Princess of Saeki

Chapter 19: Mother Hao rescued from sore body and mind


Everything came to a standstill.

I numbly wrapped the tattered clothes around my body, a patch of red falling like peach petals, I smiled bitterly and stood up tremblingly.

Walking on the street under the darkness of night, no one was there, the cold wind was blowing, and I only felt freezing to the bone.

The pain in the body seemed to burst out at this moment, and the pain came along with the memory of humiliation, and the head became dizzy and could no longer think.

Walking aimlessly, my body is getting hotter and hotter, and my consciousness is gradually blurred.

Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, my legs went weak, and I passed out.

It seems like a century has passed, and I seem to have been in a dream, whether I am awake or asleep.

"Girl! Wake up! Girl?" A soft voice called.

I struggled to open my eyes, and a blur of shadows gradually overlapped, forming a kindly old woman's face.

"Amitabha! Girl, you are finally awake!" The old woman folded her hands together and gave me a loving smile.

"You are… "

"If the girl doesn't mind, just call the old lady Hao."

Granny Hao told me that last night, I passed out in a disheveled way at the door. It was her son who saved me, and she, the son who saved me, told me to stay and take care of me.

In an instant, memories flooded in like a tidal wave, and I shuddered for a while, affecting the wound on my back, and I broke out in cold sweat from the pain.

"Girl!" Granny Hao hurriedly supported me, "Be careful! The young master has healed your injury, but you have to take care of yourself!"

Granny Hao looked at me worriedly and hesitated. I knew that she must have known about what happened last night, and I didn't want to explain more, so I stared at the roof in a daze, too lazy to move.

"Girl!" Granny Hao brought a bowl of medicine, and said while feeding, "Listen to my advice, there is nothing to think about in this world!"

I drank it numbly and could not feel any taste.

Seeing that I had finished drinking obediently, Granny Hao smiled.

"That's right! A good girl is a good girl!"

I stayed here for two days with Granny Hao. For the whole two days, I lay motionless on the bed, drinking medicine, sleeping, and recuperating.

I have thought about it a lot these past two days. At first, it was my hatred for Beichen Shaoyuan. I will never forget the humiliation he gave me. But slowly, I began to think about my future path. so helpless.

I want to protect myself and everyone I want to protect.

Beichen Shaoyuan, what if you ruined my innocence? I do not care! I still go my own way, I must live a good life by myself.

Two days later, the back injury has almost healed, and I plan to return to the palace.

Granny Hao came in with the medicine. Seeing that I was packing my things, she asked me in surprise, "Girl! Are you leaving?"

"Yeah!" I nodded, "Mother Hao, thank you for taking care of you these two days!"

"Where are you going?" Granny Hao looked at me cautiously.

"Go home." I smiled at her comfortingly, "Mother Hao, don't worry, I won't do stupid things!"

"That's good!" Granny Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, I haven't seen your son in the past few days, I should say thank you!"

"The night I saved you, the son has already left."

"Your son is—"

"This... The young master said that we will meet naturally if we have fate, so that the girl doesn't have to worry about it."

I pondered for a while, then raised my head and smiled: "Then thank your son for me, saying that Yun'er is bothering you, and we will see you in the future!"

"Okay! The old man must be passed on!" Granny Hao smiled.

I tidy up briefly and walked out of the house. This is a very simple bamboo hut. It seems that the young man just borrowed it to stay.

When I turned around, the emblem of a luan bird on the bamboo wall was very unique, and I secretly remembered it in my heart.