Princess and The General

Chapter 2: Little doctor Xianyu helps


The mainland of Kyushu has three points in the world.

The most expansive piece of land in the north of the mainland is the country with the most open folk customs, named Beili.

The prince and the prince of Beili Kingdom have the same inheritance rights. They are powerful but never violated the southern border. For thousands of years, the land has never been smoked.

The south of the mainland is divided into two.

On the west is the country of West Kun, where the mountains are vertical and sturdy, and on the east is the country of East Ling.

Years of wars between the two countries have never been successful.

And at the junction of these three countries, there is a mysterious Immortal Valley, where the man with the most sophisticated medical skills on the mainland of Kyushu lives-Xunchi.

He is revered as the god of healing by the people of the Three Kingdoms. It is said that there is no disease that he cannot cure in this world, and...

People who are not dead.

Rumor has it that there are many disciples under the seat of Xunchi. Those who practice his life-saving medical skills are honored as doctors.

And those who practice his killing and poisoning are called poison immortals.

In the 23rd year of Tianqi in the East Spirit Kingdom, a group of Dongling soldiers hurried towards the Immortal Valley.

The horseshoe raised yellow sands outside the valley, scaring the people on the road and fleeing, lest it was Dongling and Xikun that would bring the battle here.

When the smoke dissipated, there was only a little girl half a person left, standing under the tree rubbing her eyes fascinated by the wind and sand.

She wore a small coat of silver and red brocade, white and tender neck draped with 珞luo, and the jewels and gems above her were brilliant.

This is obviously a young lady from a wealthy family.


The little girl put down her hand, revealing a small face made of pink jade, and a pair of pear vortexes are so delicate.

She looked around and called mother in her childish voice.

But the mother who led her out of the Immortal Valley was nowhere to be found.

This hired mother was unreliable, and after a short while out of the valley, she left herself and ran away.

She had to walk in the direction of Taniguchi, thinking that after returning to the valley, the master would hire another mother for her.

You need to hire someone more reliable this time.

She had short calves, and before she reached Taniguchi, she suddenly saw that the group of Dongling soldiers had gone back.

Unlike the menacing menacing they had come, all of them were downcast and listless at the moment.

"We are under the name of a general, but even Taniguchi can't get in. This god of medicine is too arrogant!"

"Exactly, but the general is poisoned with arrows. If he is treated later, it will be too late!"

"What's the way? We've just said good things, and we've broken through hard, even though we haven't made any breakthroughs..."

It is said that this medical god has a weird temper, and it is difficult for a daughter to buy his willingness. It is only between his thoughts whether to save or kill.

Today they came to seek medical treatment, but they didn't even see what the god of medicine looked like. They were disappointed.

A little girl walking by their side, shaking with a thin wicker in her hand, suddenly sneered.

This sneer was extremely small, but the soldiers on that horse were all martial artists, with extraordinary ears, and heard the movement clearly and clearly.

"The kid, what are you laughing at?!"

The leader looked like a ginseng, with a big red face and a very rough appearance.

He was frustrated when he was turned away from the Immortal Valley, but now he is sneered at by a little girl, becoming more and more annoyed.

He yelled and startled the little girl.

The little girl turned her head, her face was carved and jade, she also stared at the soldiers for a moment.

How could there be such a beautiful child in this rural area, dressed so extraordinary

"I laughed at you. I ran into the Immortal Valley and frightened the mountain people. You are so rude, and the God of Medicine naturally doesn't even bother to show your face. How can you blame him? You can only blame yourself. Too overbearing."

The little girl replied crisply, but she thought in her heart, if it weren't for these people, the mother hired by the master wouldn't be scared away.

I blame them for making myself a trip in vain.

The attendant listened to the little girl's words, and seemed to have a good understanding of the medical god Xunchi.

He took a sigh of relief and said, "Little girl, we are not rude, it is a matter of life! Tell us, how can we let the god of medicine save our general?"

The little girl listened to him sincerely, so she took off her precautions and answered his questions earnestly.

"Master hates rude people, but you have a reason. I will explain to you and his elders. Maybe he will forgive you."

"What? Are you a disciple of God of Medicine?"

Nashen stared his eyes into brass bells, overjoyed.

The little girl tilted her head and smiled, her dark round eyes narrowed into crescents.

"Yeah. You are lucky. I just want to go back to the valley and I can take you in..."

Before she finished her words, the ginseng general leaned over and caught her, grabbed her waist and hung her on the horse.

"It's too late! Little doctor, God has a good life, so please come with us!"

The senator raised his whip, slammed hard behind him, and his horse hooves swiftly moved forward.

The group of people headed towards the border of Dongling Country at a faster speed than before, leaving only a long-lasting yellow dust behind them...

"Lao Jin, you can count as coming back! How about it, God of Medicine?"

In the military camp on the border of Dongling, when the smoke and dust came from far away, soldiers eagerly greeted him.

The general called Lao Jin sighed.

