Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 4996: Get your wish (end of text)


One month later.

The central door of the Holy Phoenix Clan is open and decorated.

The red bird snow satin, which would cost thousands of jade to buy, was spread from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. The red makeup stretched for hundreds of miles, and the entire Shenghuang Continent was immersed in the atmosphere of the wedding.

Above the main hall, distinguished guests gathered.

In addition to the elders of the Holy Phoenix Clan and the Yunlin Clan, all the clan leaders of the other ten major divine clans have also arrived.

Even the elders of the Mingxuan Realm who had lived in seclusion and had no interest in world affairs for thousands of years came out of seclusion specifically for this wedding and rushed to the scene to congratulate them.

The combination of two god-level geniuses will undeniably determine the pattern of the divine world for tens of thousands of years.

In the past, the major protoss were dissatisfied with each other, and no one was willing to admit that the other was stronger.

But today, we have to accept the fact that the Holy Phoenix Clan and the Yunlin Clan will rule the God Realm.

For the sake of the future of the family, all major clan heads attended the wedding in person and brought extremely valuable gifts.

The members of the two major families were even more jubilant and overjoyed.

In the auditorium, the elders of the two major families were arranged on the east and west sides of the auditorium. Even the decoration in the auditorium was divided into two parts. The east side was all the emblem of the Holy Phoenix Clan, and the west side was all the emblem of the Yunlin Clan.

It looks so distinct.

However, the atmosphere in the auditorium was surprisingly harmonious, a harmony rarely seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

Everyone had overjoyed smiles on their faces. Because they were in a good mood, even looking at the faces of their former enemies, they felt particularly friendly and even started talking to them.

"Have you eaten?" Huang Likai, as the host, warmly greeted Li Shihong, the leader of the Yunlin tribe.

Li Shihong shook his head and said with emotion: "I woke up early this morning and was busy with the wedding. Not to mention eating, I didn't even have time to drink water!"

"Isn't that right? I don't have time to eat either. However, I don't feel hungry at all. When I think that our clan leader is getting married, I feel... so happy! The Holy Phoenix clan has not held a clan leader's wedding for many years. , this is still the most significant event in history!”

"Since Mo Ying arrived in the God Realm, he has been cultivating beside me. I have always treated him as my own son. I thought it would take at least a hundred or two hundred years for him to support the Yunlin Clan on his own. Who knew that his strength would decline so quickly? It has surpassed me. Now we are married, and we are about to have a child. I am... so touched!"

Li Shihong couldn't help but press the corners of his eyes when he mentioned the emotional point.

When Huang Likai saw this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, secretly scolding the Yunlin tribe for being really pretentious.

Li Moying is not even thirty years old. He is a minor in the God Realm. He has not grown up in the God Realm since he was a child. After arriving in the God Realm, he spends at least ten months of the year in seclusion or going out for training. Li Shihong How many times can I see him? Even his own son!

However, although Huang Likai complained endlessly, he couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that just a few days after his clan leader returned to the family, and before he had warmed up, half of it would be given to the Yunlin clan. .

Compared to them, Bai Liufeng and his wife, who actually married their daughter, were even more emotional.

Bai Liufeng was better off, after all, he had already experienced Huang Yue's marriage in the lower realm.

Huang Siluo was unable to catch up with Huang Yueli to get married. Now looking at the lively scene in front of her, she thought that when she left home more than ten years ago, Huang Yueli was still a coquettish breast dumpling clinging to her mother's arms. Now, He has already reached the pinnacle of the God Realm, and yet he has to leave his parents' side and go to a man under the spotlight...

She had mixed feelings in her heart, including joy and relief, but mostly the regret of not being able to participate in her daughter's growth.

Her eyes have been wet since this morning.

Huang Siluo was wiping away tears when suddenly, a big hand came up and held the back of her hand.

"Luo'er, don't be sad. Li'er doesn't get married like ordinary women, and it's even less likely that she will be trapped in her husband's house in the future. Didn't they agree that the couple will live in the Holy Phoenix Clan for half a year every year? Even if they go to Yun Lin Clan, we can also visit at your door. We have plenty of time to spend with our daughter. In the future, when the two little ones are born and Li'er becomes a mother for the first time, there will be many things we need your help with!"

Huang Siluo sighed softly with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, the master of ceremonies at the door glanced outside the main hall from a distance, suddenly became energetic, and shouted loudly: "The newcomer has arrived!"

The originally noisy auditorium fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes turned to the door.

Outside the main hall, a couple wearing red wedding clothes were holding hands and walking slowly along the red bird snow satin laid out all the way.

Everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

Li Moying usually likes dark clothes. He usually wears a black robe with gold patterns, showing his majesty and dignity, making people dare not look directly at him.

But today he was wearing a bright red wedding dress, but he was particularly stunning.

