Princess too Young, Prince too Old

Chapter 121: Spring Hunt 5


"Your Highness, are you being too lenient?" Mu Nanzhi simply blurted out. As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that he had lost his composure. He paused, then tried to slow down his tone and said, "Those who are pure will become clear themselves, and those who are turbid will become clear themselves." Sincerely, I think that Your Highness also believes in this."

"Of course I firmly believe it," Lu Zhiyue calmed down a little, but his expression was still bad. He frowned and said to Mu Nanzhi, "It's just that I also thought that the princess knew what it meant to defend men and women."

"Your Highness usually works hard on state affairs, but now he has to worry about my daughter's trivial matters. It's really hard, but I can't bear the hard work of Your Highness. I'll take my leave."

Mu Nanzhi turned the horse's head without saying anything. She was so angry that she almost laughed. What did Lu Zhiyue mean? Do you think she is the woman in the inner courtyard of the East Palace who is looking forward to your kindness


Lu Zhiyue said solemnly: "Mu Nanzhi, you'd better remember what I said."

"Yes, I remember, men and women are on guard, so please change the way back, so as not to tarnish the reputation of Your Highness and my daughter." Mu Nanzhi didn't even look back, and rode away.

Lu Zhiyue looked at Mu Nanzhi's retreating back and suddenly whipped out a whip in hatred, leaving a faint whip mark on the elm money tree next to him.


Mu Nanzhi had no intention of hunting anymore and rode straight back to the camp. At this time, no one had returned. There were only Long Live Lord Lu Mingwei and Lu Zhishan in front of the camp. They were sitting opposite each other and talking. The atmosphere was quite harmonious. Mu Nanzhi hesitated for a long time and then walked over.

"Long live my dear daughter, long live long live! Long live long live!" Mu Nanzhi saluted.

Lu Mingwei smiled and said, "It's Anle. Quickly straighten up and sit over here."

"Yes, thank you very much, long live it," Mu Nanzhi thanked him, and at the same time blessed Lu Zhishan, "I have met Prince Ning."

Lu Zhishan nodded to her, and Mu Nanzhi sat next to Lu Zhishan.

Lu Mingwei asked curiously: "Why did Anle come back so soon?"

Mu Nanzhi flattened his lips and said, "Long live Qi Zhen. My daughter and the Crown Prince of Prince Kang's Palace shot the same yellow sheep just now. My daughter felt disappointed, so she came back first."

Lu Mingwei also heard the servant coming to report the matter, and he nodded at this time and said: "The trouble caused by the Crown Princess of Prince Kang's Mansion has indeed made Anle feel wronged. It's just that Anle has always been sensible, and he won't When I introduce her, I feel like a housewife."

Mu Nanzhi hurriedly shook his head and said: "At that time in Jingren Palace, the empress had already made the decision for me, so I didn't feel aggrieved. I just felt that I shouldn't have any contact with the young prince on such an occasion, so I The one who comes back first saves time and gives others something to talk about.”

Lu Mingwei nodded and said with emotion: "Our Anle has always been a sensible person."

Mu Nanzhi smiled and said, "My daughter has not made any gains this year. Long Live the Lord will surely give me more meat soon."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to leave the best meat for Anle." Lu Mingwei laughed.

Lu Zhishan looked at Mu Nanzhi and smiled: "What kind of meat does Princess Anle like to eat?"

Mu Nanzhi raised his eyebrows: "What? The prince is worried that my daughter will steal your meat? How about I give you half of the meat that I gave you as soon as I get back to the capital?"

Lu Mingwei laughed even harder and said, "You girl, you are such a ghost!"

Lu Zhishan smiled and nodded: "Then I will thank the princess first."


Long Live Lord was chatting and laughing with the eldest prince in the hunting ground. Many pairs of eyes saw it. Many people were bound to have insomnia that night, such as the prince Lu Zhiyue.