Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 349: Became the center of the team (2)


Mo Yi and others nodded hurriedly, saying that they would carefully and carefully extract the Silver Wolf's spine according to Miss Third's request.

Huang Yueli nodded, looked back at the other side, and couldn't help but curse: "I say, Junior Brother Luo, your way of slashing is too rude! Look, one split into two! This piece of skin is still Can it be used, ah? Just follow the example of your senior brother, leaving only such a small wound, you can peel off the skin completely! The silver wolf skin is very warm and beautiful!"

Luo Jiyun was very unjust and looked up to the sky speechlessly.

"Sister-in-law, your demands are too high! I was almost dead at the time, so I couldn't care less about whether the skin was complete or not! If you want the silver wolf skin, let the senior brother take you to kill the silver wolf. How much do you want? No matter how much, please let me go!"

"Tsk, you don't want to make progress!" Huang Yueli expressed her deep contempt.

Li Moying stood aside with a smile, looking at his little fox with a money-obsessed look, instructing Mo one, two, and three to process the materials. The shining eyes and pointed little tiger teeth made it look like he was obsessed with money. .

So cute!

The materials and magic cores that Mo Yi and the others had processed were all put away without ceremony by Huang Yueli.

At first, Mo Yi was a little hesitant and looked at Li Moying with questioning eyes.

Li Moying said: "Xiao Li'er likes to collect materials the most. Give them all to her. She is an amazing weapon refiner!"

Huang Yueli curled her lips proudly and put away the materials.

Li Moying knew her well now, and knew that she might not feel well if he praised her for other things, but praising her for her high level of weapon refining would definitely make the little fox very happy.

The same goes for giving gifts. What the little fox likes most is weapon refining materials. As long as they are delivered to her door, she usually can't refuse them.

While the scene was enjoying itself, there was only one person hiding in the corner, looking at Huang Yueli with resentment and jealousy in his eyes.

This is Murong Ni!

Tonight, she was completely embarrassed!

She is obviously a second-level formation master, but the beast-driving formation she arranged failed, while that bumpkin from a small country in the countryside actually arranged a very advanced formation!

Murong Ni was puzzled. What went wrong

Could it be that that vixen is really an array master? But she obviously never went to authenticate it!

Next, the formation arranged by Murong Ni not only failed to work, but attracted the fourth-level magic beast Iron Claw Silver Wolf. She and Luo Jiyun were besieged and almost lost their lives!

Thinking of how embarrassing she was when she was panicking and crying for help outside Huang Yueli's formation, Murong Ni wished she could find a hole in the ground and burrow down!

She was completely outshined by Huang Yueli!

Moreover, it is still in the formation technique that she is most proud of and is best at!

Murong Ni has always been unruly and arrogant, and would never think about it. This was because she was too complacent, not good at school, and liked to be smart, which almost led to tragedy.

She would only believe that the reason why she was so embarrassed was because of Huang Yueli!

If this vixen hadn't suddenly appeared, seduced the senior brother, and used some unknown method to confuse the fifth senior brother and the three elder brothers, how could he have become so down and miserable

The more Murong Ni thought about it, the more depressed she felt. When she saw everyone surrounding Huang Yueli, she became even more angry and had nowhere to vent. She was so depressed that she almost suffered internal injuries.

(End of chapter)