The rich and gorgeous colors cast a faint crimson color on his jade-white complexion, further highlighting his golden physique and handsome appearance.

Although the girl next to him wears a hijab and cannot see her face, just from her slim figure and elegant and calm gait, it is not difficult to imagine how outstanding her face is.

The two of them walked into the main hall and stopped.

The picture of them standing side by side looks so harmonious, as if they were born to be together.

For a moment, the auditorium became extremely quiet. Everyone stared at the newlyweds in front of them, and were so shocked that they could not speak.

The only thought in my mind is: According to legend, the divine geniuses of the Holy Phoenix and Yunlin tribes not only have outstanding talents, but also have a character and appearance that is rare to see in thousands of years. When I see them today, they are indeed worthy of their reputation.

Huang Yueli and Li Moying followed the instructions of the master of ceremonies and stood in the middle of the auditorium for a long time without hearing anyone speak.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, both a little strange, but they quickly understood.

Huang Yueli felt quite helpless.

When she got off the sedan just now, she was surrounded by ordinary warriors who came to watch the ceremony and heard countless exclamations.

I thought it would be better if I entered the realm of the Holy Phoenix Clan, but I didn't expect that the reactions of the elders in the auditorium would be so exaggerated.

She was still a little patient, but Li Moying couldn't wait any longer.

After the two people set their wedding date, the Shenghuang Clan and the Yunlin Clan each sent a team of more than a dozen ritual officers to help the two unmarried couples, who had not grown up in the God Realm, become familiar with the wedding customs of the God Realm.

One of them is that three months before marriage, unmarried couples are not allowed to see each other.

When Li Moying heard this, his face turned dark on the spot.

Are you kidding me? He and Xiao Li'er have been married since they were in the lower realm. They have been married for almost four years now. For ordinary people, they are considered an old married couple. Why do they still need to share a room? Still not allowed to meet? Go to hell!

He simply ignored these words, but as for other etiquette, he performed them to the letter.

Even though he was usually the most impatient with these red tapes, he still had the patience to go to the ancestral halls of the two major families to sit quietly and worship in accordance with the requirements of the etiquette officer.

He has always been so cautious about matters related to Huang Yueli.

Li Moying originally thought that he could stay by his wife's side until the wedding day, but he didn't expect that after the two arrived at Shenghuang Continent, Huang Yueli was called over by Huang Siluo and asked her to live with him, saying that she would live with him. Get along with your daughter more before she gets married.

It's fart that Li Moying can be the official of the two major families, but how dare he not take his mother-in-law's words seriously

In desperation, he could only nod in agreement, and at the same time kept urging the two families to prepare for the wedding.

However, the marriage between the two top powers in the God Realm is still between the heirs of the family. How can such a grand event be accomplished quickly

Since Huang Yueli was already pregnant, it was difficult for the two families to reach an agreement and agreed to simplify the engagement process and let the two get married directly.

But even with the rush day and night, it took nearly two months to prepare for the wedding ceremony.

For Li Moying, these two months were simply longer than two hundred years.

After finally waiting for the wedding day, after completing this so-called ancient etiquette, he could legitimately hug his wife, but... these people were still in a daze at the wedding ceremony

This is simply unreasonable!

Li Moying's face darkened and he coughed coldly.

His voice was not loud, but everyone in the auditorium heard it, and everyone felt like they were waking up from a dream.

Looking at Young Master Li's cold and deep eyes, the ceremony officers all shuddered and hurriedly took action.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to Gaotang!"

"Couple greetings!"

Huang Yueli and Li Moying bowed deeply to Bai Liufeng and his wife who were sitting on top, as well as Li Shihong, the leader of the Yunlin tribe who acted as Li Moying's elder.

Huang Siluo's eyes instantly turned red.

Although Bai Liufeng was very eloquent when he persuaded his wife just now, he couldn't help but press his eyes now.

Huang Yueli's heart was also ups and downs.

However, she was more excited and excited than sentimental.

She and Li Moying had gone through too much.

Spanning two lives, countless lives and deaths, from Nanyue Kingdom to Dilin City, and from Tianling Continent to the God Realm...

Everything changed so quickly, and the only thing that remained unchanged was their obsession with each other.

How lucky I am to be able to walk hand in hand with him in this life.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds were sent into the bridal chamber.

The bridal chamber was filled with ceremony officials and maids, speaking auspicious words desperately around the two of them.

As Li Moying's sworn brother and Huang Yueli's elder brother, Liu Buyan was also entrusted with important tasks by the young people of the two major families today and was elected as the leader of the wedding ceremony.

He patted his chest and agreed to this matter. Under the admiring gazes of many young disciples, he promised that he would definitely punish Young Master Li so that everyone could see the excitement.

