Prince of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 59: Guerrilla


The old man saw that Wang Gui and the others didn't want to kill them, and saw that they were all from Song Dynasty in dress and appearance, and knew that the lives of his party and his party were probably saved.

Seeing the other person asking, he couldn't help shed two lines of tears, and cried: "The strong men, they are all those god-slaying golden dogs. Not only did they rob us of our food, but they also killed people indiscriminately. Several girls and wives let them. It was ruined, sigh... Everyone finally escaped into the mountain, but it was almost two months, and the little food they brought was already eaten up, but they sent people down the mountain, always saying that there were no officers and soldiers coming, everyone too. I dare not go down the mountain. But the women, children, young and old on the mountain are too hungry. The old man has no choice but to take the young people down the mountain to do these activities, which is insulting to the ancestors!" Listening to the old man's nose and tears After finishing talking, Wang Gui and a group of sergeants could not help but sympathize. The head of Gao Yun enclave guard Zhang Shitou listened to it, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Golden Dog... We believe that the king will let you come back with benefits sooner or later!"

Everyone looked at the pitiful, hungry, skinny people in front of them, and took out their dry food one after another. And Gao Yunfei couldn't help but sigh that Jin Bing was even too much at this time than when he was in Liao.

In fact, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin burned, killed, and looted in the Song Dynasty because they were afraid of the Han. When the Jurchens were launched, there were only tens of thousands of troops with a population of hundreds of thousands. Even now, there are only a few hundred thousand people. Even with the addition of ethnic groups such as Bohai, Xi, and Khitan, their Fan population is only a few million.

The population of ethnic minorities is relatively smaller than that of the Han people who are several million in the territory of Liao, not to mention the Song Dynasty's population base of hundreds of millions. This number scared the Jurchens, and they were very scared.

Therefore, the Jurchens not only robbed property and ruined women and arrested slaves in the Song Dynasty, but also murdered in large numbers. Killing more Han people will reduce the number of Han people, and the Jurchens will feel more at ease.

In the end, Zhang Shitou, Wang Gui and others took out all of their silver coins and handed them to the old man. Zhang Shitou said: "Old man, hiding here is not a thing. There is no food in the wilderness, you can't stay here. A little further south is the area controlled by the imperial army. Take these silver coins and take everyone to your relatives and friends!" The old man held a few silver coins in his hand and said gratefully: "Thank you for the hero, thank you for the hero!" He said that he would kneel down and kowtow to everyone. Wang Gui hurriedly supported him and said, "Old man, don't do this, kill me and wait!"

Saying goodbye to the old man, everyone was worried about encountering Jinjun on the road. So continue to choose the trails and go straight to Hebei and Hedong Road all the way!

Everyone dared not delay for a moment along the way, and under the leadership of Gao Yunfei, they rode their horses to the north, day and night.

In the north, Jin Jun suddenly discovered that the Li Yanxian Rebel Army suddenly became bigger. Their army originally only had more than 10,000 men, but now it has suddenly increased to more than 20,000 men, and most of them are cavalry.

Li Yanxian's 10,000 cavalry came and went like the wind, one man and two horses looted the golden army food and grass everywhere. Not only that, the combat effectiveness of these ten thousand cavalry troops is also very strong. The leading cavalry general is named Gao Pang, who is unstoppable. They have defeated the Golden Army countless times. Many Jinjun generals were assassinated by Gao Pang in front of the two armies. Suddenly, a vigorous anti-golden war was set off across the west of the Central Plains.

That evening, Zhao Zhen, whose alias is "Gao Pang", ran to the mountain behind the village alone to practice Kung Fu. Since I came here, I practiced my body every day. My own body is now no less inferior to the level of the previous life. However, in martial arts, you must retreat if you don't advance, and you must exercise every day.

After thinking about it, he carefully selected a stone weighing more than 200 kilograms, and Zhao Zhen slowly lifted it up. It was naturally very difficult at the beginning, and whenever I reached my neck, my arms trembled fiercely. After years of training, Li Ziyu naturally knew that this was the limit now, and he didn't force it. I slowly lowered the stone, and then lifted it up again, repeating this many times, carefully raising it a little bit each time, letting my body adapt, and finally lifted the stone over my head very quickly.

Afterwards, Zhao Zhen continued to run with a huge stone, push-ups, sit-ups, stone leapfrogs, and then practice marksmanship and so on...

Combining Zhao Gou's attack on gold in the Southern Song Dynasty is the only way to preserve the anti-golden forces in the territory of the Song Dynasty. But Zhao Gou was unwilling, Zhao Zhen could only think of other ways. Since the Jurchen Kingdom invaded the Song Dynasty, Zhao Gou, who occupied the sky, became the emperor first.

