Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 50: Ma Kuo lobbied millions of people to return


The cavalry led by Zhang Xian was already fast enough, but they sat down on the four-legged horse and still hadn’t ran past the two-legged Golden Army fleeing pawn. When he chased him up, the main force of the Golden Army had already run away. He only stopped a few thousand golden soldiers from the rear army.

The West Road Jin Army rushed all the way, and it only took more than a day to directly rendezvous with Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan)'s Middle Route Army. Now in Vaud, the rebels in the direction of Hedong Road and the direction of Zhending have been killed.

Zhao Zhen led fifteen thousand cavalrymen and drove their horses at full speed all night, and first rushed to the battlefield in Vaud. Yue Fei's 40,000 army also felt the battlefield in Vaud.

Afterwards, Zhao Bangjie led all troops and the 90,000 soldiers who surrendered to the captives, and the captives were able to stand up even if they could not take up weapons to fight. Moreover, the 90,000 prisoners could not help being watched by a large number of troops, and it was not safe.

Ma Zheng also led his army to attack, and the two armies joined forces to surround the main force of the Jinjun Middle Route Army. The situation changed immediately. For the Rebels, it is not only to defeat the Golden Army, but also to regain Jizhou, so as to build a new line of defense and set up a defensive barrier for Zhending.

Seeing that Xin Wang Yi's army had more troops than his own two soldiers, and Xin Wang Zhao Zhen's fierce beasts killed seven of his own generals in front of the two armies, Jin's morale fell to the point where it could not be attached. Wanyan Zonghan (Nianhan), the commander-in-chief of the Jinjun Middle Route Army and the West Route Army, immediately gave an order to break through and retreat. He wanted to lead his army across Jizhou immediately, attacking the city and plundering land all the way to Shandong, and then heading south to kill Yangzhou, in order to atone for the crime. Can't beat the letter king Zhao Zhen, can I still beat you Gaozong Zhao Gou? Wan Yan Zonghan (Nian Han) thought.

On the 16th, young general Zhang Xian led the vanguard army to the city of Jizhou. Yue Fei's commander arrived afterwards. Yue Fei immediately shot the book city. As long as you surrender, you will never slaughter the city. On the 17th, the Jin army guarding the city in Jizhou surrendered. Afterwards, Zhao Zhen did not continue to attack the city and plunder the land, but went back to rectify the troops and re-formation, comfort the people, and recuperate.

Yue Fei led his army back to Hedong Road immediately, and continued to expand the results, connecting the occupied area of Hedong Road into one piece. Take control of the entire Taiyuan Mansion.

In fact, Zhao Zhen was also unable to start a war at this time. At this time, after days of bloody battles, all armies suffered great losses. And the settlement of 90,000 prisoners is a big problem. If one can't deal with it, if 90,000 prisoners make trouble, it is a big hidden danger.

At this moment, the entire area occupied by King Xin was in chaos. Most of the bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen in various state capitals fled, a large number of people who fled need to come back and settle down, and the soldiers who have made great victories need to be rewarded. The large amount of money and food that was shot down seemed to be a lot, but once it was used, it quickly bottomed out.

At this point, the mighty hundreds of thousands of golden army encircled and suppressed the battle of Xin Wang Yijun, which ended in failure. Victory! The soldiers of the Rebel Army were pleasantly surprised. They were looking forward to victory day and night, but no one thought that King Zhao Zhen could lead them to attack and destroy the defensive repellent and annihilate the golden army in such a short period of time. And also captured Taiyuan Mansion, which is incredible. Because they were too excited and too excited, the soldiers cheered and shouted, "Long live the letter king...!".

After the strength of the Jin Army dropped sharply, the Jin Army could only hold on to the front line from eastern Jizhou to Dingzhou, shifting from offensive to defensive. Now, although the Jin Jun can free up his hand to deal with Zhao Gou in the south, the Rebels can get breathing time as long as they block the Jin Jun at various levels. When the time is right, you can send troops everywhere to attack the Golden Army.

The situation is very good, which gives hope to the generals of Xin Wang Yijun. Morale is high. At this moment, Wan Yanyu (Pujianu), who attacked Wang Shu, who had attacked Wang Shu, was leading the army back to Taiyuan and was attacking Quyang. But then the rebel army gathered, with sufficient food and grass, and the army will take turns to battle, Quyang and Taiyuan are as stable as a rock.

The soldiers of the Rebel army saw the king of Xin Zhao Zhen coming from Vaud and saw him personally on the battlefield. Their morale was like a rainbow, deafening cheers through the clouds and cracked rocks, shaking the earth and the earth. The Jin army was horrified and hurriedly withdrew, stopping the attack.

