is that expert?"

"You seem to be younger than me, and depending on the speed at which you kill, I am afraid that martial skills are far higher than mine." Di Lei thought in his heart, stepped forward and replied: "If you return to Qianshui, there is no mark Master, I did this exercise blindly by myself. It's far worse than Chitose's kungfu."

Zhao Zhen laughed and said, "Don’t belittle yourself. I think the generals of the Golden Army are very good at it. Even if the king wants to take him with bare hands, it is not so easy. But you broke his ribs with a single move. , This kind of effort is very rare."

"Thousands of years have passed the reputation. My kung fu can be regarded as cropping at best. Defeating the Golden Dog is pure luck." Di Lei, who blushed with praise by His Royal Highness, replied hurriedly.

"Well, it's rare to be so humble. Well, you will be my chief guard in the future. If you don't understand, just ask Zhao Xiaodao. You should go down and rest for a while. By the way, do you have a weapon?" Zhao Zhen just wanted to let him down, but suddenly realized that he had no weapons to take advantage of, and asked.

"If you go back to Chitose, you don't have a humble job. The humble job is good at making hammers, but ordinary hammers are too light to dance. The humble job usually kills golden dogs with fists."

After Di Lei said, Zhao Zhen immediately said to Zhao Xiaodao: "Pick him the heaviest pair of steel hammers. Okay, go and rest."

"His Royal Highness Chitose, please rest earlier!" Di Lei replied with a bow. He followed Zhao Xiaodao around and left the camp. Looking at their figures, Zhao Zhen's mind was full of thoughts.

Yue Fei, Zhang Xian, Liang Xing, Zhao Yun, Di Lei and other famous generals have already come to him. With their tenacity against gold, there will be more generals to join him. With the help of this group of people, I will definitely expel the Golden Soldiers and return me to rivers and mountains, and then build a powerful Song Dynasty!

Most of the tents were burned when the golden soldiers came, and the remaining ones were already full of people. In the Army of Believing in Wangyi, we believe in military discipline that everyone is equal except for military orders. At this time, the guards of Xinwang were all squeezed into a tent. Di Lei had to find a tent leeward and lay down with a group of guards and their clothes.

Just after the fourth shift, Zhao Zhen led the soldiers to the meeting place agreed upon with the other generals. Because part of the horses of the Golden Soldier was captured, all the soldiers replaced them with war horses, and even Di Lei was assigned a good horse. Everyone rode their horses and galloped, leaving here quickly, rushing to the destination.

On the evening of the 11th, more than one hundred thousand Jinjun East Route Army slowly approached Lingshou City. But at this time, Wanyan Zongwang was in a bad mood and was very angry. Up to now, Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) still clings to Jizhou and has not sent troops.

As far as the battle on the front line of Hedong Road is concerned, Wanyan Zongwang feels that he and Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) can once again join forces to attack the enemy. It will surely inflict heavy losses on Xin Wang Yijun, which will enable Jin Guo to gain greater benefits in the great cause of reunification in the south.

But his own strength was not enough. Although the East Road Jin Army was replenished after the war and made up 140,000 people, there are at least 80,000 Han troops in the East Road Jin Army, which does not have much combat effectiveness. Although they surpassed the total strength of the Rebels in number, compared with the elite Rebels, the actual combat effectiveness of the two armies is not much worse, and in fact there is not much advantage at all.

Moreover, the three thousand Nvzhen elites' raid on the Xinwang Prison Barracks turned into an ambush. In the valley ambush, the gold army's three thousand purebred Jurchen gold soldiers were almost lost.

If this battle is fought, the rebels will be deeply surrounded and can only protect themselves. If Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) leads his troops to advance and then strikes a fatal blow to the Xin Wang Yijun, Xin Wang Yijun will be defeated in an all-round battle and defeated.

When such an impeccable strategy was implemented, it was shelved. It was completely different from the original push to destroy the Liao Kingdom. Now Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) ignores his strategy. Not only did they not give reinforcements and support, but they warned themselves not to act rashly at the critical moment of fighting against the king's army. In order to avoid defeat, the defeat of Wang Yi's army will be defeated.

