Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 262: It’s just the fourth level!


The queen saw the emperor's troubled face and knew that she was the only one to do this evil man.

She immediately said: "Girl Li, you seem to have made a mistake. Or... Mr. Bai Houye remembered it wrong and wrote it wrong! It was true that Mr. Bai and the emperor had an engagement, but it was not between you and the prince. !”


"That's right!" The person who responded was the Imperial Master.

"When Marquis Bai and the Emperor made the engagement, I was also present. I agreed that he was the most powerful among the Emperor's princes, and was engaged to the girl with the strongest cultivation in Nanyue. I did not say that she was Marquis Bai's biological child. Daughter, let alone Bai Ruoli by name!"

Huang Yueli snorted coldly and retorted: "Really? Anyway, my father is no longer here. What was the situation at that time? You can say whatever you want to say? Besides, I wasn't born yet, and I didn't even have a name. Of course, It’s impossible to name them!”


The imperial master was blocked and went back. He didn't know how to refute her for a moment, because everything Huang Yueli said made sense!

Finally, he simply said directly: "I am a fourth-level cultivator, and you are a national master. How could I lie to you, a little girl like you?"

This is almost a rogue statement!

Huang Yueli sneered and said: "If the Imperial Master wants to favor your new female disciple, why don't you just say so, why bother looking for some unreasonable excuses? This will save people looking down on you and scolding you for being old. Respect!"

The old master's face showed a look of astonishment.

"You... how dare you talk to me like this?? Who gave you the courage??"

To be honest, it has been a long time since the Imperial Master was pointed at and said something like this!

Even when the emperor himself spoke to him, he was polite and courteous.

And now, a good-for-nothing girl with no cultivation skills dared to call him "disrespectful" so unceremoniously! The Imperial Master really felt that he was hallucinating!

This damn dare she

Huang Yueli saw the anger in his eyes, but just smiled indifferently.

Aren't you just scolding this old man? What's there to be afraid of? She even burned the old man's beard and stuck a dart in the middle of his head. Wasn't he still unscathed

In fact, she could have pretended to be pitiful to trick Bai Ruoqi secretly.

However, what happened today has made her lose her patience!

Huang Yueli no longer intends to continue pretending to be crazy, and there is no need for it anymore!

Doesn't it mean that because Bai Ruoqi's strength can crush everyone, she can go sideways, bully her cousin, and confuse right and wrong without paying any price

It's a pity that in front of her, Huang Yueli, Bai Ruoqi's so-called strength can only be a joke!

She wanted to teach Bai Ruoqi an unforgettable lesson in person.

We also need to show these people who the real loser is!

Huang Yueli made up her mind and no longer had any scruples about speaking.

She sneered and said: "Why can't I talk to you like this? It's just a fourth-level realm. If you speak rationally, I will respect your age and be polite to you, but since you are telling lies, then I But I can’t listen anymore!”

Everyone in the audience gasped!

It is unimaginable that Bai Ruoli, who has always been timid and timid in the past, would say such a thing now!

It’s just the fourth level!

Does she know how rare and powerful the fourth level is


(End of chapter)