Princess too Young, Prince too Old

Chapter 28: Visit the sick


Du Heng smiled: "At that time, the direction of the wind in the court was already in the wrong direction. Of course, I must consider the prince and leave a way out. I also want to thank the general for trusting his subordinates and leaving such a big matter to his subordinates. "

What Lu Zhishan and Du Heng were talking about was that Lu Zhishan's men discovered a silver mine in Guangxi three years ago. The silver mine was small in scale, but its silver yield rate was very high. According to the rules, it was reported to the capital. It was jointly mined by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs, but Du Heng suppressed it. Lu Zhishan asked him why. At that time, Du Heng just said that the war was fierce and it was not suitable for mining. Lu Zhishan did not think much about the silver mine at that time. Du Heng was given full authority to handle the matter. As a result, Lu Zhishan was defeated the next year and returned to Beijing in a hurry. Du Heng had secretly purchased properties for Lu Zhishan since the year before.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is here," Song Fu came in to announce. Looking at Lu Zhishan, he frowned and said hurriedly, "Your Majesty didn't bring anyone here. He said he was worried about your Majesty. Come and have a look and sit down for a while." Walk."

"Let her come in." Lu Zhishan put the medicinal meal on the table with a sullen face. He was punished by Banzai to kneel on his front feet, and the girl rushed over behind him. Was he afraid that others would not know that she had a close relationship with him in the past

Really ignorant.

Du Heng resigned, and soon Lu Zhishan saw Mu Nanzhi hurriedly opening the curtain and coming in. When Mu Nanzhi saw Lu Zhishan sitting on the bed, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and put the baggage in his hand on the table. He reached out and took off the white fox cloak that was covering his head. Then he poured himself a cup of tea. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "I heard about my cousin entering the palace last night. I was anxious." No matter how hard it was, I managed to survive until dark, and now that I see my cousin doing well, I feel relieved. "

As he spoke, he took a sip of tea. It was still Kuding, and Mu Nanzhi's eyebrows furrowed again.

Lu Zhishan's face softened a little, but his lips were still tight: "It's dark, the roads are slippery, and it's snowing outside. If there's nothing important in the future, you don't have to go out in person."

"It's important to come and see my cousin. Besides, it's snowing outside and no one is going out, so I can come and see my cousin," Mu Nanzhi looked at Lu Zhishan with a smile, and put the tea cup to his mouth again. He put it down after thinking for a while, then opened the baggage and said, "It's the Queen Mother's birthday. My mother also sent people from Beidi to send birthday gifts. These are ointments for my cousin. I was thinking about the ointment I gave to my cousin last time. It’s time to use up, so this time I wrote to my mother to send more. These ointments are enough for my cousin to use for two or three years.”

Lu Zhishan looked at the twelve bottles of cow bone jars on the table, and then looked at the girl's smiling face. He finally swallowed what he wanted to say and asked casually: "Last month Qiu Xie, I heard that you had the disease." What a great bonus, you brought me leg of lamb and venison, and I haven’t thanked you in person yet.”

Mu Nanzhi smiled hurriedly and waved his hands, saying: "Cousin, there is really no need to be polite to me. Besides, I did not shoot the yellow sheep and deer. The venison was a gift from the emperor, and the leg of lamb was a reward from the fourth prince. I I only caught a few pheasants and hares, but it’s better to catch a white fox during the spring hunting. I really can’t afford my cousin’s praise.”

"Your riding and shooting skills are already pretty good. I heard that many nobles are not as good as you," Lu Zhishan also smiled, paused and then said casually, "You just said that the fourth prince rewarded you with the leg of lamb?"