Professional Accomplishment Of A White Lotus

Chapter 22


She was lying on the chaise longue, her eyes closed, and she didn't seem to notice the man standing outside the window.

Lu Chen stood outside the window, he looked at her, she became thinner.

The imperial doctor said that the medicine prescribed to her was good for the children, and even if they tried hard to keep her healthy, it was still to no avail.

Her body was deteriorating day by day, but because of various supplements, her complexion looked the same.

She was pregnant, her belly protruded high, she was dressed loosely, she looked so good, she seemed to just be asleep, there.

However, Lu Chen knew that she was thin, very thin, and did not need the palace servant's report.

She is now eight months pregnant.

Eight months.

Two months left.

Lu Chen's face became more and more condensed, he looked at Luo Ran, there was no trace of warmth in his eyes, and the air pressure around him was getting lower and lower.

Until he saw that her eyelashes seemed to move, his calm expression seemed to be broken, and he turned away in a panic.

He didn't dare to appear in front of her.

He was afraid.

I was afraid that once I appeared in front of her, I would never bear her again.

will disregard her wishes.

Behind him, Luo Ran stood up slightly, and looked out of the window and cast his eyes on him, her eyes seemed to be lightly entangled, she smiled slightly, as if waiting with peace of mind, but he seemed to feel the sight behind him , go faster and faster.

Lu Chen walked quickly to the outside of Luo Yun Palace and supported Luan Jia. He lowered his head and stabilized his body. Eunuch De, who was behind him, stepped forward nervously and said worriedly, "Your Majesty..."

Lu Chen closed his eyes and raised his hand to interrupt him. He took a deep breath before raising his head: "I'm fine."

He said it firmly, but as soon as he boarded the luan car and the veil was put down, he leaned on the luan car weakly.

Luan Jia was moving, getting further and further away from Luo Yun Palace.

He closed his eyes and whispered in his heart: Ran'er.

As time passed, the air pressure in the palace became lower and lower.

Lu Yu went into the palace. He knew that foreign men could not easily enter the harem, but he couldn't bear it. He knew that the imperial brother had not visited her in the past few months.

He knew that she was a black-hearted person.

However, the words of the imperial physician will not be false. She really wants to die for the sake of the emperor and this child.

Lu Yu pursed his lips, the smile that had always been on his face in the past no longer existed.

Step by step, he entered Luo Yun Palace with integrity.

As soon as he entered Luo Yun Palace, someone notified Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at the setbacks in front of him, but couldn't see anything. Hearing the announcement from the palace servant, he waved his hand, feeling a little weak:

"I know."

He knew that Lu Yu was measured.

Lu Yu loves beautiful women the most. She looks like that. Lu Yu definitely can't bear to be wronged by her, so Lu Yu won't mess around.

He didn't dare to look at her, but he couldn't let her go.

He tapped the tabletop, he was waiting.

Lu Yu saw her, she was following Momo, walking laboriously. Her figure has really lost a lot of weight, it seems to be light and fluffy, and a gust of wind can blow her away.

Lu Yu stopped in the distance, he looked at her from a distance, he could see clearly.

Because she lost weight, her eyes became more and more obvious, her skin was still fair and delicate, her red lips were slightly rosy, and the light in her eyes flowed lightly.

However, Lu Yu twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes darkened slightly, and he murmured softly, "It's really ugly."

She leaned against her mother, and she walked step by step with difficulty. Lu Yu could see her frown slightly, and the mother behind her was carefully protecting her. She suddenly looked towards the door with hopeful eyes, but she didn't. Get surprised in the next moment.

Lu Yu knew who she was looking at, or in other words, who she was looking forward to.

Is the emperor.

She has always waited for the emperor's brother, and she always chose to be the emperor's brother.

He knew that she had seen him. She came here, but it was very slow and difficult, but Lu Yu stood there, waiting for her to approach him. out of his mind.

