Princess of Saeki

Chapter 75: Severely injured and dying


When I woke up, it was dark all around.

He moved slightly, his whole body was like falling apart, and he couldn't sense whether his body was still intact, but fortunately, he could feel pain, at least it proved that he wasn't dead.

When I was paralyzed, I lay on my back on the ground and saw the sky full of stars, and I felt a sense of ease for no reason.

How long has it been since you meditated and watched the One Room Star Dou without thinking about anything? The evening wind was blowing cold, and the encounters I experienced after my rebirth reappeared in front of my eyes like light and shadow. In the end, they all combined into an evil and beautiful face, looking down at the world under the starry sky.

Beichen Shaoyuan's tricks, unruly behavior, jealous of the officials, and shame for the people of the world, but he doesn't seem to care at all, and even contributes to the fire, deliberately putting himself in such a situation that thousands of people refer to.

But I know that what he did is not as good as those old officials guessed, wanting to seize the throne.

I can't imagine that a person who is arrogant and extravagant will have such a cold and independent temperament, a ruthless person will risk his life for someone who has nothing to do with it, and a person with corrupt ethics will respect his teacher and protect his children like that!

He may have the playfulness of the kings and grandsons, or the arrogant attitude of looking down on the world, but his heart is far more than that.

It's just why he made such a contradictory move, even at the risk of misunderstandings by the world, willing to bear the infamy of the ages, but like his ever-changing face, full of suspense.

This mysterious man.

I sighed and struggled to get up. The clothes were already in tatters and could only cover the body. There were many scratches on the body, and the wounds were mixed with blood and water. It was terrifying. Growing up so big, I have never suffered such a big crime, thinking about it, tears can't help but flow up.

However, I finally got my life back. I blinked hard and swallowed my tears. The most important thing is to clean the wound first.

As soon as I stood up, my left leg suffered a sharp pain, and I fell to the ground again. I hit the wound on my body, and my whole body fell apart like a domino.

This time, I didn't want to cry, but the pain was so painful that the tears flowed down.

Afraid of broken bones.

The cold wind was blowing, and I was shivering from the cold.

After finally finding a wooden branch, leaning on it reluctantly stood up.

It was dark all around, and the dense forest was even more flamboyant under the darkness of the night. Occasionally, there were a few strange calls, and I didn't know if it was a perching falcon or a stork crane.

I shivered, plucked up my courage, and dragged one leg forward to grope slowly.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, and the mountain road at night is even more difficult to walk. I vaguely discerned the direction of the North Star and wandered under the cliff. I finally heard the sound of the mountain spring flowing, especially clear in the silent night, which lifted my spirits.

Enduring the pain, I half-walked, half-crawled and trembled to the side of the mountain stream. Being thirsty, I subconsciously grabbed a handful of water, but when the water reached my mouth, I abruptly stopped.

I suddenly remembered that I had read a report before, saying that a person who got lost in the mountains drank water from a mountain stream at night and died, only to find that the water was full of small insects the next day.

This Lingxiao Peak is desolate, there are minerals, and the mysterious Fengyi Pavilion appears. Who knows if there is any problem with the water, even if there are no insects, it may be poisonous. The successive encounters made me unknowingly become cautious. .

Facing a stream of clear water, I could only imagine how sweet it was. I couldn't help licking my chapped lips and sat down in frustration.

Dangerous at night, this place is backed by mountains and waters. As the saying goes, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is better to spend one night here.

I just moved to a comfortable position and intend to take a break.

"Who?" A shriek pierced through the tranquility, scaring me to the point where my whole body was tense.