Princess Medical Doctor/Vengeance of the Doctress

Chapter 53: 053 is not free, which immortal will worship


Su Cha and Xiao Tianyao were far away from Lin Chujiu, but Xiao Tianyao was fine. Even though they were separated by a distance of forty or fifty meters, he could still see Lin Chujiu's movements clearly, and he could even see the fine lines on Lin Chujiu's forehead. Sweat.

For a moment, Xiao Tianyao had the urge to step up and wipe for Lin Chujiu. Fortunately, he has amazing self-control, and he will never allow himself to do such a strange act.

Su Cha was suffering. He was a eldest young master who had no power to hold a chicken. No matter how high he stood, he couldn't see what Lin Chujiu was doing, and only saw afterimages passing by in front of him.

Su Cha's eyes were all blurred, and she couldn't help complaining: "Is your princess under the command of a master thief?" With such a fast hand speed, it is a must for stealing!

Brilliant thief

Xiao Tianyao's eyes flashed, and then he regained his composure: He also wanted to know which immortal his concubine worshipped in order to have such skills!

To Lin Chujiu, pulling the broken arrow was just a small surgical operation, and it could be completed in an hour or two. Lin Chujiu didn't notice it at all. Although the movements in his hands were fast, there was no trace of panic. Thousands of times.

However, for Xiao Tianyao and others, Lin Chujiu's method of dealing with trauma was their first time. Whether it was Lin Chujiu's movements or the tools she took out, it was beyond their understanding and imagination.

However, due to Lin Chujiu's identity, the housekeeper Cao, the guards and the others did not dare to ask more questions.

No one else asked, Lin Chujiu naturally wouldn't be troublesome to say, after temporarily stopping the bleeding, Lin Chujiu wiped the blood on his hands with gauze at will, and was ready to draw an arrow for Chenghu.

"Come alone..." Lin Chujiu habitually looked for assistants and nurses, and halfway through her words, she remembered that this was not a hospital she was familiar with, and she couldn't find the assistant she wanted here.

Shaking her head, Lin Chujiu had to take one more step to open Chenghu's wound, lest when she pulls the arrow alone, she would break the blood vessel or injure the ventricle.

Lin Chujiu was very careful when doing this step, because the light was not very good, she had to bend over to see clearly. The moment she bowed her head, the broken hair behind her ears scattered and stuck to her sweaty neck and cheeks. Lin Chujiu moved her neck uncomfortably. Seeing how she wanted to reach out a few times but finally held back, she let others I can't wait to go up and fix her broken hair for her.

"Go, find a maid." If it wasn't for the protection of men and women, Butler Cao really wanted to go forward and mess up Lin Chujiu's hair. Those few strands of hair were too beautiful to look at, and the people who saw it were irritable.

At the same time, Xiao Tianyao in the distance also said lightly: "Go, get the princess' maid."

"Ah? Are you talking to me?" Su Cha was stunned for a moment, looked around, and found that there was no one else beside Xiao Tianyao besides him.

"Is there anyone else besides you?" Xiao Tianyao raised his head coldly, his icy gaze met Su Cha, and Su Cha was startled, and hurriedly said, "I'll go, I'll go right away."

Turning back one step at a time, Su Cha showed her reluctance with practical actions. Xiao Tianyao ignored it and looked at Lin Chujiu quietly, wanting to know what Lin Chujiu would do next.

Su Cha is definitely the most unlucky child in history. Not long after he left, Lin Chujiu began to draw arrows to Chenghu. When the broken arrow was pulled out, the moment Chenghu's wound bleeds, it wasn't just Butler Cao. Even Xiao Tianyao was startled when he waited, because he was afraid that Lin Chujiu would not handle it well.

One by one, they were consciously worried about Lin Chujiu, but Lin Chujiu didn't feel the slightest bit. At the moment when the blood rushed out, Lin Chujiu covered Chenghu's wound, and then...

When they reacted, they saw that Lin Chujiu had already stopped the bleeding for Chenghu. Pieces of blood-stained cotton were thrown aside by Lin Chujiu, and the blood from the wound became less and less.

However, this is not the end. Lin Chujiu did not sprinkle a hemostatic medicine on the wound and bandage it like Dr. Wu did. Instead, he took a small needle and thread, held one end with tweezers, and then...

Just under their eyelids, the blood vessel that was not thin but definitely not thick was sewed up.

Lin Chujiu moved the needle very quickly, but they were just stunned for a moment, then they saw that Lin Chujiu was already closing the needle, and then they saw that the blood oozing out of Chenghu's wound became less and less.

I only heard that the belly can be sutured, and the blood vessels can also be sutured

The guards opened their mouths in an O-shape, and they were all dumbfounded, but...

Just like the previous idea, they didn't dare to ask, because they were afraid that if they asked, they would appear to be ignorant, which would be a bit embarrassing.

Of course, there are also people who are not afraid of shame, and whispered to the people around them, "Have you seen it before? Can this blood vessel be sewn up?"

"Unexperienced bumpkin, the belly can be sewn, but why can't the blood vessels be sewn? It's not the same, it's all open." It's not a swollen face and a fat man, just want to show off his knowledge.

"You haven't seen a lot of things, boy, there's still more to learn in the future." The man patted the other's shoulder, raised his forehead slightly, enjoying the admiration in the eyes of the people around him.

As soon as his words came out, it immediately attracted a few guards around to discuss, "The doctor of the Central Empire must be the way to heal people. No wonder everyone says that the Central Empire is good, and even the doctor is different from others."

"Unfortunately, the Central Empire does not allow people from the four countries to enter and leave at will, otherwise I really want to see and see."

After Lin Chujiu cleaned Cheng Hu's wounds, he was about to suture Cheng Hu. He just picked up the needle money when he heard the voices of the guards whispering and couldn't help laughing.

This group of people is so cute, they actually helped her figure out the reason, and she didn't even need to explain.

Wow... the princess smiled!

The guards widened their eyes, almost unable to believe what they saw...

You know, Lin Chujiu has always kept a straight face since she came in, not even laughing and softening. Now that Lin Chujiu suddenly smiled, how could it not be surprising.

"Princess looks so good when she smiles." There was a stupid soldier who accidentally said something psychological. Others nodded in agreement, making Butler Cao very angry, and said with a sullen face: "What nonsense are you bastards talking about? Why don't you sit back quickly? , the princess is also something you can discuss?"

If it wasn't for the prince who ordered the princess to come here, this group of people would never have the chance to see the princess' life.

Uh... Only then did the guards remember that the woman in front of her with blood on her hands and being busy was not an ordinary doctor girl, but their mistress.

The guards were so frightened that they didn't dare to surround them, they hurriedly retreated, and they didn't dare to look at Lin Chujiu openly, so they could only peek out of the corner of their eyes.

"What's wrong?" Su Cha saw this scene when he brought Agate over, and couldn't help but ask, but...

Will Xiao Tianyao answer his question

Simply naive!

"In the past," Xiao Tianyao ordered without turning his head, Agate lowered his head, and hurriedly walked towards Lin Chujiu when he heard Xiao Tianyao's words, leaving Su Cha alone, annoyed, "Why did I just walk for a while? Dude, that princess of yours sewed up Chenghu's wound, and I haven't seen anything yet!"

Woohoo... Can you let Lin Chujiu take it apart and sew it up again for him to see

[Author's digression]: Today's update is ahead of schedule...