Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 120: The sweetness of my heart


Huang Yueli was startled for a moment, and then a look of anger colored her face.

"Lord Pavilion Master, taking advantage of others' danger is not what a gentleman would do!"

The man slowly approached her, with a proud smile on his lips, "I have never said... what kind of gentleman I am."

The man leaned forward and covered her petite body within his reach without any trace. The extremely powerful aura invaded her. For a moment, it seemed that only this man, Qing Qian, was left in the room. breathing sound.

The cool and perfect male lips pursed lightly, so close.

Huang Yueli subconsciously shrank back, but a big hand pressed down on her shoulder and firmly fixed her on the chair.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Huang Yueli's voice was as soft as a mosquito's cry because the man was so close. So close that if she opened her mouth any wider, she would touch his lips directly.

The man lowered his eyes and looked at Huang Yueli's face that was still a little green.

This confident little fox had a rare look of panic on his face, which made him feel itchy.

He smiled lowly and said: "Please tell me... I will fulfill your wish for you... Isn't this deal a good deal?"

Huang Yueli's eyes narrowed slightly and she immediately made up her mind.

She turned her head, moved forward quickly, and gave the man a peck on the corner of his mouth.

Pavilion Master Qianzhen is actually right. A small kiss can bring huge benefits, and this transaction is not a loss at all.

In her previous life, she was not a boudoir girl who would hang herself if a man touched her finger. Although she had never done this kind of thing, she had heard about it.

It was just a light kiss. It was nothing in fact. It was just like being bitten by a dog.

The man suddenly felt that a soft and incredible part was coming over, gently touching the corner of his mouth. The sweet and fresh breath was intoxicating, but it only lasted for a short moment, and before he had time to recall it, it was about to disappear again.

Do you want to deal with him like this? no way!

Feeling that the little fox was about to dodge, he put the hand that was holding Huang Yueli's shoulder on her waist, tightened it with force, and brought her whole body into his arms.

Then, he lowered his head and kissed her hard on the lips.

However, before he could touch the sweetness that he longed for, suddenly, there was a sharp stabbing pain in his neck.

The man paused and lowered his head in disbelief.

The seemingly weak and harmless little fox in front of her was showing her pointed canine teeth and smiling very innocently, while her slender little hands were tightly holding a small half-foot-long dagger.

This dagger is obviously a very high-grade mysterious weapon. It is as thin as a butterfly wing. When it is backlit, it is almost invisible and almost invisible to the naked eye.

The sharp edge of the dagger was pressed against his neck, and the little thing unceremoniously added a little more force. The dagger had already cut open the skin on his neck, and a stream of bright red blood was flowing along his neck. The collarbone flows downward.

The man had no doubt that if he dared to move forward again, this little thing would mercilessly cut off his trachea!

Huang Yueli smiled sweetly and said: "Lord Pavilion Master, it was agreed to be a kiss, and I have already paid you. How can you just sit there and raise the price? This business... is not how it works?"

(End of chapter)