Princess Medical Doctor/Vengeance of the Doctress

Chapter 11: 011 Nightmare, the king of the dark night


Lin Chujiu knew that Mrs. Lin didn't want to give it, but today Mrs. Lin had to give it if she didn't give it. She Lin Chujiu had to ask for some compensation for receiving such a tattered body.

Lin Chujiu raised her head and looked at Mrs. Lin with a half-smile, "Ma'am, my time is limited. You can give 250,000 taels of gold if you like it, if you don't like it, you know my temperament..."

Lin Chujiu didn't say the following words, but Mrs. Lin heard the implied threat clearly: Time is limited, so I just told her that the wedding will be a big deal tomorrow without giving money. Don't think about it.

Lin Chujiu's reputation has been ruined, she no longer cares about being ugly, but Mrs. Lin is different. She is like a loving person in Beijing, a good wife and a good mother, and her biological daughter will marry the prince. She will never allow Lin Chujiu to destroy her. her fame.

Mrs. Lin had no choice but to ask her fate, "I took the money and canceled it in one stroke?"

It's just an external thing, and she doesn't lack it. Lin Chujiu has a life to take it, and it also depends on whether she has a life to spend. Today, she will get the debt back from Lin Chujiu sooner or later.

"The past is erased." Lin Chujiu got up, met Mrs. Lin's eyes, and smiled lightly: "Madam, before dawn tomorrow, I want to see the silver note!"

"Tomorrow, this is impossible..." Mrs. Lin wanted to drag Lin Chujiu back to the door, maybe Lin Chujiu didn't have the life to return. After all, Xiao Wangfu has a bad temper, and the cruel methods are obvious to all.

"That's your business." Lin Chujiu got up to see off the guests: "Madam, go slowly... By the way, when you go out, remember to remind the maid when the rice porridge I want will be served? Of course, also remind Madam. In one sentence, don't give me any more, I might ask you for fifty thousand taels of gold if you add a little more!"

After Lin Chujiu finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the inner hall, leaving Mrs. Lin standing there hatingly.

250,000 taels of gold, in silver, it would be 2.5 million taels. This is definitely an astronomical figure. Even if a silver note is 10,000 taels, there are 250 taels...

Mrs. Lin couldn't get so much cash or bank notes overnight, so she had to worry about the 2,500,000 taels of silver all night!

However, this is exactly what Lin Chujiu wanted!

Only Mrs. Lin is busy enough to have no time to count her, and she can spend her last day at the Lin family safely. As for tomorrow...

Lin Chujiu is not a pessimist. Tomorrow has not happened yet, so it is useless for her to think too much now. She doesn't know what kind of person Xiao Wangye is, nor how badly Xiao Wangye is, and everything will be discussed when she gets married.

Horizontally and vertically, no matter how cruel Wangye Xiao is, he is still a big man. He will never try to poison her like Mrs. Lin, right

Lin Chujiu firmly believes that as long as you live, there is hope.

In the evening, Lin Chujiu used a bowl of white rice porridge. Although she still wanted to eat it, she knew that hungry people should not eat too much, so she forced herself to restrain herself from eating. After a short rest, she asked the servants to fetch water and she wanted to take a bath.

Lin Chujiu lived a miserable life after becoming the eldest lady of Zuo Xiang's family for three whole days, and now she has finally turned around. She has to enjoy the flower bath of the ancient ladies.

However, after actually soaking in the tub, Lin Chujiu realized that although the tub was large, it was really not as comfortable as a bathtub, nor as comfortable as her jacuzzi. Of course, this was because she refused to serve the maid and did not enjoy manual massage.

It's not that Lin Chujiu doesn't want to enjoy the maid's use, but it's because she is afraid of being undermined by the maid. The entire Lin Mansion was held by Mrs. Lin, and the maid beside her was also Mrs. Lin's.

For safety's sake, Lin Chujiu didn't want anyone to touch her.

After taking a bath, without worrying that Mrs. Lin would take the opportunity to attack her, Lin Chujiu went to sleep at ease after taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor's system.

Even though she has to face a brand new life tomorrow, Lin Chujiu is in a very good mood today, and it doesn't affect her sleep at all. It didn't take long for Lin Chujiu to fall asleep on the bed.

That night, Lin Chujiu slept soundly, but two people couldn't sleep all night because of her. One of them is of course Mrs. Lin who is raising money everywhere, and the other is...

In the study of a large mansion in central Beijing, a man sat in a wheelchair, half of his face was hidden in the dark, and half of his face was exposed by the candlelight. Add a sense of mystery.

The half of his face hidden in the dark could not be seen clearly, and he could only faintly feel that this man was very dangerous; while the half of his face under the candlelight was glowing with jade light, with an indescribable charm...

A full forehead, deep and serene eyes, a high nose bridge, and thin lips of a concubine color are all exquisite, and when combined together, they are even more fatally attractive!

Although the man was sitting in a wheelchair, his aura was not reduced by half, just sitting there, there was a coercive pressure, and a layer of cold light seemed to cover his body, making people dare not look directly...

