Princess too Young, Prince too Old

Chapter 46: and Chapter 9


"Is this... is this left by my cousin?" Mu Nanzhi asked in a low voice, subconsciously she didn't want the items left by Duan.

Lu Zhishan shook his head and just urged her to put it on and try it out.

Mu Nanzhi took off the gold and jade bracelet from his wrist and placed it on the table. Then he took out the pair of bracelets from the white jade box and put them on.

They were a pair of round jade bracelets, with three colors: crimson, green, and red gold. They were as dreamy as sunset and as delicate as spring flowers. There was not even a trace of fine lines of cotton. They were delicate and warm, with excellent water head. Through the body of the bracelet, even The thin blood vessels on the wrist can be clearly seen.

Mu Nanzhi knew that the Queen Mother also had such a pair of jade bracelets. Because the color and style were so beautiful and rare, she had paid attention to it. She knew that this kind of bracelet was called the Fu Lu Shou three-color jade bracelet. Three-color jade is the rarest among jadeite. Even the queen seemed not to have such varieties. Although the color of the pair worn by the Queen Mother was good, it was not as good as the one on her wrist. She was not sure how much this pair of bracelets was worth, but she also knew that it was used to hold such a pair of bracelets. The white jade box is really not a disappointment.

"Cousin, does it look good?" Mu Nanzhi carefully stretched out his hands in front of Lu Zhishan and whispered, "It's too precious. I don't dare to breathe while wearing it, so I'd better take it off."

She has pretty red makeup, fair and soft skin, and slender hands with three-color emerald bracelets.

It's really nice.

Lu Zhishan unconsciously turned his face to the candlelight and looked at it carefully. When he saw Mu Nanzhi making a gesture to take it off, he pressed Mu Nanzhi's hand: "It looks good, don't pick it off."

Mu Nanzhi also turned his arms and looked at the bracelet intently, and said casually: "Cousin, the Queen Mother also has a pair of bracelets like this. They are the same color and wide, but the water quality is not as good as this pair."

"The Queen Mother's pair were also given by me." Lu Zhishan said.

Mu Nanzhi couldn't help but sigh: "Cousin, you are so rich."

Lu Zhishan smiled. In April of the seventeenth year of Jiasheng, the Queen of Siam celebrated her 40th birthday. The Emperor of Siam loved the Queen the most and held a grand dinner in the palace. Lu Zhishan took the opportunity to sneak into Siam with Xie Lun and others. The palace was trying to spy on the military affairs, and they were originally going to get into the palace of the Siamese crown prince. However, they accidentally went to the wrong place and actually entered the Siamese Queen's bedroom. Just when the Siamese Queen couldn't put it down, she couldn't put it down the two new pairs of bracelets she got. Jadeite, but such a quality is rare even in hundreds of years. Lu Zhishan was hiding outside the window at that time and took a look inside along the gap. He fell in love with the bracelet at that glance. Maybe he liked those two pairs. Xie Lun later took the bracelet out of the palace after the boss had defeated him. Lu Zhishan originally thought of giving it to the Queen Mother and the Empress respectively, but in the end he kept this pair of round bracelets.

He was used to being a grown man, and he was surrounded by rough guys. This was the first time that he was interested in this daughter's gadget. He really liked this pair of bracelets. He had also thought about what kind of things he wanted. Only a woman deserves such a pair of bracelets. It wasn't until Mu Nanzhi choked up and said to him, "Cousin, I'm really afraid of growing up," that he suddenly remembered such a pair of bracelets.

It really matches.

very nice.

"Cousin, you treat me so well," Mu Nanzhi looked at Lu Zhishan's eyes and then lowered his head to look at the jade bracelet on his wrist, "better than anyone else."

Lu Zhishan said: "Nanny treats me well. After every hunt, dozens of kilograms of mutton legs and pheasants are sent to my house."