She pursed her lips and walked towards her, step by step, very slowly.

However, Lu Yu was not impatient at all. He looked at her seriously, as if he wanted to keep her in his heart, engraved in his heart.

She finally approached him, and stopped two steps away from her.

Lu Yu laughed suddenly, just like when Luo Ran saw him for the first time, he never seemed to change, he said, "Luo Fei, you are the most beautiful woman this king has ever seen."

She had a smile on her face and a faint shyness after being praised: "Thank you, His Royal Highness Xianwang."

As soon as she finished speaking, she glanced behind him, but quickly looked back, as if nothing had happened, but Lu Yu saw a trace of loss in her eyes.

Lu Yu suddenly realized something, she should be afraid, as if the time of death was predicted by the imperial doctor, she was waiting for the birth of the child, and she was also waiting for her own death.

So, she is afraid.

She wanted to see the emperor's brother, but she was so smart, she must know that the emperor's brother didn't want to see her, not because she was tired of her, but reluctant to bear.

Lu Yu's fingertips moved, and he chuckled, "Do you regret it?"

Although he asked with a smile, there was a hidden seriousness in his eyes. If she had not insisted on giving birth to this child at the beginning, at least she would have been honored for a lifetime, and she would not have died in such a young age.

She shook her head, the smile between her brows faded, and she answered him seriously: "I never regret it."

She was silent for a moment, as if she felt that he should stop talking, she nodded at him, carefully protected her lower abdomen, and turned around.

Lu Yu suddenly said, "Actually, this king regrets it a lot."

He clearly saw her step pause, he knew, she understood what he was talking about.

She didn't stop, didn't turn around, and went further and further.

Lu Yu whispered softly, so softly that only he could hear it:

"... I have seen such a beautiful woman, how can the world catch my eye... "

He glanced at her from a distance, she still had picturesque brows, Lu Yu chuckled lightly and turned to leave.

At the entrance of Luo Yun Palace, he paused suddenly, he looked to the side of Luo Yun Palace's palace door, his eyes moved lightly.

He did not leave the palace, but went to the imperial study. He knew that the emperor was waiting for him.

"how is she?"

Lu Yu looked at the emperor's brother sitting on the dragon chair, and seemed to be asking an understatement. He raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile, "The emperor's brother knows everything, so why bother asking the minister and brother for the answer."

Lu Chen's movements paused, and he looked at Lu Yu underneath, his eyes darkened: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yu said softly, "You have been to Luo Yun Palace, just now."

Lu Chen's expression didn't change, but Lu Yu knew the answer. He had been there.

He knew how he could bear to let himself go to see her.

However, Lu Yu lost his smile and looked at Lu Chen seriously: "You really don't want to see her?"

Lu Chen looked at the setbacks in front of him, but didn't speak.

Lu Yu didn't force him, he just said calmly, "She's waiting for you."

Lu Chen didn't move for a long time, but Lu Yu didn't say any more, and stepped back, letting him think slowly.

Lu Chen looked at the white paper in front of him, which was covered up by the folds, and was silent for a long time, but his hand became tighter and tighter.

"Your Majesty! Empress Luo Fei just accidentally fell and is already in the delivery room!"


The brush in Lu Chen's hand fell on the table instantly, he suddenly got up and ran out, folded his sleeves, the white paper fluttered gently, and finally landed on the ground.

It's a painting, it's Luo Ran.

Lu Chen's face was pale, he couldn't believe what he heard, his Ran'er fell and gave birth prematurely!

Lu Chen suddenly stumbled under his feet, and his eyes seemed to be darkening. Fortunately, Eunuch De behind him helped him, and he recovered. He didn't even ride the Luan driver, and ran directly to Luo Yun Palace.

Before Lu Yu could go far, he saw Lu Chen running out in a panic. He had never seen his royal brother look like this before, so... He suddenly changed his face and ran towards Luo Yun Palace.

