Princess too Young, Prince too Old

Chapter 44: and Chapter 7


"But cousin, why do men marry so many women?" Mu Nanzhi rested his forehead on the edge of the table and sighed, "I have only lived in Beidi for five years, and the most impressive thing is the various Women come to my door, calling my mother a coward and a disaster, and sometimes they even beat her.”

"At that time, Shan'er was very timid. She was often frightened to the point of crying. No matter how she tried to coax her, she couldn't be coaxed. My mother would hug Shan'er and cry together. Not to mention how sad she was when she cried. I couldn't help but ask my mother. , why are these women so bad and always come to bully us? My mother said that they are not bad, but they are just trying to earn favors so that they can live well. I asked why Dahan didn't care, and my mother just sighed and said nothing. "

"I didn't understand at the time. Later, when I came to Dali, I became older and more experienced, and I gradually understood that the Queen did not like Concubine Wan Gui because she was afraid that Concubine Wan Gui had a third prince who was smart and favored by Long Live. Concubine Wan Gui and the Empress had no choice but to tolerate it because the Empress had an aunt who was the Queen Mother as her support. Concubine Wan Gui and Empress Li Fei had become friends over the years because the fifth prince under Concubine Li's knees was still young. At this moment It won’t block the way of Concubine Wan Gui’s son for a while, and Concubine Li’s daughter, Princess Linglong, is quite favored by Master Wan Live.”

"But the older I get, the less I understand. Does Long Live Master really not know that the harem seems to be a happy place, but in fact it is a mess inside? If he didn't know, how much frame-up and use would he have suffered from the harem over the years? If he knew , is he not bored at all, why does he continue to enrich the harem year after year? "

"Cousin, why can't a man marry just one woman for the rest of his life? Treat her wholeheartedly and enjoy her wholeheartedness. We don't have to worry about calculations and cares, and we can live peacefully raising children. Whether it is firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, or music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and wine, they can live with peace of mind. They don’t have to worry about who will take away their son’s favor, let alone flatter anyone or even harm anyone. From a young age to an old age Baishou, isn’t it good that the whole family can live a relaxed and harmonious life?”

"Cousin, it's not that I don't want to marry that young prince, I just don't want to. Do you know, cousin? It doesn't matter whether he is the one I like. It doesn't matter if he is not good at riding or shooting. I don't even care whether he is in good health or not. I don't care, as long as he is devoted to me, even if I don't like him, I will try my best to be a good wife, but he is the prince of the Hou family, not to mention that he will have a lot of wives and concubines in the future, even now there are several girls who are married to each other, I always I feel disgusted just thinking about it. I really don’t want to be with someone else. I’ve been tired of the idea of a teapot and a teacup since I was a child. I don’t want to make a teacup. I don’t want to be bullied by other women because I am weak and incompetent. If you don't do it, you will become more calculating and mean."

"Cousin, I'm really afraid of growing up."

Lu Zhishan felt like he was out of breath. He felt really distressed and sad. He reached out and stroked the child's messy hair and said softly: "Get up and hurt your forehead carefully."

Mu Nanzhi raised his head, and sure enough, there was a deep red mark on his fair and smooth forehead. Lu Zhishan wanted to reach out and touch the red mark, but he didn't reach out. He turned his face and drank the wine in the glass. Drink it all in one gulp.