This man is the king of the dark night!

Under the candlelight, there was a man in the dark night kneeling at the feet of the man. That man was clearly kneeling there, but he had no sense of existence at all, and he couldn't even hear his breathing.

The man in black held his breath and knelt at the man's feet motionless, until the man tapped on the armrest, and the man in black said, "Master, Lin Chujiu was looking for life and death three days ago and refused to marry. Only a bowl of gruel.

Three days later, that is, this evening, Lin Chujiu appeared full of energy, without any sense of weakness at all, and took the opportunity to attack Mrs. Lin Jiaji, accusing Mrs. Lin of poisoning her with chronic poison, and extorting money from Mrs. Lin for twenty gold. Fifty-two thousand. "

The dark guard thought of the scene he saw in the evening, and secretly praised in his heart: That girl Lin is really capable of pretending. She pretended to be crazy and foolish before. It turned out to be for today's episode. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have been misled by rumors. Take Lin Chujiu as a straw bag.

Well, he used Lin Chujiu as a straw bag before, so he planted it in her hands.

The man sitting in the chair, his eyes were drooping, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and the lines of his cold face had not moved so far. Hearing the report of his subordinates, the man did not speak...

The thumb of the right hand rubbed at once, and the jade wrench on the thumb of the left hand. It looks like an unconscious action, but the man makes it, but it gives people a sense of oppression, which makes people's heart tighten.

pat, pat...

Sweat dripped from his forehead, landed on the ground, and spattered with a slap, like a flower of blood...

There were more and more beads of sweat, and soon the front was wet, but the man in black who was kneeling on the ground did not dare to stretch out to wipe it.

As the man's rubbing of his fingers stopped, the air in the room seemed to condense. The man in black secretly swallowed, and the man's low and rhythmic tone came from above his head: "Three days ago, what happened?"

The man speaks softly and slowly, and his tone is neither hurried nor slow, but no one would mistakenly believe that this man is a gentle person...

Heiye's head was buried lower: "Please punish the master."

"This king needs to know, what happened three days ago?" The man's voice did not fluctuate, and he could not hear joy or anger.

The king

That's right, this man is the rumored, former God of War paralyzed in bed, the current King Xiao - Xiao Tianyao.

Xiao Tianyao propped his head with his right hand, his eyes drooping slightly, waiting for the man in black to answer.

The man in black didn't dare to hide it, so he reported what happened three days ago, and carefully added: "Master, this subordinate dares to swear to God, he really hit Lin Chujiu at that time. When Chu Jiu fell to the ground, there were two sticks of incense and he didn't move, and he didn't even breathe, and then for some reason, when Lin Xiang came, Lin Chujiu suddenly stood up."

Speaking of what happened three days ago, the man in black had tears on his face. Three days ago, he was ordered to assassinate Lin Chujiu by waiting for the machine. He had already succeeded, but he didn't want anyone to die, which was a shame for him.

And this shame, I am afraid there is no chance to wash away in a short time.

"Really..." Xiao Tianyao said softly, unable to tell whether he believed it or not, the man in black became even more nervous, the sweat on his forehead became more and more, and as for the back, not to mention, it was already wet with sweat.

"My subordinates don't dare to deceive the master." The man in black felt uneasy, but his tone was firm. He had confidence in his own skills, and the problem was definitely Lin Chujiu.

Xiao Tianyao raised his eyes, his eyes swept around the man in black, under the nervousness and anticipation of the man in black, Xiao Tianyao said his punishment: "Go get ten whips."

Ten whips... At least half a month in bed, but this is the lightest punishment, after all, this time he was seriously dereliction of duty anyway.

The man in black did not dare to say more, and immediately kowtowed and resigned.

As soon as he went out, the man in black let out a long sigh of relief, raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and found that his sleeves were also wet, the man in black gave a wry smile, strode forward, not daring to stop.

Inside the house, Xiao Tianyao had a moment or no moment, and continued to rub his fingers, his concubine lips lightly parted, "Lin Chujiu? This king remembers you."

The voice was very soft, like a murmur, if you were not careful, you would not be able to hear it at all.

At the same moment, Lin Chujiu, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up. She bounced off the bed, covered her heart with her hands, and gasped for breath. Through the moonlight, she could faintly see her panic, pale face, and more. Confused and helpless eyes.

Lin Chujiu was quite frightened.

"Huh, huh..." Lin Chujiu took a long time to recover, patted her heart, and pinched herself again, only to be sure that she had just had a nightmare.

"Fortunately it was just a nightmare, and fortunately it didn't fall into the hands of the intelligence bureau of country m, otherwise I would be miserable."

Lin Chujiu leaned against the head of the bed, thinking of the plot in her dream, she couldn't help hugging herself tightly. I am secretly glad that she came to this world, instead of being captured by the M country and accepting their torture to extract a confession.

Compared with falling into the hands of the Intelligence Bureau, her little danger now is nothing at all.

Now, at least she still has the possibility to fight back and survive. To fall into the hands of the intelligence bureau of country m, even death is a luxury...