In his opinion, this was his wedding day, and no matter what he did, Li Moying would not pursue it for Huang Yueli's sake, so he could do it with confidence and boldness.

However, Liu Buyan didn't expect that Li Moying would not even give him the respect of his sworn brother, and drove him out together with the courtesy officers without saying a word.

Li Moying hasn't been able to meet his wife for two months, and he is so anxious now that he can't bear to listen to these people's nagging.

After sweeping everyone out, he immediately picked up the scale and stood in front of Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli wore a phoenix crown and hijab on her head, sitting on the edge of the bed with her head bowed.

She had been very calm at the wedding.

She is not one of those young ladies who have never seen the world. She has already been married once, and she still has two little buns in her belly. Now she is just repeating the process in the past, so there is nothing strange about it.

Excitement is excitement, shyness... doesn't exist.

That's what she had always thought.

However, when it really came to this moment, she heard so many people crowded in the new house being kicked out, and only one person's footsteps were left, getting closer and closer... She became nervous for no reason.

The heartbeat becomes faster and faster.

When the purple-gold glazed boots Li Moying was wearing appeared in the field of vision under her hijab, she could even hear her own heartbeat clearly, bang bang, bang bang, as heavy as a drum.

Finally, the red covering in front of me was suddenly lifted.

A familiar handsome face appeared in her sight.

Li Moying rarely wears purple clothes, but he is the most suitable person for this arrogant and gorgeous color.

Men wearing red almost always look vulgar and greasy, but in Li Moying's case, it adds a bit of warmth to him, smoothing away the cold and threatening strong man's pressure in his eyebrows.

At this time, he looked towards her with a smile and gentle eyebrows. Huang Yueli felt that she could not think at all, and only that figure remained in the center of her eyes.

In Li Moying's eyes, she was sitting on a big bed covered with red silk, looking up at him with a blushing face.

The red candle was burning brightly, reflecting the richness of the room. At that moment, even his breathing stopped.

After a long time, he gently stretched out his hand and touched Huang Yueli's face.

The two people's eyes met, getting closer and closer...

At this moment, a very loud voice suddenly came from outside the door: "I said... Lao Li, please take it easy! I know that my junior sister is very beautiful today, but you are a beast and can't control yourself." It's normal. But don't forget, there are a bunch of people waiting outside! If you are impatient, just embarrass your own people, but don't embarrass my junior sister!"

Liu Buyan was kicked out by the groom's official, and was immediately laughed at by the young people of the two major families, saying that he was not as important as he boasted.

Liu Buyan became angry from embarrassment, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. He stood at the door for a while, and when he heard the room suddenly became quiet, he guessed that the two of them must have entered the stage of deep love. He suddenly had an idea, raised his neck and roared loudly. stand up.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a loud bang in the room.

It was obvious that someone was kicked away suddenly and hit some vase or ornament in the process.

Liu Buyan felt proud, but before he could smile, Ichika was right in front of him.

A teacup was ejected by Li Moying, punching a circular hole in the door and hitting him directly.


Liu Buyan's face turned pale with fright, and he quickly ducked to the side.

Although he managed to escape at the last moment, his face was still scratched by the fragments that bounced off when the porcelain cup broke, which made him feel heartbroken.

"Damn, this guy surnamed Li is so cruel. He even scratched my handsome face without even thinking about it. How am I going to coax my wife? He's such a guy who forgets his friends when he sees sex!"

Liu Buyan spat, but after all he didn't dare to make any more trouble, and ran away with a group of young juniors.

In the bridal chamber, Huang Yueli and Li Moying looked at each other and felt speechless.

Li Moying quickly recovered and once again got close to his wife's face, which was even more beautiful than Furong's.

"Xiao Li'er..."

Now no one dares to disturb me anymore.

However, seeing that he was only an inch away from kissing Fangze, a small hand suddenly lifted up and pressed against his lips, blocking his movement.

"Wait... wait a moment, husband, I have something else to do..."

Li Moying frowned slightly, "You're not going to go out to socialize with those old guys, are you? Ignore them. I've cooperated with them in the etiquette process for two months, which is enough to give me face. Today is the wedding night for you and me, who can If you dare to bother me again, I think you will die!"

According to traditional wedding rituals, after lifting the hijab, the bride should wait in the bridal chamber, while the groom goes out again to entertain the guests who come to congratulate him.

However, the Shenghuang Clan and the Yunlin Clan have special circumstances. This marriage has been promised beforehand. It is not considered a marriage, but just a marriage.

Therefore, Huang Yueli, as the heir to the Holy Phoenix clan and today's master, the two of them should have immediately changed their clothes and went out to entertain the guests.

However, Li Moying had no intention of paying attention to these idle people from the beginning.

Therefore, instead of retreating, he grabbed Huang Yueli's slim waist, hugged her tighter, and moved closer to her again.