He is also the coach of the road, and he has the responsibility of continuously threatening the first-line battle of the Eastern Song Dynasty, even without the support of Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan). This battle can still be fought by himself, but there is no strong mid-lane reinforcements, and he seems to have 140,000 troops, but in fact there are only 60,000 capable fighters.

Ordinarily, Jin Guo now concentrates the power of the whole country, and there are about a million soldiers. However, most of them were Han soldiers whose combat effectiveness was very weak and they had more than enough attacks to defend the city. Most of them also need to guard the vast area of Daikin and guard the heavy troops of Gyeonggi.

In summary, in addition to the Jinjun troops that wiped out the rebels in Shandong Lianglu, Jingzhao Road and Huoyan Road and other places. In order to attack the anti-gold army in various places, the gold army has mobilized the most powerful army.

Therefore, it is very difficult to defeat Xinwang Zhaozhen by relying on his own strength. If they don't have enough troops, this battle will be difficult to fight. For this reason, he had to make a choice, to go south to attack Vaud and cut off the retreat of Xin Wang Yijun. Or attack Zhending Lingshou, Weizhou Jingxing front line, and West Road to suppress the letter Wang Yijun Wanyan Tat lazy joint attack, to destroy the letter Wang Yijun.

Wan Yan Zongwang considered repeatedly and chose to attack Zhending Lingshou and Weizhou Jingxing. Going south to Vaud is not a good choice. After all, there is a 100,000 army of Jizhou Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan), ready to attack Vaud at any time. If Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) persists and refuses to send troops until Xin Wang Yijun is defeated in the south, it is his fault, and he has no responsibility for himself.

Moreover, the main reason is that Wanyan Zongwang also knows the gap between Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) and his own royal family, and he wants to preserve his strength. But he also knows that Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) is a great talent, and Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) is a powerful commander of the army and a real military talent. On the battlefield, even he may not be his opponent.

Therefore, under the siege of himself and the West Route Army, when the defeated Xin Wang Yi Army retreated southward. Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) will definitely suddenly appear in Vaud and be fatally blown by Xin Wang Yijun. Wanyan Zongwang believed that Zonghan (Nianhan) would never make low-level mistakes.

On the 12th, the Jinjun commanders Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Lou, who had encircled and suppressed the belief in Wang Yijun on the East Road, decided to advance the soldiers to make life easier. On this day, due to the terrain and other reasons, the attack of the Golden Army was not violent, but the Rebels stepped back and gradually dragged the main force of the Golden Army into a large basin.

The basin was only less than ten miles away from Lingshou City. The Golden Army launched a surprise attack, and the Rebels on the opposite side would definitely not have time to support it. If all goes well, the Jin army can encircle the opposing Rebel army in the basin and cause heavy damage. Even if the Rebels break through the siege, I am afraid they will lose a lot, and they can easily take Lingshou City. After that, Jingxing and Wanyan Tart were lazily flanked back and forth. You can completely annihilate Xin Wang Yijun.

Here, they can now deal a heavy blow to the Xin Wang Yijun. "Should we camp temporarily or attack overnight?" Wanyan Loushi said to Wanyan Zongwang. But Wanyan Zongwang did not speak. Wanyan Lou knew that he was in a bad mood, so she didn't ask.

Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) was extremely conservative in the war of encirclement and suppression of Xin Wang Yijun. He ignored the aggressive emperor's orders and stopped after he captured Jizhou.

Wanyan Zongbi (Wu Shu), who was in Wanyan Zonghan's (Nianhan) camp, was eager to perform meritorious service. He called for several battles, but they were all rejected. Wanyan Zongwang attacked Lingshou this time and encircled and suppressed Wang Yijun with the West Route Army was actually gambling. If the bet wins, we will send troops to Vaud in Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan). The three-way golden army can completely defeat and annihilate the Xin Wang Yi army on the battlefield.