As soon as he arrived at Luo Yun Palace, Lu Chen suddenly stopped and did not dare to step in.

Isn't there two months left

How come so quickly

His eyes were slightly red, and he walked inward step by step with a stiff pace.

He heard Ran'er's screams, and they all smashed into his heart. He was stunned at the door, which was the door, but he didn't have any courage to push it open.

His dye was inside, but he couldn't get in.

He heard who was running in behind him, who was in his ear, and anxiously shouted to let him in.

However, he didn't seem to be able to hear anything clearly, he could only hear Luo Ran's cry, it was very painful, she must be in pain, because he was in pain too!

As soon as Lu Yu ran to Luo Yun Palace, he saw the imperial brother standing outside the door in a daze, Luo Ran inside was crying all the time, but he heard that she was calling him, she was calling the emperor!

"Brother, Luo Fei, she is calling you! She is calling you!"

Lu Yu desperately wanted to push Lu Chen, but he suddenly stopped, and even the anxious look on his face stopped, his imperial brother... crying

Lu Yu seemed to have read it wrong. He looked at it again. That's right, the emperor did cry.

Even when his father died, he didn't see his brother's red eyes, and he suddenly couldn't bear to let the brother in.

How could he bear to let the royal brother watch his beloved woman die.

The palace servants inside suddenly ran out: "Your Majesty! Empress Luo Fei has had a difficult childbirth! She wants to see you!"

Lu Chen seemed to have just been woken up, he ran in instantly, Lu Yu looked at him outside, he suddenly turned around and kicked the chair beside him, and finally leaned against the wall slowly, his eyes lowered.

Lu Chen stood beside Luo Ran's bed and looked at her, her forehead was full of big beads of sweat.

She was in pain, he could see it, she was in pain, and the tears in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

But when she saw herself, her eyes were bright and bright, burning him directly.

He was half-kneeling beside her bed, holding her hand, his eyes were slightly red, he choked his voice: "Ran'er, hold on, you said, this child is very good, you will be fine!"

The tears in Luo Ran's eyes fell in strings, but she smiled happily. She tried her best to reach out and touch Lu Chen's cheek, Lu Chen's eyes hurt, he took her hand and put it on his face up, looking at the smile that suddenly appeared in her eyes.

He heard that she seemed to be using all her strength and said to him word by word:

"... Your Majesty, I lied to you."

"...he's not good, not good at all, I hurt so much... it hurt... "

"Your Majesty... why don't you come to see me... I miss you so much... "

"...Emperor...I miss you..."

After saying this, she seemed to be stunned. She looked at him and looked at him closely, as if to remember him firmly.

Lu Chen suddenly panicked, he held her hand tightly and called her name in a panic:


"child… "

Her voice was weak, but Lu Chen's eyes were wet, he knew what she wanted to say, but he didn't want to agree.

Her face was in pain, and she couldn't speak any more, she just clenched his sleeve tightly, and Lu Chen heard his own voice:

“… as a treasure…”

She finally laughed, but slowly closed her eyes, and the hand holding his sleeve was powerless to fall.

Lu Chen seemed to have no strength in his body, he knelt directly beside her bed, his eyes were lost, and he looked at her like that.

There seemed to be the sound of a child crying.

And the palace people:

"Your Majesty, the concubine Luo Fei gave birth to a prince."

And their voices slowly becoming terrified:

"... Your Majesty, the Empress Luo Fei... went to... "

But everything seemed to have disappeared, and he could only see the tear that overflowed from the corner of her eye.

He regretted it.

He regretted that he had not rejected her cruelly.

So, now the one who endured the pain became him.

He regretted it, why didn't he come to see her

A Yu said that she was waiting for him!

She said she misses him!

Ran'er, I miss you too, I miss you so much.

Ran'er, open your eyes and look at me, I was wrong, I will never stop seeing you in the future.

Ran'er, you have given birth to a prince.

Ran'er, you lied to me.

I hate you.