So Zhao Gou has the name of orthodoxy, and now Wang Zhaozhen can only be wronged and ask for help. It is because of this orthodoxy that Zhao Zhen has no choice. However, Zhao Gou is purely incompetent and afraid of death, blindly doing traitorous things to his loved ones and enemies. This is also the reason why Zhao Zhen repeatedly killed and maimed the messengers who knew Zhao Gou's traitorous country.

Zhao Gou's actions made Zhao Zhen unable to unite with each other to fight against gold. However, Zhao Zhen is now unable to launch an active offensive due to various reasons because of the lack of food in his occupied land. Therefore, the army can only be kept secret, and lead the army to attack gold with Li Yanxian.

Today, hundreds of thousands of the main force of the Jin Army, led by Wanyan Zongbi (Wu Shu), who has just been promoted to the Jin Army general, has already moved south. Now hundreds of thousands of Song troops have been defeated one after another, with no return. After hearing the wind, the troops of the Song Army were frightened and collapsed without a fight. Many people were captured by the Jin Army. The Song army lost more than 100,000 elite soldiers, and all military supplies were lost.

Song Jun could not beat Jin Jun not only because of Zhao Gou, but also because of Jin Jun's strength. If the Jin army merged several soldiers and horses into one place, instead of splitting their troops out. Or if Yue Fei did not go north and did not help Zhao Zhen withstand the West Route Army's golden army, Zhao Zhen might also fail.

Gao Yunfei, who was traveling all the way north, finally returned to the Vaud state where the Xin Wang Yijun was entrenched after a month of hard journeys. In fact, it is not useless for him to take a trip to Yangzhou.

Believe in Wang Yijun has formed a huge force in Hebei and Hedong Road. This force will affect the development of the situation in the Jin and Song Dynasties regardless of success or failure. There is no doubt about this. It is precisely because of this that once the Rebels are defeated, Zhao Gou, who went south to the Song Dynasty, will definitely affect the relationship between Song and Jin.

So now because Zhao Gou wants to seek peace with the Kingdom of Jin, Song Jin cannot turn his head against each other. Therefore, the current Zhao Gou can no longer accept Xin Wang Yijun's surrender to stimulate Jin Guo.

To put it bluntly, let Zhao Zhen fight against gold by herself. Are you not capable? Anyway, you also started from scratch, and you also slapped Jin Guo from scratch for me to see. When you fight with Jin Guo and both lose, it is also the day when Zhao Gou and Jin Guo sign the contract.

In fact, Gao Yunfei was expelled from Yangzhou City by Zhao Gou on the surface, but he also received a secret letter from Zhao Gou. In the secret letter, Zhao Gou put forward his idea of the Northern Expedition and the situation of the Central Plains war situation that he needed.

Zhao Gou is actually very smart. He actually deceived Gao Yunfei and Zhao Zhen to show that he still wanted to expedite the North. However, the Northern Expedition required conditions. Now that I was beaten by the Golden Soldiers, I was fleeing everywhere like a mouse crossing the street. Naturally, I couldn't make the Northern Expedition.

Emperor Gaozong Zhao Gou stated in the letter that he planned to transfer Han Shizhong, Zhang Jun and others' troops as the main force in the Northern Expedition. The war between the Jin Bing and the Song Army has just started, and Zhao Gou explained that he is now overwhelmed by himself and needs rest and replenishment of troops, training for the whole army, and hoarding of food and grass. It is estimated that at least until next winter, Zhao Gou may have the conditions for the northern expedition. Of course, at that time, Zhao Gou didn't know that Jin Jun was going to go south. If he knows, he must postpone this time to the winter of the next year.

The Northern Expedition of the Song Army assumed by Zhao Gou was divided into two battlefields, east and west. The eastern battlefield is in Jianghuai, Shandong, to contain the eastern forces of the Golden Army. The Western Front was the main battlefield of the Northern Expedition, and the target of the attack was Bianliang, the former capital of Song Dynasty.

Starting from this hypothetical attack strategy, Emperor Zhao Gou needed the Wang Yi army to attack and occupy the entire Lianghe Road as soon as possible to threaten the Kingdom of Jin, consume the Jin army, and form a north-south attack with the Song army. At the same time, in order to ensure that Zhao Gou had enough time to start the Northern Expedition and capture Bianliang, Emperor Zhao Gou asked the Rebels to do two things in the Northern Expedition battlefield. One was to annihilate the Golden Army in large numbers. Zhao Gou planned to let King Xin annihilate at least half a million golden soldiers. Didn't you say that you killed two hundred thousand golden soldiers? So good, killing twice and a half more!