Annihilate Xin Wang Yijun, kill or capture Xin Wang Zhao Zhen. Such a victory directly led to the disappearance of the last strongest anti-gold force of the Song Dynasty.

On the other hand, Gaozong Zhao Gou in the south is weak and incompetent. They will take the initiative to negotiate a peace, and the conditions for the negotiation will greatly meet the requirements of Jin Guodi. Afterwards, the Jin Kingdom's army was able to use Yihe to confuse Zhao Gou, and the army suddenly went south to attack, seize the Song Dynasty, and unify the world.

Both Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) will make great contributions to this. However, at present, some ministers of Huanglong Mansion are very dissatisfied with Wanyan Zongwang's preference for Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan). Because they not only violated the emperor's order to aggressively attack the enemy, but also challenged the authority of the enthusiasts. This time, several Bo Ji Lie directly refused Wanyan Zongwang's request from Huanglong Mansion to send more soldiers and horses to the East Route Army, and they were rejected.

The army of the East Route Army attacked Hebei Road and had to maintain the encirclement and suppression of the rebels in Shandong and the resistance of the Song Army in the south. The strength of the troops was very tight. The Huanglong Mansion's refusal to allocate reinforcements to the East Route Army this time was a warning from Bo Ji Lie that Wan Yan Zongwang favored Wan Yan Zonghan (Nian Han) militarily.

In the rebel camp opposite the Jin Army, more than a dozen leaders and rulers were all concentrated here. "Does Xin Wang Qiansui ask us to retreat?" Fu Xuan asked impatiently a group of generals looking at the marching Sima Gao Yunfei and the handsome accountants who came to command the army temporarily in accordance with the order of Xin Wang Zhao Zhen.

Gao Yunfei smiled and nodded, and immediately deployed a retreat strategy. "Xinwang Commander-in-chief repeatedly requested. Throw away your luggage and retreat quickly. The speed must be fast, and you must reach Lingshou before dawn." Gao Yunfei fingered the map and drew a circle on the map of Zhending Palace.

"The more than one hundred thousand Jinjun East Route Army who have entered Zhending Mansion are here. If they go north to attack Lingshou tomorrow, then we must block them in the direction of Lingshou to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people are safely evacuated to the Taihang Mountains."

"So, there is still a hard fight in Lingshou?" Jiao Wentong asked on the side.

"Unsurprisingly, we have to hold on for at least one day." Gao Yunfei pointed out the book and said: "If the East Road Golden Army takes advantage of the momentum to attack the city. Our current soldiers and horses here plus the three thousand defenders of Lingshou defending the city are fundamental. Unable to resist. So at most we will stick to one day."

"We retreat and retreat, when will we retreat?" said a tall and mighty beast on the side at this time. He is a fierce man, he can fight bears and kill tigers without iron weapons. Now that he has iron armor and a huge mace in his hand, it is even more majestic and sweeping in all directions. Fighting and fighting is his strong point, but now he has to retreat and retreat, making him really impatient.

"Okay!" Gao Yunfei waved his hand and said: "Xinwang Qiantui has his own plan, everyone will act now. General Beast, you immediately led the five thousand boy Golden Dragon army to the place of Xinwang Qiansui to listen to and use, and the commander-in-chief of Xinwang wanted I use you. General Yan Chengfang, you still brought the 10,000 Boy Scouts Pioneers to beat gongs, drums, cigarettes and cannons on the Internet today, attacking the Golden Army’s heavy grain and grass, and holding back the Golden Army. General Jiao Wentong, you take Ma Jun to stay In front of the mountains in the basin, there are more torches to confuse the golden army."

Yan Chengfang was selected and promoted from the Golden Dragon Boy Scouts to be a very powerful young general. He is now in charge of 10,000 young boys who were unsuccessful from the Golden Dragon Boy Scouts, forming the Boy Scout Army. As an outstanding talent in the Golden Dragon Boy Scouts, Yan Chengfang has both civil and military skills. He has been dragging hundreds of thousands of Golden Army's actions through the use of tactics such as learning from the king’s thousands of years of enemy harassment and attacking his forage. Moreover, in the repeated battles with the Golden Army's skirmishers, which had separated from the army and raged everywhere, they wiped out as many as thousands of Golden Army. It can be said that although he is young, he has made great achievements.

