Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 370: Conquer spiritual pets (1)


The adult body of the white-feathered and golden-winged vulture can reach the seventh level of strength, and even the newborn bird has the strength of the third to fourth level.

Such a powerful monster can only be found in the restricted area of Darkmoon Forest!

It seemed that the bottom of the cliff had already entered the restricted area. Her fall was really unlucky. How would she leave this bird's nest later? Even if she could leave, how could she, a first-level warrior, stay alive in the restricted area

Moreover, she doesn't even have a map now, just in case she accidentally breaks into the lair of some ninth or even tenth level monster...

Huang Yueli's heart was pounding.

There were so many problems facing her, but she had no time to think about them now.

Because, after observing her for a while, the vulture cub suddenly chirped twice, flapped its fleshy wings that had not yet grown hair, and waddled towards her.

Normally, even if Huang Yueli couldn't defeat a third-level monster, he would still have no problem escaping.

However, she was now on a bird's nest, surrounded by huge vulture eggs. If she accidentally fell again, she would be on the verge of crying.

Huang Yueli had no choice but to smile and try to appease the little vulture.

"Well, I say, little vulture child, just pretend that I don't exist. I'm just passing by, passing by..."

However, the little vulture flapped its wings, suddenly raised its head and neighed sharply several times. The sound penetrated into the sky and spread far away.

Huang Yueli's expression changed, "I'll go, I'll tell you, little stupid bird, can you please stop calling me? My sister is really not a bad person..."

Vultures are monsters that love their offspring very much. Since there is a nest of eggs here, the big vulture must be nearby. As long as you hear the cry of the little vulture, you will know that a new baby has hatched, and it will definitely be the first. Came back in no time.

If it were discovered that she, an alien, was mixed up in the egg, would she still be alive

Huang Yueli was extremely nervous and even took out the chicken drumsticks that little Phoenix usually ate in an attempt to bribe others.

The little vulture saw the chicken legs, and sure enough, he came over, smelled them, and started to eat them.

Huang Yueli breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, after the little vulture finished eating the chicken legs, it still raised its head proudly and began to neigh again.

"You stupid bird! You are so heartless! If I had known, I would have put some poison in the chicken leg and knocked you out! Wait a minute, why didn't I think of that just now?"

Huang Yueli regretted it endlessly, thinking that she must have been knocked unconscious when she fell just now.

Such a simple method, why didn’t I think of it just now!

Now the little vulture has called so many times. As long as the big vulture's ears are not deaf, it must have heard it. It will probably come back soon! What should she do

Huang Yueli was extremely anxious, looking around at the surrounding environment, thinking about where to hide more secretly.

At this time, the little Phoenix, who was lying unconscious on the straw, suddenly twitched his little paws.

Huang Yueli was stunned for a moment before she could make any reaction.

The little vulture seemed to be attracted by the red and fluffy little thing. It turned its attention immediately, then its eyes lit up, and it moved towards the little phoenix with trembling steps.

Huang Yueli was shocked!

This little stupid bird doesn't think Xiao Wangcai is some fun toy, right? Still think it's delicious

Thinking of this, she rushed towards the little Phoenix!

(End of chapter)