"Don't mention the bird doctor god, I didn't even see us!"


The incoming person showed disappointment.

"My master is not a bird, but a person!"

The little girl who was placed sideways on the horse fluttered her hands and feet like a lotus joint, expressing her protest.

The visitor looked towards the horse in surprise, and saw a very delicately born girl lying on Lao Jin's horse.

Lao Jin patted his forehead, hugged the little girl three times, and placed it on the ground only to the height of a person's waist.

"This is the little doctor of Immortal Valley, we ran into it outside the valley. If you can't see the god of medicine, she might be able to save the general!"

The old Jinchao came to explain, then leaned down to talk to the little girl.

"Little Doctor Immortal, my name is Huo Shanjin, and I am a general under the account of our general. This is the old Yan Yan Huashi!"

Talking and pointing to greet his participant.

The little girl looked at them with a smile, as if she had something to say, but she still didn't say it.

He said, "Just call me Yufu."

Yan Huashi heard that she was from the Immortal Valley, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he leaned down and bowed his fist to the little girl.

"Our general asked Yufu girl, please inside!"

Yufu walked in with them, only to see small white tents all around, enclosing a majestic big one.

There was a golden flag hanging outside the big tent, which was a character "Gu" who wandered about the dragon and the phoenix, with the aura of a general.

The general who wanted to come to them was Gu.

"Master said that the most prestigious general of the East Spirit Kingdom, because of his bravery and good combat, unparalleled feats, was named a general. But is this General Gu in the account?"

"It is our general."

Yan Huashi personally opened the curtain, Yufu got into the tent, and saw many generals standing densely.

Seeing her walk in, they all bowed their heads, showing a curious look.

"Isn't I going to get a doctor? Why did you get a little girl? This girl is not as tall as a table, is she ten years old?"

"Don't talk muddled!"

The Lao Jin who had snatched Yufu back scolded with a straight face.

Finally brought back a little doctor, and she was so angry that she wouldn't be treated by the general. What should I do

"What the hell is this little girl?"

Someone lowered his voice and asked Yan Huashi who went out to meet him.

"Lao Jin said he was a disciple under the seat of the God of Medicine, and the God of Medicine refused to see them. They came across the little doctor fairy outside the valley and brought them back!"

When they were talking, Yufu had already walked to the side of the bed tent and vaguely saw the human figure bulging in the tent.

She stretched out her little white hand, opened the tent, and saw a pale face.

A middle-aged man in his forties was born with extraordinary appearance, his eyes closed, his manners and majesty still visible.

There is a small scar in that pair of thick sword eyebrows, which divides the left eyebrow into two sections.

Looking down, his shirtless upper body was covered with wounds of various colors, and an arrow that was broken by the waist was stuck in his upper right arm. The wound was black and purple, and black blood was oozing.


Yufu couldn't help covering his eyes and lowered his head.

The few talking generals heard the voice, searched for her everywhere, and finally found her near the general's bed.

"Little doctor fairy, what are you calling?"

Yufu put her little hand down, and her pink lips pursed unwillingly.

"He was poisoned, it's Kunlun Snow!"

The generals who had questioned her just now looked at her with admiration.

The doctor in the army watched for a long time, and then fed the poisonous blood to the mouse, and then he heard and sniffed it, and then he knew what the poison was.

And just know the name, there is no clue about detoxification.

But Yufu just glanced at it and knew that the poison was Kunlun Snow.

"Exactly! That's what the military doctor said! Little doctor fairy, you are so powerful, since you know what this poison is, there must be a way to save the general!"

Yufu suddenly walked to the table and chair on the other side, and climbed up the tall chair strenuously.

Lao Jin also looked at her blankly, not knowing what she meant, Yan Huashi had already ordered someone to pour tea up.

Thinking that Yufu was still a little girl, she ordered some refreshments to come up by the way.

Yufu looked at the snow-white sugar cake in the plate, and his eyes lit up, and his big eyes blinked.

She glanced at Yan Huashi, as if seeking his consent.

The latter hurriedly said: "The little doctor immortal has come all the way, he must be hungry. It's the same to eat some before giving our general diagnosis and treatment!"

The more anxious he was to take care of the general's injury, the more he couldn't neglect Yufu in front of him.

Because she is the only person who can cure the poison of Kunlun Snow.

"This Kunlun snow is the secret poison of the West Kunlun Kingdom. Under the thousand-year-old extreme snow on the Kunlun Mountains, there is a snow essence that will not melt for ten thousand years, and this poison can be extracted."

Yufu bit the white sugar cake on one side, and said vaguely, with a lot of powdered sugar on his face.

"Since the little doctor fairy knows the origin of this poison, please detoxify our general quickly!"

Yufu's little hand paused, and suddenly he bit half of the white sugar cake in his hand and put it back into the plate.

She lowered her head and raised her eyes, her big eyes flickering.

"But I, I... I'm a little poison fairy, not a little doctor fairy."