Princess of Saeki

Chapter 116: Acacia all the way, snow all the way


"This king just told him how much money can be added to the national treasury by rectifying the corruption of the household department." Beichen Shaoyuan told me as he stood up.

I followed him to the door, the sky was already a little bright, and the weak light reflected on the white snow, reflecting a soft halo.

"Civil strife in Tuyuan in the western border, the border defense is tight, and the new emperor Yaosang in the eastern border succeeded to the throne. He was eager to gather troops on the border, and he was eager to move, and money was needed everywhere." Soon it will be necessary to allocate funds from the imperial court to provide relief and provide relief to the people.

He spoke in a succinct and calm tone, as if nothing was a trivial matter, but I didn't feel shocked. I have never heard of these things. The Xi Kingdom has not always been prosperous and peaceful, the country is prosperous and the people are safe. How can there be natural disasters inside and man-made disasters outside? Trouble is never solved.

"Is there going to be a war?" I asked worriedly. Living in a time of peace, I have never experienced war, but I know how cruel it is.

Beichen Shaoyuan looked into the distance silently.

"Xiao Chuyi has been sent to be stationed in Western Xinjiang."

"Xiao Chu?" I exclaimed, "so serious!"

Xiao Chuyi is a young man who is famous for his ability to fight and fight. All the frontier countries talk about Xiao's color change. When the world is at peace, he was transferred to Ziwei City as the commander of the Imperial Forest Army. This time he was sent there. It seems that the situation is very serious.

But Beichen Shaoyuan looked at me and shook his head.

"You still don't understand the power of the officialdom." He looked helpless, as if I was an Adou who couldn't be helped.

Just as I was about to retort, I suddenly understood what he meant. Xiao Chuyi secretly belonged to Shunmi, so Beichen Tianheng transferred him out because he knew their relationship before he made this decision. It was like removing Shunmi's arm, and the purpose should be to weaken Beichen Shaoyuan's power.

Is their fight close to white-hot

Beichen Shaoyuan never mentioned what happened during my absence, but at the moment I vaguely felt that things were unusual, they must have had a conflict, and this conflict was extremely secret, because Yin Yi never had such hints.

"Is something wrong in the palace?" I rationalized my thoughts and asked tentatively.

"It's not too stupid!" Beichen Shaoyuan gave me a sideways glance, and there was a slight movement in his deep eyes.

But I was so nervous that if he could admit that something happened, I'm afraid it's already turned upside down.

Beichen Shaoyuan stopped talking and led me through the garden. The tall trees on both sides leaned against the courtyard wall, the half-height bamboo fence was covered with white snow, and the dim light from the lanterns in the corner of the garden shone softly on the bluestone road.

The light snow "rustling" fell on the roof and on the shoulders, and the sound of snow falling in the whole world could be heard quietly all around.

I looked up at the white elf hanging from the sky, and couldn't help but stretch out my hand. The cold snowflakes fell on the palm of my hand, and instantly turned into a stream of clear water.

The cold touch made the fingers turn red, and it also calmed down the hot head.

Shaoyuan covered my hands and held them gently in his palms, passing on a little bit of warmth.

An impulse arises in my heart, I really want this road to extend forever, me and him, just keep going.

However, the road soon came to an end.

Stopping by the door, Shaoyuan brushed the thin snow off my shoulders for me, and carefully picked out a few scattered snowflakes from my hair.

His extremely gentle movements made me very unaccustomed. I took two steps back unconsciously and pushed him away without a trace, but he didn't force it.

"Jing'er." He looked at me, his thin lips slightly parted.

I was stunned for a while, and it took me a while to realize that he was calling me, so I replied dumbly. He looked at my deep eyes tightly, and his sword brows were slightly wrinkled, but then he calmed down again.

"I won't let you be his concubine!" His firm tone couldn't hide his contempt, and he proudly promised me.

"Why should I listen to you!" I muttered in a low voice, disapproving.

"This king said that you are the king's concubine in life, and you are the king's concubine when you die. You are my king's!" He raised my chin and took my eyes domineeringly.

I stared blankly at the beautiful face that was so close at hand, and almost fell into those deep swirling eyes again.

However, don't be emotional.

I lowered my head instinctively, but he locked my jaw in an instant, slender fingers caressed my cheek, rubbing it inch by inch, as if addicted to it.

"Jing'er!" He called out slightly and sighed to himself, "When did Yiren wear red makeup!"

"When is it! I'm still in the mood to joke!" I frowned in dissatisfaction.

He wasn't angry, he put his hand on my shoulder and patted it lightly.

"Go back, it's time for Ling Zun to arrive!"

"My father?" I asked in surprise.


Sure enough, outside the door to the Junfu family.

I glanced at Beichen Shaoyuan, and I had to wonder if this person had the ability to predict the future! But he just smiled and urged me to get on the sedan with his back.

Sitting on the soft sedan chair, I slowly lowered the sedan curtain, and Beichen Shaoyuan's solitary figure became more and more cold in the snow.

When the sun rose, the sudden heavy snow had stopped, I stepped off the soft sedan chair, the crystal branches reflected the sunlight, so bright that I subconsciously closed my eyes.

Junfu, I haven't set foot in it for a long time.

Walking into the familiar courtyard, there are already diligent gardeners and cooks busy. When they see me, they all smile and stop their work to greet me. When I lived here, my popularity was not bad.

I didn't go to see Jun Qidao, I first went back to Xiuyun Xiaozhu and missed it for a while. The tables and chairs were the same as before I left, and they were as clean as I had never left. The Xifu Haitang in the courtyard was still so tall, but The branches under the snow cover have begun to emerge a little bit of new green, with leaves.

Not far from Xiuyun Xiaozhu, it was the place where I first met Beichen Shaoyuan—the lily garden. Next to it, was the pond that made me fall into the water. A tail of koi fish jumped and swam to the distance in the rippling spring water.

Continuing along the path, you will find Jun Shuxing's Tingzhuxuan, the bamboo wind is still there, and the cleanliness is still there.

In the past half a year, so many things have happened. Facing the waves of bamboo waves, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Cough cough!"

There was a slight cough behind me, and I turned around. It was Jun Qidao, who stood outside Tingzhuxuan and looked at me, with grey hair and beard even worse than a month ago.

"Dad!" I called softly.

The two sat down on the stone table and chairs in the bamboo forest.

"Where have you been these days?" Jun Qidao's tone was not kind.

"Go out for a walk and gain insight." I'm not lying, I've seen more along the way than I've learned in my whole life in Nanhuai.

Jun Qidao did not blame me, looked at me, and said indistinctly:

"Let's move back in!"

"Why?" I looked him straight in the eyes.

I was uncomfortable with him, so he turned his eyes to the distance, paused, and continued:

"It's not safe outside!"