Princess of Saeki

Chapter 119: Blood-stained Imperial City Ye Weiyang (2)


Shaoyuan did not squint at the bloody corpses all over the ground, and walked all the way, the Shenwu Army took a step back and made way for him.

Shun Mi held up her strength, and finally let it all out the moment he supported her, leaning weakly on his shoulder.

"Wait!" Tian Heng shouted loudly, his blood-stained imperial robe swayed in the night wind, Jun Yi's face looked extremely cold.

Shaoyuan turned around, and the evil eyes flashed with coquettish light.

Tian Heng was taken by his bearing and was stunned for a moment, but then he was replaced by coldness. With a wave of his hand, Long Wujun quickly blocked their way.

The Yulin army responded in an instant, drawing out a sword to confront him.

At the moment when the swords were drawn, Shaoyuan helped Shunmi and still went out, Tian Heng's eyes sank, and the Shenwu Army swarmed up, fighting with the Yulin Army into a group.

Shaoyuan handed Shunmi to a guard, turned his body and fled into the battle group, the ghostly figure shuttled back and forth between the swords, and with a flick of his fingers, Shaoyuan moved in front of Tianheng, and the guards behind him collapsed screaming.

Tian Heng was taken a step back by his sudden action.

"You insist on doing this?" Shaoyuan's deep eyes stared at him.

"You forced me!" Tian Heng did not give in, his clenched knuckles rattled.

"We forced you?" With the help of the guards, Shun Mi also came to the two of them. She sneered, "How did you force the Ai family back then!"

"Yuan'er! Don't do it yet! Have you forgotten the humiliation they gave our mother and son back then!" Shunmi yelled at Shaoyuan in a hoarse voice.

Shaoyuan's deep eyes tightened, his body was full of evil spirits, and there was a faint murderous intent.

But he still restrained and tried his best to suppress this anger, and the anxious Shun Mi desperately ordered Feng Huan Palace's experts to strangle with all his strength.

In the frenzied slaughter, the Shenwu Army gradually lost its support, and under the pressure of the Yulin Army, they turned their backs one after another.

Only a few people were left to protect Tian Heng, and his face was also splattered with blood, and the night became more and more hideous.

Seeing that the situation was reversed, Shun Mi's tense expression began to show smugness, his face twitched unnaturally, and he approached Tian Heng with trembling step by step.

However, Shaoyuan stopped Shunmi and did not let her approach.

Shun Mi glared at him angrily, with an unbelievable look on her face, the throne was at your fingertips, and she could rule the world in no time, why did he stop her!

At this moment, there was another burst of rapid footsteps, and Jun Qidao led the Longwu army to surround the palace.

Bright torches illuminated the palace, and he gave an order, and the Longwu army slaughtered the exhausted Shenwu and Yulin armies.

"Stop!" Shaoyuan shouted with a sound transmission from a thousand miles, leaping over the sound of fighting, reaching everyone's ears.

The man who was madly killing stopped, wiped the blood on his face, and stared blankly at each other's former brothers.

"Don't stop Ai's family!" Shun Mi was the first to react, and angrily pushed Shao Yuan away.

"Emperor and concubine! Look outside!" Jun Qidao sneered, and the people behind him made way for her.

Outside the palace, densely packed torches stretched to the horizon, and a large number of troops surrounded the outside.

"You—" Shun Mi looked at Jun Qi in surprise.

"I can't believe it! Nanhuai's guards are also under the control of the old man!" Jun Qidao laughed, his deep eyes swept across her stunned face.

Jun Qidao is a civil servant, but he does have a certain amount of troops in his hands, especially the Nanhuai Guards, which are all in the hands of his disciples. Although Beichen Shaoyuan has a lot of troops, most of them are stationed in the frontier, and there is no need to hurry. Too late to call back.

The three armies of the imperial forest, Tianheng, Shaoyuan, and Jun Qidao each held an army. Shunmi thought that with Fenghuan Palace's masters, they would definitely have the upper hand. Qi Dao had already secretly made a tacit understanding, and he transferred the Nanhuai Guards into the city one step earlier, and the number far exceeded her.

The situation changed dramatically in an instant.

Jun Qidao stood proudly beside Tianheng, and suddenly became a hero of rescue. His eyes turned cold, and he was rude to the aggressive Shunmi.

But Shaoyuan whispered something in his ear, and Jun Qidao suddenly turned pale and looked at him angrily.

In the end, Jun Qidao angrily ordered everyone to lay down their weapons.

But at Tianheng's insistence, Shaoyuan made a concession and promised to return to the palace of Xie Wang.