When Gao Yunfei, Ma Guo and others in the commander-in-chief's mansion saw this letter, they were a little dizzy. Zhao Gou is clearly a cover. But this guy is just too stupid, and your requirements for putting on the cover are too high, Xin Wang Yijun can't do it at all. Now the Xinwangyi Army seems to be crowded, but most of them are new troops, and they are stepping up training. Only about less than 100,000 people are capable of fighting.

You want a hundred thousand army to fight with the golden army and annihilate half a million golden soldiers. This is tantamount to dragging down all the forces that the Kingdom of Jin can mobilize to annihilate them, in order to believe in the current strength of Wang Yijun. Not to mention that it is impossible to do it at all, that is, it is very difficult to even launch a battle against the Golden Soldier.

In fact, if Zhao Zhen didn't know who Zhao Go was, everyone would really listen to Zhao Gou's nonsense and tentatively fight Jin Bing. But once he knew who Zhao Go was, he would definitely not take the initiative to launch an offensive against the Jin Jun. It would be better to let Zhao Gou be caught by the Jin army, and to eliminate the problem of Wang Xin Wang Zhao Zhen being unable to control the situation in the south.

However, even if the Yujin Army went to war, Wang Zhaozhen's approval was required. And Xin Wang Zhao Zhen is not currently in the Xin Wang occupation area, so it is impossible for Xin Wang Yijun to send troops now.

Looking at this letter, Ma Kuo couldn't help but want to ask, what did Zhao Gou's Song Jun do? Zhao Gou, hundreds of thousands of people, attacked the unguarded towns for a bargain? Isn't it too comfortable to pick this cheaply? Pushing all the dangers to Xin Wang Yijun, and leaving all the benefits to yourself, this calculation... It doesn't leak.

It was the evening of the day when a group of staff and Sima in the Commander-in-Chief Xinwang's mansion were studying Zhao Gou's letter full of Zhao Gou's fantasy. Hundreds of miles away, a pair of cavalry came to the Li Yanxian Rebel cavalry barracks, stayed for a while in the incognito king Zhao Zhen's tent, changed a few horses and left the barracks.

After a while, Zhao Zhen ordered the drums to be promoted. The ten battalion commanders and the guards left army commander Di Lei and the guards right army commander Zhao Xiaodao, as well as a group of generals, lieutenants, and partial generals, made the original spacious The tent is full.

Zhao Zhen stood in front of the crowd wearing a silver armor, glanced at the tiger, and said in a deep voice: "According to the horse inspection report, the Golden Army has assembled in the Hezhong Mansion, and our army will go to the Hezhong Mansion to fight the enemy. Di Lei listened to the order. !"

Di Lei hurriedly replied: "The end is here!" Zhao Zhen took out an arrow and said, "I order you two hours later to lead two battalions of two thousand cavalry to clear the way to investigate the terrain and the enemy's situation!" "Order!" Di Lei took Ling Jian and rushed out of the big tent with the two battalion commanders of his headquarters.

Zhao Zhen went on to say: "The rest of the battalion officers will return to their headquarters to count their armaments, and they will leave the battalion immediately tomorrow!" "Yes" was shouted again, and the generals withdrew from the account in turn.

In fact, Zhao Zhen, who is alias Gao Pang, and Li Yanxian have reached an agreement. Zhao Zhen led his army to expand on the east and west sides of the river in the name of Li Yanxian, while Li Yanxian stuck to Shaanchuan. The two armies do not belong to each other.

In fact, Zhao Zhen also wants to put Li Yanxian into the account. But Li Yanxian was the person who was granted the emperor of Zhao Gou after all. According to history, Zhao Zhen only knew that he was unyielding against Jinning. But whether the other party is loyal to Da Song and the people, or to Zhao Gou, I don't know yet. Therefore, Zhao Zhen has never revealed his identity, nor has he proposed to let him join the Xin Wang Yi army.

When everyone backed out, Zhao Zhen began to pace back and forth in the tent, shaking her head from time to time, looking very irritable. Zhao Xiaodao, another commander next to Zhao Zhen, saw him in this way and asked, "His Royal Highness, is the battle situation a little unfavorable?"

