Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 66: The sisters turned against each other


Bai Ruoyan raised her face with resentment and suddenly felt a chill under her nose.

She stretched out her hand and wiped it with blood. Only then did she realize that she had a nosebleed and her clothes were stained with dust. She didn't look like a wealthy lady, she was even more embarrassed than a beggar on the roadside.

"Bai Ruoli, you are looking for death!"

Bai Ruoyan was even more furious when she heard the jeers from passers-by around her!

"You've hurt me like this and you're still making sarcastic remarks? You're so shameless! You despicable loser, just wait for me. I'll go find my second sister. She will definitely take it out on me and give you a good beating. !”

Huang Yueli smiled and shook his head and said, "Oh, I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen anyone as stupid as you."

"What do you mean?? You call me stupid??"

Huang Yueli glanced at her and said slowly: "Aren't you stupid? Do you think Bai Ruoqi will plead for you? To tell you the truth, you will be kicked out of the Hou Mansion today because she instigated it in front of your second uncle."

Bai Ruoyan sneered, "I think you are the one who is instigating discord! My second sister and I are very good, and she takes care of me in every way! It must be you, a little bitch, who said bad things about me in front of my father, and you still want to rely on the second sister?" Sister? Do you think I will believe it?"

"Oh? Do you think it's me? But if I say this to your father, do you think he will believe me? Will he kick you out just for a word from me? Obviously, it's your father who said bad things about you. The person you trust the most, that’s why I won’t give you a chance to defend yourself!”

"Impossible, this is impossible... You must be lying to me!"

"To put it bluntly, the second sister has been using you! You did so many bad things for her, and in the end, you were driven away by her. It's really pitiful..."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Huang Yueli's words were indeed very reasonable. Bai Ruoyan believed them intellectually, but she still couldn't accept them emotionally.

Huang Yueli shrugged, "Believe it or not! Tsk, tsk, he was sold, and he helped count the money!"

She said no more and walked away.

When she turned the corner, she looked back and found Bai Ruoyan staring at the gate of the Hou Mansion with a look of resentment in her eyes.

Huang Yueli curled her lips.

It seems that the two sisters will turn against each other from now on.

One is insidious and the other is vicious. Who can have the upper hand between the two

When Huang Yueli returned to the other courtyard, it was already dark.

Caiwei was so anxious that she was relieved when she saw Huang Yueli entering the door.

"Miss, you are finally back! This slave is really worried!"

"Don't worry, your lady is fine! Go and have a rest!"

Huang Yueli dismissed Caiwei and turned to walk to the bedroom.

As soon as she opened the door, she noticed that something was wrong.

There seemed to be a hint of danger in the air, which was incompatible with this place.

Subconsciously, she took out a handful of flying needles from her arms and shot them out with her own unique technique!

This flying needle is also a rare mysterious weapon. After tempering by her, its attack power is no lower than that of swords. It is also small and unpredictable, making it difficult to detect.

Even a master of the Yuxuan Realm would inevitably fall victim to her sneak attack!

However, the moment the flying needle was released, Huang Yueli felt a huge force coming towards her.

The opponent's power was so powerful that she had no time to resist before she was firmly grabbed by the wrist and thrown to the bed!

(End of chapter)