Princess and The General

Chapter 104: I let you hold me! (Five more)


The bath beans sent by Yufu were so fragrant that both Mrs. Su and Su Yunyan liked it.

In winter, the boudoir does not incense as usual. After bathing with this bath bean, it comes with a light fragrance, and Su Yunyan is much more diligent in bathing for this.

She thought of going to the West Wing to say thank you, but when she walked in, she heard the noisy voices of Gu Xiang and Gu Yi.

"No, eldest brother can hug, I want to hug too!"

"Yes! Xiaoyufu, you can't be so unfair!"

Everyone is the same, so why can Gu Shubai hug her upright, they can't hold her secretly

Yufu was a little embarrassed, holding Fat Jiu everywhere to hide.

Fat Jiu cried out with excitement in her arms, thinking that everyone was playing some interesting game.

"Well then, I can only hold it!"

The little girl already has some consciousnesses between men and women. It is still in the ignorant period. Gu Xiang and Gu Yi are a little older, and some consciousness is not as good as Yufu.

Hearing that Yufu said that he could hug, the two started fighting again.

"Let me first! Xiaoyu and I are the best!"

"Nonsense! I'm the brother, let me first!"

"I don't recognize my brother who was born half an hour earlier!"

The two argued endlessly, and Lianbi, Lianzhu and others looked at them and laughed, thinking that the fifth son and sixth son were still children's tempers.

Su Yunyan listened outside the door, his face flushed with anger.

"So I like to hug little girls, why didn't I see you hug me when I was a kid! Asshole sick, do you like Yufu so much?"

She muttered to herself, and the circles under her eyes turned red.

When he was a child, Gu Yi was in poor health, so Gu Xiang climbed to the tree to pick persimmons, and Gu Yi waited eagerly underneath. He waited anxiously, trying to climb the tree with his hands and feet, but unfortunately he didn't have the strength.

Several children in the Gu family were bullying him and they were in a circle under the tree calling him sick. Fortunately, Su Yunyan was nearby and rushed to chase the children away.

As long as it is Gu’s boys, almost they dare not bully or bully girls. They know how girls are spoiled by their elders in Gu’s family.

I thought Gu Yi would be grateful to her, but who knew that he laughed and said that Su Yunyan was a man-in-law, scaring the children away.

Su Yun was smoky and called him sick, and the two of them scolded each other under the tree.

Sick Yangzi, a man-in-law, has been shouting for nearly ten years since then.

I thought that when she came back this time, she could still be as close to Gu Yi as she did when she was a child, but he didn't expect that with Yufu, he left himself behind.

Yufu is the affectionate Xiao Yufu in his mouth, and he is a nasty man!

With a touch of tears, Su Yunyan opened the curtain and rushed in.

"Sick Yangzi, what are you doing?!"

The room was warm, and Su Yunyan blew a cold wind outside the door for a while, and his nose and eyes were red when he came in.

Lianbi and others thought it was Frozen Red, and hurriedly asked her to sit down in the warmest place.

"Sister Su, come sit down."

Yufu greeted her, but Su Yunyan was unmoved, staring at Gu Yi in a daze.

"Say, what are you doing?"

Gu Yi could smell the chili in her breath, it was still hot, hot.

"You, I'm having fun with Xiaoyufu, why are you suddenly losing your temper?"

He didn't seem to provoke Su Yunyan for anything, right

"playing what?"

Su Yunyan refused to give up, Gu Yi was frightened by her aura and took a step back, Gu Xiang rushed to Yufu's edge.

He stretched out his hand and moved the fruit plate on the table closer to him-nibbling melon seeds.

"No, I didn't play anything, just hug her, can't you?"


Su Yunyan took a deep breath, thinking of the scene of Gu Shubai holding Jade away with a cold face that day, and filled his heart with infinite courage.

"Then you give me a try."

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Gu Yi's jaw dropped even more.

Only the voice of Gu Xiang clicking on melon seeds showed the wisdom of a prophet.

"I, you... Are you crazy, man, why should I hug you?"

Gu Yi blushed, watching Su Yunyan getting closer and closer to him, and couldn't help but step back.

No, this is too strange.

He and Su Yunyan have always been squatting and having a good time. Why is the atmosphere so weird today.

Why did Su Yunyan suddenly... suddenly become a person.

"I let you hold me now!"

The Jinling woman who spoke Wu Nong's soft language suddenly became full of domineering and yelled at Gu Yi commandingly.

Yufu suddenly understood something and smiled softly while covering his mouth.

"Me, why should I listen to you?"

Gu Yi's aura was crushed to death, and he stammered in disbelief.

"Okay, if you don't hug me, then I will hug you!"

Su Yunyan said, she rushed up and gave Gu Yi a bear hug, both of them flushed to the bottom of their ears.

This hug, it seemed as if she had exhausted her life's courage.

The few maids looked at each other, and never expected that the Ciao and Liu Gongzi, who had the most battles on weekdays, would have a flushed face and hug each other.

It's incredible.

Yu helped pull Gu Xiang's sleeve, he turned around, grabbed a handful of melon seeds in his hand, and walked out with Yu Fu on tiptoe.

Seeing this, several maids followed them and left, leaving only Su Yunyan and Gu Yi in the house.

Click, click, click.

In the dead silence, the sound of Gu Xiangba licking melon seeds on the door was particularly obvious.

------Off-topic ------

Miss watch is full of domineering~