Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus

Chapter 112


After Luo Xi said that, she waited for a few days, and she couldn't wait for Luo Ran to find her. She was anxious in her heart. She brought some out on her face when she was eating, and glanced at Luo Ran from time to time.

Luo Ran seemed to have not seen it, and she bent her eyelashes and talked to Zhang Yulan. After Luo Ran fell ill, Zhang Yulan cooked all the meals at home, and it just so happened that the farm work was busy now.

Zhang Yulan had complicated feelings for Luo Xi in her heart. She never thought that Luo Xi would always complain about her family, but she felt her conscience and said, which girl in this village has a better life than hers

The daughter of Butcher Liu's family at the end of the village has two younger brothers. When she was fifteen years old, she was married by her father. In exchange for the dowry money, she said that she would build a house for her brother and marry a daughter-in-law. She received 100 yuan for the dowry money. , The married man is almost thirty years old.

Don't think that this hundred yuan is less than the economic conditions of the Luo family, and they can save less than ten yuan a month.

Zhang Yulan has been to the county seat, and she knows that the workers in the county seat only earn about 20 per month. At this time, two cents per chicken foot can buy a lot of pork, and twenty yuan is enough to support a family.

As for her own daughter, she never thought of marrying out for the betrothal money. Most of the sons in this village are her children. In terms of degree of partiality, Zhang Yulan's eldest son Luo Yuan is the first to hurt.

It is impossible to say that she does not value sons over daughters, but it is not that serious. As for Luo Ran, she was worried about her accident when she was a child, and she is used to loving her until now.

But to say, if there is any situation, there can only be one between Luo Yuan and Luo Ran. Even if she will be sad afterwards, she will only choose Luo Yuan, not Luo Ran.

Zhang Yulan ate a mouthful of rice, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. Even before she got married to the Luo family, she would wake up early and stay up late to cook and serve a large family. Even her sister-in-law was more important than her in the eyes of her parents. What? Because that is the one who will inherit the Zhang family's lineage for her!

She is partial, once this person is doing well, she will not be satisfied. If Luo Xi was not in good health at the beginning, she must have been partial to Luo Xi. She was still jealous and resentful for the love that was exchanged for her poor body. All the benefits fall on her

The more she thought about it, Zhang Yulan suddenly put the bowl on the table and said to Luo Xi, "A few days ago, the tailor's house in the next village said that he wanted to give his second son a kiss, and a matchmaker told me about it. Pack up in two days and meet people."

According to Zhang Yulan's plan, although she is annoyed with Luo Xi now, she has thought about this marriage carefully. In Bishui Village, the story of Luo Xi's chasing after Lu Yiyan was rejected, and then her sister was so angry that she was admitted to the hospital was spread all over the place. , it is impossible for a good family in this village to marry her.

And tailor Qian's family, because they have a craftsmanship, some apprentices learn tailoring from her, and they give gifts from time to time. The family conditions are good, and they are not much better than their own. What's more, now Luo Xi's reputation has been ruined. There are not so many families to choose from, so this Qian family is also a good marriage.

In addition, it is in the next village, not far away, so I can take care of her at home. My brother-in-law and brother-in-law are all nearby, so I'm not afraid of her being bullied.

Zhang Yulan seriously looked for a marriage for Luo Xi, but Luo Xi didn't think so. When she heard that she was going to talk about her marriage to herself, her expression changed. The illusion of a younger sister, slap in the face and abuse the scum, and forget all the thoughts of reaching the peak of life.

She almost threw the chopsticks in anger, and although she didn't fall, she slammed it on the table, her face was very bad, and she directly retorted without thinking:

"I dont go!"

Zhang Yulan's face also turned cold, and she couldn't let this matter go. Seeing her like this, if she doesn't care, she will go to heaven: "I'm not asking your opinion, I'm just telling you! If you don't watch it, I'll settle it for you directly! "

Luo Xi was gasping for breath, and her face was pale at the same time. She didn't expect Zhang Yulan to be so firm this time. She was also a little flustered. Now she can't go out independently. If Zhang Yulan thought about marrying her, she would still There really isn't a way.