However, what he never expected was that... this time, he was stopped again.

Huang Yueli pushed hard on his shoulder and pushed him away.

"You don't really want to go to the front and listen to those old guys nagging, do you?" Li Moying said with wide eyes and disbelief.

Huang Yueli glared at him, then burst into laughter.

Li Moying was confused and couldn't figure out what his wife's reaction was. Was she angry or happy

Before he could think clearly, Huang Yueli grabbed his right hand, pulled him and ran out of the door.

"I'm not going to entertain guests. How can I be so patient? Come on, I'll take you somewhere!"

"What... wait, Xiao Li'er, where are you taking me?!"

Li Moying was dragged by Huang Yueli and trotted out of the room.

Although both of them were wearing bright red wedding clothes today, which looked very eye-catching even in the dark night, they both had extremely high cultivation levels, and after Liu Buyan pissed off Li Moying just now, all the maids avoided him. It opened, so the two of them walked all the way through the corridor, climbed over the wall and exited the courtyard, without being discovered by anyone.

Huang Yueli pulled Li Moying and ran to the back mountain.

In the back mountain of the Holy Phoenix Clan, there is a beautiful waterfall. The clear stream flows down. Every drop is full of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which is enough for an ordinary person to wash away the essence, change the physique, and have the qualifications of a warrior.

Huang Yueli walked around the waterfall, lifted up her skirt, and got in from a cave at the back.

She waved to Li Moying, "Come in, come in too! Husband, do you think this place looks familiar? Does it look like the cave where we first met?"

When Li Moying approached just now, he had already thought of something.

Now hearing Huang Yueli mention it, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, "First time meeting?"

"Yes!" Huang Yueli's eyes widened, "Don't you remember? Our first meeting in the previous life! At that time, there were rumors that a strange treasure was born in Yunmengze, and my master agreed to let me alone for the first time. I was very lucky when I went out for training. I found the rare treasure as soon as I entered Yunmengze. However, I exhausted my spiritual power while fighting with the spirit beast guarding the rare treasure, so I hid in a cave to rest, just like this cave. Woolen cloth!"

"Oh? Really?" Li Moying raised his eyebrows, "What happened next?"

Seeing that he still had a noncommittal expression on his face, Huang Yueli became angry immediately. She sat up straight and waited for him, "Okay, you even forgot our first meeting? Then you came, As soon as you saw me, you wanted to snatch my rare treasure. I didn't have much spiritual power at the time, so I couldn't beat you. When you restrained me, I thought the cooked duck was about to fly away. Unexpectedly, you actually... Actually..."

Speaking of this, Huang Yueli thought of the scene where the handsome young man suddenly lowered his head and kissed her, her face suddenly turned red, and her unspoken words were choked in her throat.

The boy secretly kissed her, and she was so shocked that she forgot to react.

Fortunately, the young man stole the incense and escaped, laughing and ran away.

And along the way, she didn't encounter any forces who came to snatch the exotic treasure, and she brought the exotic treasure back to the sect very smoothly.

At the time, she thought she was lucky, but looking back now... maybe the boy helped her clear out other competitors, right

Huang Yueli was speechless for a moment, but then she noticed Li Moying's narrow eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and she understood instantly.

"Okay, you clearly remember that you just want to see my joke, right?" Huang Yueli raised her fist and hit him on the shoulder, "You... are just as bad as you were when you were young in your previous life! It's obviously you Shameless, what am I ashamed of? You are a scoundrel and a flower thief!"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, don't be angry, madam. Even if I am a flower thief, I will only steal one flower from you, right?"

Li Moying let her hammer her for several times before holding her wrist and laughing softly: "I kissed you secretly. How did you feel?"

"How can I remember? I only remember that I wanted to slap you to death!" Huang Yueli pursed her lips.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Li Moying's face suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes.

"Don't remember? Then let me help you recall..."

Huang Yueli cursed the man for being shameless in her heart, but she only struggled symbolically twice before wrapping her arms around his neck.

With a smile in his eyes, Li Moying kissed his wife's peach-like lips.

Actually, it's not that he doesn't remember.

But Huang Yueli didn't know that it was just the first time she saw him, and that more than a year before that, on the day he first entered Dilin City, he had already expressed his feelings for the little palace master who was famous all over the world. love at first sight.

He was unruly and willful by nature and didn't like power. In order to become a man worthy of him, he worked his way up until he was qualified to stand by her side.

Once I see Shu Yan, I will never forget her for the rest of my life.

All his efforts in the past two lives were just to hold hands with her.

Now I got my wish.

End of text

The main text ends here. There are a few extras at the end to supplement the things missing from the main text, such as the birth and growth of the baby, the ending of the little phoenix, some memories of past lives, etc. These are all short extras.

(End of chapter)

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