Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 237: It’s really not as good as her!


It can be said that after hearing Huang Yueli play the piano, all the music they had heard before became inexplicable noises, crude fakes, and it was almost impossible to listen to them.

"Oh my God, it sounds so good. I just felt like I really saw the Orchid in the Konggu..."

"Yeah, it's great. I've never heard such a good song..."

"Miss Bai San is so good at playing the piano..."

Despite the sound of admiration, Huang Yueli's expression remained as usual, not excited or proud.

I have heard too many compliments in my previous life, and these clichés are no longer new.

But when Bai Ruoqi heard these words, they were like thunderbolts hitting her heart one after another.

Bai Ruoqi's face became increasingly pale.

These kind words originally belonged to her!

Every time at Miss Qianjin's party, it was Bai Ruoqi who was surrounded by people praising her non-stop!

When will it be that dead girl’s turn? Isn't she just a loser who can't even recite a poem well, and can't even tell how many strings there are on the guqin

When exactly did she develop such superb piano skills that she stole all the limelight from her

What made Bai Ruoqi vomit even more was that she discovered that her piano skills were really inferior to Huang Yueli's!

The piano skills that she has always been proud of are really not worth mentioning in front of Huang Yueli's performance. The gap between the two is really huge. Anyone with ears can tell who it is. The level is higher!

This fact hit her hard.

Bai Ruoqi bit her lip, her face turned frighteningly white.

She was angry and jealous, but she couldn't say anything! If your skills are inferior to others, what else can you say

Even the emperor, who was sitting high on the stage, said with great emotion: "You are Li Yatou, Liufeng's daughter, right? In the past years, I only heard that you were weak and were recuperating at home. I didn't expect that you have such outstanding piano skills! Amazing!"

Huang Yueli put down the jade ice piano and saluted gracefully.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty. It's just a small skill."

"Stop being so modest. If you are just a little skilled, then other piano players will not be able to listen to their playing! This is the first time I have heard such an outstanding piano sound!"

After what happened in the morning, the Queen Mother had a good impression of Huang Yueli and immediately spoke for her.

"Although this Li girl is a little inferior in cultivation, she knows how to devote herself to the piano art, is indifferent to fame and wealth, and is not arrogant or impetuous, so that she can play such good piano music! This girl's character... is really rare!"

The emperor had always been thinking about Bai Liufeng's friendship back then. If he hadn't been concerned about his daughter's poor reputation, he would have made her the crown prince.

When I met her today, I found that this girl was completely different from the rumors. Not only was she beautiful in appearance and elegant in temperament, but she also played the piano so well!

In Tianling Continent, luthiers with superb piano skills are also highly respected.

The emperor immediately became happy and felt deeply relieved.

After all, Bai Liufeng's daughter is not really a idiot. She is born unable to practice, but there is nothing she can do about it. But the fact that she can practice such a skill shows that this girl has a very good character!

Hearing that the Queen Mother was also full of praise for Huang Yueli, the smile on the emperor's face deepened a little deeper.

"Okay, okay! That's really good! Come and reward Miss Bai San..."

(End of chapter)