Thinking about it, she suddenly burst into tears: "Mom, can't you tolerate me like this? I just hit my little sister, you didn't pay much attention to me for a month or two! Now you're going to marry me if you just want to find someone. It's gone!"

Zhang Yulan's face instantly turned ugly. Looking at Luo Xi's appearance, she felt a little chill in her heart.

The second son of the tailor Qian is also doing a good job, and his parents are not difficult people. There are many people in the village who want to marry him!

She never knew that her daughter is still a person with high eyes and low hands!

Zhang Yulan was so angry that she trembled: "Don't you think I'm not treating you well? Go away! Get out!"

Luo Ran was caught off guard by this change. She really didn't know that Zhang Yulan was still thinking of telling Luo Xi about marriage. She blinked, and as soon as she realized it, the two started arguing. He got up and helped Zhang Yulan stroke his back, while frowning anxiously:

"Mom, don't be angry, don't get excited!"

Seeing that Zhang Yulan didn't respond, she just stared at Luo Xi, her eyes turning red. Obviously hurt by her, Luo Ran turned to Luo Ran again, frowned and persuaded:

"Sister, please apologize to Mom!"

Luo Xi's face was a little pale at this time. She didn't expect that her words would backfire. She felt a drum in her heart. If she really ran away, she would have nowhere to go. Children in the countryside would have no money. After all, one day will come. Staying home late, you don't need any money.

As soon as Luo Ran's words came out, she pursed her lips, and after weighing it in her heart, she still said that the ladder was down, she put her face aside and said stubbornly:


Luo Ran bit her lip and gave her a complicated look, then she closed her mouth and stopped talking. Zhang Yulan just laughed angrily:

"I gave birth to a daughter or an ancestor? You have ruined your reputation. I have the cheek to find you a good marriage. If you don't lose a single point, I have to be angry with you. Isn't that what I should do?"

Luo Xi's face froze, and she didn't understand that she had already apologized.

"I won't go anyway! I won't marry!"

No one has touched the chopsticks at the dinner table for a long time. Luo Ran looked at Luo Guodong and Luo Yuan for help. Luo Guodong just kept his face dark and said nothing. Luo Ran can understand it, because most family marriages are mothers. It's enough to meet the child's eyes, Luo Guodong never intervenes in this matter.

Luo Yuan frowned and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He even shook his head at Luo Ran to signal her to leave it alone. There has been some gossip in the village recently, and besides, the Qian Tailor's house is really good. Luo Yuan doesn't understand, what is Luo Xi dissatisfied with

Zhang Yulan is very angry now: "How dare I let you marry! Is that someone marrying a daughter-in-law? They hired an ancestor for the family! Not only can't work, but also have to eat and drink to serve, otherwise I have to complain! Can I harm others!"

Luo Ran didn't dare to speak anymore, she stood beside Zhang Yulan awkwardly, her head lowered, only a pair of apricot eyes looked at Zhang Yulan worriedly.

Luo Xi is also aggrieved, and will soon resume the college entrance examination. With her being a college student in her previous life, she will definitely be admitted in this life. Once she is admitted to the university, there will be many opportunities outside, and the school will assign jobs. Why should she marry a countryman? people

In short, she had made up her mind. She was going to take the college entrance examination and volunteered to apply to the male lead's school. No matter what, she would never listen to Zhang Yulan to get married!

Thinking like this, she looked like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. She just kept her face blank and didn't say anything. She didn't want to marry anyway.

Zhang Yulan was so angry that her heart ached and her heart was completely cold, she said lightly, "Let's go."

Luo Xi sniffed, turned around and was about to leave, but Zhang Yulan suddenly said, "Where are you going! I've washed the dishes, since we don't care about any marriage, we still expect our old Luo family to support idlers?"

If it was before, Luo Xi could bear it, because she knew subconsciously that Zhang Yulan asked her to marry for her own good, but she had other thoughts in her heart, so Zhang Yulan's marriage was naturally not good or bad, but Now, Zhang Yulan's tone was indifferent, as if she was a nanny, completely making Luo Xi aggrieved, she burst into tears, pointed at Luo Ran and cried:

"Why? She doesn't do anything, I have to work!"