Princess of Saeki

Chapter 106: Push the marriage period to rob the rich and help the poor


Across the door, I heard Xiao Jia's anxious and low voice.

"Master! Then Brother Dao is going to... He will have a bridal candle at night! What can I do?"

"Xiaojia, don't worry!" I reassured her, "Since Brother Dao likes you so much, tell him that you are also the daughter of an innocent family. !"

"Is this alright?" Xiaojia was suspicious with tears in her eyes.

"Being coquettish! After two or three days, we can find a way to escape!"

"Master! Do you have a solution?"

"Well! You believe me! Go back quickly! Don't be discovered!"

"Master! You must save me! I don't want to be a gangster for the rest of my life!" Xiaojia warned again before she was willing to leave.

But then, I heard a chaotic sound, and Xiao Jia seemed to retreat to the door again.

"Little Hoof! You don't want to marry Brother Dao at all!"

It turned out to be Miss Feng's voice!

"What do you want?" Xiaojia snorted vigilantly.

"Humph! Of course it's handed over to Brother Dao! Let's see what kind of heart he has with this beautiful Mrs. Yazhai!" Miss Feng snorted viciously.

Then there was Xiaojia's struggling cry, presumably Miss Feng was pulling Xiaojia to see Brother Dao.

"Wait a minute!" I hurriedly stopped them.

"Yo! What's the matter with this handsome young man?" Miss Feng really stopped arguing and put on a heart-warming voice.

"Miss Feng! Actually... To tell you the truth, this girl is in the middle of the house, and she likes her very much. I really can't let Brother Dao Heng Dao take love!" I said pitifully.

"You said... she and you..." Miss Feng was puzzled for a while.

"Yes, yes! In fact, the person I like is my young master!" Outside, Xiao Jia also hurriedly chimed in.

"So I don't know if Miss Feng can raise her high hand and fulfill our hard life!" I let out a long sigh, exhausting my lonely tone.

Miss Feng didn't speak, she was obviously hesitant.

"Miss Ruofeng is really embarrassed, it's a big deal to die, so that Xiaojia and Brother Dao can live together!" I took the opportunity to add fire.

"No!" Miss Feng blurted out.

I couldn't help laughing secretly, this woman is actually a person of temperament, love is love, jealousy is jealous, they are all straight people who don't know how to beat around the bush.

"That girl Feng means you're willing to help us?"

"This..." Miss Feng was very hesitant.

"Actually, there is a way to make Brother Dao change his mind on Miss Feng!" I said confidently again.

"Do you have a solution?" Miss Feng's voice suddenly lit up.

"Brother Dao only cares about Xiaojia's appearance. Miss Ruofeng is also so beautiful, doesn't Brother Dao like you the same?"

"It's easy to say!" Miss Feng scolded, "I know this face is not good-looking, you are here to laugh at me!"

"Don't dare!" I hurriedly said, "There will naturally be a way to make Miss Feng more beautiful!"

"Really?" Miss Feng didn't shout, but she was obviously moved.

"It's natural! But you have to help Xiaojia spend these three days safely!" I put forward conditions.

"Okay!" she readily agreed.

As a priest in Fenghuang Village, Miss Feng's ability is not small. She first made a divination to select the zodiac and auspicious days, and warned everyone that it is not suitable to get married within three days. The words made them firmly believe that Brother Dao and Xiaojia's happy event would be three days later.

Moreover, she also rescued me from the small firewood house on the grounds that I was a nobleman of Phoenix Village.

It is said that Shouchai wanted to question at that time, but she was speechless when she retorted that "there is no treasure map from him".

I laughed for a while, Shou Chai Smart, the most attentive of the group, was mistaken by smart and shot himself in the foot.

Yesterday I was a prisoner, but today I was a guest. I have to say that my luck is not so good!

When the moon is bright and the sky is clear, I stroll around the courtyard and wander around the stockade.

Because of the status of "noble", everyone's attitude towards me has changed, and they are very polite and enthusiastic to chat with me. I found out that the robbers in Fenghuang Village are just like what the fat man said. They don’t rob the people, they only rob the officials. They usually live by hunting game in the mountains. Occasionally, they will grab a handful of wealthy merchants passing by, and they will have oil and water for a few days.

The respect everyone has for Brother Dao is even more unexpected to me. This man who pays no attention to his image is very popular.

While they were talking, there was a commotion in Fenghuang Village, torches lit up Fenghuang Village immediately, and the young robbers mounted their horses one after another.

I have to stand up, this is a good opportunity for me to get back the map!

"Sit down and sit down!" The old man beside him who was dozing off pulled me, "They're here to send money, so poor and nervous!"

"Giving money?" I was at a loss. The robbers don't rob money, but do they want to give money to others

"Brother Dao has been a big robber with headaches for the government these years, but he is the savior of our poor!" The old man looked at Brother Dao who was riding on his horse not far away, and said, "It's really hard to take care of us immortals. he!"

I squinted to look at him, this sloppy bandit who loves to spit, it's really not easy.

"Hey! You! Come together!" Brother Dao greeted me when he saw me.

"Me?" I pointed to my nose.

"Little white face! No matter if you are a noble person or not, you can't eat and drink for free in Fenghuang Village!" Brother Dao rushed out first after hitting his hips.

"But—" Before I could finish, he disappeared, and I muttered, "I can't ride a horse!"

"You ride this!"

When he was worried, Shou Chai brought a skinny donkey.

"It?" I couldn't help staring.

This donkey is skinny and skinny, and it is still a question whether he can afford it, let alone chasing after those excellent horses!

"Don't look down on it! I think it was the three-year overall champion of our Phoenix Village Donkey Riding Competition back then!" Shou Chai stuffed a handful of fodder and fondled its head.

The skinny donkey made an "Ow", as if responding to his compliment.

I looked at it helplessly, this skinny donkey, who used to be the champion for three years, should have entered the old age group now!

No way, I rode the skinny donkey and the skinny firewood and followed the large army slowly, but it was safe.

When we arrived at the original Phoenix Village, Brother Dao and the others had already distributed several nearby villages and converged here.

I heard that Fenghuang Village used to be the richest of several nearby villages, but now it has become the poorest. I followed them into the village, and every now and then, the bean fire flickered in the wind. Occasionally, a baby's cry could be heard from the dark house. It was indeed very withered.

Brother Dao, they were familiar with the road, put the prepared things in silver taels at the door of each house, and quietly withdrew.

After doing this, Brother Dao ordered the fat man to bring people back, but he himself left me and Shou Chai behind.

Following him to a dilapidated yard, he pushed open a door that had been in disrepair.