Zhao Zhen met Wang Shu, the ambassador to the government of Gao Yan who had retreated from Jiaoyan Road to the west, the minister who insisted on resisting gold and shaking the world. Wang Shu is tall and thin, with a long face like a knife, high cheekbones, short beard under the jaw, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his eyes are calm.

The letter king Zhao Zhen made all his praises to express his admiration for him. When Wang Shu was in danger during the Great Song Dynasty, many officials surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin. Regardless of the danger, he stood up resolutely, this loyalty and courage is enough to be convincing.

You know, Wang Shu was on Huoyan Road, and it was extremely difficult to organize an army to fight with the fierce Golden Army all the time. Once it fails, the whole family will be killed by the cruel Golden Army. It took great perseverance and courage to resist the brutal and brutal Golden Army, but Wang Shu overcame all difficulties and cooperated with the Xin Wang Yi Army to intercept a large amount of food and grass from the West Road Golden Army. The great victory of Xin Wang Yijun this time is very inseparable from their support. The main force of the Rebel army was able to win the battle, which made the Jin army restricted everywhere, and Wang Shu played a decisive role. This was a real gift in the snow.

When Wang Shu saw King Tiger, he sighed. The letter king Zhao Zhen built outstanding military exploits at a young age, and his subordinates gathered all kinds of heroes. He was born in the two roads of Hedong and Hebei. The faith king Zhao Zhen has such an achievement, relying on his true ability and his true strength.

Now that Kang Wang Zhao Gou has established himself as an emperor, why did Wang Shu choose Dongjin to join Zhao Zhen? Why help Zhao Zhenyijun at any cost? He has vision.

The reason why he didn't go south to join Zhao Gou is because Gaozong Zhao Gou is too far behind the letter king Zhao Zhen. One is the cartilaginous head of the wine sac and rice bag. One is a true hero with clank and iron bones. As long as the eyes are not blind, you know who is more qualified to sit in the world.

Moreover, tens of thousands of troops and people followed Wang Shu to beg for food, and Wang Shu had to face the encirclement and suppression of the Jin army every day, even if he had the talents, he could not sustain it. You must find a way, find a bigger backer, and solve the problem of the people under your hand first. Looking at the entire Song Dynasty, only Zhao Zhen and Xin Wang Yijun are the biggest backers who can still protect against gold.

Why did Zhai Xing, leader of the volunteers Liu Xiliang, Meng Di, Zhongqian, Zhang Mian, Zhang Jian, Bai Bao, Li Jin, Li Yanxian, and Zhang Zonger of Jingzhao Road send messengers to join the alliance with the letter king Zhao Zhen? The reasons are the same.

Although the situation faced by Zhao Zhen and Xin Wang Yijun was once sinister, in the face of the encirclement and suppression of hundreds of thousands of golden troops, they finally broke the siege, defeated the encirclement of hundreds of thousands of golden troops, and reversed the situation in one fell swoop. This further proved the ability of the trusting king Zhao Zhen and the strength of the trusting Wang Yijun, so Wang Shu obeyed, came to see Zhao Zhen convincingly, recognized him as the lord, and willingly drove him.

In time, this world may be the world of Zhao Zhen and Xin Wang Yijun. At that time, not only the problems of fighting the gold industry and restoring Da Song Heshan can be solved, but also the endless glory and wealth.

Now, a ray of light has just quietly emerged from the world of Hedong and Hebei Two Roads. Although the road is still very long, there is hope.

In Bianliang, Tokyo, a conspiracy is brewing. Du Chong has arrived. At this time, the supreme commander of Tokyo Bianliang is Du Chong.

As early as after Zongze's death in July, Tokyo was panicked and worried about the future of the anti-golden war. All commanded Wang Yan in a hurry, and hurriedly took a few soldiers, rushed to Yangzhou overnight, and begged to see Zhao Gou. He hopes to report on the battle on the Tokyo front and ask the court to select a prestigious general to replace Zongze, so as not to shake the Lianghe militia that Zongze has incorporated. Zhao Gou asked Huang Qianshan and Wang Boyan to meet him on his behalf. When they met, Wang Yan burst into tears, detailing the millions of Zhonghe Zhongyi militiamen who were willing to serve the country and asked the court for support in order to initiate the Northern Expedition.

Both Huang Qianshan and Wang Boyan were determined to surrender, and immediately rebuked Wang Yan. All the rebels were thieves and needed to be disbanded. Wang Yan is an upright person with a clear love and hatred. Even Yue Fei, the famous anti-jin warrior who didn't obey orders and attacked without authorization, was always hated by him, not to mention the two surrendered Huang Qianshan and Wang Boyan. The two sides naturally clashed. Wang Yan also resigned.