Zhao Zhen nodded slightly, and said: "It is not only disadvantageous. According to the report of the war situation just sent, this time the Jin Bing is coming fiercely. Zhengping and Xiezhou have fallen into the enemy one after another. The Bing Feng pointed directly at our army camp, which has the potential to destroy our army. Now Wanyan Wanyan Yu (Pujianu) leads tens of thousands of troops to kill the rebels everywhere in the west. Hebei East, West Road and Shandong Road Wars between the rebels and the Jin Army are also constant. Wanyan Zongbi (Wu Shu) is also a Titan of the Jin Army. He has already won the Jiankang guard of Zhao Goujun. Due to insufficient food and grass in our army, the soldiers are still training. So. We can only hold fast, but we are helpless to the golden soldiers. We will go immediately with ten thousand people, but we don't know what else to do, sigh..."

Imagine that there are 10,000 horses on your side, and the enemy has a full army of 100,000. Ten thousand cavalry is really not enough for a hundred thousand army to surround and clean up with one charge. If you are inside, no matter how good your martial arts is, you will only have to become a meatloaf.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaodao couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously said: "If it doesn't work, we will mobilize some troops." Zhao Zhen shook his head and said: "Let's go up the mountain to fight guerrillas to be safer... Huh? Go to guerrilla warfare. !"

The frowning Zhao Zhen talked to herself casually, and then she couldn't help but murmured: "Guerilla, guerrilla... The enemy is so powerful that it cannot be beaten. Why should we go head-to-head with Jinbing? If we come over, our army will be exposed to the Jinren, and the Jinren will quickly deploy troops to attack the area occupied by me. But we have few people and many enemies, and we are not opponents in the front. Then we will go into the mountains to fight guerrillas! Slowly die to death. They! Hahaha..." Zhao Zhen was really happier as she spoke, she couldn't help but patted Zhao Xiaodao on the shoulder and laughed.

Zhao Xiaodao followed with a silly smile, wiped his forehead, and said in his heart: "Xinwang Zhao Zhen's military talents are really great, and there is a way to talk to himself!"

Regarding the battle, the two discussed the details again. Of course, they were basically trusting Wang Zhao Zhen to arrange tactics, and Zhao Xiaodao only nodded. Then Zhao Xiaodao called Di Lei, who was fainting, and Zhao Zhen explained his plan to the two in detail.

Zhao Zhen ordered Di Lei to investigate the road conditions of the mountains and rivers in various places, as well as the marching movements of the Jin soldiers. Explain that you must not go to war with the Golden Soldier easily, hide if you can hide, and run away if you can't. Seeing the two nodded, they ordered them to go back.

In July of the third year of Jianyan, there was already hot weather north of the Yellow River. On the Zhongtiao Mountain in the territory of Jiezhou, there are many wooden houses, and they appear to be scattered in the hot sun at midday. If someone takes a closer look, they will find that there are layers of wooden fences outside these wooden houses, and there are wooden walls outside the wooden houses. Many soldiers on patrol are closely patrolling the surrounding situation. Beside countless wooden houses, there are many horses leisurely eating grass.

In a small wooden house, the letter king Zhao Zhenzheng, Dr. Youwu, Ningzhou Observation Envoy Jiantong, and Guo Erzhou Manufacturing Li Yanxian, are taking off their clothes and sitting in full swing by the fire while grilling the wild animal that Zhao Zhen has just hunted. pork.

Li Yanxian smiled and said: "General Gao, in the past more than a month, we have achieved brilliant results. It is a mess that has disturbed Jin Bing’s food. It is enough to kill Jin Bing Ulu and pull out, which is enough for Wanyan Lousu to have a headache. , Ha ha, thanks to your good tactics!"

"Don't dare, it's better for you to cooperate well, sir, and you can achieve this kind of result with the brilliant plan." Xin Wang Zhao Zhen said while eating pork.

"Oh, our General Gao has also learned to be humble, ha ha ha." The two chatted and laughed, then the topic changed. Li Yanxian sighed and said: "However, our good days have not been long since the robbery killed so many enemies, and intercepted and killed them many times. Jindutong Wanyan Lousu will definitely regard us as a confidant. etc. He commanded the army to kill again, and he will send an army to attack and siege us to avoid future troubles."

Speaking of this, in fact, Wang Xin Zhao Zhen is also very sad. Following the historical trajectory, Jindu unified Wanyan Lousu is about to send a hundred thousand troops to attack Li Yanxian. It seems that this unfettered life of guerrilla warfare is about to end, Zhao Zhen sighed and said: "Yes, we are like a ghost who has penetrated into the back of Yan Lousu, biting him several times, making him sleepless at night. He couldn't catch us in the middle of the night. But when he comes back to his senses, after the commander of the 100,000 army comes to Zhongtiao Mountain, even if the land is demolished, we must be caught. After all, our strength is only 20,000."