Princess Medical Doctor/Vengeance of the Doctress

Chapter 110: 110 visits, she can do it


The emperor's attention to King An does not need words at all. He rushed to the Qinghe Palace as soon as he heard the news. As for Xiao Tianyao

The emperor gave Lin Xiang full responsibility for the full responsibility, and Lin Dian responded immediately.

After receiving Xiao Tianyao's order, Su Cha first started with Lu Yuan, and found the white jade hairpin from Lu Yuan's residence, but it was broken, and there was no toxic substance on the white jade hairpin.

The hairpin on Mo Yu'er's head was exactly the one that Lin Chujiu checked. Doctor Wu did not find any problems after reading it. In order to show her innocence, Mo Yuer asked Su Cha to go into her house to search, but Su Cha went to investigate, but found nothing.

After working all night, he still couldn't prove anything for Lin Chujiu, which made people suspect that Lin Chujiu was lying and taking the opportunity to harm Xiao Tianyao.

"My lord, what should we do about this?" After Su Cha finished reporting, he asked Xiao Tianyao for a solution.

"People are locked first." The current situation, no matter what to do, Xiao Tianyao didn't want to move for the time being.

"Okay." At this point, Su Cha didn't dare to excuse Lin Chujiu.

In the morning, Doctor Mo came to review Xiao Tianyao as usual, but his face was very ugly, "My lord's leg disease is getting worse, I can only do my best to obey the destiny."

"Is the doctor bad?" Xiao Tianyao heard the implied meaning in Doctor Mo's words, but... he didn't plan to agree.

"This old man can only do his best." Seeing that Xiao Tianyao didn't answer, the wise doctor didn't say much.

He wanted to fight for the position of the concubine for his daughter, but he didn't want to break up with Xiao Tianyao.

"It's troublesome Doctor Mo." Xiao Tianyao closed his eyes indifferently without being aggressive.

Doctor Mo no longer said any more, and silently gave Xiao Tianyao acupuncture. He didn't say a word during the whole process. After the operation of the set of needles, Doctor Mo took the needles and said: "My lord's muscles and veins in his legs are not blocked. This is a very good thing." In other words, Xiao Tianyao's leg injury was not too serious, at least not so serious that he could not be cured.

The two attitudes before and after indicate the concession of Doctor Mo.

Xiao Tianyao breathed a sigh of relief, but his face did not show, and said indifferently: "It's hard work, the magic doctor."

After Doctor Mo left, Xiao Tianyao stared at his leg for a long time, and finally couldn't help but tap on his leg, and his frowning brows finally relaxed.

If his legs don't heal at all, then...

Even if Lin Chujiu was for his own good, Lin Chujiu had only one death. Now…

His leg was actually healed. If Lin Chujiu wasn't ordered by others and didn't intend to kill him, then let Lin Chujiu suffer a little.

Just as Xiao Tianyao was thinking about the arrangement for Lin Chujiu, Butler Cao came to report: "My lord, Lin Xiang is coming, and I want to see the princess."

"Lin Xiang? Come at the right time, how did the news of the palace spread?" Xiao Tianyao was not happy, very unhappy.

Lin Xiang came to the door at this time, and he would never believe it if it was a coincidence.

"The palace is strict inside and out, and the news will never go out." Butler Cao can guarantee this. After all, there were mistakes in the past, and now the management is stricter, and it is impossible to send the news out.

"The news hasn't gone out, how does Lin Xiang know about the princess?" Xiao Tianyao tapped on the bed board, and his "duh" sound made his scalp tingle, but Butler Cao didn't dare to say a word.

After a long while, Xiao Tianyao finally spoke, "Lin Xianghou, please take the princess back to the courtyard."

This is to release Lin Chujiu.

Butler Cao was overjoyed, and asked again, "Your Highness, do you want to ask Doctor Wu first to treat the princess's wounds?"

Xiao Tianyao didn't answer, just gave Butler Cao a cold look. Butler Cao didn't dare to say more and quickly retreated.

In the prison, Lin Chujiu didn't sleep all night, was sore, hungry, and cold. He burned all night, and the person was already confused, Liu Bai sat on the roof, separated by a long distance, and didn't know Lin Chujiu's condition at all. He didn't come over at breakfast, so when Butler Cao brought people to pick up Lin Chujiu, he saw Lin Chujiu who was confused.

"Princess, are you all right?" Butler Cao looked at the abnormal flushing on Lin Chujiu's face, turned pale with fright, and hurriedly squatted down and probed Lin Chujiu's forehead, "Oh my God, it's so hot, but it's so hot. People are burnt out."

Butler Cao hurriedly asked someone to carry Lin Chujiu out, but as soon as Lin Chujiu moved, he murmured in pain, "No, don't touch me, don't."

Dry lips, squirming slightly, the voice is so small that you have to listen carefully.

"Stop it, stop it quickly." Butler Cao hurriedly told people to stop and half-kneeled in front of Lin Chujiu, "Princess, are you alright? The villain has been ordered to pick you up, are you alright?"

"I... I hurt my bones, so I can't move." Lin Chujiu struggled to open her eyes, her eyes were blood red, when she saw Butler Cao, she showed a smile, "My lord... Does he know what I said is true?"

After she said it, Lin Chujiu felt that she must be confused, if it weren't for the confusion, how could she care what Xiao Tianyao thought. She said nothing...

"Princess..." Butler Cao looked at Lin Chujiu distressedly.

At this time, I was still thinking about the lord. To say that the princess deliberately framed the lord would be too expensive.

"Looks like it's gone." From Butler Cao's demeanor, Lin Chujiu understood.

Closing her eyes, she didn't want Butler Cao to see the disappointment in her eyes, "Why, why did you take me out?" Lin Chujiu didn't believe it, and Xiao Tianyao would let her out if there was no reason and no proof of her innocence.

Xiao Tianyao has never been a kind person, let alone be kind to her.

"Lin Xiang is here and said he wants to visit you." This kind of thing can't be concealed, and Butler Cao has no intention of concealing it.

"So..." Lin Chujiu laughed at himself, "It turns out that the surname Lin is the one who can save me in the end." Even though the other party didn't come to save her, she left the prison because of this.

"Princess, Lin Xiang's move is not to save you." Butler Cao said earnestly, for fear that Lin Chujiu would not understand.

"I know that he appeared at this time. If I don't have any evidence, it will be even more unclear, but..." Lin Chujiu turned his head weakly and looked out the door, "If I don't go out, I will die here." Even if she went out, she could no longer gain Xiao Tianyao's trust, and she recognized it.

She can't take her own life because of Xiao Tianyao's distrust, Xiao Tianyao is not so important yet.

"Princess, you, are you alright? I'll go find Doctor Wu for you." Butler Cao stood up, but was stopped by Lin Chujiu, "No, get a flat wooden board and let me carry me back, I can't Keep my father waiting."

"Yes, but..." Butler Cao didn't think that with Lin Chujiu's current appearance, no doctor could do it.

"No but, Butler Cao, do as I say. Tell the lord, I won't let him down." Lin Chujiu said stubbornly, although her consciousness was not clear, she forced herself to stay awake.

She can do it!