Without the control of Wang Yan, Du Chong arrived in Tokyo and no one could control him. Du Chong refused to recognize the troops recruited from the loyal militia in the past, and did not pay any payment. Therefore, most of the teams gathered near Tokyo after being collected by Zongze are about to collapse. No one in a team pays out food and payment, how can it be maintained, everyone has to prepare to find a way out. Although Zongze has collected the teams that have not yet moved to Tokyo, such as Yang Jin and others who were originally in Luoyang, they will not be able to come to Tokyo. Li Cheng, who was originally in Shandong, went directly to Hebei Road and went to Zhao Zhen.

Just when all the loyal militiamen were about to disperse, one person gathered them back together and told them where they would live in the future.

This person is no one else, but Ma Kao, who has been lurking in Bianliang, Tokyo. Ma Kuo gathered all the loyal and righteous militiamen who had fallen apart and asked them to lean on the King of Letters on their backs. The gathered loyal and righteous militias needed someone to command them. Ma Kao found a few trustworthy people and led them northward.

The first person Ma Guo looked for was Gao Chong, a righteous scholar who was known as the world's number one gun king, and two magnates Zheng Huai and Zhang Kui. Going north requires brave people like them to charge forward, break through the dangers and advance to the two roads of Hedong and Hebei. At present, the main force of the Jin army is going north to encircle and suppress the faithful Wang Yijun and all the rebels. The Jin army in various places is not strong enough to stop hundreds of thousands of people at all. It is also a good time for the loyal army and relatives to go north.

After visiting the horse report, Ma Kuo knew that King Xin was going to win a big victory this time, so he told everyone that there was no need to worry about King Xin, and he would settle their lives in the north and ensure the safety of their families. After contacting them, Ma Guo immediately asked Gao Chong, Zheng Huai, Zhang Kui and them to lead hundreds of thousands of people north.

Du Chong did not let go of the troops that had been incorporated by Zongze, the whole army was stationed in Tokyo, and was waiting to be dispatched at any time. He made troops with better military discipline and trustworthiness stationed in the west of the city, and some unreliable troops stationed in the south and east of the city. For example, the team with the largest number of Chinese troops stationed in the south, which was recruited by Zongze himself. The troops of the rear army Wang Shan stationed in the east of the city, ready to encircle them at an appropriate time and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

In the first month of the third year of Jianyan (1129), when Du Chong was determined to take advantage of Zhang Yong's unpreparedness, he would encircle and wipe out one of them. Unexpectedly, someone revealed the news, and Zhang Yong and Wang Shan found out.

Just when Zhang Yong and Wang Shan gathered their respective generals and prepared to preemptively attack Du Chong, suddenly someone came to report that they believed Wang Zhaozhen's messenger came to see him.

Although Zhang Yong and Wang Shan are rebellious, they are both loyal and righteous. There are two people most admired by the two, one is the old handsome Zongze who summoned them, and the other is the letter king Zhao Zhen who is determined to fight against the gold and blood north of the Yellow River. The two had hatred against Gaozong Zhao Gou and his running dog Du Chong, and they had reached the point where they had to meet each other with swordsmen. However, the two of them still respect Gaozong's own brother Xinwang.

Therefore, as soon as they heard that it was the messenger of Wang Zhaozhen, the two immediately invited someone in. After seeing the messenger, Zhang Yong and Wang Shan actually knew each other, it was Ma Jiao.

Ma Kuo saw that Yang Jin, Ding Jin, Wang Zaixing, Li Gui, Wang Dalang and other generals were all here, knowing that the prophecy of the king had indeed been fulfilled. He couldn't help but secretly admire Wang Zhaozhen to the extreme, and Wang Zhaozhen's predictive ability is simply amazing. All the changes in Tokyo are exactly the same as what Zhao Zhen had guessed at Wuma Mountain.

Seeing everyone, Ma Kuo was not polite, and said straightforwardly: "Have you ever heard that Du Chong that traitor is going to frame you?" After listening to everyone, they knew that no matter what they thought, Ma Kuo, on the surface, showed that he and them are the same. That's it. So after seeing Ma Kuo, the tense atmosphere disappeared. Everyone knows that Ma Kuo defies Gaozong's imperial decree and flees the barracks privately, which is also a capital crime.

Anyway, they were all thieves or adversaries who were on the list in Gaozong's mind, so everyone didn't need to be suspicion of each other. "General Ma came to tell us the news? We already know." Wang Shan said.

"General Ma, what are you doing? If I'm not mistaken, you were the one who instigated the Loyalty Army to go north, right?" Zhang Yongye said.

