Princess too Young, Prince too Old

Chapter 123: Seductive


A leg of lamb weighed four to five kilograms, as well as two pheasants and two hares, adding up to a total of sixteen or seventeen kilograms. She didn't feel any difficulty in carrying it. She arrived at Ningjun Prince's Mansion in a flash and handed the meat to Song Fu. , she didn't let Song Fu go in to report. When she learned that Lu Zhishan was in the study, she went to the study directly.

She walked quietly to the door, carefully opened the door curtain, and looked inside. Lu Zhishan must have just bathed and changed clothes. At this time, he had already put on a bamboo green robe and sat on the soft couch with this soft pillow. On the top, his long hair hangs wetly, and the man's appearance is a little different from that in the daytime. Under the candlelight, he looks really...


Mu Nanzhi was shocked by her own thoughts. Lu Zhiyue was so handsome and elegant, and Lu Zhihe was also graceful. She only thought they looked good-looking, but she never thought they were attractive.

"Now that you're here, why are you standing outside and not coming in?" Lu Zhishan smiled and put down the book in his hand. He had already seen half of the little girl's face, and he didn't know what she was doing standing outside and not coming in.

"Monitor, monitor, see if you are really working hard," Mu Nanzhi was so busy that he opened the door curtain and came in. He sat down on the soft couch and pretended to take the book that Lu Zhishan had just put down. , ""Six Tao"? What kind of book is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

"The book about leading soldiers to fight is very boring. It's not surprising that I haven't heard of it." Lu Zhishan looked at her wrinkled face, smiled and took out the book from her hand, looking at her double-snail hair. Bun and this outfit, "What? Are these the clothes of the maid in your house?"

Mu Nanzhi nodded and stroked the double snails uncomfortably: "Is it ugly?"

"It looks like a New Year painting doll," Lu Zhishan smiled and pinched the little knot on Mu Nan's branch, and added, "It also looks a bit like a good-luck girl."

Mu Nanzhi rolled his eyes: "Then I will think that my cousin is complimenting me."

Lu Zhishan took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Were you showing off at the hunting ground today? Why did I hear that Nannan was sarcastic about Prince Kang's son having a brain disease?"

Mu Nanzhi suddenly looked crazy: "Isn't he? He wanted to shoot a sheep with me, and he dismounted and bowed in front of so many people. Isn't that just in his head? Is he missing something? If he hadn’t seen so many people present, I would have asked him to change his mind. How could I just kindly remind him to replenish his brain?”

Lu Zhishan looked at Mu Nanzhi's frowning eyebrows and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to smooth her eyebrows. Mu Nanzhi subconsciously stepped back, her cheeks were red, and she whispered: "Cousin, today I But I heard that men and women are on guard."

Lu Zhishan retracted his hand and raised his eyebrows: "Did the prince tell you?"

Mu Nanzhi was startled: "How did my cousin know?"

Lu Zhishan said with a smile: "You were angry as soon as you came back from the hunting ground. Then when the prince came back, he was also angry and glanced at you from time to time. It can be seen that he met you on the hunting ground and you were still unhappy. San, if you think about the fact that you and the young prince shot a sheep together, you will naturally guess it."

Mu Nanzhi couldn't help but nod his head: "Cousin, even if you don't become the king of this county, you will definitely not go hungry if you set up a fortune-telling stall. Your ability to observe words and emotions is as good as that of a half-immortal."

"I thought my daughter was praising me." Lu Zhishan curled his lips.