Princess of Saeki

Chapter 45: The phoenix pill burns the phoenix body


I hurriedly followed behind Beichen Shaoyuan, almost trotting all the way.

I could feel that he sometimes slowed down, but after all, he thought I was too slow. He turned around and grabbed me by the waist. I exclaimed and leaned firmly on his chest, and the surrounding scenery flew by.

Although it was the second time to "enjoy" King Xie's peerless light work, I still managed to climb up on his neck and bury him in his arms. I still prefer to sleep.

After a while, Beichen Shaoyuan gently put me down and both feet landed, and I felt at ease. Before I could think about why he treated me so "gently", I was attracted by the noisy voices around me.

At this moment, the palace maids in Fenghuan Palace are coming and going, and the eunuchs are rushing around, making a mess of porridge.

Beichen Shaoyuan's face was dignified, cold enough to drip.

He stood on the jade steps of Fenghuan Palace, and the group of people was so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed. Suddenly, people collided with each other, and the tray and silver basin fell to the ground. It was very lively.

"What's going on?" Beichen Shaoyuan's voice was extremely low.

"Too... the emperor... the concubine of the emperor..." A little eunuch lying on the ground was so frightened that he couldn't speak, so he just kept kowtow.

Beichen Shaoyuan ignored it and went straight into the inner palace, no one dared to stop him.

I followed him closely to the door of the palace of Emperor Shunmi, and he suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into his back again.

He didn't look back, I rubbed my head, as if someone stopped him.

"His Royal Highness." The man's voice was a bit yin and yang, but his tone was quite respectful.

Beichen Shaoyuan snorted as an answer, it's not surprising that he has always been like this to people.

"My lord, this is the inner palace, you..."

That person is so courageous that he dares to stop it! I really sweated for him.

"Are you trying to stop this king?" Although he asked, it was more chilling than blame.

"Don't dare! My lord, please!"

Sure enough, in front of Beichen Shaoyuan, I haven't seen anyone who doesn't flinch!

Beichen Shaoyuan seemed to take a look at him before leaving, and I took a slanted glance at parting. The man was dressed in a robe and a high crown, dressed as a Taoist priest. He was almost as tall as Beichen Shaoyuan, and his triangular eyes were not fierce but dark.

He also looked at me, his probing eyes made me uncomfortable, I hurriedly bowed my head and followed Beichen Shaoyuan.

Going in, I was taken aback. On the ground were full of palace maids and eunuchs, headed by a few old men in official uniforms, one of whom was holding a hanging wire to check the pulse in the air, and they should all be imperial doctors.

On the other end of the silk thread, inside the soft gauze tent, a person was lying down breathing heavily, thinking it was Shun Mi.

Beichen Shaoyuan walked quickly to the front of the phoenix bed, his deep eyes swept over the old man with the pulse, and his body trembled with fright, and his hands trembled.

"What's the matter, concubine mother?" Beichen Shaoyuan asked the imperial doctors who were kneeling coldly, but I could hear that he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

"Hui… His Royal Highness Hui Xie, I… I don't know."

"I don't know?" Beichen Shaoyuan glanced around for a week, his face was cold, "This king will let you taste what it means to be 'I don't know'!"

"Xie... Xie Wang spare your life!" A group of people immediately fell down deeply, kowtowing like garlic.

When King Xie was angry, everyone in the room quickly knelt down, and even I had to kneel behind him.

"My lord!"

At this time, a young female Shi came in with a silver basin. When she saw Beichen Shaoyuan, her anxious expression instantly melted away, and she gave a relieved smile.

"Ying'er!" When Beichen Shaoyuan saw her, his face softened a lot.

"My lord." Ying'er pulled Beichen Shaoyuan intimately, looked at the phoenix bed worriedly and said, "The emperor and the concubine were fine in the morning, but soon after taking the medicine, she started to get hot all over, and now it's getting worse."

"Miss Ying'er is the elixir that persuaded the old man?"

It was that yin and yang strange voice again, this person came in at an unknown time, he bowed slightly to Beichen Shaoyuan, but his demeanor was arrogant.

"So what!" Ying'er replied without fear.

"'Huofeng Dan' is a divine product that the old man has worked hard to study. The emperor and concubine have been taking this pill, and now relying on the old man, is this unreasonable?"

"You - sophistry!"

"Hey!" The old Taoist laughed dryly, "Miss Ying'er doesn't need to be angry, don't blame the wrong person until things are clear!"

I knelt on the ground and suddenly saw a few small gray-red pills at the foot of the bed. Could those be the "Huofeng Dan" in their mouths

I picked it up quietly and smelled it, and I couldn't help being a little surprised. I crushed another one and took a closer look.

They were arguing when the old imperial doctor who took the pulse suddenly turned pale and knelt down with a "pop".

"Old minister deserves ten thousand death!"

The rest of the people also bowed down upon seeing this.

Beichen Shaoyuan suddenly pulled down the curtain of the bed, and Shunmi lay motionless on the bed, with no breath at all!

The imperial doctor only knew how to kowtow, which seemed to be more fortunate than fortune.

I bit my lower lip, not sure if my guess was correct, but saving lives is the most important thing, I'll give it up!

I quickly stood up and walked to the bed under everyone's astonished eyes. I glanced at Beichen Shaoyuan, he was staring at me. For some reason, I always felt that he seemed to understand what I was going to do. Let me settle down, I have the courage to have his acquiescence.

"Miss Ying'er, open all the windows and let the rest go out!"

Ying'er glanced at Beichen Shaoyuan suspiciously, and Beichen Shaoyuan nodded lightly, and she did so suspiciously.

The crowd exited, fresh air came in, and the room was instantly refreshed.

I crawled, lifted the quilt on Shun Mi's body, tore off the tightly wrapped clothes on her chest, and propped her head up. In Ying'er's exclamation, I took a deep breath and attached her lips.

Twice artificial respiration, fifteen cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

I did it over and over again, but Shun Mi was still not angry. I was a little clueless, and I only learned a little about first aid. This was my first time on a "battlefield", and sweat gradually seeped out of my forehead.

Suddenly, Shun Mi let out a "hmm", she finally had a breath!

I glanced at Beichen Shaoyuan excitedly, he was watching my movements, and he didn't think anything of it.

I probed Shunmi's hot cheeks, and found her slightly exposed jade neck with red spots. I pried open her teeth again, and saw a light blue-black tinge on the gums, which seemed to be what I expected.

"That milk!" I reached out my hand without looking back.

There was no movement for a long time, I turned around, Ying'er was looking at me suspiciously, she saw that Shunmi had woken up under my strange behavior, so she no longer blamed me for being disrespectful, but looked in admiration instead.

"What is milk?"

forget! They don't have cows, and the cows should be used to cultivate the land.

"Then go get a bowl of egg whites!"

Now Ying'er understood, and hurriedly passed on half a bowl of egg whites from the imperial kitchen.

"My lord, do you have a way to make the empress and concubine spit it out?"

Although Beichen Shaoyuan also had a suspicious look on his face, he still helped Shunmi up and gently pushed her back with the palm of his hand, and Shunmi spat out all the food with a "wow".

Cleaned up and I fed her the egg whites to drink.

After being busy for a while, Shun Mi's breathing gradually became normal, and the imperial doctor took care of her.

I touched my sweaty forehead and let out a sigh of relief.