Princess and The General

Chapter 97: I want to go to Guhou Mansion (three shifts)


When Emperor Ning received the envoy of Xikun, he officially learned of the existence of Kunwu injury.

After Gu Huaijiang sent someone into the palace to explain the matter, he sent someone to investigate the affairs of the Seventh Prince of Xikun, and he had an idea in his mind.

Kundi had many sons, and there were more than twenty concubines in total. The seventh prince was one of the unknown, and his biological mother was just a little beauty.

After he grew up, he was sent to the Immortal Valley by Kundi to study and became a disciple of the God of Medicine. Since then, he has rarely returned to the Kingdom of Xikun.

Presumably Quinti doesn't even remember that he has such a son, right

No wonder the two countries often fought, and he dared to rush to Dongling rashly. Such a prince didn't even have the value of being a proton, and Emperor Ning didn't bother to pay attention to him.

If you love to go to Guhou's Mansion, go, can a prince who has not been in Xikun all the year be a spy

Guhou's Mansion seemed to be very eager to see him. It is said that he was stopped outside every time, and even if he climbed the wall, he would soon be driven out by Yufu.

"We Dongling is a country of etiquette. Although this seventh prince is not a high-ranking prince, he is a prince after all. We still have to be kind and entertained. Don't let the Xikun people think that we neglect them, and then take the opportunity to start a war."

Emperor Ning deliberately found the eldest prince and the second prince, and gave orders like this.

The two princes looked at each other, and asked their own prince to entertain the prince of Xikun. Although it was a etiquette and custom, I was afraid it also meant to test both of them.

It is not an easy task to do so without negligence and at the same time promote the prestige of the country.

"Father, rest assured that your son will receive Prince Xikun in a good life and will not disappoint your father."

The eldest prince bowed his hands respectfully, and the second prince glanced at him with a little disdain, and then turned his gaze to the upper one, which had already suppressed the disrespect, and became humble and kind.

"Father can rest assured that his sons and ministers will definitely learn from elder brothers and ministers, and live up to his father's cultivation."

Ningdi Longyan Dayue said, "Okay, okay! If you can think like this, I feel more relieved. You two brothers must work together to promote my prestige, remember?"

The eldest prince humbly said: "My son, remember, he will teach his second brother well and share the worries for the father."

The use of the word teaching was a bit harsh, and Emperor Ning did not hear it in his joy. The second prince bit his lower lip slightly.

Who teaches whom is not necessarily true.

"The Seventh Prince, I heard that your Xikun people are so strong that even women can fight on the battlefield. Seventh Prince, you are in the Immortal Valley all the year round. I don't know if you are interested in horse riding and shooting?"

The eldest prince invited Kun Wu to the martial arts field to see the archery skills of the princes of the Dongling family.

Kun Wu snorted in his broken nose and looked around casually. Not to mention a hundred shots, nine out of ten are superb in archery.

Is this for him to visit, or to intimidate him

"Oh, hello, I'm not interested or interested. I hate these things the most. How can there be any fun in drying medicinal materials? Look at you East Spirit archer, one by one, they are tanned and ugly!"

With a flick of his sleeve, he refused to give the eldest prince's face, and went straight to the corridor to drink tea.

The prince looked embarrassed for a moment.

"Brother, I told you a long time ago that you shouldn't find these people who are good at riding and shooting. At first glance, you know that it was deliberately arranged. Of course, Kunwu injury can only say that I am not interested."

The second prince came up from behind, quite gloating.

"In order to promote my national prestige, I have to do so. Are you looking for those sons who are not as good as the second brother in riding and shooting? It would be a laugh."

He hides the needle in the cotton, insinuating that the second prince is not good in riding and shooting skills.

"Heh, let Kun Wu hurt feel that elder brother is deliberately humiliating him, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome? Xikun and Dong Ling fight each year, the father Huang Nian sent Gu Houye to go out, the military power is firmly in his hands. Is it elder brother? Would you like to see such a scene?"

The eldest prince was taken aback and looked at him vigilantly, "Second brother, don't talk nonsense! Lord Gu Hou is loyal to the country, fighting on the battlefield, and working hard. What is the power of the army but not the power of the army, so why not in his hands?"

After saying that, take the first step and move towards Kunwu injury, as if to appease him.


The second prince murmured softly behind him.

"I said the prince, the tea here is really terrible, it's not as good as Guhou Mansion's!"

Kunwu pushed the tea cup to the side with disgust, his legs were raised, and he slid impartially on the opposite chair.

The eldest prince was about to sit down, and saw his toes move around on the chair, shaking off some yellowish-brown dust, and straightening up again.

"The tea in the martial arts field is naturally not as good as in the palace. The tea in the Guhou Mansion is bestowed by the emperor, and like the palace, it is Dongling's top tea. If the seventh prince is not used to drinking it, I will send someone back. You can get some from the palace."

"Why bother?"

Kunwu immediately retracted his foot from injury, and wiped the chair he was stepping on before leaning over him. He didn't think it was clean, so he wiped it off with his sleeves.

"The prince, sit down."

The eldest prince furrowed his eyebrows slightly, a bit disgusted, and finally sat down.

"It's a lot of trouble to go to the palace. Why don't we go to Guhou Mansion to drink? I remember that Guhou Mansion also has such a martial arts field. Let's go directly to discuss with the Gu family masters. Wouldn't it be cheap?"

So he wanted to go to Guhou Mansion...