Princess Medical Doctor/Vengeance of the Doctress

Chapter 18: 018 Back pressure, give a way to live


Although Xiao Tianyao didn't do his best with this sword, the speed of the sword was extremely fast for ordinary people. He didn't think that Lin Chujiu had the ability to dodge his sword, but the reality was... He underestimated Lin Chujiu, a woman. !

At the moment when the tip of the sword pierced Lin Chujiu's eyebrows, she suddenly leaned back, one lowered her waist, and her waist was bent ninety degrees, Xiao Tianyao stabbed the air with his sword.

And this was not what shocked Xiao Tianyao the most, what shocked Xiao Tianyao the most was that Lin Chujiu's waist was incredibly soft.

Lin Chujiuyuan jumped down and didn't even need time to relax, so he immediately stood up and rushed towards him.

Moreover, I don't know when Lin Chujiu held a small knife in his right hand. The knife just touched his heart. As long as he stabbed forward, he would be killed. Of course, at this time, his sword was also on Lin Chu. Nine's neck.

"My lord, you're being careless." Lin Chujiu held the knife in his right hand, and was only a fist away from Xiao Tianyao. He could smell the cold fragrance on Xiao Tianyao's body with a light breath.

"This king underestimates you." Xiao Tianyao said coldly, his deep eyes became more and more calm, without a trace of emotional ups and downs.

He is not careless but he is too weak now. Although he was not affected by the drug, but after a fierce battle and forcibly got up, he was only a little stronger than ordinary people.

He saw Lin Chujiu's actions, but his body was too weak to deal with it in time, so Lin Chujiu took advantage of it.

Xiao Tianyao exerted a little force, the blade pressed against his neck, and soon a bloodstain appeared, Lin Chujiu frowned, "My lord, can you move the sword away a little bit?"

To be fair, okay, she didn't hurt him half a point.

"This king's hands are shaking and he can't hold the sword." Xiao Tianyao lowered his eyes and glanced at Lin Chujiu's hand holding the sword.

Lin Chujiu held the knife very steadily, not like a woman at all.

"Your Highness, this joke is not funny at all." Lin Chujiu rolled her eyes: "Your Highness should understand that I have no ill intentions, let me go like..."

The last word was interrupted by a sharp arrow coming from the sky...

"Duh, duh, duh!"

Three long arrows in a row pierced through the void, and shot at Xiao Tianyao and Lin Chujiu with a mighty thunderbolt.


Xiao Tianyao and Lin Chujiu didn't even care about threatening each other at this time. Xiao Tianyao reacted very quickly. As soon as the long arrow was fired, he threw the long sword in his hand.

"Dang," the long sword that flew out interrupted the arrow shot at Xiao Tianyao. Lin Chujiu was only one step behind him, and the scalpel that touched Xiao Tianyao's heart also flew out.

The scalpel spun around in the air, spinning out a beautiful pattern like a windmill, and with a "click," sound, it just caught the second arrow. But…

And a third arrow!

The three arrows were connected end to end, which did not give Xiao Tianyao and Lin Chujiu a chance to breathe. If Xiao Tianyao was in his prime, he could knock down the three arrows with just a wave of his hand, but according to his current skills...

Just dodge!

The third arrow was approaching, Xiao Tianyao looked down at Lin Chujiu. For some reason, his hand was one step faster than his brain. Before he could understand it, his right hand was automatically wrapped around Lin Chujiu's waist and gently tugged.

With a sound of "dong...", the two of them fell into the big red bed at the same time and rolled around.

"what… "

He fell heavily, and his injured left shoulder hit the bed directly. Lin Chujiu screamed in pain, her face was bloodless, and her forehead was sweating coldly, but before she could react, Xiao Tianyao pressed her down.

"Lin Chujiu, this king will give you a second way. You said, does this king want to kill you, or make you dumb?" Xiao Tianyao pinched Lin Chujiu's neck, his voice with a bone-chilling chill.

Lin Chujiu had no doubts about the man's intention to kill her. She should have persuaded her well, told Xiao Tianyao the pros and cons, and begged Xiao Tianyao to let her go, but...

Lin Chujiu was angry!

She was so angry!

She has never been threatened like this, nor has she been so cowardly, since she became famous by saving a political figure in country M with her superb medical skills.

She gave in repeatedly and showed her sincerity again and again, but this man still refused to let her go and still wanted to take her life. What else could she endure

She, Lin Chujiu, doesn't show her power, she just treats her as a soft bun, can she squeeze as much as she wants

Xiao Tianyao, today this girl will let you see clearly and underestimate the fate of women!

Lin Chujiu glared at Xiao Tianyao, and pointed his right hand at the acupuncture point behind Xiao Tianyao, making sure that Xiao Tianyao was not guarding her, Lin Chujiu nodded without hesitation: "Master Xiao, you are careless again!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Tianyao's expression changed, he wanted to increase his strength to hold Lin Chujiu, but...

He couldn't do anything at all!

"Lin Chujiu!" This woman hid so deeply that he hadn't been found at all.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm here..." Lin Chujiu turned over, pressed Xiao Tianyao under him, and put his right leg between Xiao Tianyao's crotch, imitating Xiao Tianyao's tone, and said in a low voice, "You said that I completely ruined you. Legs, or do you lose your third leg?"

"You don't dare!" Xiao Tianyao looked confident, although Lin Chujiu plotted against him, there was no trace of panic on his face, as if he was not the one threatened by Lin Chujiu.

This calm look really makes people grit their teeth, because...

She really dare not!

Xiao Tianyao was abolished, or what would she do if she killed Xiao Tianyao? Where is she going to run

She couldn't go back to the ghost place of the Lin family, and even if she could go back, she wouldn't come looking for death. And based on her "delicate" appearance, it is estimated that as soon as she leaves the city, she will be targeted, and she may die by then.

After thinking about it, in this completely unfamiliar world, only Xiao Wangfu was relatively safe for her.

Thinking of this, Lin Chujiu's anger was reduced by three points.

Hey, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Lin Chujiu lay on Xiao Tianyao's body weakly, and said aggrievedly: "Xiao Wangye, since you know that I dare not kill you, then you should know that I have no ill intentions towards you or the entire palace, and I am not a pawn of the prince and Lin Xiang.

I know that you are dissatisfied with this marriage, but I did not force this marriage. I have no choice but to ask the emperor to marry. Now that we are bound together, we are also considered to be people on the same boat. If you have an accident, I will definitely live. No, I'm definitely the first person who doesn't want anything wrong with you. "

Lin Chujiu said, while paying attention to Xiao Tianyao's expression, but Xiao Tianyao was always expressionless, even when Lin Chujiu was pressed down, he did not respond, so Lin Chujiu was not sure what Xiao Tianyao was thinking. …

Staring at Xiao Tianyao for a long time, Xiao Tianyao's expression remained the same, his face was always dead, Lin Chujiu could only bite the bullet and continue: "Lord Xiao, we are already married, I am your wife now, no matter what happens What's the matter, I'm definitely on your side, and I'll never betray you, can you give me a way out?"

In the end, Lin Chujiu felt that she was so pitiful...