Shun Mi spat Jun Qidao unwillingly, and was escorted to Sitai with awe-inspiring inviolability.

In order to keep this court scandal from being rumored, Tian Heng and Jun Qidao winked, and they planned to kill all the soldiers who participated in the palace slaughter on the spot!

Shaoyuan stopped in front of him and looked at the two men threateningly, with a "try it out" look!

Jun Qidao had to agree because of Shaoyuan's whisper just now, and Tianheng also reluctantly made concessions due to his momentum.

In the end, it was announced that there was discord within the Yulin Army, and a gunfight broke out, killing the general of the Yulin Army and the deputy commander of the Shenwu Army.

The bloody palace was quickly cleaned up, and when the sun rose, Ziwei City returned to tranquility, but there were more guards with knives and swords on the streets of Nanhuai.

After dealing with the internal affairs of the palace, Jun Qidao went out to settle the imperial army, and Beichen Tianheng could sit down and take a breath.

After withdrawing from the palace, Beichen Tianheng took a sip of hot tea and suddenly remembered Weiyang who had been hiding in the apse.

He rushed into the apse with a single stride, and Wei Yang was shrinking on the cold floor in the corner, burying his head between his knees and trembling.

"Weiyang!" Tian Heng hugged her violently, kissed her forehead, and rubbed her cold hands.

"I want to go home!" Wei Yang was buried in his arms, babbling tremblingly, her tears burst like a dyke, staining his clothes.

Because of this fright, Wei Yang suffered from the wind and cold again, and her body could not bear it, and suddenly fell ill.

In order to allow her to recuperate, Tianheng specially allowed her to return to the quiet Yunkong Pavilion, so that she could recuperate.

Weiyang finished the narrative intermittently, the cruelty of that night was deeply reflected in her mind, and she still shivered when she recalled it.

I put my arms around her shoulders, it turns out that such a big thing happened during this period of time!

Beichen Shaoyuan, why did you send me far away to those barren places! There was some resentment in my heart, and a warm feeling slowly rose.

"It's alright! Don't be afraid!" I stroked her and kept comforting her.

"Thank you! I feel a lot better when I say it!" Wei Yang wiped her wet eyes and looked at me gratefully, "I really don't know what to do without you!"

"Everything will be fine!" I smiled optimistically.

My smile also infected her, and she finally showed a smile on her tense face.

"Brother Shaoyuan is really good to you!" She held my hand and smiled.

"Huh?" I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Why did she suddenly mention this? She didn't always care about Shaoyuan before, so why was she no longer jealous of me!

"He told me that the only princess in his life is Yun'er!" Wei Yang looked at my eyebrows and said softly, "Is that you? Shu Jing?"

120 The bottom of my heart puzzles the ancient Xuanyuan

When I came out of Yunkong Pavilion, I kept thinking about Weiyang's words.

"Can't you see that he treats you well?"

Is he really nice to me

He is unruly, he can play with me and applaud me in every possible way, and ruin my reputation, he is ruthless, he can use me without changing his face, and make me suffer all the losses. Dilemma for me.

When we first met, he caused me to fall into the water and buried the roots of cold symptoms. When facing him, I have to be on guard at all times, because he always enjoys dissecting me. With him, I am often chased and killed, and I almost lost my life several times. Paul, what's more, he tired me from losing my innocence, all in all, he is a physical and mental ** to me.

However, there was another voice in my heart.

It was him who rescued me, who was seriously injured by Xiao Chuyi. It was him who risked his life to solve my "most love" for me. It was him who secretly helped me through difficulties one by one. It was him who "cheat" me outside, Avoid the robbery of Nanhuai.

When danger came, he secretly resolved for me, when I was isolated and helpless, he helped me without a trace, and when I was trembling with fear, he was by my side to comfort me.

In my memory, only his embrace has always been there, making me feel warm and secure.

And he did all this without letting me know. He clearly helped me, but he seemed to be designing me. He even used lies and plots to disguise himself as a heinous person.

He is good for me, but always makes me misunderstand his bad.

Once upon a time, he began to sneak into my heart, and the first thing that reminds me is always him

Beichen Shaoyuan, what kind of charm do you have!

What's on my mind! He touched his cheek subconsciously, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shaking my head, I cleared out these messy thoughts first. What is the current situation? Beichen Shaoyuan seemed to be completely defeated, but he didn't move at all. Even if a person can save his life, he cannot save his position.

Officials are really complicated.

With a sigh, I looked up and walked around unconsciously until I came to Qin Tian Prison.

Beichen Shaoyuan was under house arrest. I didn't know what happened to the old man Zhongshan, so I walked in.

