Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 376: Li Moying returns (4)


To be honest, those of them who are subordinates are very happy for Li Moying.

Everyone is happy to have a mistress like Huang Yueli who is smart, cute and pretty.

However, she was just a flash in the pan, appearing next to Li Moying for less than a month, and suddenly passed away because they failed to protect her...

Mo Yi thought of how Li Moying was so excited to collect the magic cores she wanted for the woman she loved to win her favor when she was separated from them.

When he comes back with the magic core, if he finds that the little woman he has longed for is no longer there...

It is simply unimaginable what kind of blow this will bring to Li Moying...

Perhaps, he will return to his previous distrust of others and become indifferent again.

Several men had sad looks in their eyes.

Only Murong Ni huddled in the corner, biting the corner of his mouth, not knowing what he was thinking.

More and more red-eyed blood bats gathered, and the five of them were pushed to the edge of the cliff step by step. If they took more than ten steps back, they would fall directly into the abyss and be shattered into pieces.

Luo Jiyun smiled miserably and said: "It seems that I am destined to be buried here today! It is really an honor for me to be able to fight with Brother Mo for such a long time, but... I couldn't let the junior sister return to the master safely... "

Before he could finish his last words, he heard a thunderous explosion in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light suddenly burst out in the sky, and a bolt of lightning tore through the night sky and struck straight into the crevices of the mountain.

The red-eyed blood bat that was passing through the gap screamed, but was still split in half by the lightning.

Two more bolts of lightning fell, and large swaths of red-eyed blood bats were hit. Their corpses shone with blue light and fell to the ground.

Luo Jiyun and others had to keep slapping away the corpses with their knives in order to avoid being smashed all over their faces by the blood bat's corpses and blood.

In the chaos, Murong Ni's face showed a look of surprise and she shouted loudly.

"Thunder moves the sky! High-grade thunder-type mystical skills at the heavenly level! It's the senior brother. It must be the senior brother who has come to save us!"

The others had long recognized Li Moying's iconic thunder-type mystical skills, and they were all delighted. Their spirits were immediately lifted, and they no longer felt tired at all. They all stood up again and began to kill those who had not been hacked. A fish that slipped through the net.

Not long after, Li Moying's tall figure walked through the gap in the mountain and walked slowly over.

Because he had just used mysterious skills to fight, the mysterious energy in his body was released without reservation, and powerful pressure filled a large area around him.

Even Mo Yi and others couldn't bear the pressure and subconsciously took a few steps back.

The long sword in his hand was shining with blue light, gathering violent thunder energy, and was still dripping with blood.

However, his clothes were spotless, as clean and neat as usual, and his handsome face was still cold and indifferent. Only his sharp eyes were bottomless, making people dare not look straight. See!

Li Moying stretched out his long sword and pointed it casually, and several red-eyed blood bats that were still attacking Luo Jiyun immediately fell straight down.

The last few red-eyed blood bats were all killed by Mo Yi and the others.

Everyone sat down on the ground, exhausted.

Their narrow escape from death filled their hearts with joy and gratitude, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

At this moment, Li Moying suddenly asked: "Where is Xiao Li'er?"

The fourth day of ten updates~Thank you[メ? Benzene? メ], [Cold Eyes/Smile], [Wei Ai], and [Wang Qun]’s rewards, good night everyone (* ̄3 ̄)╭

(End of chapter)