Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 18: A high-status weapon refiner


Huang Yueli said: "Of course I know. What? Can't I buy this refining furnace?"

Shopkeeper Sun was startled: "Miss Bai, if you really want to buy it, of course our store will not refuse to sell it..."

"Isn't that enough? This is eight hundred taels of silver. Please find someone to deliver it to me."

Huang Yueli interrupted him impatiently.

Shopkeeper Sun took the money, surprised and helpless.

Everyone said that the third lady of the Bai family was a loser. Now it seems that she is not only a loser, but also a prodigal!

She just threw out the money to buy such an expensive thing as a refining furnace without thinking about it. It was useless and had no ornamental value, so the money was wasted

Eight hundred taels of silver can buy a small bottle of even a first-level healing elixir.

However, shopkeeper Sun would not be in trouble with the money. When he saw Huang Yueli paying the money readily, he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, yes, Miss Bai, don't worry, our Qianzhen Pavilion's express delivery service is absolutely fast, safe and reliable." Spectrum! I promise to deliver it to you in the afternoon!"

Huang Yueli said "hmm" and walked to the next counter.

The surrounding guests looked sideways, labeling Huang Yueli a prodigal.

Everyone thought that Huang Yueli bought the weapon-refining furnace because she had too much money to spend. No one thought that she could really refine mysterious weapons.

This is because the weapon refiner is a very rare and noble profession in Tianling Continent.

Even if he is only a first-level weapon refiner, he is still a very important figure in a small country.

The improvement of a warrior's strength by a mysterious weapon is very obvious. If two warriors of the same level have a mysterious weapon that suits them, they can often gain an absolute advantage and kill the other!

The prerequisite for becoming a weapon refiner is that you must have both fire and metal properties, and you must also have strong mental power, both of which are indispensable.

Warriors with dual attributes are only one in a hundred. They also have to be fire-metal. There are even fewer people with mental talent. If the two conditions are combined, those who can meet the conditions are like those who were struck by lightning while walking on the road. The probability is the same!

Moreover, the upgrade of the weapon refiner level requires a large amount of materials. If there is no powerful sect or family behind it, it is impossible to have such financial resources.

Due to the scarcity of weapon refiners, their status has increased, and they will be supported wherever they go.

One wonders, how could Miss Bai, a nationally renowned trash loser, be a noble weapon refiner

Huang Yueli didn't care what others thought and walked to the weapon refining materials area as if no one else was around.

She had already visited this area when she entered the door just now, and she had already taken a look at what she wanted to buy.

"Shopkeeper, I want one piece of Xiaoxiang bamboo, one piece of ocher tin stone, twenty pieces of Beichuan mica, and three pieces of refined iron..."

Listening to Huang Yueli's detailed description of the names of the materials, Shopkeeper Sun's eyes almost fell to the ground.

These are really common weapon refining materials!

Miss Bai San bought a refining furnace and came to buy refining materials!

What does this mean

Could it be that she was planning to refine the weapon herself

(End of chapter)