I haven't seen each other for many days, and the frowning look of the old man Zhong Shan shocked me. He stood in front of a huge hand-painted drawing, frowning in thought, his messy white hair no longer had the celestial spirit of the past.

"Old Zhongshan?" I cried out in surprise. Could he be so worried about Beichen Shaoyuan

He raised his eyes, the chaotic eyes were almost out of focus, and slowly, he saw me clearly, and his eyes became bright.

"Kid? You're here!" He happily pulled me down.

"Old Zhongshan, His Royal Highness Xie Wang will be fine, don't worry about him!" I thought about how to comfort him.

He was stunned when he heard it, and then laughed out loud, making me a little uncomfortable.

"Shao Yuan? Worry about what he is doing!" The old man Zhong Shan seemed to have heard a very ridiculous thing. He was amused for a long time and poured me a cup of tea.

"Then how did you—" I was inexplicable, how did I make myself look like this!

"Oh! You said that Shaoyuan was locked in the house!" The old man Zhong Shan looked astonished.

I was surprised that he didn't care about this at all, and what made me even more stunned was that he went on to say:

"This kid wants to take the opportunity to rest for a while!"

"Rest?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Children, you don't know yet, Shaoyuan worships me as his teacher, but he doesn't study astronomy and geography!" He smiled at me, "Junior brother, didn't he mention it to you?"

I rubbed my head ashamed, and he laughed at me pretending to be Yu Hanzi as my teacher. However, Beichen Shaoyuan and Zhong Shan did not learn astronomy. Could it be that he and Ah Xing learned mechanical techniques

"Shaoyuan is very talented, he is a rare martial arts prodigy!"

"You taught him his martial arts?" I blurted out, Beichen Shaoyuan's martial arts are unfathomable, doesn't that mean the old man Zhongshan is even more powerful!

"Lead in the door, cultivation depends on one's own!" Elder Zhong Shan saw my doubts and said with a smile, "You still don't understand what Xuanyuan is!"

I frowned and kept hearing Xuanyuan from his mouth, but I really didn't know what Xuanyuan was.

"Xuanyuan was originally an ancient clan, living in a prosperous world, bringing peace to the people, in troubled times, and bringing peace to the world.

"It's so amazing?" I didn't believe it, I said it in a miraculous way, but there is no real God in this world!

"This is naturally a legend! But Xuanyuan's successor really exists!" The old man Zhong Shan was quite serious.

"Could it be... Xie Wang?" I guessed.

He actually nodded.

"Xuanyuan is constantly looking for successors, just so that the supreme secret can be passed on to future generations." The old man Zhong Shan explained, "Xuanyuan is based on martial arts, medical and Taoism is the first, strategy is the main, agency is supplemented, and other techniques are also used!"

"It's so powerful!" I couldn't help but marvel, "It's a computer to learn so much!"

"Computer?" The old man Zhong Shan was puzzled, and then he said, "It's not all to learn. Junior brother Yu Hanzi has excellent medical skills, and the old man, I am even better in strategy!"

"Oh! What the king is learning is the art of sieging cities, strategizing and securing the country!"

"Exactly! If you are in troubled times, you will definitely become a generation of emperors!" The old man Zhong Shan was obviously extremely satisfied with this apprentice.

But now, it is not difficult for him to do so, Beichen Tianheng has already regarded him as a thorn in his side.

"But what does this have to do with him putting him on leave?" I still don't quite understand, it seems that with my qualifications, I can't be linked with that Xuanyuan.

"The art of checks and balances!" The old man Zhong Shan smiled mysteriously, "Children, let's talk in detail when you have time!"

"Look at this!" He pulled me to the giant hand-painted drawing.

I looked at it for a while, and the chaotic lines on it were more incomprehensible than abstract paintings, and I shook my head in embarrassment.

"It was solved from Xuanyuan's relics." He took out the old parchment he had shown me, and frowned, "Since you said the last time, the old man suddenly became enlightened. The astrology is related, but unfortunately it has not been solved for a long time!"

"Can this thing have something to do with me coming home?" I became interested immediately, and I leaned over to take a closer look at the ghostly drawn lines.

Ghost painting? A flash of light suddenly flashed in my mind, this line is very familiar!

I took out the parchment I accidentally got from Feng Mingxuan and handed it to the old man Zhong Shan.

He took the parchment and looked at it. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it, he was fascinated when he saw it, and he kept chanting words in his mouth. It seems that it really has something to do with it, I am happy, which means I can go back!


The old house has been busy recently, so I can't update the text in time, I'm really sorry! ~~