Princess of Saeki

Chapter 73: Invented gunpowder


What is the fastest way to spread news in the world? the Internet? No, it's a woman's mouth, especially in this ancient time and space without the Internet.

Before crossing the road, my best friend once said that two women make one play, and three women make one series. Here, there are not only a group of women, but also a group of women with great influence, who are famous ladies, and the ability of Taoists to be right and wrong is not inferior to that of three aunts and six women.

It is conceivable that in the gossip of those beautiful girls, the little "love affair" between me and Beichen Shaoyuan was quickly spread all over the streets and alleys of Nanhuai, from the banquet to the gossip. My name "Yuelang", which one does not know which one does not know, the momentum is said to be comparable to the sensation caused by Beichen Shaoyuan's use of the Royal Forest Army for Luoyue Liufeng.

In order to avoid the limelight, I hid in Axana, and being with that little science genius would make me forget about these annoying things for a while, as if everything went back to the days of the laboratory, and treat research as life, in life Find fun.

Ah Xing had been staring at me for two hours, and he was willing to start for me.

Songhe Taoist Dongling He collected too little "Fire Phoenix Pill", which was not enough to provide the amount of saltpeter I wanted. Fortunately, I found that there was a lot of ore left over from alchemy piled up under the corner of the waste room next to the pill room. When it grows, it will become soil.

The mound of wasteland smelled strange and unpleasant, but there was a faint smell of saltpeter in it. Ignoring Ah Xing's strange eyes, I dug out a basket with a shovel, then sifted and sifted, and finally made a small spoonful, and then carefully crushed it into powder, and finally took a small amount and sprinkled it on the flames. Violet-blue smoke suddenly rose.

"What is this?" A Xing was startled and asked while covering his nose.

"Saltpeter!" I excitedly gathered up the remaining saltpeter.

Ah Xing frowned, he naturally didn't know what saltpeter was used for, but it was precious to me. I carefully mixed the sulphur, charcoal and saltpeter, looking at the pile of black things, I felt unreasonably nervous, as if I was excited and nervous when I first came into contact with high-energy explosives, but now - I actually The development of black powder is in progress!

"Get out of the way!"

Let Ah Xing retreat to a safe range, I took a deep breath and lit the gunpowder.

But after a few "chichi" sounds, not only did the expected explosion not happen, but the gunpowder didn't burn completely.

Ah Xing looked at me inexplicably, just like he was facing a big enemy, but nothing happened, no wonder he didn't know why.

"Brother Shuxing?" Ah Xing was very curious, but I was frustrated and annoyed, and he didn't dare to ask more.

I sat down with a butt, and the experiment has to go through thousands of failures to succeed. I naturally understand this principle, but it is still very embarrassing to make a fool of myself in front of the ancients.

I thought about it carefully, there is no possibility that the raw materials are wrong, and the ratio is obviously adjusted according to the amount of the chemical formula. Where is the problem

correct! Suddenly I had a flash of inspiration, and I burst out laughing.

People who stay in the laboratory for a long time are most likely to make mistakes. They usually use pure reagents, but no raw materials have been purified!

I adjusted the formula again and divided the remaining saltpeter into several portions. In fact, the experiment is to put it bluntly.

Fire again and again, fail again and again.

When Ah Xing saw me like this, he sat next to me with no interest. He must have thought I was crazy, and he was fiddling with these black and unpleasant ghosts!

It was lit again, and with the sound of "chi chi", I heard a few slight bursts, and the years of laboratory experience made me unconsciously touch the nerves.

Sure enough, after a "crack crackle crackle", thick black smoke came out.

"Cough! Brother Shuxing! Cough!" A Xing, who was next to him, was oblivious to the smoke, and jumped up because of the smoke. He waved the black smoke and asked nervously, "What happened?"

I looked at his smoke-blackened face, and I couldn't help laughing and leaning back and forth. I didn't expect that when the smoke dissipated, he also pointed at my face and laughed non-stop.

It must be that my face is also like a tabby cat, but at the moment I don't have the heart to care about my face.

After adjusting the formula just now, I mixed another part of black powder with the last saltpeter.

Putting the gunpowder on the open space in the courtyard, I signaled Ah Xing to back away. He was a little reluctant because of the failure just now, but the mystery on my face made him suspicious, and he finally took a few steps back.

After I ignited the gunpowder, I quickly ran away and fell down. With a loud "bang", the exploding mud blocks hit him like raindrops.

I shook the dirt on my body, stood up and saw Ah Xing was in disgrace, looking at the big hole on the ground dumbfounded.

"I told you to get out of the way!" I patted his head proudly. He must not know that I am one of the four great inventions in ancient China!

"Brother Shuxing!" Ah Xing turned to me stupidly and stammered, "You... can you do tricks?"

"It's called science." I tilted my head and tried to explain, "The talking parrot you made is a reason, is it also a trick?"

He shook his head uneasily, still not recovering from the shock.

I smiled, and this little genius can communicate with him, and I am too lazy to explain others. While he was in a daze, I was busy taking measurements of the pits that were blown up on the ground. These are essential data for controlling the dose in the future.

If it works, I can modify my bracelet, and I can really be a gunner.

However, when I was cleaning, I had a hard time. There wasn't much soil under the corner of the Dan room. Where should I go to find it

Seeing me sigh, Ah Xing hurriedly ran over with concern, which made his admiration for me even higher.

Unexpectedly, after hearing my distress, Ah Xing didn't care.

"It turns out that Brother Shuxing is looking for this thing!" Axing squeezed the remaining soil and salt residue, and affirmed, "I know that Songhe Taoist sends people to dig this kind of stone every time before alchemy. It's called Northern Emperor Xuanzhu!"

"Northern Emperor Xuanzhu?"

"Yeah, but the Northern Emperor Xuanzhu is very rare, so the 'Huofeng Dan' is valuable." Ah Xing nodded and added.

"Where can I find the North Emperor Dragon Ball?" I hurriedly asked.

"This..." Axing shook his head in embarrassment, "Only Songhe Daoist knows."

Hearing this, I was discouraged again, that yin and yang old man couldn't possibly tell me such an important thing.


"But what?" Ah Xing's words made my eyes light up again.

"When I was collecting medicine with the **, I saw them haunt near the Xuan Tan. It's probably not far from there."

Ling Xiaofeng announced the altar? The place where the enthronement ceremony is held.