Princess Medical Doctor/Vengeance of the Doctress

Chapter 112: 112 Blood and tears, regardless of life or death


Sure enough, Xiao Tianyao refused to see Lin Xiang, and asked Butler Cao to tell Lin Xiang that he did not need Lin Xiang to apologize on behalf of Lin Chujiu. Whether or not to take a concubine is a matter between their husband and wife. He will discuss with Lin Chujiu after Lin Chujiu recovers from his illness.

It would have caused Xiao Tianyao's dissatisfaction, and Lin Xiang did not dare to entangle any more, so he had to return without success.

Fortunately, Lin Xiang still got the news that Xiao Tianyao wanted to take Mo Yuer as his concubine. However, in order not to attract Xiao Tianyao's attention, Lin Xiang did not rush into the palace to return to his life, but passed the news to the emperor through a special channel.

He believed that the emperor would understand the value of this news.

It's just that at this time, the emperor was accompanying Prince An in the Hall of Qinghe, and he really had no time or energy to take care of the affairs of Prince Xiao's mansion.

Lin Chujiu once again showed with practical actions that she was doing things from the position of Xiao Wangfu, which made Xiao Tianyao feel a lot better, "Go, let Doctor Wu go and see." Yesterday's collision, I am afraid it will not hurt. Light, and I don't know if there will be any hidden dangers.

"Yes." Butler Cao answered loudly, more angry than ever before, he even forgot to kneel and bow, and hurriedly ran to find Doctor Wu.

Doctor Wu packed up the needed medicinal materials early in the morning, and waited for Xiao Tianyao's order, but he didn't wait for anyone to come. Just when Doctor Wu thought that Xiao Tianyao would not care about Lin Chujiu's life or death, Butler Cao finally brought it. good news.

"Let's go, let's go." Dr. Wu picked up the medicine box and ran. Halfway through the run, he heard Butler Cao shouting, "Wrong, wrong. Not going to jail."

"What's wrong, didn't you go to see the princess earlier?" Doctor Wu hurriedly stopped, turned his head and asked.

"It's good to see a doctor for the princess, but the princess is not in prison. The princess went back to the yard early in the morning." When Butler Cao said this, there was a vague sense of joy.

In any case, if Lin Chujiu can return from the prison, it means that the prince still values her.

"It's only been one night, so I asked the wangfei to go back. The lord is really a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted man." Doctor Wu was also happy for Lin Chujiu, but...

When he walked into the room and saw Lin Chujiu lying on the bed like a rag doll, Doctor Wu couldn't be happy.

He had absolutely no way to connect the woman on the bed, who didn't look angry, with the woman who shuttled between the wounded and bandaged the wounds of the wounded soldiers.

"What's the matter? How could the princess shed so much blood. Someone, someone..." Butler Cao shouted in a hurry, but no one responded.

At Lin Chujiu's residence, there are usually only four maids of Feicui. The little girl who changed Lin Chujiu's clothes before had to leave after finishing her work. There was no one around Lin Chujiu to take care of.

Butler Cao shouted for a long time but no one came, so he could only roll up his sleeves and come by himself.

"Where is the concubine, the concubine, not even a servant." The servant is ill, and there are people who are good friends to take care of one or two. The princess is so injured, but there is not even a person who poured water around him. It's true sad.

"Don't be angry, it happened for a reason. If it weren't for that, who would dare to neglect the princess." Dr. Wu put down the medicine box and comforted.

"Alas..." Butler Cao sighed and said nothing.

The affairs of the masters are not something they can interfere with, and they must not talk too much when they should not talk too much.

"I'll send someone to bring hot water." After helping Lin Chujiu clean up a little, Butler Cao turned around and walked out.

Doctor Wu responded lightly, walked to Lin Chujiu's side, lifted the quilt on her body, and revealed her blood-soaked clothes.

"Why is it hurt so badly?" Doctor Wu didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly cut off Lin Chujiu's sleeves, revealing the bruised shoulder blades and protruding bones.

"Bone dislocation is so serious?" Dr. Wu is good at treating patients with displaced bones, such as Lin Chujiu. Dr. Wu does not know how much he has treated, but he does not dare to do anything at this time, because...

In addition to the shoulder blades, Lin Chujiu had two broken ribs on his chest, and his internal organs were bleeding.

These injuries can no longer bear the force, or they will definitely die.

Butler Cao ordered the servants, and turned back again. When he saw Doctor Wu standing by the bed in a daze, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Is the princess okay?"

"It's so badly injured and it's not treated in time, how can it be okay?" Doctor Wu turned his head and said fiercely.

Lin Chujiu was seriously injured, and now the treatment time has been delayed, and she has lost too much blood. Doctor Wu really doesn't know where to start.

Butler Cao didn't have time to get angry with him, and only asked, "What? It's serious?"

"Yeah." Doctor Wu nodded, "You can tell the lord and prepare the funeral for the princess." According to Doctor Wu, there is a 70% chance that Lin Chujiu will die of serious injuries.

"You, what are you kidding?" Butler Cao was taken aback and looked at Doctor Wu and then at Lin Chujiu. He couldn't believe what Doctor Wu said.

It's just a bone injury, how can it be so serious that it's going to die

"You know, although I'm often a serious person, I never make fun of this kind of thing." Doctor Wu nodded very seriously, and Butler Cao was about to cry, "How sure are you?"

"Less than 30%." Lin Chujiu spent a night in a cell with poor conditions last night. In addition, the water on her body was not cleaned up, and the wound was soaked with dirty water, which was already inflamed.

At the beginning, Cao Lin almost died because of the inflammation of the wound. Lin Chujiu was also a human being, and she was no exception.

"Less than 30%? You, wait, I'll go to the lord, maybe there will be a way." Butler Cao didn't dare to risk Lin Chujiu's life, and hurriedly went to ask Xiao Tianyao to see if he could call the magic doctor Lin. The ninth day of medical treatment.

Doctor Mo's medical skills were a hundred times better than Doctor Wu's. Doctor Wu had a 30% certainty, while Doctor Mo had at least 70% to 80%. But…

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very backbone.

As soon as Butler Cao opened his mouth, Xiao Tianyao interrupted him, "Let Doctor Wu try his best to heal him." Besides, even if he opened his mouth, Doctor Mo wouldn't save Lin Chujiu, so why should he do useless work

"My lord, Doctor Wu has only a 30% certainty." This is simply death!

"Let him do his best, regardless of life or death." This is still the sentence.

Butler Cao still wanted to make his last effort, but seeing the coldness in Xiao Tianyao's eyes, Butler Cao dared not speak again and withdrew with a look of disappointment.

Their prince is always so rational and ruthless, and I don't know if he will regret it in the future.

Butler Cao came back and repeated Xiao Tianyao's words to Doctor Wu. Lin Chujiu was in a coma. Butler Cao didn't guard her and spoke loudly. I thought Lin Chujiu couldn't hear her, but she didn't want to...

After Butler Cao finished speaking, a tear of blood slipped from the corner of Lin Chujiu's eyes.

If you don't have hope, you won't be disappointed.

That drop of tears means she had hope...

[Author's digression]: The scumbag author is too busy. Today, I will update a chapter, I will make up, I will make up... I owe everyone! !