Ma Kuo smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't know. Now, under the leadership of King Xin Wang Qiansui, the King Xin army has defeated hundreds of thousands of the Golden Army and annihilated more than 100,000 soldiers and horses. Moreover, the Loyalty Army has When we arrived in the occupied area of King Xin, we settled in the vast area between Zhending and Taiyuan."

"What? King Xin defeated the Jin army hundreds of thousands of troops?" "Didn't King Xin just occupy Zhending? When did Taiyuan also be occupied?" The generals shouted in surprise.

"Shut up! It's all quiet!" Zhang Yong shouted at a group of generals. Wang Shan stared at Ma Jiao and said: "His Royal Highness King Xin is what we admire. We are also very happy to defeat the Golden Dog and take down Taiyuan. But if you are here, please tell me clearly."

Ma Kuo smiled slightly and said, "His Royal Highness Letter King wrote you a letter by himself, and you will know it after reading it."

"A letter from the king?" Zhang Yong and Wang Shan's eyes were a little ruddy. They are all rash heroes, but the name is still a thief. Zhao Gou and Du Chong secretly called them thieves. So they are actually very inferior. When Zong Ze got out of the horse, tears filled their eyes and immediately returned. It's because Zongze treats them as human beings, treats them as heroes, recognizes them and gives them dignity. Therefore, they worked hard for Zongze.

In the same way, now that Zhao Gou and Du Chong not only despise and despise them, but also want to get rid of them, they immediately resisted without hesitation.

No matter what the letter king Zhao Zhen said, he was still higher than Zongze's status. His Royal Highness Xinwang can now be said to be the highest level person besides Gaozong Zhaogou. Even Gaozong Zhao Gou, although he can dispose of any Zhao family clan at will. However, for the prince who was appointed by the Supreme Emperor, and the prince of the same rank as Gaozong Zhao Gou, even Gaozong Zhao Gou could not deal with him in the face. It is conceivable that the prince Zhao Zhen weighs.

A dignified prince wrote a letter to himself a thief leader. Although the thief leader is now an officer and soldier, it is still a supreme honor.

Zhang Yong and Wang Shan looked at each other, feeling warm in their hearts. The two immediately respectfully took the letter from Ma Kuo with both hands.

The descendants of the Zhao family's clan are all good at hand. "General Zhang Yong" and "General Wang Shan" and "Xin Wang Zhen's autograph", the big characters of the dragon and the phoenix made both eyes bright, good words!

The two opened the letter and immediately read the content written by the letter Wang Zhao Zhen. In the letter, Zhao Zhen bluntly stated that Zongze had passed away from illness and Zhao Gou sent Du Chong to deal with them. But once they started with Du Chong, the ambition of Zongze to restore Da Song Heshan before his death would be in vain.

At the beginning, the old handsome Zongze worked tirelessly, and regardless of his seniority, he personally recruited Wang Shan. Wang Shan wept for what it was like to immediately disarm and return. Now Gaozong Zhao Gou disregards Jiangshan Sheji and dispatches faint official Du Chong to plot against the rebels against the Jin Dynasty.

Finally, Zhao Zhen urged the two generals not to conflict with Du Chong, and immediately led all the troops northward into their own jurisdiction. After arriving in Hedong and Hebei, everyone joined forces to fight against gold. As long as you have a bite of your own meal, you will definitely not let hundreds of thousands of brothers fail to eat.

In the letter, Zhao Zhen's words were sincere and sincere. From between the lines, the two can feel the respect and understanding of Wang Zhaozhen for them. I can also feel the feeling that Xinwang Zhaozhen is angry at Zhao Gou's blindly destroying the great cause of anti-goldening. The most important thing is that as long as the two of them work hard to resist gold and make more achievements in warfare, Zhao Zhen promises to give the two high-ranking officials a lot of money and prosperity.

Since the day when he became the emperor, Zhao Gou was forced to become a two-faced sect. Zhao Gou was not qualified to be the emperor. Qinzong Zhao Huan sent him a letter from the besieged city of Tokyo, Jiecheng, to send him a wax pill letter. He only asked him to be the "Marshal of Hebei Soldiers and Horses" and formed a team to save Tokyo, but he did not call him the emperor. . Therefore, Zhao Gou's ascension lacks legitimacy.

Therefore, Xinwang Zhao Zhen also has the qualifications to become emperor. When the two of them thought about it, they couldn't compete with the trusting king Zhao Zhen by relying on Zhao Gou's second ball. The system of the army of the trusting king Zhao Zhen is completely different from that of Zhao Jianli. It can be seen that the trusting king Zhao Zhen is also ambitious. Therefore, for their own future, the two immediately led hundreds of thousands of civilian sergeants and evacuated northward overnight.