The 17,000 rebels and the 10,000 Boy Scouts who fought and retreated, a total of nearly 30,000 rebels rushed all the way, and at dawn, the rebels successfully reached Lingshou City. However, Wanyan Zongwang's East Route Army, under the destruction and ambush of the Ten Thousand Boys Pioneer Army, lost many soldiers and heavy food and grass, and after delaying some time, they also rushed to Lingshou City.

The battlefield of the West Road, outside Jingyang Town, suddenly surrounded a large number of rebel troops. All the rebels gathered in Jingyang Town, the Shenshan Army, the Fenglei Army, the Mad Leopard Army, the Black Dragon Army, the Black Dragon Army and the Beiwei Army. At this time, the number of rebels had reached 40,000, and they had surrounded the Jingyang town by siege of the city for several days and had lost less than 60,000 troops and the Jin Army on the West Road.

At this time, Wanyan Tart felt something was wrong. Yesterday, I believed in Wang Yijun to abandon the city and fled, but at night he surrounded the city again. I don’t know what it means. Could it be possible that with the 40,000 troops of the Rebels, could it encircle and annihilate the more than 50,000 gold troops? It's a joke.

At this time, Yao Shi Guo gave Wanyan Tart an idea. Since the messengers of the East Road Jin Army and the Middle Road Jin Army did not come in contact for a few days, they might be intercepted by the Xin Wang Yi Army. There is no source of the East Route Army's latest battle report information. Based on the news some time ago, they immediately made a wrong guess.

Pharmacist Guo guessed that Xin Wang Yijun made every effort to intercept the messenger. Perhaps Xin Wang had already begun to go south with the main force. The rebels surrounded Haibei Prefecture in the middle of the night, and the Liao army certainly did not dare to leave the city, just in time to cover its main force to flee from the road. Why go south? You don't need to guess it, I ran to open up the road to the south. In other words, the strategy of the East Road Jin Army to take the initiative to attack Zhending and then continue to attack Lingshou and then encircle Jingxing may be wrong.

Yao Shi Guo also speculated whether Xin Wang Yijun and Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) had achieved some kind of tacit understanding, and whether there was any connection between the two parties? Why does Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan) stand still

Yaoshi Guo's speculation made Wanyan Tart lazy and frightened. In case the king's army is ready to go south and concentrate its main force on the west road golden soldiers, they may be besieged and killed in Jingyang Town by a large number of rebels. In the bloody battles of the past few days, Jingyang Town has been shattered. The city wall has been smashed in several places by the catapult and a small amount of firearms of the Golden Army, and it is temporarily supported by wooden boards. Once surrounded by the rebel army, the golden army in Jingyang City will become the turtle in the urn.

However, with more than 50,000 gold soldiers, the main force of the Rebel army came for a while and it was impossible to eliminate Yan Tiao's laziness, and behind them there was the main force of the East Route Army of the Golden Army, which was coming soon. After much deliberation, Wanyan Tart was still most worried about the safety of Taiyuan Mansion, and immediately planned to break through the rebels to surround and return to Shouyang City.

At this time, Yao Shi Guo and Xiao Qian tried to stop him. The Xin Wang Yi army fled all the way, throwing away their helmets and armor, and even no food and livestock. This shows how panic it is. For the rebels, food and livestock are their life support, and life security is gone. Even if the rebels win the battle, the rebels without food and livestock will have no food.

Therefore, the two of them tried their best to dissuade Wanyan Tiao from worrying about Taiyuan Mansion, relying on Jingyang Town as a basis, fully dragging Xinwangyijun, and cooperating with the combat strategy of the East Route Army to encircle and annihilate Xinwangyijun.